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Bangladesh Police arrests Indian citizen in Dhaka for recruiting neo JMB cadres

You mustn't expose your own folks for a bag of rice and a couple of rotten dry fish!! Plenty of opportunities in your country, for your gender also. Work hard for an honest living..:rofl:
Don't expose me, I know I haven't been paying you your due in the last few months but tomorrow I'm getting some of my richest fat johns together, if you can make them all happy, then I will pay you your dues.
I'll even call Mamata Didi and arrange for a room for you in Kolkata's fanciest brothels....
This is a offer you can't refuse
you guys mind having discussion in civilized manner?
If can't do this then stop reporting each others posts
you guys mind having discussion in civilized manner?
If can't do this then stop reporting each others posts
Dear sir, i didn't report any of his posts though it was him that started the personal tirade against me and my community. Anyways, do what you have to do.
Don't speak like an uninformed person. We call you people as miyas, and will continue to do so. Don't you know the meaning of the term..!

Yeah I know what it is supposed to, but now it is being used in a derogatory capacity for thin, bearded, lungi clad Assamese 'bengali' Muslims.....

It's like calling blacks as 'dindu' or Pakistanis being called 'p@ki' in the UK, it's deliberately offensive.

These people are not Bangladeshis, period.

Call them miyah all you want, but don't call us miya and then expect to get the red carpet drawn out for you.
Dear sir, i didn't report any of his posts though it was him that started the personal tirade against me and my community. Anyways, do what you have to do.

No, It was your 'Miyah' 'Miyah' name-calling that started it.
if an other report against either of you, thread ban....thats me being generous....you have to understand when 5-6 reports are against a single individual from a single thread...increases mods work
Yeah I know, and not it is being used in a derogatory capacity for thin, bearded, lungi clad Assamese 'bengali' Muslims.....

These people are not Bangladeshis, period.

Call them miyah all you want, but don't call us miya and then expect to get the red carpet drawn out for you.
Lol, whatever floats your boat. But i think that your Urdu vocabulary needs polishing.
These people are not Bangladeshis, period.
Assamese 'bengali' Muslims..
We shall see about it. For the record, there are no Assamese 'Bengali' muslims. Assamese, unlike the Bengalis of various denominations don't and have never converted to Islam.

It is just as fake as the artificially minted term Rohingya.
There can be no discussion right now, either you or your butthurt country men reported my posts and got the mods here.
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