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Bangladesh Police arrests Indian citizen in Dhaka for recruiting neo JMB cadres

How's this for an outlandish statement ?
Nice try, we understand that you feel embarrassed when the members of your home grown terror!st organizations are caught red handed trying to cause unrest in your neighborhood countries. None of it would matter eventually after we purge your disruptive folks out of our country. They will then be your problem to handle. You better start dealing with them now.
Nice try, we understand that you feel embarrassed when the members of your home grown terror!st organizations are caught red handed trying to cause unrest in your neighborhood countries. None of it would matter eventually after we purge your disruptive folks out of our country. They will then be your problem to handle. You better start dealing with them now.

This is your agent, same as all of the the terrorists in Bangladesh, take her back.

Don't send terrorists to other countries, it doesn't end well.

Have some shame, India is earning the reputation of a Terrorist state.

She was born in India, grew up in India, converted in India, radicalised in India and then sent to a mission in Bangladesh, this is India's modus operandi, this is R&AW.

Take your Pragya Debnath back, take this animal back.

Don't dodge and India's reputation is in tatters anyway, now you're gaining a reputation as a Terrorist state.
This is your agent, same as all of the these terrorists in Bangladesh, take her back.

Don't send terrorists to other countries, it doesn't end well.

Have some shame, India is earning the reputation of a Terrorist state.

Repeating the same thing over and over again doesn't make it the "Truth". These are your home-grown terrorists and many more in making with the help of your Jamaat.
I don't she converted. Its just an excuse to get her job done. She simply disguised herself as a muslim.

In Europe there are many such converted Christians who are actually CIA agents. They work as Islamic scholars, ISIS terrorists, muslim activist.

Unfortunately most muslims tend to believe them and their conversion stories.

In Bangladesh there was this Christian missionary who disguised himself as a Imam and used to spread wrong information on Islam in sermons and khutbas and this resulted in many people converting to Christianity.

However the people did not realise this because the missionary could call the adhan without any mistake when he disguised himself as a Imam.

Was he American? which decade was this? Was he white? The people who converted did they find out the truth?

Is there any news articles?
Repeating the same thing over and over again doesn't make it the "Truth". These are your home-grown terrorists and many more in making with the help of your Jamaat.

She is Indian with Indian passport, verbal gymnastics won't change the facts and the truth.

India has been exposed.

Sending terrorists to 'poor', 'backward' 'miyah' country like Bangladesh, how pathetic.

Says alot about India, but you blind nationalists are shameless and are in denial as always.

Fret not, the world now knows, you can believe whatever helps you sleep at night and empowers you to say Bharat Mata ki Jai, I'm sure Pragya is waiting for Bharat Mata to come save her.

Yadav was also Pakistani ?
She is Indian with Indian passport, verbal gymnastics won't change the facts and the truth.

India has been exposed.

Sending terrorists to 'poor', 'backward' 'miyah' country like Bangladesh, how pathetic.

Says alot about India, but you blind nationalists are shameless and are in denial as always.

Fret not, the world now knows, you can believe whatever helps you sleep at night and empowers you to say Bharat Mata ki Jai, I'm sure Pragya is waiting for Bharat Mata to come save her.

Yadav was also Pakistani ?


Was this poor woman also trained by RAW? :lol:

And what about the list in this article:


All trained by RAW? :D:lol:

2019 news, how desperate you are...

Don't change topic, Indian Terrorist got caught in Bangladesh.

Yadav was caught in Pakistan, yet another Indian.

You can cry and thrash around like a child throwing a fit but the facts are stacked against you and everyone knows the truth.

Anyway, I'd rather not waste my time arguing with blind nationalists like you and @namefield_empty .... This lady will be dealt with, that's all that matters.

Don't export terrorism to neighbouring countries, maybe it's your own R&AW who are behind the supposed oppression of minorities in Bangladesh.

Have a functional brain ? Then think before you type and make a joke of yourself and your terrorist state.
Nice try, we understand that you feel embarrassed when the members of your home grown terror!st organizations are caught red handed trying to cause unrest in your neighborhood countries. None of it would matter eventually after we purge your disruptive folks out of our country. They will then be your problem to handle. You better start dealing with them now.

Mr Indian secular, no caste system, no marginalisation of Muslims and no severe mistreatment of muslims. Delhi riots? What Delhi riots it's, happiness festivals.

Consistent mass violence and lychings of muslims only leads to Indian muslims watching tele tubies.

Indian delusion of grandeaur.
Why does this forum shirk away from users publishing the picture of the Bangladeshi trained terror!st, since my post containing the picture was deleted here's another one. A perfect match!!!
View attachment 652055

Yeah Bangladeshi trained Terrorist just happens to be Indian and operating Bangladesh, beats me why we would let terrorists operate in our own country.

Not everyone is following the Modus operandi of India, we can't all be Terrorist states, get over it.

Denial won't help.

I didn't know we were hanging jamatis for fun, nor do I know why we banned our own creation that is JMB...

Oh right neither of those are run or formed by Bangladeshis, two gifts to Bangladesh from our two neighbours.
2019 news, how desperate you are...

Don't change topic, Indian Terrorist got caught in Bangladesh.

Yadav was caught in Pakistan, yet another Indian.

You can cry and thrash around like a child throwing a fit but the facts are stacked against you and everyone knows the truth.

Anyway, I'd rather not waste my time arguing with blind nationalists like you and @namefield_empty .... This lady will be dealt with, that's all that matters.

Don't export terrorism to neighbouring countries, maybe it's your own R&AW who are behind the supposed oppression of minorities in Bangladesh.

Have a functional brain ? Then think before you type and make a joke of yourself and your terrorist state.

Lol what an immature guy...contradicts himself.

Jadhav news is from 2016 miya!
Early morning watching sanghis whine and desperately attempt to twist facts and save face, perfect entertainment to go with breakfast.

Carry on, my dear Rakesh and Mukesh.
Yeah Bangladeshi trained Terrorist just happens to be Indian and operating Bangladesh, beats me why we would let terrorists operate in our own country.

Not everyone is following the Modus operandi of India, we can't all be Terrorist states, get over it.

Denial won't help.

I didn't know we were hanging jamatis for fun, nor do I know why we banned our own creation that is JMB...

Oh right neither of those are run or formed by Bangladeshis, two gifts to Bangladesh from our two neighbours.
Nah, you cun+s are clever. You rad!calised her in your own country via LJ, and then made her fish for similar susceptible targets in India.

The West Bengali cucks are still high on amar shonar bangla, amazing when considered that your ancestors were busy licking their boots and toiling on their fields till a century back.
And you carry on with your agenda Jamaati!

I don't believe in religion, so jokes on you, Mukesh.

Nah, you cun+s are clever. You rad!calised her in your own country via LJ, and then made her fish for similar susceptible targets in India.

The West Bengali cucks are still high on amar shonar bangla, amazing when considered that your ancestors were busy licking their boots and toiling on their fields till a century back.

Hahaha, if WB are cucks, what does that say about the rest of you ?

Well you're not even Indian 'indian' so I'll give you a pass.

@Joe Shearer in your time in West Bengal, did you ever find out, if they're interested/turned on by being cuckolded ?

Or is that a figment of @namefield_empty 's p0rn fueled fantasy, which is fast turning to reality given the womanisers 'miyas' we are sending there by the truckloads.
I don't believe in religion, so jokes on you, Mukesh.

Hahaha, if WB are cucks, what does that say about the rest of you ?

Well you're not even Indian 'indian' so I'll give you a pass.
Lmao, a Bangladeshi is now going to dispense our Indian certificate.:rofl:

Illegal miyas are going to get the boot in WB pretty soon, be ready to embrace the outgoing filth and accomodate the scourge in your family.

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