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Bangladesh starts building first nuclear plant

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Myanmar's nuclear ambition, which has been confirmed by many reports, as posted by @Yzd Khalifa bro, is one more reason why Bangladesh need to go towards nuclear power generation.
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Why in god's name would we be willing to place Bangladesh under our Nuclear Shield (even if there be such a thing) ?

Islamic bomb? But I agree, before that much needs to be done to bring our relations at even keel.
@Hyperion lets bug out of here, my tumor is really getting agitated and Anubis is no longer here. I can't bare all of this skulduggery.:hang2:

Islamic bomb? But I agree, before that much needs to be done to bring our relations at even keel.
@Hyperion won't you share your bomb with your eastern brothers?:angel:
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Myanmar's nuclear ambition, which has been confirmed by many reports, as posted by @Yzd Khalifa bro, is one more reason why Bangladesh need to go towards nuclear power generation.

Considering Kissinger had implemented post-industrial module for pakistan and bangladesh, I doubt Bangladesh will foray into nuclear war or even be allowed to.

Look at what Kissinger did to bhutto and his family for foraying into nuclear power.
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Islamic bomb? But I agree, before that much needs to be done to bring our relations at even keel.

Respected sir, Bangladesh will never go under a nuclear shield of Pakistan, may be we can have a mutual defense pact with China, that is much more realistic. I think our country did not gain independence from them to go under them in any shape or form. I would appreciate if you do not mention such a thing, as it is degrading for our sovereign country.
The only "sharing" of the bomb is with an active gravity trigger, inside a hypersonic cone, in final trajectory corrections! :D

@Hyperion lets bug out of here, my tumor is really getting agitated and Anubis is no longer here. I can't bare all of this skulduggery.:hang2:

@Hyperion won't you share your bomb with your eastern brothers?:angel:
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The only "sharing" of the bomb is with an active gravity trigger, inside a hypersonic cone, in final trajectory corrections! :D

:coffee: If you can't read properly than this is BD DEFENSE SECTION..........

We come here to relax, have fun, eat some biscuits, irritate Loki & some BDians & ofcourse have a :coffee:

Considering Kissinger had implemented post-industrial module for pakistan and bangladesh, I doubt Bangladesh will foray into nuclear war or even be allowed to.

Look at what Kissinger did to bhutto and his family for foraying into nuclear power.
Ah, but that's exactly what we are hoping for.:yay:
H H Hachina make a plan,take one step towards nuke, and uncle SAM:usflag: takes care of her family and her,what is left of ,as it is.
Good reddense .:yahoo:
Islamic bomb? But I agree, before that much needs to be done to bring our relations at even keel.

Theres no such thing as an Islamic Bomb - Its a Pakistani Nuke !

At any rate you are a Secular Country that collaborated with the Enemy to win your Freedom from us - the big bad Pakistanis - Why then talk about Islam & Fraternal Ties when our past is testament to something different ?

Just to be a little bit fair, I don't think the world powers would have ever wanted India or Pakistan possessing the bombs, but the world failed to stop both, India took a big risk when it conducted its first test, the whole world was shocked, and Pakistan had to fallow suit.

Many countries tried to isolate Pakistan, but no one dared to mess with them because of you-know-who ;).

India & Pakistan are two exceptions to the rule...so is North Korea because we three were motivated enough to go for it no matter the cost !

Bangladesh does not have anything close to the 'threat' that we faced from each other & 'others' to go the extra mile ! At any rate the brilliance it took on part of Pakistan to build the bomb & reach such a stage that even the Americans were dumb-founded as to how farther ahead we had progressed is testament to our resolve !
After destroying almost everything in Bangladesh, the BAL government is planning to create a destruction of biblical proportion.
Theres no such thing as an Islamic Bomb - Its a Pakistani Nuke !

At any rate you are a Secular Country that collaborated with the Enemy to win your Freedom from us - the big bad Pakistanis - Why then talk about Islam & Fraternal Ties when our past is testament to something different ?

India & Pakistan are two exceptions to the rule...so is North Korea because we three were motivated enough to go for it no matter the cost !

Bangladesh does not have anything close to the 'threat' that we faced from each other & 'others' to go the extra mile ! At any rate the brilliance it took on part of Pakistan to build the bomb & reach such a stage that even the Americans were dumb-founded as to how farther ahead we had progressed is testament to our resolve !

Please do not propagate myth and this Asad71 or any individual poster do not speak for the whole country. Bangladesh will never ever ask for nuclear protection from Pakistan, 1971 was more than enough "protection" for us.

You guys abused us, your so called Muslim brothers for 25 years, and then when we won the election, instead of handing power to the winners, your brilliant Shia generals (Yahya Khan) with consent from Shia politicians (Bhutto) started killing Bengali origin Army, Police, Border forces etc. on a large scale, that is when Bengali Muslims in East Pakistan revolted and were forced to seek help from India. I have delved into this history enough to know what I am talking about. So spare us your BS and your shameless lies. The fact is you West Pakistanis, "our great Muslim Brothers", betrayed the trust we put on you in 1947.

Regardless of how you or anyone else feels, Bangladesh is going for Nuclear power generation. As for bombs, who can tell the future? Can you?
Please do not propagate myth and this Asad71 or any individual poster do not speak for the whole country. Bangladesh will never ever ask nuclear protection from Pakistan, 1971 was more than enough protection for us.

You guys abused us, your so called Muslim brothers for 25 years, and then when we won the election, instead of handing power to the winners, your brilliant Shia generals (Yahya Khan) with consent from Shia politicians (Bhutto) started killing Bengali origin Army, Police, Border forces etc. on a large scale, that is when Bengali Muslims in East Pakistan revolted and were forced to seek help from India. I have delved into this history enough to know what I am talking about. So spare us your BS and your shameless lies. The fact is you West Pakistanis, our great Muslim Brothers, betrayed the trust we put on you in 1947.

One word - Narratives !

As for going for Nuclear technology, regardless of how you or anyone else feels, Bangladesh is going for Nuclear power generation. As for bombs, who can tell the future? Can you?

You can build a Hydrogen Bomb for all its worth to me - If Pakistan wasn't brought into the equation by your compatriots none of us would've given a frig about your attempts at making a Bomb !
One word - Narratives !

You can build a Hydrogen Bomb for all its worth to me - If Pakistan wasn't brought into the equation by your compatriots none of us would've given a frig about your attempts at making a Bomb !

Don't tell me narratives, I know what I am talking about, you don't or you are shamelessly lying.

Who brought Pakistan in this? asad71 do not speak for us, nor do I, but you can take a vote here among Bangladeshi's, you will not find many takers for this point of view. Are you kidding me, getting nuke protection from Pakistan, after 1971?

So don't use his loose talks to pile it on our country and people, we will not stand for it.
Please do not propagate myth and this Asad71 or any individual poster do not speak for the whole country. Bangladesh will never ever ask for nuclear protection from Pakistan, 1971 was more than enough "protection" for us.

You guys abused us, your so called Muslim brothers for 25 years, and then when we won the election, instead of handing power to the winners, your brilliant Shia generals (Yahya Khan) with consent from Shia politicians (Bhutto) started killing Bengali origin Army, Police, Border forces etc. on a large scale, that is when Bengali Muslims in East Pakistan revolted and were forced to seek help from India. I have delved into this history enough to know what I am talking about. So spare us your BS and your shameless lies. The fact is you West Pakistanis, "our great Muslim Brothers", betrayed the trust we put on you in 1947.

Regardless of how you or anyone else feels, Bangladesh is going for Nuclear power generation. As for bombs, who can tell the future? Can you?

Still you guys hate India more than Pak...right?? :cheesy:
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