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Bangladeshi Vegetarian Cuisine

Is Bangladeshi vegetarian cuisine as delicious as non-veg one?

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Jan 16, 2013
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List those Bangladeshi dishes that are made from strictly vegetarian ingredients with the exception of milk. Post pics and state the recipe.

Although this thread is Bangladesh-centric this is one question for which there is little chance of any Bangladeshi answer.

Edit-Add: And please list the vegetarian dishes of Bangladesh. Most members are just emphasizing their preference without giving many examples of vegetarian dishes.

Still hoping . . .

P. S.: And is it as delicious as the non-veg cuisine of Bangladesh?

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Not a fan of veg, so voted for second option. I don't think any Muslim Bangladeshi poster prefer vegetable diet. So I don't think we can say if veg diets are delicious or not!

We are fond of meat, egg or fish ( I personally dislike all fish though except ilish) . We take mosur dal and alu vorta too ( also some people sometimes include fried veg that we call vaji) , but don't eat all rice ( Bhat) with it. I mean we can start with it and later take meat, egg or fish .8-)
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We aren’t picky eaters. We eat everything in moderation but given a choice I don’t see a Bengali choosing vegetables over meat or fish. I prefer meat based foods more.
Not a fan of veg, so voted for second option. I don't think any Muslim Bangladeshi poster prefer vegetable diet. So I don't think we can say if veg diets are delicious or not!

We are fond of meat, egg or fish ( I personally dislike all fish though except ilish) . We take mosur dal and alu vorta too ( also some people sometimes include fried veg that we call vaji) , but don't eat all rice ( Bhat) with it. I mean we can start with it and later take meat, egg or fish .8-)
We aren’t picky eaters. We eat everything in moderation but given a choice I don’t see a Bengali choosing vegetables over meat or fish. I prefer meat based foods more.
Can you give more examples of vegetarian dishes?

Can you give more examples of vegetarian dishes?

Be have many types of bhajis and mashed vegetables. Good search will help with photos... vegetable bhajis dominate the breakfast items. Channa, dals etc are also popular. Rajma not so much
Whatever BD members say actual fact is Bangladesh is becoming vegetarian country mostly.... my brother has visited this country twice and he said that whenever he went to have meals with his BD colleagues they always preferred vegetarian meals with him.... one of his BD friends who is well connected with Bangladesh ad film industry told him that it's huge trend these days among Bangladesh youths to become vegetarian... it makes them looks special... thanks to India and her teachings....

Wake up guys wake up at least after Corona.... vegetarianism is the key to healthy life.... Bangladesh has taken a step hope rest of the world follows ...
List those Bangladeshi dishes that are made from strictly vegetarian ingredients with the exception of milk. Post pics and state the recipe.

Although this thread is Bangladesh-centric this is one question for which there is little chance of any Bangladeshi answer.

Edit-Add: And please list the vegetarian dishes of Bangladesh. Most members are just emphasizing their preference without giving many examples of vegetarian dishes.

Still hoping . . .

P. S.: And is it as delicious as the non-veg cuisine of Bangladesh?


There was not really a need to open a thread on this, nor a survey.

Next time please go to the sticky chill thread and ask these types of questions.
There was not really a need to open a thread on this, nor a survey.

Next time please go to the sticky chill thread and ask these types of questions.
There is a need. If there is a separate thread more people will notice the question. In the chill thread only those who follow that thread regularly will notice the question.

Whatever BD members say actual fact is Bangladesh is becoming vegetarian country mostly.... my brother has visited this country twice and he said that whenever he went to have meals with his BD colleagues they always preferred vegetarian meals with him.... one of his BD friends who is well connected with Bangladesh ad film industry told him that it's huge trend these days among Bangladesh youths to become vegetarian... it makes them looks special... thanks to India and her teachings....

Wake up guys wake up at least after Corona.... vegetarianism is the key to healthy life.... Bangladesh has taken a step hope rest of the world follows ...
we don't force feed people cow dung... we respect peoples boundaries so that's probably why they all ate vegetables
Whatever BD members say actual fact is Bangladesh is becoming vegetarian country mostly.... my brother has visited this country twice and he said that whenever he went to have meals with his BD colleagues they always preferred vegetarian meals with him.... one of his BD friends who is well connected with Bangladesh ad film industry told him that it's huge trend these days among Bangladesh youths to become vegetarian... it makes them looks special... thanks to India and her teachings....
As a Bangladeshi youth, let me tell you.Neither me nor even a single person in my friend circle is a vegetarian and that's not changing anytime soon.This "trend" you speak of, exists only in your dreams.
We are meat and fish lovers through and through.
As a Bangladeshi youth, let me tell you.Neither me nor even a single person in my friend circle is a vegetarian and that's not changing anytime soon.This "trend" you speak of, exists only in your dreams.
We are meat and fish lovers through and through.
Whatever BD members say actual fact is Bangladesh is becoming vegetarian country mostly.... my brother has visited this country twice and he said that whenever he went to have meals with his BD colleagues they always preferred vegetarian meals with him.... one of his BD friends who is well connected with Bangladesh ad film industry told him that it's huge trend these days among Bangladesh youths to become vegetarian... it makes them looks special... thanks to India and her teachings....

Wake up guys wake up at least after Corona.... vegetarianism is the key to healthy life.... Bangladesh has taken a step hope rest of the world follows ...
:offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic:

Both of you are derailing the thread. Stick to the topic and answer to the point. Give examples of more and more Bangladeshi vegetarian dishes.

Why are bhartis here trying to claim that vegetarian food (or the rejection of non-vegetarian cuisine for that matter) is exclusive to India? There are many cultures who have adopted this (and not because of Hindu religious reasons - either). People should eat everything except those that are proven to harm human health.

I have never seen a group of people like Sanghi Indians who are so lacking in self-respect about their own culture. The minute any other group of folks (like Goras) remotely likes something Indian (you name it, Yoga, vegetarianism or Slumdog movie) their chests puff up like god-damn balloons and they start squawking and claiming how superior their culture is! :lol:

Is Sanghi India so lacking in anything of merit that we have to clutch at these feeble cultural straws??:lol:

Abrahamic faiths (the latest version - Islam) have the most comprehensive and healthy dietary directives/guidelines which includes abstinence from Haram foods (ex: pork which causes trichonosis, Predator animals/birds possessing fangs and/or talons and vermin such as rats, roaches, snakes which have questionable hygiene as proven by CoVid-19 recently), Halal foods (vegetable-consuming animals such as cows and goats which are excellent sources of protein but in moderation) and Maqruh foods (semi-allowed or questionable such as sea cucumbers, oysters, turtles and snails as well as pack animals such as horses/elephants - even more in moderation and with certain care and processing).

These laws are based on SOUND hygienic scientific principles
and not myths or fables such as in Hinduism - geared toward building healthy, strong and productive populations (not meek and effeminate vegetarian people like some in India).

Bangladesh is the last place which will,

a) Become vegetarian. People like their meat here (except pork). Yes beef is very popular.
b) Get infected with animal transferred Virii (such as Corona Virus) because people will never (EVER!) eat vermin like dogs, cats or rats.

So Sanghis need to stop spreading your Gangu vegetarian propaganda in Bangladesh and lay off. We will never stop eating beef if that is what you lot are driving at.

And we don't need to import beef from India either. Our animal husbandry sector is doing just dandy - Thank you.

Instead of wasting your energy with us - make your own beef exporters stop exports of Gau-mata chopped up carcasses. It will grant you lots of 'Punya' for the hereafter....
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Whatever BD members say actual fact is Bangladesh is becoming vegetarian country mostly.... my brother has visited this country twice and he said that whenever he went to have meals with his BD colleagues they always preferred vegetarian meals with him.... one of his BD friends who is well connected with Bangladesh ad film industry told him that it's huge trend these days among Bangladesh youths to become vegetarian... it makes them looks special... thanks to India and her teachings....

Wake up guys wake up at least after Corona.... vegetarianism is the key to healthy life.... Bangladesh has taken a step hope rest of the world follows ...
Though, what you are talking about Bangladeshis adopting vegetarianism inspired by Indian ideals is true, we must remember that Bangladeshi vegetarian and non vegetarian cuisine is monotonous and bland, for the use of same spices in all their food items. For example, in my place, one can smell the Bangladeshis coming from a great distance owing to the strong garlicky fetid stench emanating from their selves due to their consumption of hukaan maas(dry fish).

In comparison, the vegetarian cuisine of places like Assam and West Bengal has more variety, subtlety and is much healthier.
we don't force feed people cow dung... we respect peoples boundaries so that's probably why they all ate vegetables

My brother has worked with pakistani ppl too on ad film project in Bangkok but Pakistani never sacrificed their non vegetarian food just to respect my vegetarian brother... believe me it's a trend these days among BD youths to become vegetarian....

As a Bangladeshi youth, let me tell you.Neither me nor even a single person in my friend circle is a vegetarian and that's not changing anytime soon.This "trend" you speak of, exists only in your dreams.
We are meat and fish lovers through and through.

Bangladesh is big and populated country.... you and your friend circle doesn't represent whole Bangladesh..... my brother has visited your country twice and had a long stay.... it's a trend among young broad modern minded people to become vegetarian these days... it makes them look modern, nature and animals friend....

Only qaumi madarssa mind people like you and your friend circle still feel proud killing poor animals and call themselves proud non veg eaters....

One more trend among BD youths is to join YOGA classes.... VEGETARIANISM and YOGA these are all gifts of India to Bangladesh youths....

:offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic:

Both of you are derailing the thread. Stick to the topic and answer to the point. Give examples of more and more Bangladeshi vegetarian dishes.


Sorry if you feel I'm derailing your thread but I was just telling the new trend a change coming these days in young BD society.... this country is turning vegetarian....

Though, what you are talking about Bangladeshis adopting vegetarianism inspired by Indian ideals is true, we must remember that Bangladeshi vegetarian and non vegetarian cuisine is monotonous and bland, for the use of same spices in all their food items. For example, in my place, one can smell the Bangladeshis coming from a great distance owing to the strong garlicky fetid stench emanating from their selves due to their consumption of hukaan maas(dry fish).

In comparison, the vegetarian cuisine of places like Assam and West Bengal has more variety, subtlety and is much healthier.

You will miss that strong garlicky fetid smell in near future as its fast growing vegetarian society....:cheers:

Why are bhartis here trying to claim that vegetarian food (or the rejection of non-vegetarian cuisine for that matter) is exclusive to India? There are many cultures who have adopted this (and not because of Hindu religious reasons - either). People should eat everything except those that are proven to harm human health.

I have never seen a group of people like Sanghi Indians who are so lacking in self-respect about their own culture. The minute any other group of folks (like Goras) remotely likes something Indian (you name it, Yoga, vegetarianism or Slumdog movie) their chests puff up like god-damn balloons and they start squawking and claiming how superior their culture is! :lol:

Is Sanghi India so lacking in anything of merit that we have to clutch at these feeble cultural straws??:lol:

Abrahamic faiths (the latest version - Islam) have the most comprehensive and healthy dietary directives/guidelines which includes abstinence from Haram foods (ex: pork which causes trichonosis, Predator animals/birds possessing fangs and/or talons and vermin such as rats, roaches, snakes which have questionable hygiene as proven by CoVid-19 recently), Halal foods (vegetable-consuming animals such as cows and goats which are excellent sources of protein but in moderation) and Maqruh foods (semi-allowed or questionable such as sea cucumbers, oysters, turtles and snails as well as pack animals such as horses/elephants - even more in moderation and with certain care and processing).

These laws are based on SOUND hygienic scientific principles
and not myths or fables such as in Hinduism - geared toward building healthy, strong and productive populations (not meek and effeminate vegetarian people like some in India).

Bangladesh is the last place which will,

a) Become vegetarian. People like their meat here (except pork). Yes beef is very popular.
b) Get infected with animal transferred Virii (such as Corona Virus) because people will never (EVER!) eat vermin like dogs, cats or rats.

So Sanghis need to stop spreading your Gangu vegetarian propaganda in Bangladesh and lay off. We will never stop eating beef if that is what you lot are driving at.

And we don't need to import beef from India either. Our animal husbandry sector is doing just dandy - Thank you.

Instead of wasting your energy with us - make your own beef exporters stop exports of Gau-mata chopped up carcasses. It will grant you lots of 'Punya' for the hereafter....

Cheap laughing smiles not going to stop BD from going toward vegetarianism....

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