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Bangladesh Police arrests Indian citizen in Dhaka for recruiting neo JMB cadres

Casteism is not fully a phenomena of bygone era, but its appeal is very limited now. Mainly practiced in some arranged marriage and for the priests. Saying so inter caste arranged marriages are happening and rural bengal is mostly free from this menace.
Vaishnavite's main principle is no cast system. You can be a muslim and a Vaishnav. Example Haridas thakur. Hussain Shah was a great admirer of Chaitanya.
Shaivites do follow casteism, but basic principle are against it.
Saktas do preach casteism and it has deep classification of casts. But again with time this menace is erasing out.
You will find most people doesn't want to be classified in these three groups and are firm believer of casts. Another observation IMO, people originated in East Bengal more lean towards casteism.
Saying so, west bengal has one of the lowest percentage of ST, SC and OBC in India. The percentage got a major jump after classifying 92% of muslims as OBC.

One good thing about West Bengal is cast free politics. Though now parties are trying hard to somehow making it a big issue.
You can't be a Muslim and a Vaishnavite. These are two different concepts and there are many contradictions to it.
The thing is having a Muslim name doesn't make you a Muslim your conviction towards Islam does. I know many Muslims who do this and it is a shirk. But anyways it is their life their choice.
Agree . But I think he actually wanted to say that you don't have to be convert if you want to be a vaishnava . I mean any Muslim ( nominally ) or others can practice Vaishnava religion without discrimination or oppression that traditional Hinduism practice.

Muslims, Christians ,even scheduled caste aka untouchables/Dalits will get similar treatment in vaishnavism, I believe @itsanufy meant it .
Agree . But I think he actually wanted to say that you don't have to be convert if you want to be a vaishnava . I mean any Muslim ( nominally ) or others can practice Vaishnava religion without discrimination or oppression that traditional Hinduism practice.

Muslims, Christians ,even scheduled caste aka untouchables/Dalits will get similar treatment in vaishnavism, I believe @itsanufy meant it .
Cut this crap! My mom's family are Vaishnavites belonging to the Ekasarana Dharma while me and my paternal lineage are adherents of our king's Shaivism and Shakta traditions. Your Bangladeshi miyas here aren't a part of either one of those, and it must be the same in BD. Taqqiya at its best. Alien Arabic delusions have consumed them. But there was indeed a time when our ethnic muslims here were just for the name sake, grew up learning our scriptures and buranjis, till you miyas flooded the valley and corrupted everything.
The thing is having a Muslim name doesn't make you a Muslim your conviction towards Islam does. I know many Muslims who do this and it is a shirk. But anyways it is their life their choice.
Sir I know multiple examples first hand, I know people in Gaudiya Vaishnava math you are muslims by birth...
Sir I know multiple examples first hand, I know people in Gaudiya Vaishnava math you are muslims by birth...
What about those Bengali Hindus who follow Ramkrishna, Ram Thakur, Anukul Thakur and Pranavananda?? I believe that many of those sages were from Bangladesh but their temples and abodes were destroyed by the radical Bangladeshi miyas. Bengali Hindu refugees are carrying forward their teachings. Any Bengali muslim adherents of their line of thoughts?
Agree . But I think he actually wanted to say that you don't have to be convert if you want to be a vaishnava . I mean any Muslim ( nominally ) or others can practice Vaishnava religion without discrimination or oppression that traditional Hinduism practice.

Muslims, Christians ,even scheduled caste aka untouchables/Dalits will get similar treatment in vaishnavism, I believe @itsanufy meant it .
In South Bengal particularly in 24 Pargana and Midnapore districts we practice worship of Satya Pir. He is a mixture of Vishnu and Paigambar and worshipped by both Hindus and Muslims.
If you want to know more I will share..
In South Bengal particularly in 24 Pargana and Midnapore districts we practice worship of Satya Pir. He is a mixture of Vishnu and Paigambar and worshipped by both Hindus and Muslims.
If you want to know more I will share..
Have I denied that. But that is a form of shirk one of the gravest sin in Islam. They are doing it that doesn't mean it is allowed in Islam. They are doing that on their personal capacity which they are free to do but it is not supported at all in Islam and is a gravest sin .

In South Bengal particularly in 24 Pargana and Midnapore districts we practice worship of Satya Pir. He is a mixture of Vishnu and Paigambar and worshipped by both Hindus and Muslims.
If you want to know more I will share..
You Vaishnavite?

In South Bengal particularly in 24 Pargana and Midnapore districts we practice worship of Satya Pir. He is a mixture of Vishnu and Paigambar and worshipped by both Hindus and Muslims.
If you want to know more I will share..
Also you forgot to mention Bon Bibi and Ola Bibi.
In South Bengal particularly in 24 Pargana and Midnapore districts we practice worship of Satya Pir. He is a mixture of Vishnu and Paigambar and worshipped by both Hindus and Muslims.
If you want to know more I will share..
Yes I want to know more ,please share .
What about those Bengali Hindus who follow Ramkrishna, Ram Thakur, Anukul Thakur and Pranavananda?? I believe that many of those sages were from Bangladesh but their temples and abodes were destroyed by the radical Bangladeshi miyas. Bengali Hindu refugees are carrying forward their teachings. Any Bengali muslim adherents of their line of thoughts?
I am an adherent believer of teachings of Ramkrishna. He has nothing to do with present BD.
Yes I know Bengali muslims who care about teachings of Ramakrishna.
I don't have much knowledge about others.
I am an adherent believer of teachings of Ramkrishna. He has nothing to do with present BD.
Yes I know Bengali muslims who care about teachings of Ramakrishna.
I don't have much knowledge about others.
I am referring to the others precisely, couldn't have included without people questioning about bias. More importantly, the question was to the Bangladeshi members here.
Agree . But I think he actually wanted to say that you don't have to be convert if you want to be a vaishnava . I mean any Muslim ( nominally ) or others can practice Vaishnava religion without discrimination or oppression that traditional Hinduism practice.

Muslims, Christians ,even scheduled caste aka untouchables/Dalits will get similar treatment in vaishnavism, I believe @itsanufy meant it .
What are you talking about? These are the consequences of a Satellite state.
Bangladesh Police`s Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime (CTTC) branch on Friday arrested a 25-year-old Indian girl from Sadarghat in Dhaka with alleged links to neo Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB). She was tasked with recruiting young Indian girls for JMB`s women`s wing.

Kolkata: Bangladesh Police’s Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime (CTTC) branch on Friday arrested a 25-year-old Indian girl from Sadarghat in Dhaka with alleged links to neo Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB). She was tasked with recruiting young Indian girls for JMB's women's wing.

According to CTTC officials, the girl, identified as Ayesha Jannat Mohona is an Indian national and an Indian passport was found in her possession.

“Acting on a tip off, a team of CTTC officials conducted a raid at Sadarghat and arrested Ayesha Jannat Mohona. The arrest was made in connection with an earlier case registered at Motijheel police station. We have produced her before the court and she has been remanded to four days of police custody,” Sk Imran Hossain, Assistant Commissioner, CTTC said in a media briefing.

Preliminary investigation by CTTC officials have found that the said girl, Ayesha hails from Bengal’s Hooghly district. Ayesha’s roots have been traced to the Keshabpur village under Dhaniakhali police station limits.

“Ayesha was born Hindu as Pragya Debnath and converted to Islam in the year 2009 when since then she got actively involved in religious lessons online,” Hossain added.

During her online religious lessons, she got in touch with the women’s wing chief, Asma Khatoon and from 2009 till 2016 Ayesha got actively involved in neo JMB women’s wing.

“Besides raising funds for the banned terrorist outfit, she was given the responsibility to recruit young girls for the women’s wing especially from India. Infact, in the last couple of months, she has recruited some people too. We are going to investigate all angles,” said a senior official of CTTC.

The CTTC officials will interrogate her over the next four days to nab her associates.

In 2016, Ayesha undertook her first journey to Bangladesh from West Bengal since then she has traveled several times to and from Bangladesh. She even procured a fake Bangladeshi birth certificate and a fake national identity card of Bangladesh.

In 2019, she permanently moved to Bangladesh and started working as a teacher in a local madrasa where the young female students were radicalised and recruited. Later that year, she married a Bangladeshi national based out of Oman.

However, her plans hit a hurdle when Asma Khatoon was arrested by the police. Immediately, she quit working at the madrasa and started focusing on online recruitment drive for the neo JMB women's wing

https://zeenews-india-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/zeenews.india.com/india/bangladesh-police-arrests-indian-citizen-in-dhaka-for-recruiting-neo-jmb-cadres-2296610.html/amp?amp_js_v=a3&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA=#aoh=15950549347093&referrer=https://www.google.com&amp_tf=From %1$s&ampshare=https://zeenews.india.com/india/bangladesh-police-arrests-indian-citizen-in-dhaka-for-recruiting-neo-jmb-cadres-2296610.html
Bangaldesh should see the intentions of their true friend.
Have I denied that. But that is a form of shirk one of the gravest sin in Islam. They are doing it that doesn't mean it is allowed in Islam. They are doing that on their personal capacity which they are free to do but it is not supported at all in Islam and is a gravest sin .

You Vaishnavite?

Also you forgot to mention Bon Bibi and Ola Bibi.
Who are we to decide if a person is a Muslim or non Muslim. If they feel they are Muslim they are. It's between them and god. You and I are nobody to decide.

Take Hijli Sarif for example, Yearly on some occasions some 10 L people gather to commemorate, some even from BD and Malaysia. Large numbers of Hindus also join them. People from all religion in the locality makes a compulsory visit on a family ceremony like marriage, child birth etc. We listen to the Satya Pir pachali.

And if your form of Islam creeps there the harmony will be totally lost.

And there are 5 sarifs like this.

You know still as the fisherman sail in sea they remember the 5 saints/pir.

Between your form of Islam didn't helped the spread of the religion in Bengal but the pir and sufi's did.

Anyway I believe you a Bengali, must be knowing these things.

@Joe Shearer check this thread, I believe you will like it.
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