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Bangladesh to Demand Apology from Pakistan

Deadline to demand apology!

I came across this for the first time.
I know that bad things happened in East Pakistan at that time but

I want to know from any Bangladeshi that the stories about **** is true or not?
Why are crimes of Pakistani soldiers in East Pakistan are always given importance whenever there is a mention of 1971 war?

What about the families of West Pakistanis in East Pakistan at that time who met equal if not more brutal treatment? There were rapes of those people too, they too were murdered with their families. These are the facts that are acknowledged by Pakistanis and Bengalis alike. And we all know who the biggest gang rapists in South Asia are.

Now atrocities were committed. No doubt about that. However lets take this all in perspective. How long did the war last? Lets make it a large number of 12 months. And according to the Bangladeshi authorities, we kill what 3 million people? Fair enough.

That means the Pakistani military killed 8,220 people per day on average. That means we killed 342.5 people per hour. Meaning people did not sleep at all. They did not eat. They did not go to the toilet for 365 days straight. To reach the 3 million mark they had been constantly killing people every day without a break.

Must say that is an impressive feat to achieve. A military killed 3 million people without sleeping, eating or even toilet breaks.

Yes atrocities were committed. Genocide? Nope. Not by the legal definition.

At the time of war it is shortage of essential commodities such medicine and food ,water that kills majority of people. Small children and old are the first casulty of war. I will not fire a single bullet but by just by cutting the supply of water and electricity to your city i can kill atleast 1\10 of city population. Now ordinary bangladeshi revolted because Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who won clear majority was imprisoned for demanding to be the PM. Army instead in of siding with an democratically elected candidate sided with West Pakistani Politicans and they tried to brutally supress the Bangladeshi. The action of Pakistani army resulted in deaths of over 3 million people.

This is Why are crimes of Pakistani soldiers in East Pakistan are always given importance whenever there is a mention of 1971 war?.
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My dad along with few of his companions were poisoned by a Bengali soldier of Pakistan army in west Pakistan during 71 conflict, so will we be getting an apology too? Or is it just that when you hurt us it causes more pain than us hurting you?
My dad along with few of his companions were poisoned by a Bengali soldier of Pakistan army in west Pakistan during 71 conflict, so will we be getting an apology too? Or is it just that when you hurt us it causes more pain than us hurting you?

my grandfather who studied at Dhaka university was beaten for being from West Pakistan along with his friends, two of his buddies died, luckily he survived.

Both sides caused damage to each other, some members here are talking as if it was only the Pakistan army.
3 million killed and over 200,000 women raped is equal to few Dads and grandfather poisoned ,killed and beaten up. Did you guys ever take maths at your college. Or are you taking the qualitative approach where one Pakistani is equal to may be 1 lakh Bangladeshi.
3 million killed and over 200,000 women raped is equal to few Dads and grandfather poisoned ,killed and beaten up. Did you guys ever take maths at your college. Or are you taking the qualitative approach where one Pakistani is equal to may be 1 lakh Bangladeshi.
Its not your place to talk here, the one who wears the shoe knows where it pinches.................. seriously, not interested in arguing with you or any of your kind so spare me this bombast & cheap injudicious remarks . Its like every life has it's worth it doesn't matter whether its one against million or millions against one but of course, i don't expect you to understand that.........
over 200,000 women raped

Talking about rapes I want to ask that after independence BD govt started a program to compensate alleged raped women. Can you or anybody else tell me how many of these 200000 women got compensation from the BD govt. If the total rapes were above 200000 so at least 2000 women should have got compensation.

A direct and relevant answer would be appreciated.

3 million killed and over 200,000 women raped is equal to few Dads and grandfather poisoned ,killed and beaten up. Did you guys ever take maths at your college. Or are you taking the qualitative approach where one Pakistani is equal to may be 1 lakh Bangladeshi.

:angry: are you belittling the losses???
Yes I admit the army did wrong, but it sounds like your saying that the incident was no big deal!

Learn some morals! :angry:
actually its interesting, while bengladeshi members are siding with pakistan and are fed up with AL, indians are the ones who are worried abt the apology, what a funny side it is indeed..
actually its interesting, while bengladeshi members are siding with pakistan and are fed up with AL, indians are the ones who are worried abt the apology, what a funny side it is indeed..

:) Well - I can speak only for myself and not for others. I am not worried about an apology and quite honestly don't see one forthcoming. The only point I made and continue to make is that an apology would strengthen relations between the countries and it doesn't necessarily belittle anyone.
3 million killed and over 200,000 women raped is equal to few Dads and grandfather poisoned ,killed and beaten up. Did you guys ever take maths at your college. Or are you taking the qualitative approach where one Pakistani is equal to may be 1 lakh Bangladeshi.

Come on......it was a 50 million bengalis that the pakistani army killed and raped 5 million woman.

If your gonna lie.....lie big.
Come on......it was a 50 million bengalis that the pakistani army killed and raped 5 million woman.

If your gonna lie.....lie big.

Clear numbers are hard to find since this incident didn't get the level of attention, like the holocaust for eg

Here is an Article from TIME Magazine (remember US was pro Pakistan in 1971 and they sent the USS Enterprise in the Bay of Bengal as a sign of solidarity)

World: Pakistan: The Ravaging of Golden Bengal

Monday, Aug. 02, 1971

Some snippets:

OVER the rivers and down the highways and along countless jungle paths, the population of East Pakistan continues to hemorrhage into India: an endless unorganized flow of refugees with a few tin kettles, cardboard boxes and ragged clothes piled on their heads, carrying their sick children and their old. They pad along barefooted, with the mud sucking at their heels in the wet parts. They are silent, except for a child whimpering now and then, but their faces tell the story. Many are sick and covered with sores. Others have cholera, and when they die by the roadside there is no one to bury them. The Hindus, when they can, put a hot coal in the mouths of their dead or singe the body in lieu of cremation. The dogs, the vultures and the crows do the rest. As the refugees pass the ******* corpses, some put pieces of cloth over their noses.

Estimates of the death toll in the army crackdown range from 200,000 all the way up to a million. The lower figure is more widely accepted, but the number may never be known. For one thing, countless corpses have been dumped in rivers, wells and mass graves.

Harsh Reprisals
The Hindus, who account for three-fourths of the refugees and a majority of the dead, have borne the brunt of the Moslem military's hatred. Even now, Moslem soldiers in East Pakistan will snatch away a man's lungi (sarong) to see if he is circumcised, obligatory for *******; if he is not, it usually means death. Others are simply rounded up and shot. Commented one high U.S. official last week: "It is the most incredible, calculated thing since the days of the Nazis in Poland."

The actual article is HUGE. Gives quite an unbiased account of the war
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in my view there is nothing wrong in apology from bangalies ....
and both countries should bury the hatchet and look for future ..
what is by gone is by gone we can,t bring it back...
lets leave it for Allah to decide about past cos HE knows better ..
we both are muslim countries and with great similarities . we should work together and make union like EU countries ...
i wish we again live like brothers ..
i lived in international hostel and my best friend was from bangladesh and really there was no difference among us all bangladeshies and paksitanies were like brothers ..... in those days we came to conclusion that these were and are politions who played and plays with our emotions other wise common people were and are like brothers .....................
Pakistanis here are talking so easily about an apology from Bangladesh to take responsibility for the war/genocide in 1971. I wonder, why the GoP is not demanding the same from the GoB.

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