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Bangladeshi TV channels blocked in India

Those who do not like rauchy dances, could have switched to QTV.

Even PTV have anchors who are rather fashionable and do not dress quite in what I understand from posts in this forum, as the ideal Muslim attire.

You are not wrong. I prefer Diganta style attire. Perfect Islamic attire.

Wow! Bharat loving run in the family. Good for you. :P

By that logic, I should be an international chap with no passport.

I see BBC, CNN. Discovery, Animal Planet, TLC and so many others too.

I used to see PTV and QTV. (Did it mean that I should hotfoot it to the Mosque for conversion?) And I have read the Koran too!

I Am that I Am (Hebrew: אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה‎.\

There is an edit option in profile where one can change the flag. :undecided:

Why are you suggesting he should be a lemming?

What is the flag that lemming fly?

By your standards, you should hoist the Safafi flag.

Please don't get irrational and personal, even though he is a Bangladeshi!

I will defend fairness irrespective of nationality and will fight bullying through religion or issues of nationality.
As I have stated before, I hardly watch Indian content, especially those lame drama serials. My dad does though.

Well, sorry if I didn't phrase it correctly. What I meant was that Indian channels have more commercial value and overall more demand in Bangladesh compared to the local ones. Sorry, but that is the reality.

everyone has own choice infact. here in our country many people watch these whereas for me its like a punishment to watch all that crap on Star Plus seriously.

the serious audience here watch News Channels more than those crappy soaps.
You are not wrong. I prefer Diganta style attire. Perfect Islamic attire.


I did not ask you.

But you jumped in.

No sweat.

I was under the impression that your gender was male. Thank you for indicating through that link, that you are actually a woman!

Further, may I say I couldn't care less if you romp around nude. It is your choice.

They only thing that I might like to caution you about is that there could be good reasons that the International Human Rights might book you for it.

I believe romping nude is a subject of the Country, but displaying grotesque physical form may appear to be a human right abuse of a very serious scale as people would be dying like flies out of sheer shock!!

Of course, one is conjecturing, for all one know, you could be a second Micheal Jackson with all his physical and mental and psychological traits!

I am not too well conversant with the modern western music environment, but I am told he is heartthrob for both men and women!

and since you mentioned in some post about fainting, maybe the men (and of course women) may swoon over you and faint!

I take it that you are fantastic since you have project yourself as the ultimate in mankind!
As I have stated before, I hardly watch Indian content, especially those lame drama serials. My dad does though.

Well, sorry if I didn't phrase it correctly. What I meant was that Indian channels have more commercial value and overall more demand in Bangladesh compared to the local ones. Sorry, but that is the reality.

I understand however it is not a big deal if one avoid watching Bharti channel. To be honest I have only NTV(waiting for Diganta to arrive in USA) and GEO Pakistan beside American channel.
Local cable operaters do air that ATN bangla and channel i in many places.
They are not banned goddamnit.Its just that the huge numbers of channels already on offering,BD channels would stand no chance as already understood by airing a few BD channels.
And Z bangla i think also offers a serial with BD background and storyline if i am not wrong.performers from BD also take part in comedy shows and other music reality shows here.So you see,the love is not lost:-)P....hehehe)
I understand however it is not a big deal if one avoid watching Bharti channel. To be honest I have only NTV(waiting for Diganta to arrive in USA) and GEO Pakistan beside American channel.

Which american is halal ? If you find PTV with its over aged aunties difficult to watch, I wonder which american channel you can watch.
wonder how long west bengal will tolerate this....after all they consider them a part of greater bengladesh

Are you sure about that?There are many Bengalis from West Bengal here,who will disagree with you.Bangladesh is a land that the was divided,partitioned and lost to the people of West Bengal in 1947.

BTW who on goddamn Earth says Bangladeshi channels are BANNED in India??
That guy needs a reality check RIGHT NOW.

Many Bangladeshi channels are available in local cable networks all over West Bengal.

Now,since the Bangladeshi channels telecast in Bengali,hence their scope is limited to West Bengal only,reasons,not too hard to comprehend.
:) but when Pakistan banned bharati crap on cable you bharatis came crying loud and calling it unfair

Indian channels are craps that why Pakistani people like them ???:rofl:
You are not wrong. I prefer Diganta style attire. Perfect Islamic attire.


Diganta Tv is owned by Mir Quasem Ali, one of the leaders of Jamaat-e-Islami.
Really surprised that Al regime hasn't shut it down yet, it's Jamaati media.
Al regime have already shut down Channel 1.:sick:
Channel 1 owned by Giasuddin Al Mamun a close friend of BNP chief Khaleda Zia's son Tarique Rahman.
Al also shamelessly harassed and jailed the Amardesh editor.:sick:
If some of the population in WB wants to watch BD channels , they are more than welcome to subscribe to their local cable operators and pay for it.

When Indian ( Hindi) soaps because of popularity and mass appeal are watched all over Bangladesh , Pakistan and North India at the expense of other regional language soaps be it Gujrati, Punjabi, Bangla , Sindhi ,Pashto etc , its ridiculous to make up c0ck and bull stories framing Indian Govt of wrongdoing.

You want your respective language shows( , Sindhi, Punjabi , Pashto , Bangla, Gujrati etc ) to be watched by millions , simple - -- Add some booty shaking , mirch masala ,whatever , add what you need to cater to popular appeal .

No use crying over "cultural invasions" and "moralities" , totally helpless .
I wonder if India is crap, why the top Pakistani singers come here to earn their bread and why some celebrities of Pakistan don't want to return?

Common yar every one know that Pakistanis love Indian movies and channels but they cant accept this on forum like this

Even google prove this point
India has total of 515 channels presently... does it matter if few are blocked??... its gives rest for our finger

I think few more should be banned...
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