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Bangladesh Poses Bigger Challenge To India Than Pakistan: Union Minister Hansraj Ahir

Pakistan's economic slowing down is not so much for military budget but war on terror and bad economic policy.We are not going to join American war on terror nor we have Afghanistan and Kashmir.So Pakistan like misfortune is not possibility.Many successful countries spend 3-4 percent of their GDP in defence and still maintained high growth. Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan all spent heavily on military and still grown rapidly. Pakistan also spend just 3.0-3.5 of their GDP on defence and maintaining conventional military balance with India.We don't have to acquire same level of arsenal of Pakistan.Due to our smaller logistic and the fact that, bharat has to keep bulk of it's force in Kashmir, western side and China border, we can maintain an effective deterrence force much smaller in size than Pakistan.If we can acquire half of the military might of Pakistan than it will be enough for us.
It's alright to spend 3-4% of GDP on defence. But how can you be sure that it will deter India? India has nukes and we don't. That assures that they will win a war against us. Thus they get arrogant and does what they do at India-BD border. In case of emergency they can keep all of their force in China and Pak border and still nuke us. In other words what ever happens we can't win. And it's us who can't afford a war with them. And it makes them arrogant. We can have 100 of aircraft carriers and we still won't be able to threaten them and they will continue to do what they does. South Korea still face danger from NK and Taiwan still does from China. Look little NK can threaten SK. And SK doesn't really respond. And they have American base.

Perhaps having a Chinese base in BD would give us better security against India. But I am totally against having foreign bases in BD land or Sea. It can bite us back.

And Pakistan did lose a lot economically. They are seen very negatively around the world. They had went through sanctions. Their exports and forex reserves are in shambles. And we have a Burma on one side which is hardly any better than Afghanistan. Neither we have a China like Pakistan does.

We have an India in one side and a Burma in another side.

Homo Sapiens said:
Nuke is not a short term goal. Before that we have to build a powerful conventional force and economy as well as strategic, military partnership with muslim countries, than we can think about nukes.

And the truth is, Pakistan didn't have to eat grass.They maintained same type of economic growth like India or current Bangladesh up to few years ago and had better living standard than bharat.They had determination and succeeded. What's wrong if we have same kind of determination to build a strong armed forces with or without nukes? If there is a will, there is a way.
Can you deter India with a conventional force? Because in the end of the day of things go badly for them, they can nuke us and we can't do anything about it.

They didn't had to eat grass. Because they were in a better position than BD or India when they started. If we try to build nukes we'll face sanctions. We might even face invasion. And if we manage to build it, by that time our economy will go down. We'll see India, Pak, Myanmar far ahead of us. Are we willing to face the same consequences? Pakistan faced it and went ahead. Because they had the resolve. Which is very commendable. But do we have the same resolve?

And you didn't answer my last part. Are you wiling to have India as an enemy?
No offense - but if I saw him alone, I would've figured this mlecch chandala looking guy was an auto-rickshaw driver. How do these semi-educated people get appointed to ministerial posts? No qualifications needed?

Mlechha chandal?

Interesting reversion to type.
It's alright to spend 3-4% of GDP on defence. But how can you be sure that it will deter India? India has nukes and we don't. That assures that they will win a war against us. Thus they get arrogant and does what they do at India-BD border. In case of emergency they can keep all of their force in China and Pak border and still nuke us. In other words what ever happens we can't win. And it's us who can't afford a war with them. And it makes them arrogant. We can have 100 of aircraft carriers and we still won't be able to threaten them and they will continue to do what they does. South Korea still face danger from NK and Taiwan still does from China. Look little NK can threaten SK. And SK doesn't really respond. And they have American base.

Perhaps having a Chinese base in BD would give us better security against India. But I am totally against having foreign bases in BD land or Sea. It can bite
Thus they get arrogant and does what they do at India-BD border. In case of emergency they can keep all of their force in China and Pak border and still nuke us.

us back.

And Pakistan did lose a lot economically. They are seen very negatively around the world. They had went through sanctions. Their exports and forex reserves are in shambles. And we have a Burma on one side which is hardly any better than Afghanistan. Neither we have a China like Pakistan does.

We have an India in one side and a Burma in another side.

Can you deter India with a conventional force? Because in the end of the day of things go badly for them, they can nuke us and we can't do anything about it.

They didn't had to eat grass. Because they were in a better position than BD or India when they started. If we try to build nukes we'll face sanctions. We might even face invasion. And if we manage to build it, by that time our economy will go down. We'll see India, Pak, Myanmar far ahead of us. Are we willing to face the same consequences? Pakistan faced it and went ahead. Because they had the resolve. Which is very commendable. But do we have the same resolve?
You have misunderstood the meaning of deterrence.Deterrence is not about fighting the enemy till last breath and win.It is about denying the enemy an easy win or giving a bloody nose so that he doesn't dare to initiate hostility.
Thus they get arrogant and does what they do at India-BD border. In case of emergency they can keep all of their force in China and Pak border and still nuke us
Using nuke is not so easy.India has no first use policy and India will face a tremendous international backlash if it use nukes to any non nuclear state in a conventional war.
And it makes them arrogant. We can have 100 of aircraft carriers and we still won't be able to threaten them and they will continue to do what they does.
Come on! Don't be so hopeless.
We can have 100 of aircraft carriers and we still won't be able to threaten them and they will continue to do what they does. South Korea still face danger from NK and Taiwan still does from China. Look little NK can threaten SK. And SK doesn't really respond. And they have American base.
Now switch north korea with Bangladesh and South Korea and USA with India.
And Pakistan did lose a lot economically. They are seen very negatively around the world. They had went through sanctions. Their exports and forex reserves are in shambles. And we have a Burma on one side which is hardly any better than Afghanistan. Neither we have a China like Pakistan does.
Pakistan's ill repute is due to Islamic extremism, not for their powerful armed forces or nuclear weapon.If anything, Pakistan get a lot of respect in the world due to those two.Pakistan's forex and export are mainly due to bad economic policy.They are a consumption driven economy and a lot of that consumption comes from import.Which caused problem.
. And we have a Burma on one side which is hardly any better than Afghanistan.
This again necessitate a strong armed forces.Appeasing burma and india willl not take you to anywhere.Are you willing to bear day to day humiliation and bullying forever by burma and india? Rather take the course like Pakistan has taken and live by raising your head high.
Neither we have a China like Pakistan does.
This is up to us whether we like to build a relationship with China like Pakistan.China will absolutely love to have a second Pakistan on eastern side of India.
Can you deter India with a conventional force? Because in the end of the day of things go badly for them, they can nuke us and we can't do anything about it.
Again you are going to extreme situation.Modern warfare don't go that stage.India Pakistan fought four war and each of them ended in a ceasefire except 1971 eastern theatre.
They didn't had to eat grass. Because they were in a better position than BD or India when they started. If we try to build nukes we'll face sanctions. We might even face invasion. And if we manage to build it, by that time our economy will go down. We'll see India, Pak, Myanmar far ahead of us. Are we willing to face the same consequences?
Fortune favors the bold.Bangladesh will be in a much better position in 2040-2050 than Pakistan in 1980s for building nuclear weapon.Western sanction will not have any sharp tooth unless Bangladesh take the course of Iran and threaten Israel to wipe out from the map or declare USA as a great satan.You can get away with nuclear weapon if you have pro western govt.
But do we have the same resolve?
Don't the situation demand that type of resolve?
And you didn't answer my last part. Are you wiling to have India as an enemy?
No, I don't want to see India as an enemy, but we have to be prepare for any eventuality.bharati minister is talking this type of words when they have got the friendliest govt. in the world in BD. Whether we consider them enemy or not they can escalate things at any time and will continue to bully and insult one way or another.Just yesterday they have killed a Bangladeshi youth in the border.Do you think, this type of things happen between two friendly countries?

Again I am saying you the proverb 'fortune favors the bold.' If you are not willing to face any hardship, not willing to take any risk, then how you will change your current miserable condition?
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You have misunderstood the meaning of deterrence.Deterrence is not about fighting the enemy till last breath and win.It is about denying the enemy an easy win or giving a bloody nose so that he doesn't dare to initiate hostility.

Using nuke is not so easy.India has no first use policy and India will face a tremendous international backlash if it use nukes to any non nuclear state in a conventional war.

Come on! Don't be so hopeless.

Now switch north korea with Bangladesh and South Korea and USA with India.

Pakistan's ill repute is due to Islamic extremism, not for their powerful armed forces or nuclear weapon.If anything, Pakistan get a lot of respect in the world due to those two.Pakistan's forex and export are mainly due to bad economic policy.They are a consumption driven economy and a lot of that consumption comes from import.Which caused problem.

This again necessitate a strong armed forces.Appeasing burma and india willl not take you to anywhere.Are you willing to bear day to day humiliation and bullying forever by burma and india? Rather take the course like Pakistan has taken and live by raising your head high.

This is up to us whether we like to build a relationship with China like Pakistan.China will absolutely love to have a second Pakistan on eastern side of India.

Again you are going to extreme situation.Modern warfare don't go that stage.India Pakistan fought four war and each of them ended in a ceasefire except 1971 eastern theatre.

Fortune favors the bold.Bangladesh will be in a much better position in 2040-2050 than Pakistan in 1980s for building nuclear weapon.Western sanction will not have any sharp tooth unless Bangladesh take the course of Iran and threaten Israel to wipe out from the map or declare USA as a great satan.You can get away with nuclear weapon if you have pro western govt.

Don't the situation demand that type of resolve?

No, I don't want to see India as an enemy, but we have to be prepare for any eventuality.bharati minister is talking this type of words when they have got the friendliest govt. in the world in BD. Whether we consider them enemy or not they can escalate things at any time and will continue to bully and insult one way or another.Just yesterday they have killed a Bangladeshi youth in the border.Do you think, this type of things happen between two friendly countries?

Again I am saying you the proverb 'fortune favors the bold.' If you are not willing to face any hardship, not willing to take any risk, then how you will change your current miserable condition?

Pakistan's PPP per capita is still ahead than BD by $1500-1000 despite building JF-17's and cruise missiles. So it's certainly possible
Good statement. Now get BSF to increase its quota of BD wastes of oxygen to send to hell. Its been ok so far on daily basis, but it can be improved big time.

The border has to be fully under its thumb before the illegals are shoved back en masse (and door/fence closed behind them) to where they came from ....when BD is busy killing themselves in the upcoming election cycle (all avenues to fund BNP resistance and BAL overreach should be increased to the maximum for interest of chaos+population control that is in best interests to get BD ppl to live within their own borders only).

Assam itself has many thousands ready (sequestered in tribunal camps) to be deluged back into BD....while the BD brayers here talk about "nukes"/"increased mil spending"/"BD govt is friendliest" and whatever other fantasies strike their disconsolate butthurt heads. It's good to operationalise reality on ground by using the buffer fantasy offers in airheads....and just recycle their tears as needed while they retreat further into their echo chamber groupthink. MM understood that very well. Its time India does too

Modi must definitely be pressured whenever possible to keep his promises w.r.t BD illegals and illegal activities. Multiple chances were given to BD, no need for anymore. They are ingrates and always will remain so, you give them an inch and they take a mile...and then cry about 1971/LDC nature/pakistan stealing everything from them for 20 years/etc etc.... whenever you ask for the difference back...and then curse you and try pump up their ego elsewhere.

Thus extract what you can out of them that benefits you and use them up otherwise, till the ingrate nature is squeezed out of them...then and only then re-evaluate.

Can you deter India with a conventional force?

Nope you cant. You are too poor, weak and mismanaged and already compromised internally big time by Indian agents....and internal populations dependent/addicted to Indian economic soft power and culture.

Same reason why Mexico can never deter the US by conventional measures.....no matter how much certain Mexicans hate on the US in their defense boards etc.

We have dictated the envelope your political existence can be, accept it and live with it and get on with it....make it the best you can be (you are like at below 10% at most right now, thats on YOU) before you want to negotiate for more (an we will consider it at that point)....people can live quite well given its broad envelope with more than enough control by BD itself.

Or get destroyed totally, and 1971 will seem like a nice day in the picnic in comparison. Its your choice.
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You have misunderstood the meaning of deterrence.Deterrence is not about fighting the enemy till last breath and win.It is about denying the enemy an easy win or giving a bloody nose so that he doesn't dare to initiate hostility.
My point is, Indian soldiers posted in the border with BD knows that they can win a war against BD. That's why they behave like the way they do. Unless we can change this condition, things won't improve.
Now switch north korea with Bangladesh and South Korea and USA with India.
I'd rather not. North Korea isn't the model to follow.
This again necessitate a strong armed forces.Appeasing burma and india willl not take you to anywhere.Are you willing to bear day to day humiliation and bullying forever by burma and india? Rather take the course like Pakistan has taken and live by raising your head high.
I'm not against building a strong armed force. But I fail to see how it will deter India.
Again you are going to extreme situation.Modern warfare don't go that stage.India Pakistan fought four war and each of them ended in a ceasefire except 1971 eastern theatre.
I think BD army is significantly behind Pak army.
This is up to us whether we like to build a relationship with China like Pakistan.China will absolutely love to have a second Pakistan on eastern side of India.
Our geography is different. We don't have a border with China(Thankfully). We're still trying to build good relation with China. But it will never be like China-Pak relation. And it should never be.
Fortune favors the bold.Bangladesh will be in a much better position in 2040-2050 than Pakistan in 1980s for building nuclear weapon.Western sanction will not have any sharp tooth unless Bangladesh take the course of Iran and threaten Israel to wipe out from the map or declare USA as a great satan.You can get away with nuclear weapon if you have pro western govt.
That's what I think. Building nukes will only be an option when we have an economy of at least 1 trillion. TBH we can't beat India even with nukes. But at least we can get a draw via MAD. But before we do that, I don't think we'll be able to deter India.

Don't the situation demand that type of resolve?
Depends on how you look at it. Are you willing to sacrifice people's well being for improved security and military power? Possibility of India actually invading BD is almost zero. They will continue their border aggression. But that's all they can do.

No, I don't want to see India as an enemy, but we have to be prepare for any eventuality.bharati minister is talking this type of words when they have got the friendliest govt. in the world in BD. Whether we consider them enemy or not they can escalate things at any time and will continue to bully and insult one way or another.Just yesterday they have killed a Bangladeshi youth in the border.Do you think, this type of things happen between two friendly countries?
He's just talking. No point paying much attention. However improving military is necessary regardless talk badly about BD or praise BD.
Good statement. Now get BSF to increase its quota of BD wastes of oxygen to send to hell. Its been ok so far on daily basis, but it can be improved big time.

The border has to be fully under its thumb before the illegals are shoved back en masse (and door/fence closed behind them) to where they came from ....when BD is busy killing themselves in the upcoming election cycle (all avenues to fund BNP resistance and BAL overreach should be increased to the maximum for interest of chaos+population control that is in best interests to get BD ppl to live within their own borders only).

Assam itself has many thousands ready (sequestered in tribunal camps) to be deluged back into BD....while the BD brayers here talk about "nukes"/"increased mil spending"/"BD govt is friendliest" and whatever other fantasies strike their disconsolate butthurt heads. It's good to operationalise reality on ground by using the buffer fantasy offers in airheads....and just recycle their tears as needed while they retreat further into their echo chamber groupthink. MM understood that very well. Its time India does too

Modi must definitely be pressured whenever possible to keep his promises w.r.t BD illegals and illegal activities. Multiple chances were given to BD, no need for anymore. They are ingrates and always will remain so, you give them an inch and they take a mile...and then cry about 1971/LDC nature/pakistan stealing everything from them for 20 years/etc etc.... whenever you ask for the difference back...and then curse you and try pump up their ego elsewhere.

Thus extract what you can out of them that benefits you and use them up otherwise, till the ingrate nature is squeezed out of them...then and only then re-evaluate.

Nope you cant. You are too poor, weak and mismanaged and already compromised internally big time by Indian agents....and internal populations dependent/addicted to Indian economic soft power and culture.

Same reason why Mexico can never deter the US by conventional measures.....no matter how much certain Mexicans hate on the US in their defense boards etc.

We have dictated the envelope your political existence can be, accept it and live with it and get on with it....make it the best you can be (you are like at below 10% at most right now, thats on YOU) before you want to negotiate for more (an we will consider it at that point)....people can live quite well given its broad envelope with more than enough control by BD itself.

Or get destroyed totally, and 1971 will seem like a nice day in the picnic in comparison. Its your choice.
Are you in charge of Indian policy regarding Bangladesh?

Because we know well about Indian policy and the deference between actual policy and trash talk. Modi himself said many negative things about Bangladesh, before coming to power. What happened afterwards? He only eased the visa process for BD nationals. And solved sea area and enclave distribution. Even BD currency is accepted in some places in India. And the number of such places is only growing.

Instead of these trash talks, do something which has some effect in reality.
he is playing to his electorate in the eastern states, bdans need not feel important lol.
This is simply a terrible accusations.
According to newspapers, more than half a millions Indians are working illegally in Bangladesh and generating over 5 billions of remittances a year, this man accuses Bangladesh for migration to India, a simple lie.

Now a days, is there any good reasons for Bangladeshis to cross border to India for work since there are more employment opportunity and better social structure in Bangladesh.

India caused a decade long security threat to Bangladesh by supporting Chittagong Hill Track's activist groups, but blaming Bangladesh a security threat to India.
Simply stupid. Bangladesh government should immediately cease all transit facility to India and respond to this stupid blame.


Bangladesh as big a security threat to India as China, Pakistan: MoS Home Hansraj Ahir
Bangladesh also poses a security threat to India, apart from China and Pakistan, Union Minister of State (Home) Hansraj Ahir has said.
Why say either? Why use caste names at all, when there was no provocation whatsoever?

His comments seem reasonable and believable to you?

To me he is simply being a communal hatemonger and scaremonger.

And that too from a minister's 'position' of 'supposed' credibility.

Who elected this two-bit idiot? Or was he appointed?
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His comments seem reasonable and believable to you?

To me he is simply being a communal hatemonger and scaremonger.

Ans that too from a minister's 'position' of 'supposed' credibility.

Who elected this two-bit idiot? Or was he appointed?

How did you get my thinking him reasonable or believable? Just interested.
he is playing to his electorate in the eastern states, bdans need not feel important lol.

Don't get all giddy like a schoolgirl.

This communal scaremonger is essentially calling us a name from the seat of a minister's portfolio. That needs a response.

When your chai-wala came to Dhaka, in 'Haath-Jor' mode, seeking better relations and trade benefit, we did not turn away our hand of friendship, although we have historically found scarce little benefit in India's unequal and partial trade relations with us.

I guess this is Bharti etiquette after all - calling your friends nasty names...established once more.

How did you get my thinking him reasonable or believable? Just interested.

How is Bangladesh a security threat to India??
Depends on how you look at it. Are you willing to sacrifice people's well being for improved security and military power? Possibility of India actually invading BD is almost zero. They will continue their border aggression. But that's all they can do.
We need right balance between development and military spending. If a nation lost it's dignity and the power to respond the aggression, then what's benefit becoming rich? What we think about a person who are rich but have no dignity, no power and can't return a slap for a slap? He is better to be dead than living.

What is the point of invasion when they can achieve it's objective in Bangladesh at the expense of Bangladesh's interest easily? Indian border aggression is a serious enough violation to respond bullet with bullet and blood with blood. What are we doing? Do you think, bully restrain himself only to a certain type of insult upon his victim? No, bully increases it's torment when he sees no resistance and the victim is a meek and weak one. If you want to know how bully works, then read about the Sudeten German crisis.

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