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Bangladesh Police arrests Indian citizen in Dhaka for recruiting neo JMB cadres

Lmao, a Bangladeshi is now going to dispense our Indian certificate.:rofl:

Illegal miyas are going to get the boot in WB pretty soon, be ready to embrace the outgoing filth and accomodate the scourge in your family.

We run WB from top to bottom.

We run your NE by making sure your food and essentials reach you on time, we own NE.

You pay to use our ports, roads, sea ports, riverine waterways and all that.... You pay us to make sure you don't Starve as New Delhi isn't to bothered to make good roads through the chickens neck.

How's that for a reality check ?
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@Joe Shearer in your time in West Bengal, did you ever find out, if they're interested/turned on by being cuckolded
From what i know, Joe is an East Bengali. I haven't interacted much with him, but believe me those in my state despise your kind even more than us. Perhaps that is because they have had to bear the brunt of your atrocities.
Was he American? which decade was this? Was he white? The people who converted did they find out the truth?

Is there any news articles?
I heard this from a local imam. He told me that this incident happened in North Bengal.
From what i know, Joe is an East Bengali. I haven't interacted much with him, but believe me those in my state despise your kind even more than us. Perhaps that is because they have had to bear the brunt of your atrocities.

Take that up with Pakistanis, don't come crying to me about it, I won't hear it, we had nothing to do with it.

Else how the hell are Hindus increasing in number since last decade ?

2021 is survey year, we will find out soon enough and then you'll all be gobsmacked but since you're shameless, which is a trait with you guys, you will come up with some new excuse.
From what i know, Joe is an East Bengali. I haven't interacted much with him, but believe me those in my state despise your kind even more than us. Perhaps that is because they have had to bear the brunt of your atrocities.
And what state you might be from?
Take that up with Pakistanis, don't come crying to me about it, I won't hear it, we had nothing to do with it.

Else how the hell are Hindus increasing in number since last decade ?

2021 is survey year, we will find out soon enough and then you'll all be gobsmacked but since you're shameless, which is a trait with you guys, you will come up with some new excuse.
I don't know, perhaps the East Bengalis here have a genuine reason to hate your folks. They have their reasons, i am just letting you know.
I don't know, perhaps the East Bengalis here have a genuine reason to hate your folks. They have their reasons, i am just letting you know.

Now you will lecture me on other Bengalis ? You are a racist people as exposed when you were rioting and fighting with police over that CAA fiasco.... You don't even want to include Indian Hindu Bengalis....

So much for being Indian, you are against the main Indian demographic group that is dark skinned, non mongoloid and Hindu....
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Give it a rest, quack. And concentrate more on your medicine and surgery lessons. Life is hard for an expat Bangladeshi serving their masters.

I think that i have already made it clear that i never report posts. Have been banned more times already than you will ever be.
Dw peasant. I’ve been living a life of luxury since birth. On the other hand your sustenance depend on passage through bd.
Read the thread with great interest.
  1. There is radicalisation of Muslims in the 'safe' districts of Hooghly and Howrah, apparently.
  2. More than that, there is conversion of dalit Hindus happening.
    1. That has two sides to it; if a Dalit man or woman converts to Buddhism or to Islam (in the west of India, in Maharashtra, typically such a woman would have converted to Buddhism, as Baba Ambedkar's influence is still strong there, here it is interesting to see that she converted to Islam, as that seems to be the only path to vent their grievances), there is a writing on the wall for the religious right. Pushing around the Dalit will drive them out of Hindu society at one time or the other.
    2. The second side to this is that, like neo-Buddhist preaching and conversion, like Christian preaching and conversion, there is Muslim preaching and conversion.
  3. If this is not an intelligence plot, and that seems unlikely, for RAW to convert Hindus to Islam to send them to Bangladesh to destabilise a country and an administration that is (still) friendly, then there is a live recruitment of Muslims going on in West Bengal, for spreading radical Islam.
  4. This is a freak case. It is unlikely that an entire radicalisation programme can be based on Hindus converting to Islam. The primary target is more likely to be the Malda and Dinajpur Muslim populations, who have been a strong and vocal minority, and considerably intermingled with immigrants, but here we have one, if all that is published is to be taken at face value, converted in the normally placid Hooghly and Howrah.
  5. There is a third segment that is vulnerable to radicalisation, and that is the up-country Muslim from Bihar and the UP, settled in Calcutta. Topsia and Tangra are their territories, and also Watgunge, where the infamous incident of killing of a senior policeman took place some decades ago.
A lot seems to be going on that both the West Bengal and the Bangladesh administration seem to need to attend to.

As usual, the BJP have played the role of distracting everybody from these serious issues with their Hindu-first antics. They are wrecking India, deliberately on one front, indirectly and without having planned it, on another front, that of creating a reaction to their actions.
An additional comment: An Assamese criticising Bangladeshis and both sides seeking to co-opt Bengali Hindu emigrants from Bangladesh is a very curious spectacle. These are not individual freaks, these posts reflect the ethnic churn taking place in these three political regions: West Bengal in India, Assam in India, Bangladesh. This ha both social and political roots and consequences.

If I was younger, I should be watching with clinical, academic interest.
Good job Bangladesh. Arrest these radicals!

arrest these radical undercover pagans masqueradding as Muslims like that cunt in Pakistan

Get this, she was born Hindu and supposedly 'converted' in 2009.

Sounds about right.

Who helped her convert ? R&AW agent ?

pure bullshit

agent got caught I wonder how maybe got confused when she spotted a cow

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