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Bangladesh refuses Indian transhipment to Tripura

Its pretty amusing to see that a frog at the bottom of the well is calling others coward & slave. :disagree: A coward is one who is afraid of facing truth likes to live as a slave like @Hammerfist. Some one who lives ignorantly & cheers border killings shouldn't have the nerve to give other's inferiority complex tag. Hujuke awamiliguers like U , who don't know jack about this countries history shouldn't go on giving doses of patriotism to others. :)

As for your Europe and S.asia comparison, its another one of your ignorant ramblings like the one with russian arms but this one displaying a far lower level of naivety & intellect. I guess U R giving brainfarts of EU model which doesn't make rationale sense in S.asia case:

-Europe don't have a lone shark like India surrounded by smaller fishes. They have a multi-polar power structure.

- No single country in Europe is so overwhelmingly large as India interms of economy, Military & population & territorial size.

- Their multipolar power structure allows them to have semblance of equality.

- They have a commonality in religion & culture unlike S.asia. Religion influences culture. Pagan society & a muslim society is fundamentally different. No point brainlessly calling me fundamentalist, but even on socio economic front EU happened due to similarity in Social norms.

- SL , being a small country with pagan culture won't go into S.asian EU due to the economic disparity & cultural autonomy they have.

- Want to have a S.asian EU? Then first have some Bangladeshi tatas & Mahindras and build up a strong army otherwise don't fart like an idiot.DO U have the normal ability comprehend what would happen to PAK, BD, SL & Nepal economy if EU like system occurs?

- They equate Corridor with Testa. While teesta is our right , corridor is not their right. But Morons like U parrot the same lines.

- Other than sell out slave mentality morons no one would argue about connectivity with India & EU like system.

With what lenses do U see India as a good neighboor inface of their current track record & given their history of backing terrorist, intervention in BD's affairs & water terrorism. Have U forgotten Pilkkhana already? Or do U even know what that is?:pop:
I don't support killing nor do i support smuggling.

Now let me answer your stupid posts point by point.
- Did you read my post? where i did i mention we should become like EU system? fix your eyes. I was pointing out that they put out their differences and started cooperating in trade. In every post you make stupid comments which have no relation to my original post.
- So you are saying that you are inferior to Indians? thank you, atleast you admit that you have inferiority complex. No wonder youa re paranoid.
- China-India, India-Israel, Bangladesh-China trade. Admit it, you don't want to any relation with India because you think you/they are superior. I repeat i didn't ask for Eu system, i was pointing out mr Tom cruise's(DGFI MBI Munshi) post where he said that we should go for divorce with India completely. Don't open your mouth before reading all the posts, since it only farts stupidity.
- No one is asking for EU system, thats what you assumed because perhaps you have comprehension problem. What you understand is your fault, not mine
- Man you guys are f*cked up, just in the other thread, you guys were whining like little kids against the Procurement of Russian weapons and now here you are asking for a strong army. As for tata mahindra, they will be coming shortly but again no one is asking for EU style partnership.
- Why did we refuse to give them transit(this thread's headline)? if they don't give us our fair share, we will refuse their proposals too but to idiots like you and some other guys in this thread, this is a conspiracy by aliens from Mars.
- You are an idiot and stupid, that you proved already. Why do you need to be a slave to have good relations with your neighbours? Chinese are slaves to India too then right? i'm afraid, this is the level of your intelligence.

When did i say India is a good neighbour? They are constantly bullying us but where did i even mention of them being good neighbours. You call me dalal while i am against Indian agression and not India unlike you. You say that i advocate ki.lling while you are cheering for the core of this killing. You give me an elaborate explanation about how SA can't be like EU whereas i didn't even ask for us to be like them. You read what youw ant to read and you assume what you want to assume and then you start ranting like a whiny little b****
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You still having the same old wet dream Munshi? Bangladesh can't lock-in shyte.

You guys are minuscule, both militarily and diplomatically, compared to India. India won't even have to fire a bullet to destroy Bangladesh, just open up the sluice gates at Farakka during the monsoon season and half your country will be floating in the Bay of Bengal.

That was an idiotic comment.

The Farakka gates stay open in the monsoon MR. EINSTEIN. The issue was and is about the closure of the gates in the dry or winter season.
@ animelive U said this :lol: :
No wonder Europe grew so fast whereas idiots in Asia were full of their self proclaimed courage.

Don't mold asia's case along with BD's. They R marching ahead unlike us. I have seen U & hammer harping about corridor/connectivity & economic union. Your statement comparing EU & Asia can be taken in that account otherwise why bring such illogical dumb comparison. Its not our fault nor hypothetical asian fault that India is bullying us & demanding corridor, so why try to dilute India's share of faults & responsibility by bringing irrelevant Asia into the your brain fart out of no where? Divorce with India for about 1 decade won't hurt us one bit and make sense when U take Indian atrocities into consideration.

As for corridor fart, is it cancelled yet? I will applaud BAL ,if the whole deal on corridor is published for expert review & cancelled subsequently. Has the work on the project stooped?

As for inferiority complex, U R the first idiot who labelled me with such preposterous crap. I don't applaud for BSF killing, cheer on corridor deal in the guise of connectivity and harp about non-existant mutual interest between 2 fundamentally dissimilar neighboors.

Chinese are slaves to India too then right?

Another brainless comparison like irrelevant Asia=EU. It seems U consider our country's political scenario being similar to powers like India/china's. Na jaina na buiza lafano, khudro moner hypocrites der shobab. A trait U proved to have in all your posts.
@ animelive U said this :lol: :

Don't mold asia's case along with BD's. They R marching ahead unlike us. I have seen U & hammer harping about corridor/connectivity & economic union. Your statement comparing EU & Asia can be taken in that account otherwise why bring such illogical dumb comparison. Its not our fault nor hypothetical asian fault that India is bullying us & demanding corridor, so why try to dilute India's share of faults & responsibility by bringing irrelevant Asia into the your brain fart out of no where? Divorce with India for about 1 decade won't hurt us one bit and make sense when U take Indian atrocities into consideration.

As for corridor fart, is it cancelled yet? I will applaud BAL ,if the whole deal on corridor is published for expert review & cancelled subsequently. Has the work on the project stooped?

As for inferiority complex, U R the first idiot who labelled me with such preposterous crap. I don't applaud for BSF killing, cheer on corridor deal in the guise of connectivity and harp about non-existant mutual interest between 2 fundamentally dissimilar neighboors.

Another brainless comparison like irrelevant Asia=EU. It seems U consider our country's political scenario being similar to powers like India/china's. Na jaina na buiza lafano, khudro moner hypocrites der shobab. A trait U proved to have in all your posts.

Why not mold Asia's case with BD? we don't have any extraordinary issues that cannot be solved via diplomacy. Maybe not in BAL reign. Nor is it an illogical dumb comparison, it is just the path which would benefit us. Now yes, Indian Government are idiotic and bully us alot but their demanding of corridor isn't their fault, they need to feed their people. They refused us of electricity transit and we did the same for theirs but people who find out conspiracy out of this can't be reasoned with. You ask if the deal is cancelled yet and assume that this may be resumed(it might) but on what basis do you say that there is connectivity in disguise of this? You are always assuming and assuming, but if you want to do a sincere discussion, then post facts n the current news.

Ok are you dumb? again you are assuming that i cheer for BSF killing, quote one line where i did. Please feel free to do so as i know it is probably another of your stupid assumptions. Just because i don't want smuggling doesn't mean that i am ok with the killings. Don't blame me on your comprehension problems. The rest of your paragraph is crap and doesn't have a base on support of it but you are proving to be another paranoid fanatic like idune. Also, it wasn't me who was calling the Indians superior.

As for the last part, i was pointing out your stupid cultural norm post on EU. It doesn't take you to be of same religion/culture/ideology to have a healthy trade. That doesn't make you a slave. Funny thing, all my posts were based on facts while your posts are stupid unproved conspiracy theories with no base to your claims. But then again, i am getting used to your stupid posts these days. idune has made you into a great fanatic.
Oh by the way you use a Kuwait flag so even according to your own opinion you are not fully a Bangladeshi ..... That is stupidity right there .... :hitwall:
sir, i am here to troll .... so here is my question,
the hitman on ur avatar is bangladeshi ?????:welcome: to reality.
That was an idiotic comment.

The Farakka gates stay open in the monsoon MR. EINSTEIN. The issue was and is about the closure of the gates in the dry or winter season.

Sigh, Bangladeshi government better start paying me soon, for I have been educating PDF Bangladeshis for the past two years!

The gates can be opened whenever we want to. It can be timed with flood peak in the rivers, usually the opening of the gates is scheduled to avoid the flood peak, imagine the disaster it would cause if opened during flood peak.

Soon India will have dams on all your major rivers, imagine the havoc a simultaneous "emergency" release would cause downstream.

Look at this unfortunate incident for example,

September 2000:

Emergency releases from at least four dams in West Bengal add to floods that cross the border into Bangladesh, killing more than a thousand. [BBC]

In a 1995 study of 25 Indian dams, World Bank engineers calculated the amount of water that the dams should have been able to release at the height of a flood. In each case, they found the expected floods were greater than those that the dams had been built to discharge over their spillways - two could only cope with one seventh of the expected peak discharge. Furthermore, dam managers often leave it too late to make emergency releases of water at times of very high rainfall and exceptional river flows. This is because their primary purpose is to generate hydroelectricity and provide water for cities, as well as preventing flooding down stream. However as the reservoir overfills they are forced to make releases of water that are far greater and more sudden than flows that would have occurred during the natural river flooding.

Dams accused of role in flooding: Research Paper: "Dams and Floods" | ReliefWeb
................ and you are female yoga teacher? Good avatar for a defence forum! :offtopic:
i didnt point to the kuwaiti flag and questioned animelive 's nationality.... u did sir.
anyhow my question wasn't rhetorical so how about an answer there......or you are too proud ????:azn:
i didnt point to the kuwaiti flag and questioned animelive 's nationality.... u did sir.
anyhow my question wasn't rhetorical so how about an answer there......or you are too proud ????:azn:

animelive pointed to the flag of several other members and so I pointed out his flag .....
animelive pointed to the flag of several other members and so I pointed out his flag .....

How did you become a think tank? scroll over the right flag and see what it says. LOCATION flag. Now if you have no idea what that means, i believe there are alot of online dictionaries these days. Then again, let me educate you a bit. Location usually represents the area you are living in. Now, Msaint and zakir changed their COUNTRY flags to America so no point in calling them Bangladeshi. There, i even wasted my precious time on your stupid post, Mr. Cruise.
Transhipment "on humanitarian ground" that is shameless indian deception becauase

1) india can send the cargo through its own land without transshipment. Just like india had been doing for ages.
2) indian intention to exploit is clearly visible.

India again seeks transhipment of food grains thru’ Ashuganj

Published : Monday, 04 February 2013

Neighbouring India has again sought transhipment facility through the Ashuganj port to transport 10,000 tonnes of food grains from Paschimbanga to Tripura on humanitarian ground, officials said Sunday.

Following India's request the Ministry of Shipping (MoS) has sought opinions from the ministries of commerce, foreign affairs and communication, and the National Board of Revenue (NBR) whether the transhipment facility can be offered or not.

Full Report:
Financial Express :: Financial Newspaper of Bangladesh
1. Munshi has derailed this thread with immature behaviour, insults and name-calling. To all mainstream Bangladeshis please ignore him and his attempts to sabotage this thread.

2. Notice how the other Jamatis here personally insult me and mention me by name, whereas I always ignore them (I literally have them on ignore as I do not want to waste time reading their posts and personal insults).

3. Jamatis fundamentally believe and wish for an epic Hindu-Muslim war in the north-east of the subcontinent et la Zaid Hamid and his Ghazwa e Hindi, so therefore they will use any opportunity to attack India but have no genuine desire to resolve any issues with the aforementioned nation, as their long term programe is ideally a war with India.

Therefore the Jamati mind concludes that any Bangladeshi who expresses his desire to live in peace and have normal relations, with all bi-lateral problems resolved must be put under Jamati attack and labelled "pro-Indian".

The Jamati strategy is by calling such mainstream Bangladeshis (Jamat got 4.7% of the votes in Bangladesh....:lol:

95% of Bangladeshis did not vote for this extremist party and Bangladeshi Hindus alone are 9% of the population) as pro-India or dalals or India-lovers or other such insults that the Bangladeshi will then seek to defend himself by engaging in anti-Indianism to allay any suspicions planted on him by Jamatis.

Anyway Jamatis are a joke with their 4.7% of the votes and their leaders in prison so we should not spend much time talking about this irrelevant but annoying extremist organization.

Going back to the topic:

I would appreciate the views of experienced mainstream Bangladeshis (mainstream as they do not come from the 4.7% Jamati section of the Bangladeshi nation but the overwhelmingly 95%+ non-Jamati majority) such as Eastwatch and others because they have a more objective opinion and analysis onn things, being critical of both the BNP and Awami League.

a: The Awami League has not given India transit and will definitely not do so.

b: The BNP-Jamati coalition set to come to power next year will not do so either.

c: This measure by the GOB must have been in reaction to some Indian act which displeased our government, i.e. a form of retaliation for something, I want to know for precisely what.

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