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Bangladesh Victory Day Parade 2017

They were not indians but were in the same state that the Jews were in Nazi Germany.

But you yourself made a distinction between Indian Muslims, Pakistani Muslims and Bangladeshi Muslims. Amazing how you can contradict yourself so easily - ha - because ethnic German Jews don't make up 15% of Germany's population.
You are confused buddy. Damn confused.

@Kaptaan I can't find the thread you created dividing the subcontinent into three parts, please share the link with our friend here.

Not at all, you just seem incapable of understanding my point.
Doesn't matter what heritage you have. You are a Pakistani now and you need to disassociate yourself with anything that's from across the border.
The entire notion of a modern state is geographic boundaries. That is why soldiers spill their blood on the borders. Without a set geographic space a state is meaningless. It's just a pie in the sky.

That is why despite being Muslim I can't go to Saudia Arania and live there as a "Muslim". That is why Mervyn Middlecoat the celebrated PAF fighter pilot fought for a state of Pakistan yet Muslims in Saudia, UAE, Iran just sat by and looked on.

The nations India/America are not based on religion. Pakistan however is. Pakistan is confused whether to exist for the people living in it or to be like Israel for South Asian Muslims.
Yes - unfortunately India is heading in the same direction with the Hindutva brigade going overboard. But this is not the forum for that. Congrats to Bangladesh on their independence.
PAKISTANFOREVER and others like him don't subscribe the one Ummah theory like I do. That's the key difference.

Problem is most Pakistanis agree with me, not them.

Ummah does not exist and most Pakistanis especially the younger ones are starting to realise this. Are you going to start crying for Arabs and Palestinians when they consider Pakistanis as lesser humans?.......:lol: Even when they treat Pakistanis worst than what Europeans do?......:rofl:........are the ungrateful afghan vermin thinking off the Ummah when they conspire with idol worshippers to do harm to Pakistan????...:lol:
They had a swamp. Few inches above water. All of them stuffed like a sardine can. Famine. Poverty. Known to the world as "basket case". From that low in 1971 they build up a state, found "shirts" and made fantastic progress to where they are today. So if they could find "shirts" from famine I would wager they will find "TVs" in future and keep the upward trajectory they have displayed thus far. And trust me I have such latent prejudice against these guys but over the last few years they have earned my respect despite my feelings towards them. Credit where credit is due.

They sold billion t shirts for billion dollars this year while we sold 100 trainer aircrafts for the same amount. And guess where we come from? Dirt poor mountains and deserts.

I am not saying that they not talented but they gotta find some high value item and so should we. Previously NADRA(Pk) provided services for their drivers license database, I think.
They sold billion t shirts for billion dollars this year while we sold 100 trainer aircrafts for the same amount. And guess where we come from? Dirt poor mountains and deserts.

I am not saying that they not talented but they gotta find some high value item and so should we. Previously NADRA(Pk) provided services for their drivers license database, I think.
Which industry do you think provides more jobs? A Billion t-shirts or 100 aircraft?
But you yourself made a distinction between Indian Muslims, Pakistani Muslims and Bangladeshi Muslims. Amazing how you can contradict yourself so easily - ha - because ethnic German Jews don't make up 15% of Germany's population.

They were NOT indian Muslims. It's like saying the 1st leaders of Israel were Russian or German. indian Muslims are your problem. Not ours. Nothing to do with Pakistan.
The nations India/America are not based on religion. Pakistan however is. Pakistan is confused whether to exist for the people living in it or to be like Israel for South Asian Muslims.
Which is why we are forever caught in trouble of our own making - like a lion biting his own tail. A vicious circle.

to be like Israel
No. Israel is for Jews. Pakistan is not for Muslims.

South Asian Muslims.
This is where the fraud creeps in. You can't invoke religion, Islam and the Quran but then cap Islamic concepts with man made things like "South Asia" or worse English made "British India". If you cite Islam you cite a univisal concept of Muslim brotherhood. In Islam it is binary. You are Muslim or non Muslim. You can't create differant categories of Muslims and all the while cite Quran.

That is cheat of the century. And that is why Pakistan is caught in a non ending conflict of self identity.
Yes - unfortunately India is heading in the same direction with the Hindutva brigade going overboard.
Things will come back to normal...eventually everyone will get along in India even though it may take long.
Congrats to Bangladesh on their independence.
Thanks to India for their assistance in 1971.
Ummah does not exist and most Pakistanis especially the younger ones are starting to realise this. Are you going to start crying for Arabs and Palestinians when they consider Pakistanis as lesser humans?.......:lol: Even when they treat Pakistanis worst than what Europeans do?......:rofl:........are the ungrateful afghan vermin thinking off the Ummah when they conspire with idol worshippers to do harm to Pakistan????...:lol:

Ummah does exist, why else did you get Arabs going to Afghanistan in the 80's, or Pakistanis going to Syria now?

Most young people don't care, I can tell you that much.

Not every Arab considers non Arabs as sub human, I have personally never experienced such racism first hand and have actually always experienced hospitality from these people, after living with them for 4 years I have many positive things to say about them.

Some Afghans like us, others don't. This is what foreign intervention creates, a division of opinion.
Aren't you two British Pakistani giving contradictory statement?

No contradiction. I am living in England not in india or bangladesh :lol:. I would die before that were to ever happen. Pakistan doesn't need a safe space from the English/British. We need it from the indians though. Pakistan provides it.

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