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Bangladesh Victory Day Parade 2017

If the above scenario were to unfold, then we should machine gun/bomb en-masse anyone trying to enter Pakistan.
Are you sure? There will be insiders who will gladly open the doors and usher them in - full haste. Listen to this after 3:30

"Subcontinent Muslims" is a better term perhaps?
Yes, that sounds a very Quranic and or Islamic concept - "sub-continent Muslims". So now we have Muslims, non Muslms and sub-continent Muslims.
The majority of us identify as Muslim first,
That is subjective but from legal standpoint Pakistan is just a federation of four provinces. That is why we have four provincial governments that pre-existed Pakistan. I think you already know how the name Pakistan came about. Pakistan does not accept "Muslim" as legal basis of citizenship. That is why a Algerian, Afghan or Sudani Muslim can't get Pakistani citizenship but a native Christian Sindhi has Pakistan citizenship.

Thank you for proving Bangladesh would remain the land which produces traitors who would back stab their own with the help non muslims . Starting from Mir Jaffar to Joy Bangla.

I hope who talk shit about Pakistan still will meet the fate of Shiekh Mujeeb ur Rehman.
Look at you. Poor fellows! Hope you guys not going to beg to feed your soldiers in the near future. Losers in 1971, still big time losers in 2017. Pity on you.
BD might. Problem is, their country is not as diverse as PK/IND, their resources are limited and so are their options. They gotta find some high tech high value field/product in which they excel, something other than t shirts.

Last year Pakistan exported goods worth 21 Billion. Bangladesh exports were close to 35 Billion.

Your ideas are stuck at concepts about Bangladesh from fifteen years ago like a lot of Indians here. Bangladesh industrial output contains a lot more than chaddis and t-shirts. In fact Pakistan is a more traditional exporter of t-shirts/undershirts than Bangladesh is. Enough high quality textile investments were made locally - that we have diversified (even textile exports) well beyond those simple items with very low margins.

The recent impetus into mens'/womens' tailored fashion, denims (Bangladesh is the 2nd largest denim exporter worldwide and a pioneer in green production). and home textiles are just some other textile export areas.

Bangladesh produces most of the home electronics, small electrics and kitchenware consumed locally, as well as pharma, ceramics, seafood which are export-growth sectors. Industrial export variety is comparable to Pakistan, if not better. Here's a list (though not comprehensive) of non-textile exports. This list does not include niche items produced in export zones which are varied and numerous.
  1. Electronics apparatus (including computers, cellphones, smart TVs)
  2. Electrical machinery (including power electronics equipment)
  3. Vehicles (mostly two wheeler motorcycles, buses, trucks, as needed for domestic consumption)
  4. Rubber, rubber articles (such as vulcanized tires etc.)
  5. Plastics, plastic articles (housewares and various cookware implements)
  6. Meat/seafood preparations (shrimp exports mostly)
  7. Cereals (rice, pulses)
  8. Shipbuilding (we made some small vessels for Karachi port but we can build OPV's and frigates for you too if needed)
  9. Bicycle (and parts) exports
  10. Steel products such as long items (rebar) and processed items (metal housing, some of which is being exported to Pakistan).
  11. Jute and jute goods
  12. leather items (shoes belts etc.)
Future growth investment areas include Motor vehicles, Gems, precious metals processing, Mineral fuels processing, Optical (and technical, medical) apparatus etc. some of which is already in the upswing.

Please see my 'Made in Bangladesh' thread for details.

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Your language didn't qualify an answer for the first question.
Neither are you a moderator or the owner of this forum to make a judgement. Simple you don't like a comment you can choose to ignore.
Persoanlly believe both countries should end all diplomatic missions with Eachother.

I personally don't support cutting diplomatic ties with any country. But the amount of hatred that we recieve from them is enough indicator for us to distance ourselves from them - politically and socially.

My first ever experience with some BDsian was at airport in Malaysia where one BDshian heard me talking to my mother and asked me if I am Pakistani and then went round and round of dissing and cussing. Had to move to another seat in lounge to get rid of his mumbo jumbo. My other interaction with educated Bdsians in Europe weren't so different. My point is, they are not like our rival Indians with whom you can sit, enjoy sipping Chai and discussing politics. They are a different breed. We should avoid them as much as possible socially especially when alone.
Last year Pakistan exported goods worth 21 Billion. Bangladesh exports were close to 35 Billion.

Your ideas are stuck at concepts about Bangladesh from fifteen years ago like a lot of Indians here. Bangladesh industrial output contains a lot more than chaddis and t-shirts. In fact Pakistan is a more traditional exporter of t-shirts/undershirts than Bangladesh is. Enough high quality textile investments were made locally - that we have diversified (even textile exports) well beyond those simple items with very low margins.

The recent impetus into mens'/womens' tailored fashion, denims (Bangladesh is the 2nd largest denim exporter worldwide and a pioneer in green production). and home textiles are just some other textile export areas.

Bangladesh produces most of the home electronics, small electrics and kitchenware consumed locally, as well as pharma, ceramics, seafood which are export-growth sectors. Industrial export variety is comparable to Pakistan, if not better. Here's a list (though not comprehensive) of non-textile exports. This list does not include niche items produced in export zones which are varied and numerous.
  1. Electronics apparatus (including computers, cellphones, smart TVs)
  2. Electrical machinery (including power electronics equipment)
  3. Vehicles (mostly two wheeler motorcycles, buses, trucks, as needed for domestic consumption)
  4. Rubber, rubber articles (such as vulcanized tires etc.)
  5. Plastics, plastic articles (housewares and various cookware implements)
  6. Meat/seafood preparations (shrimp exports mostly)
  7. Cereals (rice, pulses)
  8. Shipbuilding (we made some small vessels for Karachi port but we can build OPV's and frigates for you too if needed)
  9. Bicycle (and parts) exports
  10. Steel products such as long items (rebar) and processed items (metal housing, some of which is being exported to Pakistan).
  11. Jute and jute goods
  12. leather items (shoes belts etc.)
Future growth investment areas include Motor vehicles, Gems, precious metals processing, Mineral fuels processing, Optical (and technical, medical) apparatus etc. some of which is already in the upswing.

Please see my 'Made in Bangladesh' thread for details.

Pakistan has an unstable, ungovernable neighbour which has been at war with itself and others for 40 years. Pakistan has taken the burden of an additional 5 million Afghan refugees and has been pushed into a never ending conflict. BD since independence has remained in a peaceful region. Uncle SAMs war and occupation of Afghanistan has had a massive impact on Pakistan. Pakistan has wasted billions of its own money to defend its borders. this has been occurring now for nearly 17 years with no end in sight. Oh and DAESH have a growing presence in Afghanistan now another grave concern for Pakistan's security.

Lol when you come to fight better flex your muscles else don't even come here.
Ive not come to fight just share my opinion. Thank you for your advice and concern. Goodbye
That's because Germans and true Americans are White in the 1st place.......:disagree:

All I can politely say is - don't come to live in the West Coast of the United States. You won't find a lot of people subscribing to your ideas....:-)

I don't know why some Pakistanis suffer this adulation for 'whites' or think themselves somehow superior to the rest of the subcontinent because some of them have a lighter skin tone. I see this trait only in the subcontinent.

Most upper-class Bangladeshis or Pakistanis look more or less akin to Portuguese and or Spaniards (some Pakistanis more so) and neither of those people have _ever_ been accepted as 'pure' white by the KKK folks and Aryan Nation. You see the slippery slope here? :-)

This is self-delusion of the highest order. Just because some white guy pumps your mitts doesn't mean he is treating you mentally as his equal....

And before you accuse me - I am not speaking from any jealousy (which I have been accused of before :-)). I know enough Pakistanis in my personal friend circle and they all would dismiss these ideas as 'wannabe' and 'outlandish'.
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Pakistan has an unstable, ungovernable neighbour which has been at war with itself and others for 40 years. Pakistan has taken the burden of an additional 5 million Afghan refugees and has been pushed into a never ending conflict. BD since independence has remained in a peaceful region. Uncle SAMs war and occupation of Afghanistan has had a massive impact on Pakistan. Pakistan has wasted billions of its own money to defend its borders. this has been occurring now for nearly 17 years with no end in sight. Oh and DAESH have a growing presence in Afghanistan now another grave concern for Pakistan's security.

Ive not come to fight just share my opinion. Thank you for your advice and concern. Goodbye

CORRECTION/ERRATA: We probably have over 10 million Afghans in Pakistan. The 5 million you mentioned are the LEGAL ones. There are more illegal Afghan than legal ones here.
I personally don't support cutting diplomatic ties with any country. But the amount of hatred that we recieve from them is enough indicator for us to distance ourselves from them - politically and socially.

My first ever experience with some BDsian was at airport in Malaysia where one BDshian heard me talking to my mother and asked me if I am Pakistani and then went round and round of dissing and cussing. Had to move to another seat in lounge to get rid of his mumbo jumbo. My other interaction with educated Bdsians in Europe weren't so different. My point is, they are not like our rival Indians with whom you can sit, enjoy sipping Chai and discussing politics. They are a different breed. We should avoid them as much as possible socially especially when alone.
Online they seem to be very racist and a need for revenge. I politely remind them Karachi has over a million ethnic Bengalis and are equal citizens of Pakistan. I have had the chance to interact with a British Bangali and asked as to why Bangladeshis are so hostile towards Pakistanis, his response was a shrud of the shoulders and politely replied Bangladesh is not our country the leaders are murdering our religious clerics. So in reality not every person is the same.

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