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BD to Purchase Submarines

i think BD should also purchase dozens of f16 to make it's air force stronger. :tup:

---------- Post added at 04:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:01 PM ----------

may be india..!!!!


It's BURMA!!!
If bangladesh feels that india will invade them,then they r just out of their mind..
If we wanted to then We would have don't it on 1971 itself..

We just don't want BD...
But i really don't know with whom BD will fight a war..:what:

I think it's just for national pride
or Hasina has made this statement politically..
Is there any Elections near in bangladesh???
Is it so hard for members to understand that a progressing country needs improved arsenals for its security. When burma's developing nuclear warheads why should we be the sitting ducks? India may not be a threat but you never know what's gonna happen 20-30 yrs later. Does singapore need military power? I don't think so but still they have superb defense clusters.
Is it so hard for members to understand that a progressing country needs improved arsenals for its security. When burma's developing nuclear warheads why should we be the sitting ducks? India may not be a threat but you never know what's gonna happen 20-30 yrs later. Does singapore need military power? I don't think so but still they have superb defense clusters.

u r right in ur way
but this is not a good physcology
many countries are victim of this thinking
Myanmar building Nukes....:lol:
Do u atleast know who will put pressure on Myanmar..
India will not accept a Nuclear myanmar..
U don't need to worry..
Already asia is worried about N.korea..
We can let another one
How about protecting the ports, future ports, exclusive maritime zones, Burma , India, pirates, and load of other reasons. We definitely want to make sure nobody messing with our ports.
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