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Bangladesh Poses Bigger Challenge To India Than Pakistan: Union Minister Hansraj Ahir

Bangladesh is a security threat because ,it has open borders , overpopulated and densely populated Bengali moslim population and Bangladesh defence forces have being buying Chinese submarine and equipments,there are talks with China regarding Chitagong deep sea port and it conflict with Myanmar regarding Rakhine state where it advocates international intervention in North Rakhine where India is building a transit corridor and it shown true colours of Bangladesh
Yah, what you are going to do about it? Except, mouth fodding!
Don't the Idian BSF have a shoot to kill policy along the BD border? Countless Bengalis have been shot in the head whilst farming and grazing their land. Somehow BD politicians will find a way to blame Pakistan for this as always.
Don't get all giddy like a schoolgirl.

This communal scaremonger is essentially calling us a name from the seat of a minister's portfolio. That needs a response.

When your chai-wala came to Dhaka, in 'Haath-Jor' mode, seeking better relations and trade benefit, we did not turn away our hand of friendship, although we have historically found scarce little benefit in India's unequal and partial trade relations with us.

I guess this is Bharti etiquette after all - calling your friends nasty names...established once more.

How is Bangladesh a security threat to India??
bla bla..... not interested.....
"Bangladesh is only a so-called friend because evidently it has caused India most harm through illegal intrusion and as such going ahead it is only the smart technologies which will help us curb this menace," the minister said.
What this Indian joker is talking about of Assam? Bangali Muslims have started domiciling in western Assam since the failed invasion of Bakhtier Khilji in 1204 CE. Now, why this joker is talking about them who have already been living in Assam since and after that time. By his standard, every human being in the world should go back to central Africa where their first forefathers appeared first. All these anti-BD rhetoric are to push up the popularity of anti-Muslim BJP.
We need right balance between development and military spending. If a nation lost it's dignity and the power to respond the aggression, then what's benefit becoming rich? What we think about a person who are rich but have no dignity, no power and can't return a slap for a slap? He is better to be dead than living.
Ask the Japanese or the South Koreans. Do you want to see BD going South Korea way or North Korea way?

We need right balance between development and military spending. If a nation lost it's dignity and the power to respond the aggression, then what's benefit becoming rich? What we think about a person who are rich but have no dignity, no power and can't return a slap for a slap? He is better to be dead than living.

What is the point of invasion when they can achieve it's objective in Bangladesh at the expense of Bangladesh's interest easily?
Are we favouring India while sacrificing our own interest in any way?
Indian border aggression is a serious enough violation to respond bullet with bullet and blood with blood.
In an ideal scenario. But in reality we are outnumbered and outgunned. And that's not even considering their nukes. If we respond bullet with bullet we'll end up losing more.
No, bully increases it's torment when he sees no resistance and the victim is a meek and weak one. If you want to know how bully works, then read about the Sudeten German crisis.
That's why we need to set up a boundary of what we can tolerate and what we can't. If they try something adventurous then they will be put in their place like they were done in Padua. And that's regardless how much the power gap is. There are things we cannot tolerate no matter what. But that doesn't mean we'll openly be hostile. What we do we have to do quietly. Every dog has its day. Wait for it. Quietly develop a strong armed force. Quietly look for opportunity to build nukes. But the first and foremost priority should be to improve people's lives. Military upgrade is necessary. But it cannot be at expense of economy. We have a good momentum. We need it to continue. Can't lose our focus due to some border incidents. Rather improve border security from our sides as well. And try to check illegal border crossings.
This is a totka suitable for Nepal and Bhutan. Our long time security lies in following the Pakistan's example, at least on defence sector.Pakistan knows very well bharati bully mentality and neutralized that successfully.Take Pakistan armed forces as an example and build a powerful deterrence if possible with conventional and nuclear co-operation with Pakistan, China or Iran.Then Bangladesh can show the middle finger to the bharati tantrum.

Due to their historic legacy as a people subjugated by muslim and their concurrent hostility with Pakistan and muslim community within India, bharati hindus will never ever consider muslim Bangladesh anything different.They will always consider Bangladesh as a part of their 'muslim menace' and treat it with suspicion and paranoia. Only some Bangladeshi so called liberal intellectual deny it and believe that genuine friendship with India is possible beyond the prevailing sub continental hindu-muslim hostility and rivalry.But indian don't think that ways.
Your points are valid but what @Mage said is still true. The time has not come for us yet to become actively hostile with India.
Are you in charge of Indian policy regarding Bangladesh?

And are any of you BeeDees in charge for BD policy? #Notanargument

Because we know well about Indian policy and the deference between actual policy and trash talk. Modi himself said many negative things about Bangladesh, before coming to power. What happened afterwards? He only eased the visa process for BD nationals. And solved sea area and enclave distribution. Even BD currency is accepted in some places in India. And the number of such places is only growing.

Hence the need for pressure to be re-applied on Modi. Assam for example is doing so by rounding up and segregating the illegals from BD into camps right now. When BD is vulnerable enough (and an election cycle is a good one), there will be a solution imposed one way. But it's important to get things prepared in the mean time. Thats why the agreements were made so more money and political control can be extracted from BD in the interim....that will both finance the long run solution. No need for knee-jerk policy at all....leave those to the pilkhana and gulshan thinking types in BD...for use within BD to soften it up as needed internally.

Instead of these trash talks, do something which has some effect in reality.

And who are you to decide what is and isnt trash talk...and what is and isn't being done inside BD right now and planned to do soon? 2018 is going to be a great year for IND-BD relations on a whole new level, the MM rohingya return has set a very nice realised precedent.

The action is being sifted through right now, that will be one wave back to BD and then WB will be the next once mamata loses power there too (and she is doing her best to do so quite quickly):

bla bla..... not interested.....

If you aren't interested then why come here and mouth off Rajoo? Useless Bharti idiot like the rest of the PDF Indian trolls...

Don't waste my time and eff off....


Yah, what you are going to do about it? Except, mouth fodding!

This Hari Singh idiot (fake name I'm sure) and his useless sanghi buddies are all mad because Sheikh Hasina (though pro-Indian on the surface) has played them well...

Bangladesh should take whichever diplomatic route serves her interests best - which obviously doesn't include India.

Your points are valid but what @Mage said is still true. The time has not come for us yet to become actively hostile with India.

Who said anything about being hostile?

Just keep playing these idiots....to think they're in charge....:lol:
And are any of you BeeDees in charge for BD policy? #Notanargument
No I'm not. That's why I'm not suggesting policies like you. I'm just explaining things the way I see it.

Hence the need for pressure to be re-applied on Modi. Assam for example is doing so by rounding up and segregating the illegals from BD into camps right now. When BD is vulnerable enough (and an election cycle is a good one), there will be a solution imposed one way. But it's important to get things prepared in the mean time. Thats why the agreements were made so more money and political control can be extracted from BD in the interim....that will both finance the long run solution. No need for knee-jerk policy at all....leave those to the pilkhana and gulshan thinking types in BD...for use within BD to soften it up as needed internally.
Cut the cr#p. This is just a desperate attempt by a pathetic politician to win votes. Nothing more. Your prime minister completely changed his tune on BD after coming to power. So did your ministers like Sushama, Arun Jatly. Unless you do what Myanmar does, you won't be able to send back the ones you call illegal Bangladeshis. Unless of course you can show proper documentation.

And who are you to decide what is and isnt trash talk...and what is and isn't being done inside BD right now and planned to do soon? 2018 is going to be a great year for IND-BD relations on a whole new level, the MM rohingya return has set a very nice realised precedent.

The action is being sifted through right now, that will be one wave back to BD and then WB will be the next once mamata loses power there too (and she is doing her best to do so quite quickly):

I can decide what is trash talk and what isn't. Because I have seen the difference between what is said and what is done too many times from you guys. I hope you guys can get rid of Mamata. But I don't think you can. And don't worry about elections. Your prime minister will get another term like our prime minister.
If you aren't interested then why come here and mouth off Rajoo? Useless Bharti idiot like the rest of the PDF Indian trolls...

Don't waste my time and eff off....


This Hari Singh idiot (fake name I'm sure) and his useless sanghi buddies are all mad because Sheikh Hasina (though pro-Indian on the surface) has played them well...

Bangladesh should take whichever diplomatic route serves her interests best - which obviously doesn't include India.

Who said anything about being hostile?

Just keep playing these idiots....to think they're in charge....:lol:
not interested in talking to you... specifically... sorry kalu mian... .. :)
You blind? Can't read?

F*ck off, none of us here want to talk to Bhartis like you.

You're ignored, mlecch man.
lol... you are the one running after me like a dog even though I specifically said i dont want to talk.. now shoo...
No I'm not. That's why I'm not suggesting policies like you. I'm just explaining things the way I see it.

You have suggested plenty of policies, can't cherry pick just one thread. Pretty much every member has. This is all part of the discussion.

Cut the cr#p. This is just a desperate attempt by a pathetic politician to win votes. Nothing more. Your prime minister completely changed his tune on BD after coming to power. So did your ministers like Sushama, Arun Jatly.

Was not a priority issue, there were 100's of way more important things to fix (and much better lower hanging fruit at federal level too). But now that those have been fixed, or are in the process of doing so etc this gets bumped up the list with time and the pressure/reminder from this minister is welcome....you seem to not understand how delegation/prioritisation works in the Indian political set up....not everything is done at federal level all the time and all together.

The state level at Assam is where BJP is working hard on this issue (and that broadens into N.E)...and BJP needed to win the state first. Similar to much other economic reforms and policy, state control is needed by BJP. We need that done comprehensively first so something is actually realised when federal bureaucracy + leadership invests political capital into it....which can certainly be around the corner (given BD election cycle), lets see.

Over time yes we need a much better federal security apparatus with eye on illegal immigration like ICE in the US. But that will take time to build up in India institutionally (UIDAI has just commenced and needs to build up its credibilty), right now its important to experiment with what works best in setting up the precedent for later.

I can decide what is trash talk and what isn't. Because I have seen the difference between what is said and what is done too many times from you guys. I hope you guys can get rid of Mamata. But I don't think you can.

She is playing right into polarisation politics, and thats going to be her downfall...it happened in other states over time too. I credit her with bringing down the commies, but she is just a transition stage till BJP sweeps there too....because time is running out for her to deliver to the W. Bengali electorate past the identity politics (which are diminishing in importance at a furious rate these days as we saw in UP).

She is quite friendly to Bangladeshi illegals too (given they vote overwhelmingly for her), so when she is gone and there is a state coordination in dealing with that issue it will probably have a precedent from Assam on how to do it best.

Unless you do what Myanmar does, you won't be able to send back the ones you call illegal Bangladeshis. Unless of course you can show proper documentation.

We will do something half-way between most likely for now. First we need 2018 to play out a bit and how much we can extract (political capital) from what we invested into SHW. Documentation does not figure into this because no BD illegal keeps documentation (its the first thing they destroy) on hand, rather they acquire Indian one to try claw some status there. Hence why Assam set up specific tribunals. BD recognition of it does not really figure into it, you are not a cooperating entity on the issue, hence we will try smooth it through SHW first, if not, so be it....BDR got replaced quite bloodily by BGB for a similar reason....we will conduct a few more of those to create and sustain bullet-enforced one way deportation routes in the border. BGB lets the BSF operate with pretty much total impunity as it is, it wont be a big stretch anyway...just worth letting SHW agree/allow (even tacitly) first before the stick has to come out.

You have suggested plenty of policies, can't cherry pick just one thread. Pretty much every member has. This is all part of the discussion.

Was not a priority issue, there were 100's of way more important things to fix (and much better lower hanging fruit at federal level too). But now that those have been fixed, or are in the process of doing so etc this gets bumped up the list with time and the pressure/reminder from this minister is welcome....you seem to not understand how delegation/prioritisation works in the Indian political set up....not everything is done at federal level all the time and all together.

The state level at Assam is where BJP is working hard on this issue (and that broadens into N.E)...and BJP needed to win the state first. Similar to much other economic reforms and policy, state control is needed by BJP. We need that done comprehensively first so something is actually realised when federal bureaucracy + leadership invests political capital into it....which can certainly be around the corner (given BD election cycle), lets see.

Over time yes we need a much better federal security apparatus with eye on illegal immigration like ICE in the US. But that will take time to build up in India institutionally (UIDAI has just commenced and needs to build up its credibilty), right now its important to experiment with what works best in setting up the precedent for later.

She is playing right into polarisation politics, and thats going to be her downfall...it happened in other states over time too. I credit her with bringing down the commies, but she is just a transition stage till BJP sweeps there too....because time is running out for her to deliver to the W. Bengali electorate past the identity politics (which are diminishing in importance at a furious rate these days as we saw in UP).

She is quite friendly to Bangladeshi illegals too (given they vote overwhelmingly for her), so when she is gone and there is a state coordination in dealing with that issue it will probably have a precedent from Assam on how to do it best.

We will do something half-way between most likely for now. First we need 2018 to play out a bit and how much we can extract (political capital) from what we invested into SHW. Documentation does not figure into this because no BD illegal keeps documentation (its the first thing they destroy) on hand, rather they acquire Indian one to try claw some status there. Hence why Assam set up specific tribunals. BD recognition of it does not really figure into it, you are not a cooperating entity on the issue, hence we will try smooth it through SHW first, if not, so be it....BDR got replaced quite bloodily by BGB for a similar reason....we will conduct a few more of those to create and sustain bullet-enforced one way deportation routes in the border. BGB lets the BSF operate with pretty much total impunity as it is, it wont be a big stretch anyway...just worth letting SHW agree/allow (even tacitly) first before the stick has to come out.

SOooooooo Big POST ! ! ! !:lol:

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