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Barzani’s Kurdish initiative in Syria takes Turkey by surprise


Jul 15, 2012
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Ankara was caught off guard when Iraqi Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani began cooperating with Kurds in northern Syria who are affiliated with Kurdish militants in Turkey, according to an analyst.

Turkey became uneasy after the coalition between Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) President Barzani and the Democratic Union of Kurdistan (PYD), which is close to the outlawed Kurdistan People’s Party (PKK), took control of several northern Syrian districts along Turkey’s southern border, Nuh Yılmaz of Istanbul’s Marmara University told the Hürriyet Daily News in a recent interview.

What is happening in northern Syria?

As relations with Barzani were going through a good period, Ankara probably did not foresee that the PYD and groups close to Barzani could have taken control of the administration in certain cities in Syria.
This came as a surprise to Ankara. Now, Ankara is involved in crisis management and the fact that Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu will go to the region is part of the efforts to manage the crisis.

The Syrian administration is annoyed by Turkey’s involvement with the developments in Syria. It wanted to demonstrate the consequences of [this behavior] to Ankara. One dimension of it was the downing of the [Turkish] F-4 plane [on June 22]. Another dimension is the Syrian Kurds. Actually, Turkey had asked Syria to improve the rights of the Syrian Kurds. In fact, Turkey was siding with the Syrian Kurds against the Bashar al-Assad regime. Syria took a reverse act and tried to score against Turkey by strengthening the PKK against other Kurdish groups. The Syrian administration dropped a crisis into Turkey’s lap by leaving certain areas [in the country] to the coalition.

Actually it had to pull back its forces. Syria not only pulled back forces from the north but also from the Golan Heights and İdlib in an effort to try and regain control over Damascus and Aleppo. Syria is also trying to put Turkey in a difficult position by creating an opposition [to Turkey’s policies] and tickling certain (domestic) sensitivities. But I don’t think Ankara will panic. It is facing an unforeseen risk and is now thinking about how to deal with it.

Who is controlling the Syrian Kurds? How influential is the PKK or Barzani’s Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in northern Syria?

It is known that the PKK has a traditional [support] base [there], but it is not a large one. On the contrary, the groups close to Barzani were more influential. But in the course of the past year, as relations with Turkey became strained, the Syrian administration took steps to strengthen the PKK.

This means that after sending PKK leader [Abdullah] Öcalan out of the country, Syria continued to harbor the rest of the PKK elements on its soil, and respective Turkish governments did not do much about it.

Not really. The current situation is very new.

The remaining can be read here: MIDEAST - Barzani
This'll be a very interesting war :)

There are so many parties with different goals and motives. It seems like we'll only see who's on who's side after action ends
I was thinking that Barzani should be responsible to registering the syrian kurds they train, fingerprint blood sample, name etc. and hand it over to NATO(Turkey) if any of those fvckers go against turkey we'll know they were trained in Iraq. Casus Belli.
the first to leave this country should be erdogan and the first bombs should be on erdogan and barzanis head because they are agents against our country.
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