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Bangladesh to Demand Apology from Pakistan

Clear numbers are hard to find since this incident didn't get the level of attention, like the holocaust for eg

Here is an Article from TIME Magazine (remember US was pro Pakistan in 1971 and they sent the USS Enterprise in the Bay of Bengal as a sign of solidarity)

World: Pakistan: The Ravaging of Golden Bengal

Monday, Aug. 02, 1971

Some snippets:
The actual article is HUGE. Gives quite an unbiased account of the war

I dont deny mass killings took place and the people who where in power should be put infront of a war crimes tribunal and charged as war crimminals.
The problem i have is the three million figure which is nothing more then a number that somebody has used to grab attention......wheres the proof?
I have heard the stories of extreme barbarism from the so called Bengali freedom fighters.
What about "Mukti Bahini" attrocities? Ordinary bengalis,hypnotied by propaganda,and hate against Pakistanis,who burnt many alive in train engines..They fed people to railway furnaces with coal..
WHo will aplologie for the Dhaka stadium used as killing ground,and the whole stadium filled with ******* bodies of innocent civilians who were taken there by Mukti Bahinis and shot dead if they couldnt prove they were ethnic Bengals.
I dont deny mass killings took place and the people who where in power should be put infront of a war crimes tribunal and charged as war crimminals.
The problem i have is the three million figure which is nothing more then a number that somebody has used to grab attention......wheres the proof?

3 million is exaggerated. however, some pakistani reports have claimed 30,000 which in my opinion isn't true either. However, I would reckon the actual figure be around 100,000 at the max.
pakistan army has done nothing. those were the RAW and MUKTi BAHNI terrorists whom have done such crimes in the uniformes of pakistan army. the stat of kashmir is an open proof of it. Bangla desh has to ask india to apologise instead of pakistan but unfortunatly Bangla desh never recognise its enemy till now. pakistan has always helped the people of Bangla desh in different fields. we feel sympathy and take pity for them.
Isn't it better to lance a sore than let one alone to fester and break out? Why should it be "hypocrisy" to point out that Pakistanis are more guilty of evil deeds than Bangladeshis are, and that Pakistanis - including yourself - should be cognizant of this? Do you think you have a right to always be proud of yourself and your country?

for the record could you please state your position on kashmir and india's persistent **** and murdering for over 60 years?

why are you not pontificating to indians on ksahmir?

and if you are not they why are you so shameless?

a thread started by an indian trying to stir up anger between bangladesh and pakistan and what happens....people want to forgot about it, and move on - except the indians.
pakistan army has done nothing. those were the RAW and MUKTi BAHNI terrorists whom have done such crimes in the uniformes of pakistan army. the stat of kashmir is an open proof of it. Bangla desh has to ask india to apologise instead of pakistan but unfortunatly Bangla desh never recognise its enemy till now. pakistan has always helped the people of Bangla desh in different fields. we feel sympathy and take pity for them.

Totally - completely agree with you.
for the record could you please state your position on kashmir and india's persistent **** and murdering for over 60 years?

why are you not pontificating to indians on ksahmir?

and if you are not they why are you so shameless?

a thread started by an indian trying to stir up anger between bangladesh and pakistan and what happens....people want to forgot about it, and move on - except the indians.

You, like many others here are so deep into your hate for India, that you cannot even bother to verify who started the thread. It was started by a Bangladeshi. Check things up instead of having preset stereotypes. And while you're at it, check the number of comments on this thread by Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. Let us have a comparison. Also, if you can, divide the number of comments here by the total number of members of each nationality on this forum.

If you can do that, it will show what a silly comment you just made, in all respects.

And I won't even bother responding to that laughable comment above, about "disguised RAW agents" being responsible for all the genocide in East Pakistan.
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Apology is not the real issue here, Its just an embedded part of Bangladeshi domestic political make-up!!

May I add to say , Indeed its the focal point of AL politics. In both cases,wither or not apology is re-asked, AL will benefit from it.Its a purely win-win move for them in the domestic political hay-hos!!

" Ap ne tu hamare dilki bat kehdi, ap ko ye kaise malum hou".You have to realise who is there man hehind the gun. It was just a "mushkora" with the Pakistani people and to malign them so that they donnot come closer to us. " Ye silsila chalte rahega ", so long Awami Leaque remains in power. I request the Pakistani people to remain cool and wait and see.
- - - the point that should be kept in mind is that whatever tensions were going on between East and West Pakistan was an internal matter.

India had no right to interfere in our internal matters.

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After all this India cannot complain about militants in Kashmir when they were involved in raising terrorists like Mukhti Banni..

InshAllah we will avenge our brothers. . .

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To the jamaits posting here, you do not represent all of Bangladeshi's.

If Pakistan really wants to move on from 1971 with Bangladesh, build better relationship, they need to send an official apology. period.
To the jamaits posting here, you do not represent all of Bangladeshi's.

If Pakistan really wants to move on from 1971 with Bangladesh, build better relationship, they need to send an official apology. period.
Non jamaatis are a minority here...this place is a sanctuary for the jamaatis :lol:

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