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Bangladesh PM congratulates Mamata

Roy: Infra sector is booming as far as Calcutta is concerned. All I see are huge cranes wherever I go. They are erecting 2,3 new flyover every year! Alas nothing has worked for CPM! :lol:

While they virtually neglected most part of Bengal. Have you been to Jalpaiguri and Coochbehar recently, it looks like it's still in the 90s.
While they virtually neglected most part of Bengal. Have you been to Jalpaiguri and Coochbehar recently, it looks like it's still in the 90s.

I did my grad from Jalpaiguri. I know the place is in shamble. Well call me selfish but I kinda like the lack of development there, cha baagan, korla aar ganja !! :P

It's hardly a city actually, it only takes 30 mins in cycle from maskolaibari to tista :s
Well I must say job well done. Although we don't need another International Airport in South Bengal, one in North Bengal is badly needed. Bagdogra as someone said remains shut for some period of time. But the problem is North Bengal is not as developed as South.

West Bengal lost its strength after 1947. As far as i know, west Bengal did not receive equal treatment from Delhi comparing to another divided Province Punjab. Punjabi Muhajirs were welcomed and were given job trainings, special schooling and many other things to rehabilitate them. But, Bangali Hindus were regarded as political outcasts by the same central govt. If you read through the reports, books and essays of those days you will know it.

Anyway, west Bengal was already developed comparing to the east in 1947. But, Kolkata died without east Bengal. It became also a very small state with little resorces. Then came the Commies. They may have done some land reforms, as you have said before. But, w. bengal lacks progress in many other fields. I hope, a Mamata leadership will usher in a new era of progress. Bangladesh people will be watching her if she is willing to protest Delhi's building of many unnecessary dams around BD.
Yeah partition proved fatal for us. Delhi babus had to make Punjab, Hariyana prosperous to quell the Khalistan movement. Also commies always played the victim card - always oppose never take responsibility.
And I call that BS!
.:Airports in Bangladesh::..
Lets hope Mamta Didi will fix the damage done by the Communists.
We will attract large private investments: Mamata Banerjee - The Economic Times

Why do you call it a bias? I have posted the same link that you have posted also. After posting that one I went to Wikis to see the list and then posted the same. Why it is then bias? I have checked the list with my own personal information. Everything is correct in the wikis. We have a total of 16 operating airports, 3 of which are international. And we have other 9 airports which are not operational, but can easily be activated in time of an emergency, probably a war, a storm or a cyclone.

You have to accept the truth of our development in the building of airports. But, same is not true with our airlines.
West Bengal lost its strength after 1947. As far as i know, west Bengal did not receive equal treatment from Delhi comparing to another divided Province Punjab. Punjabi Muhajirs were welcomed and were given job trainings, special schooling and many other things to rehabilitate them. But, Bangali Hindus were regarded as political outcasts by the same central govt. If you read through the reports, books and essays of those days you will know it.

Anyway, west Bengal was already developed comparing to the east in 1947. But, Kolkata died without east Bengal. It became also a very small state with little resorces. Then came the Commies. They may have done some land reforms, as you have said before. But, w. bengal lacks progress in many other fields. I hope, a Mamata leadership will usher in a new era of progress. Bangladesh people will be watching her if she is willing to protest Delhi's building of many unnecessary dams around BD.

jyothi basu had opportunity to become PM in 1996 but as always stupid communists chose to be in opposition(thats all they can do)
Central government cant do injustice with one state...they have to give allocated amount of money to each state...
injustice is when Maharashtra collects more money than 4-5 states combines and then too gets only smaller part of it..but that is justified as each and every part of nation must progress...at the end it is responsibility of state gov. to use that money appropriately..
West Bengal lost its strength after 1947. As far as i know, west Bengal did not receive equal treatment from Delhi comparing to another divided Province Punjab. Punjabi Muhajirs were welcomed and were given job trainings, special schooling and many other things to rehabilitate them. But, Bangali Hindus were regarded as political outcasts by the same central govt. If you read through the reports, books and essays of those days you will know it.

Anyway, west Bengal was already developed comparing to the east in 1947. But, Kolkata died without east Bengal. It became also a very small state with little resorces. Then came the Commies. They may have done some land reforms, as you have said before. But, w. bengal lacks progress in many other fields. I hope, a Mamata leadership will usher in a new era of progress. Bangladesh people will be watching her if she is willing to protest Delhi's building of many unnecessary dams around BD.

The educationists, lawyer, doctors, administrators etc were all from Bengal after Partition. Therefore, there was no discrimination.

It is only that the Bengalis who came from East Bengal did not get compensation like the Punjabis who came from West Pakistan. The Bengalis were covered by the Evacuee Property Act, which meant that the land in East Bengal was still theirs!! This was a fraud perpetuated on the people who came from East Bengal to India.

Jyoti Basu, the Communist CM, made Bengal poor as also redundant.

With gheraos, strikes and lock outs, he drove industry out of Bengal. Till then, Calcutta was the commercial capital of India.

The workers lost their jobs.

Then he ensured that English was removed from the education curriculum, making Bengali the sole medium of instruction.

This ensured Bengalis could not compete for All India jobs since Bengali could not be understood elsewhere.

So, unemployment rose!

It must be remembered that Communists can flourish only when the people are poor.

Jyoti and his Communists ensured the same!
And we have other 9 airports which are not operational, but can easily be activated in time of an emergency, probably a war, a storm or a cyclone.


No a disused airport or an airstrip cannot be made operational in a jiffy to cater for emergency, be it war, storm or cyclone.
Why do you call it a bias? I have posted the same link that you have posted also. After posting that one I went to Wikis to see the list and then posted the same. Why it is then bias? I have checked the list with my own personal information. Everything is correct in the wikis. We have a total of 16 operating airports, 3 of which are international. And we have other 9 airports which are not operational, but can easily be activated in time of an emergency, probably a war, a storm or a cyclone.

.:Airports in Bangladesh::..

Mate I don't know, the Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Website categorically says that that Bangladesh has 3 international and 5 domestic airports which are operational. And if you are going to count all the airports even the ones with no regular service then West Bengal too has quite a lot airports. You posted the Wiki link, I posted the CAAB link.

List of airports in West Bengal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Airport Authority of India

If the figures on the internet are correct, Kolkatta international airport alone handles more than twice the total air passenger volume of whole Bangladesh:cheesy: With almost close to double the population of West Bengal and double the land mass of West Bengal, airports doesn't seem like the forte of Bangladesh, and definitely nothing to boast about. The communists stunted the growth in West Bengal, hopefully things will be on the mend with the new government in.

You have to accept the truth of our development in the building of airports. But, same is not true with our airlines.

Oh don't get me wrong I am not trying to steal your thunder, Bangladesh is doing well for itself. Airlines will come when there is demand. Country as small and dense as Bangladesh, air travel is hardly a necessity.
While they virtually neglected most part of Bengal. Have you been to Jalpaiguri and Coochbehar recently, it looks like it's still in the 90s.

totally agree with this...I grew up in the small town of Bankura.My family no longer lives there.Recently I had gone their,just to freshen up old memories.The town looks worse than before.Infrastructure has degraded,population has increased many times due to influx of people from the nearby villages in search of job.The only latest development is the steady growth of naxals. There is police everywhere in the town and regular patrols.Kids can no longer go to the 'police-line grounds' to play in the after noon.

Development has mostly been Kolkata-centric.The CPIM government ensured that the general population remains poor and cutoff from the rest of the World.It easier from them to control the masses that way.

the state was once quite prosperous.The districts of Burdwan,Birbhum,Midnapore,Howrah are fertile and good in agriculture.During the time of Bidhan Chandra Roy as Chief Minister of West Bengal,industrial belts like Kalyani,Durgapur,Haldia were created.Salt-lake was created by virtually filling up the wetlands.Kolkata too had a sound industrial base.
But situation changed drastically after the CPIM came to power.They were,well kind of 'more communist than the actual communists' and hence more despotic.They believed in taking control of everything,education,healthcare,industry,virtually everything was totally under government control,and nobody can do anything without 'party favour'.So,in order to lead a hassle-free life,one has to be aligned to the party.

I cannot really say that private entrepreneurs/industrialists were much encouraged during the initial years of communist rule.They were viewed as a part of the capitalist society.While Kolkata flourished,the remaining areas remained just as they were.One of the root cause of Naxal insurgency is this ambiguity of the government towards a uniform development.

Its funny and at the same time painful to see the Communists,who are supposed to fight for the rights of the common working class,turn to become the bourgeois themselves.34 years of single party rule,nobody to challenge,nobody to point a finger,what else can happen??

Perhaps the hardest hit was the educational system.They probably took a page out of Stalin's book.In order to control the masses,you control what they read and what they are taught,how they are educated.It is these very people,who opposed when ABN-AMRO bank started installing computers in their branches,saying it will result in the loss of jobs.How about increasing productivity to create some more avenues for jobs?It sounds really funny in the present context.
It was not until the late nineties,that the government realized its folly.But by that time,a lot of damage was already done.Investors no longer wanted to invest.Those who were already here,did not want to expand.Where will they expand?Where are the cities,infrastructure??
Lately,the CPIM government tried to do some good work,but the efforts were simply nothing considering what had to be done.The goodwill was already lost.
A change was very much necessary,even if that is in the form of Mamta Banerjee.Now lets see,what future has in store for West Bengal.
No a disused airport or an airstrip cannot be made operational in a jiffy to cater for emergency, be it war, storm or cyclone.

Some of our small airports were built without much thought, but most were built to face an emergency situation. The unused airports have not been abandoned, their land remains with the GoB. In times of emergency these are supposed to be opened with a minimum repair works. Runways have been cordoned off limit by the encroachers.
India is bent on developing its northwestern states and west bengal is being totallly negleted. I have been to himchal pradesh once and it is way more developed than west bengal. Hopefully madam banerjee will bring some positive changes to our bangla brothers in the west and a better relationship with bangladesh
Some of our small airports were built without much thought, but most were built to face an emergency situation. The unused airports have not been abandoned, their land remains with the GoB. In times of emergency these are supposed to be opened with a minimum repair works. Runways have been cordoned off limit by the encroachers.

I dont know what this discussion is all about about,but airstrips,if left unattended,cannot be used to land modern day cargo planes/passenger airliners.May be small Cessnas can,but thats it.In order to land a Boeing 747 weighing 900,000 pounds you need a very good runway,that has been regularly maintained and around 3000 mts of runway.lots of other requisites are there.An abandoned runway cannot simply be relied even if it is cleaned up and all,because of the simple fact that you dont really know the condition of the runway.
The CM , Finance, Industries ministers of WB would have been treated as superstars elsewhere in India. Unfortunately the environment in WB has been so vitiated that change will only come gradually. Very gradually! Mamata will get nowhere with any new ideas because the communists will do a reverse "Singur" on her. Losing TATA was a major blow & no matter what, people are not going to be rushing in to put their money in a state which isn't really sure it wants them when there are so many better opportunities elsewhere in India. TATA could have changed that perception. Most other industrialists would be petrified of going to a place that the TATA's found difficult. The only ones coming would be the ones who can "manage" the environment which would hardly help in braking the shackles of the past. A communist part government has been booted out not the leftist ideology which is living well in the TMC. Mamata's agitation was all about being more left than the left & her idea would now be to blackmail the central government to push more funds to WB. Hardly the great harbinger of change. It is the same mindset of the last 35 years.

Mamata Banerjee is a great street fighter having now defeated the masters of that art. Her understanding of the world beyond the political realm however leaves a lot to be desired. Hopefully some of her advisers will offer some alternatives & convince her to go along. Otherwise the new dawn in WB will be a brief glimpse & nothing more.
Abir ji punjab also went through partition and much worse then bengal and I dont recall any damm thing which came from delhi....In all of punjab's history direction is from punjab to delhi..even today electricty in delhi is from bhakra....atleast be objective in ur comments...
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