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Bangladesh PM congratulates Mamata

I dont know what this discussion is all about about,but airstrips,if left unattended,cannot be used to land modern day cargo planes/passenger airliners.May be small Cessnas can,but thats it.In order to land a Boeing 747 weighing 900,000 pounds you need a very good runway,that has been regularly maintained and around 3000 mts of runway.

Lots of other requisites are there.An abandoned runway cannot simply be relied even if it is cleaned up and all,because of the simple fact that you dont really know the condition of the runway.

All these airports are small in size and were built to land Fokker/Cessner planes and helicopters. Boeing or any large aircrafts cannot be landed there.
All these airports are small in size and were built to land Fokker/Cessner planes and helicopters. Boeing or any large aircrafts cannot be landed there.

Small planes like Cessna or a Fokker can even land in deserts,open grass fields and even highways,and sometimes they do.
You dont really need an airstrip to land those.All you need is a 1000ft long level ground,now that does not count as a runway.



There was a joke going around sometime ago in Kerala that" The communists always help communists-How? Kerala communists will go to Gulf for work and Bengali communists will go to Kerala to take up the vacancy left by Keralaites.

Any ways how Mamata Didi is planning to woe back industries back to WB with the whole world seeing what happened to TATA in Singur?
Some bengalis are blaming center for developing other states while neglecting theirs.
Centre supports NE as special case, all other states developed on their own, centre only gave a helping hand.
Look at AP, not really a forward state before 2000 but now doing really well. They did it themselves, compare their regional leaders with yours and you will know.

Even haryana and punjab developed due to their business friendly state govts.
Some bengalis are blaming center for developing other states while neglecting theirs.
Centre supports NE as special case, all other states developed on their own, centre only gave a helping hand.
Look at AP, not really a forward state before 2000 but now doing really well. They did it themselves, compare their regional leaders with yours and you will know.

Even haryana and punjab developed due to their business friendly state govts.

The first step of solving a problem is correctly identifying the problem and requirements.
Those who are blaming the center have got their first step wrong.The bulk of the problem was from inside the state.That part once taken care of,center would have fallen in line as well.
Some of our small airports were built without much thought, but most were built to face an emergency situation. The unused airports have not been abandoned, their land remains with the GoB. In times of emergency these are supposed to be opened with a minimum repair works. Runways have been cordoned off limit by the encroachers.

Non operational airfields can be made operational and it is no big deal as such.

It takes time and cannot be done in a jiffy.

The runway has to be repaved as per the aircraft weight and take off and landing distance etc of the aircraft that will operate.

The control tower has to have the equipment and infrastructure that will support it re-engineered.

India is bent on developing its northwestern states and west bengal is being totallly negleted. I have been to himchal pradesh once and it is way more developed than west bengal. Hopefully madam banerjee will bring some positive changes to our bangla brothers in the west and a better relationship with bangladesh

It is not that Bengal is being sidelined. The East has been and still is sidelined.

There is no doubt that where there is money and it is in West India and in Maharastra, that region flourishes.

While East Indians are more bothered about their individual importance, the North, West and South Indian are not. They are more bothered about their States progress and they can lobby as a group.

Take Bengal for instance. Mamata Bannerjee was on her own track and the Leftists of Bengal were on their own track.

Now, take Bal Thakeray as an eample. He is anti 'outsiders'. The Congress - NCP Govt talks big and does nothing since it also helps them on their way!! One swift kick to this idiot Bal Takeray would be enough.

Mamata B is high on hot air and less action on ground. Hopefully, God will give her intelligence and less of emotions.

There has always been very good interpersonal relationship between Bangaldeshi and Bengalis. Mamata Bannerjee is not required. We can do it on our own as we have been doing so, notwithstanding the Govt policies.
What do you mean by east is sidelined. WB had 35 years of communist rule, you basically asked to be sidelined.
And now communists are replaces with an entity which seems to be worse than communists.

I expect lots of money flowing from center now, but will that develop WB? No.
All these airports are small in size and were built to land Fokker/Cessner planes and helicopters. Boeing or any large aircrafts cannot be landed there.

All those airports are under Air Force not under civil aviation. The fighters can land and take off from there. Airforce keep them usable for them.
What do you mean by east is sidelined. WB had 35 years of communist rule, you basically asked to be sidelined.
And now communists are replaces with an entity which seems to be worse than communists.

I expect lots of money flowing from center now, but will that develop WB? No.

Have you visited the East?

Do they have Broad Gauge Lines? They are now having some.

Are you aware that there are places where you have no bridges but cross on elephant's back?

And how many industries are there?

Where was India's first oil produced and what was the cost of petrol in Assam in those days?

I could go on.
Money may flow into Bengal now, but private industry since the Finance Minister will be the ex Chairman of FICCI or whatever the businessmen nexus is called!

Have you visited the East?

Do they have Broad Gauge Lines? They are now having some.

Are you aware that there are places where you have no bridges but cross on elephant's back?

And how many industries are there?

Where was India's first oil produced and what was the cost of petrol in Assam in those days?

I could go on.

Dont take it otherwise. But I think West Bengal and NE has far better future in coming days, if current trend continues and integrate its economy with Bangldesh. Even though Bangladesh started late but we already have a strong enterpreneur class and as Bengali, learned business which was unthinkable even couple of decades back.
Money may flow into Bengal now, but private industry since the Finance Minister will be the ex Chairman of FICCI or whatever the businessmen nexus is called!

The money may come but where will it go? Infrastructure roads and bridges. Thats all. But the private enterpreneur have to take it from there. People from other part of India may come and invest some but it should the Bengalis who have to take the lead.
So West Bengalis kicked out commies yet La-Hasina rehabilitating these low lives in Bd. I think West Bengali just became smart while Bd is admin by some donkey. This West Bengal effect will take place in Bangladesh if we are to hold a election now.

India is bent on developing its northwestern states and west bengal is being totallly negleted. I have been to himchal pradesh once and it is way more developed than west bengal. Hopefully madam banerjee will bring some positive changes to our bangla brothers in the west and a better relationship with bangladesh

May I suggest you that let's concentrate on Bangladesh. No need to worry about Bharat. East Bengal or North India, they are all Bharti and will not hesitate to cut your throat when you ain't looking.
So West Bengalis kicked out commies yet La-Hasina rehabilitating these low lives in Bd. I think West Bengali just became smart while Bd is admin by some donkey. This West Bengal effect will take place in Bangladesh if we are to hold a election now.

You have a good news AL-Zakir. Mamata promised, Urdu will be the 2nd language of West Bengal. You may consider migrating there now.. :bounce:
You have a good news AL-Zakir. Mamata promised, Urdu will be the 2nd language of West Bengal. You may consider migrating there now.. :bounce:

Why? Did I hurt your feeling or something?

By the way, I think your mentality is west Bengal type. So naturally you will just blend in among your blood brothers.
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