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Bangladesh to Demand Apology from Pakistan

Who will confirm that the article is unbiased and credible?

Ofcourse only a Pakistani source can be truly reliable...

But this is TIME magazine (a US based publication with very high jornalistic integrity), remember that the article was published in 1971.

Concentrate on that date.

You'll realize that at the time USA and Pakistan were bedfellows, Nixon called Indira Gandhi a b**** and also sent the USS Enterprise to help Pak, so it's safely not a propaganda piece

But then again why am I even trying? Go read Moin Ansari :blah:
Clear numbers are hard to find since this incident didn't get the level of attention, like the holocaust for eg

Here is an Article from TIME Magazine (remember US was pro Pakistan in 1971 and they sent the USS Enterprise in the Bay of Bengal as a sign of solidarity)

World: Pakistan: The Ravaging of Golden Bengal

Monday, Aug. 02, 1971

Some snippets:
The actual article is HUGE. Gives quite an unbiased account of the war

You are unnecessarily bringing up old news articles written by westerners who had not ventured into east Pakistan, but had written from Calcutta those things which are not universal truth. What westerners say cannot be the whole truth, but what we have experienced are the truths.

There were unexpected atrocities, no doubt about it. But, it is also true that many thousands of Pakistani troops were also killed by the Mukti troops long before the December war. However, while pakistani troops were perpetrators of killings, Mukti troops, on the other hand, were defender of their land, family and population.
Ofcourse only a Pakistani source can be truly reliable...

But this is TIME magazine (a US based publication with very high jornalistic integrity), remember that the article was published in 1971.

Concentrate on that date.

You'll realize that at the time USA and Pakistan were bedfellows, Nixon called Indira Gandhi a b**** and also sent the USS Enterprise to help Pak, so it's safely not a propaganda piece

But then again why am I even trying? Go read Moin Ansari :blah:

You don't need to tell me how much we were bedfellows with USA. Just wanted to ask how much unbiased and credible this report is. I know the article is from 1971 and such articles were written in different newspapers and magazines with different numbers of "atrocities".

Don't get frustrated. Chill boy. :)
Who will confirm that the article is unbiased and credible?

Are you saying Time Magazine is biased and unreliable?

There are some You Tube videos

These are your citizens being driven out of your country to seek shelter in the enemy nation

These are East Pakistani refugees in India visited by British MPs.

These are your citizens - Pakistani nationals. Despite the current floods and loss of property and life in Pakistan, Pakistanis did not seek refuge outside. Imagine the plight these people must have been in to seek refuge in a country they grew up thinking to be their enemy.
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Sending the Serbia apology report as an eye-opener for Pakistan : eastwatch

BBC News - Serb leader Tadic apologises for 1991 Vukovar massacre
4 November 2010 Last updated at 11:29 GMT
Serb leader Tadic apologises for 1991 Vukovar massacre
President Boris Tadic arrived in Vukovar on a ferry which crossed the River Danube

President Boris Tadic has become the first Serbian leader to pay his respects to Croatian victims of a notorious 1991 massacre.

During a visit to a memorial to 260 people murdered at Vukovar, Mr Tadic made a statement expressing "apology and regret".

Vukovar was captured in November 1991 after a three-month siege by the Serb-led Yugoslav army.

The victims of the massacre had sought refuge in the town's hospital.

But two days after Vukovar was seized, they were led to the site of a pig farm and shot, their bodies left in a mass grave.

Mr Tadic arrived in Vukovar on a ferry which crossed the Danube from the Serbian town of Bac.

He was welcomed by Croatian President Ivo Josipovic, and a crowd of around 50 people.

They will later go to a graveyard where 18 Serb villagers were killed by Croats.

Croatia has described the event as an attempt to relax relations between the two countries.

But a number of Croatian right-wing parties and war veteran groups have called for protests, arguing that Mr Tadic's apology is worthless because his visit is taking place in an "unofficial" capacity.

Earlier this year, the Serbian president went to Bosnia to commemorate more than 8,000 Muslim men and boys killed by Serb forces at Srebrenica in 1995.

Our Balkans correspondent says both presidents are facing their nations' difficult past in an attempt to move towards a stable future, with the aim of membership of the European Union.
There's nothing wrong in apologizing. This will only improve our relations with Banglandesh. If we don't, then cooperation b/w India and Bangladesh will keep on increasing. Bangladesh is far away from nuclear bomb and they are always under threat from India, so they will improve their relations with India if they fail to do it with Pakistan!

And it was wrong of Awami League to demand independence and it was wrong of Gen. Yahya and Bhutto that they didn't made Mujib the PM.
Pakistanis here are talking so easily about an apology from Bangladesh to take responsibility for the war/genocide in 1971. I wonder, why the GoP is not demanding the same from the GoB.

nobody here is asking that bengladesh should apologize and take responsibility. Agreed that Pak army did kill hundreds of thousands of people, but for you to ignore the instigation by the indians and the **** and brutality that many West Pakistanis faced at the hands of the Mukhti Bahini (who were equally responsible for the massacres) which led to the Pak army's operations is not only hypocritical but shows that you only choose to know what you want but ignore the facts. Every action has an opposite reaction!

Pakistanis here are talking so easily about an apology from Bangladesh to take responsibility for the war/genocide in 1971. I wonder, why the GoP is not demanding the same from the GoB.

Our gov has moved on and so have our people, we don't have this immature mentality that we should keep bringing up bitter old issues. But on the other hand your Gov and people love to bring this matter up over and over again, its like a tradition.
Bangladeshis wants Pakistanis to revisit 1971 alone, Why? What a hypocrisy?
As true Pakistanis (East & West) we should revisit all events 1947-1971 “Together” shouldn't we? Where is your sincerity?

I want to apologize and re-owning of yourself together as my actions get you pregnant, while your only dream is my humiliation to the entire world while at the same time sleeps with my enemy without a slightest shame.

No Way Man No way, We are not that S*****.
Bangladeshis wants Pakistanis to revisit 1971 alone, Why? What a hypocrisy?
Isn't it better to lance a sore than let one alone to fester and break out? Why should it be "hypocrisy" to point out that Pakistanis are more guilty of evil deeds than Bangladeshis are, and that Pakistanis - including yourself - should be cognizant of this? Do you think you have a right to always be proud of yourself and your country?
Isn't it better to lance a sore than let one alone to fester and break out? Why should it be "hypocrisy" to point out that Pakistanis are more guilty of evil deeds than Bangladeshis are, and that Pakistanis - including yourself - should be cognizant of this? Do you think you have a right to always be proud of yourself and your country?

Stop posting crap in affairs u dont know jack about....... we killed yeah.... who created mukti bhani? who started all of it? ur forgettin the fate of hundred of thousands of West Pakistanis present in bengladesh? the hundreds of thousands of biharis?

Do u think they were spared?

I wonder where the world was when we killed the so called 3 million bengalis?:hitwall:

U cant clap with one hand!!
....Now go defend the cowardly attrocities of isra hell.

Victimised israeli american jew.
U cant clap with one hand!!
....Now go defend the cowardly attrocities of isra hell.
Western historians have noted this "I'm going to ignore what I did, you look at what you did" attitude as an Indian (Muslim and Hindu) trait for generations. It does nothing at all to solve YOUR problems, does it? At best it just lets them fester, as I said.
Stop posting crap in affairs u dont know jack about....... we killed yeah.... who created mukti bhani? who started all of it? ur forgettin the fate of hundred of thousands of West Pakistanis present in bengladesh? the hundreds of thousands of biharis?

Do u think they were spared?

I wonder where the world was when we killed the so called 3 million bengalis?:hitwall:

U cant clap with one hand!!
....Now go defend the cowardly attrocities of isra hell.

Victimised israeli american jew.

Hundreds of thousands is it now? Weak at counting, are we?
Western historians have noted this "I'm going to ignore what I did, you look at what you did" attitude as an Indian (Muslim and Hindu) trait for generations. It does nothing at all to solve YOUR problems, does it? At best it just lets them fester, as I said.

Really, do they have a name for this trait as well? Western historians can be extremely funny at times, y'know!

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