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Banned Words on PDF

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AAwww, damn!! Please give me a politically correct term for a terriorist who kills people because he thinks they are either non-Muslims or insufficiently devout Muslims. How about Geehadi?
. .
The fact that slurs targeted towards Pakistanis (P@ki, Porki, Porkistan) are not included in here says a lot about where this forum is headed. @Blacklight
Added to the top of the list.

Please, everyone, instead of getting upset that certain words that are offensive to Pakistanis aren't explicitly included, bring them up to us. We left the thread open for a reason, so you could give us your feedback and highlight things we may have overlooked.

AAwww, damn!! Please give me a politically correct term for a terriorist who kills people because he thinks they are either non-Muslims or insufficiently devout Muslims. How about Geehadi?
How about just the word 'terrorist' to describe someone who kills non-combatants for a political objective?
@AgNoStiC MuSliM the reason why PDF has gone to the gutter is NOT because of some pejorative terms. Terms don't kill anything. However what has killed this forum, indeed emasculated it is the forum becoming hostahe to a narrow clique. The killing of open thought, the aversion to ideas many can't handle is what killed this forum. You habe turned it into a echo chamber. Free thought is dead here.

Most of the TT's here just re-hash the pulp for the masses. No originalty. Just repeat the peddled mantras. Sheep following the sheep.
Dear Members,

After some discussion and review, PDF staff has unanimously decided to ban the use of the following words on the forum:

Porkistan (or derivatives like Porkistani, Porki):

Reason: Derogatory reference to Pakistan & Pakistanis

Gangu and it's derivatives like 'Gangustan':

Reason: A native or inhabitant of Gangetic plains (River Ganges in India).
Often used by Pakistanis as a racial slur. (Per Urban Dictionary)

Madrassa Chaap:

Reason: Derogatory reference for Muslims/Pakistanis.


Reason: A slang / racial slur for a smelly dirty curry drinking hairy Indian that poos in the loo. (Per Urban Dictionary)


Reason: A derogatory term used to describe people of the maharashtrian descent or maharashtra region in India. (Per Urban Dictionary)

Jihadi (by non-Muslims):

Reason: The word Jihad in Islam means 'to struggle' whereas Jihadi used as a derogatory reference to Muslims, conflated in contemporary culture with terrorists.

If ANY of our members come across any other words that have a derogatory meaning, please let the forum staff know so we can review. We have members from around the world here, reflecting different cultures, so we need your assistance in identifying, understanding and banning derogatory words.



Maharashtra got its own ban word among two nations and religions!

@TheGreatMaratha @Nilu Pule
'Gangu' might well be less egregious sounding, but it's still empty rhetoric used in an insulting or demeaning way. It contributes nothing to the forum except making the place a little bit more hostile. Take the equivalent slurs I've seen of Pakistanis on Indian forums, if they had moderated their forums to be less hostile, I might have stuck around and debated with a few of the knowledgeable members there. Instead I remember leaving them in disgust because of the hostile atmosphere, that's the last thing we want in PDF.

Hostile atmosphere in those?
Even my friends' forum. It's not the admin. staff; it's the members, and the admin. are afraid to sit on their heads for fear of losing momentum and memberships.
The killing of open thought, the aversion to ideas many can't handle is what killed this forum.
What kind of open thought has been killed and what kinds of ideas are we averse to?

Can these open thoughts and ideas not be conveyed without the use of a handful of words?

And we're not saying that banning these words is going to bring about some major reversal in the direction of the forum, it's just a small step towards making discourse a little bit more civil on the site.
I might have stuck around and debated with a few of the knowledgeable members there. Instead I remember leaving them in disgust because of the hostile atmosphere, that's the last thing we want in PDF.

haha, you are worrying about Indian population on this forum? That's a mistake you are making. You are assuming they are anything like you and me. They are not. There population won't decrease a bit by these kind of words, their movies are more vulgar and abusive than anything on this forum. Civility and decency are only reserved for civil and decent people and sad to say, majority of indians don't have it in them.
Original thought, out of box ideas, eccentric POVs, path less travelled, unpopular ideas are now frowned on. This is what will kill PDF. Not offensive words. if Rehmat Ali who came up with the name for Pakistan was alive today and posted his ideas about 'PAKSTAN' from Cambridge, UK he would be banned/booed as 'westoxified libtard'.
Feels like there is a bit of bias here. Don't think any Pakistani was really offended by Jihadi or madrassa chap. G and P words are such powerful words compared to Jihadi or Madrassa chap. I protest against this decision, it's an un-even trade.

@El Sidd @Areesh Heads up

I hope the new rules help spread the soft image of India and Iran further.
Dear Members,

After some discussion and review, PDF staff has unanimously decided to ban the use of the following words on the forum:

Porkistan (or derivatives like Porkistani, Porki):

Reason: Derogatory reference to Pakistan & Pakistanis

Gangu and it's derivatives like 'Gangustan':

Reason: A native or inhabitant of Gangetic plains (River Ganges in India).
Often used by Pakistanis as a racial slur. (Per Urban Dictionary)

Madrassa Chaap:

Reason: Derogatory reference for Muslims/Pakistanis.


Reason: A slang / racial slur for a smelly dirty curry drinking hairy Indian that poos in the loo. (Per Urban Dictionary)


Reason: A derogatory term used to describe people of the maharashtrian descent or maharashtra region in India. (Per Urban Dictionary)

Jihadi (by non-Muslims):

Reason: The word Jihad in Islam means 'to struggle' whereas Jihadi used as a derogatory reference to Muslims, conflated in contemporary culture with terrorists.

If ANY of our members come across any other words that have a derogatory meaning, please let the forum staff know so we can review. We have members from around the world here, reflecting different cultures, so we need your assistance in identifying, understanding and banning derogatory words.

How about not referring to Army people as terrorists and rejoicing their death- If only people could understand what it takes for these chaps to serve on the front-lines?-Being a defense forum, thats the least that is expected.
How about not referring to Army people as terrorists and rejoicing their death- If only people could understand what it takes for these chaps to serve on the front-lines?-Being a defense forum, thats the least that is expected.

Personally, I think this is a critical item - FOR BOTH SIDES. I would take a dim view of any Indian that denigrated the officers and other ranks of another armed force; THAT IS NOT OUR TRADITION.

haha, you are worrying about Indian population on this forum? That's a mistake you are making. You are assuming they are anything like you and me. They are not. There population won't decrease a bit by these kind of words, their movies are more vulgar and abusive than anything on this forum. Civility and decency are only reserved for civil and decent people and sad to say, majority of indians don't have it in them.


Can someone point out a suitable spot from which to hang this rope I've got with me?
Added to the top of the list.

Please, everyone, instead of getting upset that certain words that are offensive to Pakistanis aren't explicitly included, bring them up to us. We left the thread open for a reason, so you could give us your feedback and highlight things we may have overlooked.

How about just the word 'terrorist' to describe someone who kills non-combatants for a political objective?
Sir what are your thoughts on some "veteran" poster here using foul language against a member and the member getting his post deleted even when he replied in non abusive language and getting a warning ?

How about not referring to Army people as terrorists and rejoicing their death- If only people could understand what it takes for these chaps to serve on the front-lines?-Being a defense forum, thats the least that is expected.

Open the thread about death of an Indian Colonel and read comments by few pakistani posters.
Personally, I think this is a critical item - FOR BOTH SIDES. I would take a dim view of any Indian that denigrated the officers and other ranks of another armed force; THAT IS NOT OUR TRADITION.
Yes includes Indian as well as any other nation- The armed forces of any nation deserves our respect-No matter what.
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