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Bangladesh starts building first nuclear plant

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Dude, I know asad71, he spoke logic. All my responses were directed @ you know who. And I was very clear about them. You sitting quiet? That's what I have been doing for months! I have seen the rants of BD members here against @Armstrong, I have read all the arguments, analyzed them and then decided to interfere. Where have I derailed the thread? I offered real technical knowledge were it was necessary, but then it was also taken out of context. The topic is my field, and as you know me very well, I respond only when I've been instigated and prodded with 10x idiotic rants.

The day I joined this forum, I had no opinion about BD as a whole, however, after seeing the disproportionate and illogical responses of BD members here, I have slowly started to form an opinion.

Furthermore, if I have hurt your sentiments personally, then I do apologize. My target was one individual, who was washing Pakistan en-masse, with blatant one sided historical lies. Therefore it was justified.

Regarding decorum, there is no one who follows the protocol more than me.

@Aeronaut sir please stop them from this derailing threads , its not fair for the bd members


dude this is height of arrogance, & I wont keep quiet anymore its a Bangladeshi thread , even if asad71 said about some sort of a defense deal, it was not in bad taste, in fact he used the word China & Pakistan ,& it was in good light, but still if you dint liked it, then you could have told so in a polite way, also you conveniently ignored the fact, that it was a Pakistani poster by the name of danish falcon something who bought the negative connotation first, but instead you along with Dillinger went full scale trolling which was totally uncalled for, I wonder why the mods kept quite, while you went on derailing the thread,
@jaibi as the jr. think tank chairman shouldn't you put some decorum for jr think tanks to behave, so that they don't derail thread ? after all this is not naswar corner

@Armstrong bro, control your emotions, not everything are related to 71, you know it clearly, that if there are people who are anti pak in bd, then there are also people who are also Pakistan friendly ,so why alienate them for the posts of the others by doing that you re only hurting the feelings of those who wants Pakistan/Bangladesh friendly relations is it fair ? ,wouldn't it be better to just ignore this section if you find it difficult to distinguish between friends & foes & in the bargain risk losing the friends for the foes think about it bro
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@Aeronaut, @Oscar, there is no derailment in process. Lock this thread down and go comment by comment. Only derailment taking place is the idiotic rants of three members. I have offered various "real" technical comments, however, it resulted in personal attacks.

All of you are well aware, I don't pull a NaswarCorner on other threads. Everything belongs in it's rightful place.

@genmirajborgza786, as for you, go stepwise from the beginning, and let's analyze where it went haywire?
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@Aeronaut sir please stop them from this derailing of threads , its not fair for the bd members

@Loki take this issue of derailing of threads in the GHQ section, seriously this needs to stop, talk about it to @Aeronaut sir or @Oscar sir they will help you out


dude this is height of arrogance, & I wont keep quiet anymore its a Bangladeshi thread , even if asad71 said about some sort of a defense deal, it was not in bad taste, in fact he used the word China & Pakistan ,& it was in good light, but still if you dint liked it, then you could have told so in a polite way, also you conveniently ignored the fact, that it was a Pakistani poster by the name of danish falcon something who bought the negative connotation first, but instead you along with Dillinger went full scale trolling which was totally uncalled for, I wonder why the mods kept quite, while you went on derailing the thread,
@jaibi as the jr. think tank chairman shouldn't you put some decorum for jr think tanks to behave, so that they don't derail thread ? after all this is not naswar corner

@Armstrong bro, control your emotions, not everything are related to 71, you know it clearly, that if there are people who are anti pak in bd, then there are also people who are also Pakistan friendly ,so why alienate them for the posts of the others by doing that you re only hurting the feelings of those who wants Pakistan/Bangladesh friendly relations is it fair ? ,wouldn't it be better to just ignore this section if you find it difficult to distinguish between friends & foes & in the bargain risk losing the friends for the foes think about it bro

Can you please point out where I was trolling on the thread. Yes, there was incredulity expressed, only because of the fallacies that abound in this thread. Can you please pick out one poster who provided relevant technical details other than me and @Hyperion. From the very basic outlining of rules regarding reprocessing to the process of reprocessing itself, to the distinction between reprocessing and enrichment and their relevance and place in a nuclear weapons program as opposed to a power plant. The fact is that the posters here, sans ANY technical knowledge (and I am not referring to in depth process knowledge of the materials, physics and chemistry involved but rather a broad outline), have been propagating such laughable ideas that someone needs to step in and disabuse them of their notions which fly in the face of established facts.
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I honestly do not know what happened here; I just came because you tagged me.

Yes, we do have a decorum for Jr. TTs but we have it for all members. As far as I can see from the thread so far, it seems that the thread has become derailed. Hyperion does have a right to his opinion and I believe that his frank attitude offended you. However, I can clearly see some Indian members also 'trolling' in your thread. Why don't you ask your moderator @Loki to ask the WebMaster to enable him to control all the posts in the BD section? Like we do in the Senior's section?

Frankly once a thread goes troll there is no saving it and Armstrong and Hyperion are not truly to blame for that. Hyper apologised if the offended you and I think so would Arm; no body meant to offend. It's truly a jurisdiction of your mod @Loki and he would be the ultimate authority here, in my view.

Hope it helps.
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Whats wrong with Bangladeshis of pdf? They build a boat and say next year aircraft carrier. Assemble a primitive satellite which is to be launched by another country and say next year spy satellite. Develop a java app and say we are IT power. And now they bring in Russia to build a Nuclear plant and say nuclear bomb and what not. Damn!

They never assembled the sat,that was built by an US company.
Don't tell me narratives, I know what I am talking about, you don't or you are shamelessly lying.

Who brought Pakistan in this? asad71 do not speak for us, nor do I, but you can take a vote here among Bangladeshi's, you will not find many takers for this point of view. Are you kidding me, getting nuke protection from Pakistan, after 1971?

So don't use his loose talks to pile it on our country and people, we will not stand for it.

You don't know the meaning of the word 'narratives' do you ?

At any rate was I quoting other Bangladeshis that you felt compelled to jump in & call my counter-assertion to his initial assertion as being loose talk ?
1.First of all, it is being doubted if India at all possess any atomic weapon. Even if she does it is reported to be raddi / kabari ka ma'al.It is feared this might poof off at the launching pad itself!!

You are really funny...:omghaha: :omghaha:

I honestly do not know what happened here; I just came because you tagged me.

Yes, we do have a decorum for Jr. TTs but we have it for all members. As far as I can see from the thread so far, it seems that the thread has become derailed. Hyperion does have a right to his opinion and I believe that his frank attitude offended you. However, I can clearly see some Indian members also 'trolling' in your thread. Why don't you ask your moderator @Loki to ask the WebMaster to enable him to control all the posts in the BD section? Like we do in the Senior's section?

Frankly once a thread goes troll there is no saving it and Armstrong and Hyperion are not truly to blame for that. Hyper apologised if the offended you and I think so would Arm; no body meant to offend. It's truly a jurisdiction of your mod @Loki and he would be the ultimate authority here, in my view.

Hope it helps.

thank bro, the reason why I did not mention the Indians is because they are not my concerns, I want to see friendly ties among pak & bd member, & I have worked very hard for it, so from a diplomatic angle ,it would suit the Pakistani interest vis-à-vis bd , for me to try to refrain the Pakistani side, as it can generate an atmosphere of goodwill to the bd members

by the way bro, I m not a Bangladeshi & its not my section
I am a bihari or muhajir ( second generation stranded Pakistani & a proud Pakistani & a proud Canadian
its just that while many of my relatives went to Karachi, I happened to settled abroad )
keeping in mind Pakistan's interest along with Canada's

hope this helps

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@Armstrong bro, control your emotions, not everything are related to 71, you know it clearly, that if there are people who are anti pak in bd, then there are also people who are also Pakistan friendly ,so why alienate them for the posts of the others by doing that you re only hurting the feelings of those who wants Pakistan/Bangladesh friendly relations is it fair ? ,wouldn't it be better to just ignore this section if you find it difficult to distinguish between friends & foes & in the bargain risk losing the friends for the foes think about it bro

The only friends that I consider in Bangladesh are the Stranded Pakistanis that my Government threw to the butchers for slaughter & continue to do so even 40 years after the event !

The only Bengalis I consider as my friends, nay brothers are the ones who are Pakistanis !

That said there is no talk of alienation from my part - Pakistan will not be party to any ludicrous notions of a Nuclear Umbrella over Bangladesh when we owe that country & its people - Nothing ! And that is all that I was replying too ! I did not quote a single Bangladeshi other than ones who brought Pakistan into this !

May God Bless Bangladesh & the Bangladeshis but frankly I don't give a foOk either way !
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Well, most of your statements aren't incorrect in theory. And yes, training is included. But what kind of training exactly? Specifics would be helpful.

However, that last part will never happen. Who will lead? Those two nincompoops? :omghaha:

Bangladesh cannot afford sanctions either.

Iran for example is a far more advanced nation than Bangladesh (or any South Asian country for that matter, and just look at the difficulties they are going through by just enriching weapon-standard uranium.

Bangladesh as a nation simply isn't in that position to join the nuclear weapon club. It'll never happen. Not even in the year 3000.

You are wrong,Iran is far behind India & Pakistan in nuclear research.
That's a wonderful thought, I assumed you were Bangladeshi, I will take it up with whom I can but at the end people have their own opinions and perspectives so I cannot guarantee anything.

thank bro, the reason why I did not mention the Indians is because they are not my concerns, I want to see friendly ties among pak & bd member, & I have worked very hard for it, so from a diplomatic angle ,it would suit the Pakistani interest vis-à-vis bd , for me to try to refrain the Pakistani side, as it can generate an atmosphere of goodwill to the bd member

by the way bro, I m not a Bangladeshi & its not my section
I am a bihari or muhajir ( second generation stranded Pakistani & a proud Pakistani & a proud Canadian
its just that while many of my relatives went to Karachi, I happened to settled abroad )
You are a Pakistani bro. One of our own. I only engage people when they target Pakistan, repeatedly!

thank bro, the reason why I did not mention the Indians is because they are not my concerns, I want to see friendly ties among pak & bd member, & I have worked very hard for it, so from a diplomatic angle ,it would suit the Pakistani interest vis-à-vis bd , for me to try to refrain the Pakistani side, as it can generate an atmosphere of goodwill to the bd member

by the way bro, I m not a Bangladeshi & its not my section
I am a bihari or muhajir ( second generation stranded Pakistani & a proud Pakistani & a proud Canadian
its just that while many of my relatives went to Karachi, I happened to settled abroad )
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