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Bangladesh Poses Bigger Challenge To India Than Pakistan: Union Minister Hansraj Ahir

to bangladesh:
SOooooooo Big POST ! ! ! !:lol:

Bangladeshis can only every talk about how big everything else is compared to what they used to :D

A good hobby, we see it all the time when you come to do your tourist pilgrimage to Kolkata. @Rain Man has some fun stories hehe.
Ask the Japanese or the South Koreans. Do you want to see BD going South Korea way or North Korea way?
Our economy is not so small like north korea(20 billion usd) that we have to gear entire economy to army to become militarily powerful.What I am saying is obviously South Korean way.If we were spend 3 percent of GDP on defence like South Korea than it would have been 7.5 billion dollar for this year. This is equivalent to the defence spending of Egypt, Indonesia or Pakistan.All 3 are militarily capable state.What I want, is to take Bangladesh to the level of Egypt or Indonesia. Discussion about north korea is unwanted here.
Was not a priority issue, there were 100's of way more important things to fix (and much better lower hanging fruit at federal level too). But now that those have been fixed, or are in the process of doing so etc this gets bumped up the list with time and the pressure/reminder from this minister is welcome....you seem to not understand how delegation/prioritisation works in the Indian political set up....not everything is done at federal level all the time and all together.

The state level at Assam is where BJP is working hard on this issue (and that broadens into N.E)...and BJP needed to win the state first. Similar to much other economic reforms and policy, state control is needed by BJP. We need that done comprehensively first so something is actually realised when federal bureaucracy + leadership invests political capital into it....which can certainly be around the corner (given BD election cycle), lets see.

Over time yes we need a much better federal security apparatus with eye on illegal immigration like ICE in the US. But that will take time to build up in India institutionally (UIDAI has just commenced and needs to build up its credibilty), right now its important to experiment with what works best in setting up the precedent for later.
Your internal matters don't interest me. Do whatever you want in Assam.
For BD part, 2018 election will be very peaceful by BD standard. Specially compared to 2014 one.
BNP will swiftly move on to be the main opposition party winning close to 100 seats. AL and it's partner will get 200. Status quo will be reinstalled. BNP might even get some ministries. AL have been giving some ministries to opposition parties too. Good politics. And good democracy.

She is playing right into polarisation politics, and thats going to be her downfall...it happened in other states over time too. I credit her with bringing down the commies, but she is just a transition stage till BJP sweeps there too....because time is running out for her to deliver to the W. Bengali electorate past the identity politics (which are diminishing in importance at a furious rate these days as we saw in UP).

She is quite friendly to Bangladeshi illegals too (given they vote overwhelmingly for her), so when she is gone and there is a state coordination in dealing with that issue it will probably have a precedent from Assam on how to do it best.
Good for you. She has been very inti-BD govt. Kick her out. The ones you call illegals will be staying where they are and where they belong. But more importantly, how does the illegals vote? Anyone setting foot in India can vote in elections, right away?
BDR got replaced quite bloodily by BGB for a similar reason....
India had something to do with it? Or you are gonna take credit for things like road accidents in BD as well?
Our economy is not so small like north korea(20 billion usd) that we have to gear entire economy to army to become militarily powerful.What I am saying is obviously South Korean way.If we were spend 3 percent of GDP on defence like South Korea than it would have been 7.5 billion dollar for this year. This is equivalent to the defence spending of Egypt, Indonesia or Pakistan.All 3 are militarily capable state.What I want, is to take Bangladesh to the level of Egypt or Indonesia. Discussion about north korea is unwanted here.
Having a military equivalent to Egypt or Pakistan without nukes won't be threatening to India. We need to be prepared. So that when the time comes we can build them very quickly.
You have suggested plenty of policies, can't cherry pick just one thread. Pretty much every member has. This is all part of the discussion.

Was not a priority issue, there were 100's of way more important things to fix (and much better lower hanging fruit at federal level too). But now that those have been fixed, or are in the process of doing so etc this gets bumped up the list with time and the pressure/reminder from this minister is welcome....you seem to not understand how delegation/prioritisation works in the Indian political set up....not everything is done at federal level all the time and all together.

The state level at Assam is where BJP is working hard on this issue (and that broadens into N.E)...and BJP needed to win the state first. Similar to much other economic reforms and policy, state control is needed by BJP. We need that done comprehensively first so something is actually realised when federal bureaucracy + leadership invests political capital into it....which can certainly be around the corner (given BD election cycle), lets see.

Over time yes we need a much better federal security apparatus with eye on illegal immigration like ICE in the US. But that will take time to build up in India institutionally (UIDAI has just commenced and needs to build up its credibilty), right now its important to experiment with what works best in setting up the precedent for later.

She is playing right into polarisation politics, and thats going to be her downfall...it happened in other states over time too. I credit her with bringing down the commies, but she is just a transition stage till BJP sweeps there too....because time is running out for her to deliver to the W. Bengali electorate past the identity politics (which are diminishing in importance at a furious rate these days as we saw in UP).

She is quite friendly to Bangladeshi illegals too (given they vote overwhelmingly for her), so when she is gone and there is a state coordination in dealing with that issue it will probably have a precedent from Assam on how to do it best.

We will do something half-way between most likely for now. First we need 2018 to play out a bit and how much we can extract (political capital) from what we invested into SHW. Documentation does not figure into this because no BD illegal keeps documentation (its the first thing they destroy) on hand, rather they acquire Indian one to try claw some status there. Hence why Assam set up specific tribunals. BD recognition of it does not really figure into it, you are not a cooperating entity on the issue, hence we will try smooth it through SHW first, if not, so be it....BDR got replaced quite bloodily by BGB for a similar reason....we will conduct a few more of those to create and sustain bullet-enforced one way deportation routes in the border. BGB lets the BSF operate with pretty much total impunity as it is, it wont be a big stretch anyway...just worth letting SHW agree/allow (even tacitly) first before the stick has to come out.

First we need not so hostile Supreme court who can handle 'Secular' Activist lawyers. NRC draft has been delayed once again till July next year let's hope Modi will fulfill this one promise.
Bangladeshis can only every talk about how big everything else is compared to what they used to :D

A good hobby, we see it all the time when you come to do your tourist pilgrimage to Kolkata. @Rain Man has some fun stories hehe.

What @BDforever the citizen of a microscopic country is saying?
He knows conditions better than us guys. Just wait 20 years and see the peace between India and Pakistan and the new rivalry between India and bangladesh ( the original grave place of India, the birth place of Pakistan!) !
He knows conditions better than us guys. Just wait 20 years and see the peace between India and Pakistan and the new rivalry between India and bangladesh ( the original grave place of India, the birth place of Pakistan!) !

Rivalry?? India? With Bangladesh?? Whoa!! :P

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