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Bangladesh PM congratulates Mamata

Why? Did I hurt your feeling or something?

Bye the way, I think your mentality is west Bengal type. So naturally you will just blend in among your blood brothers.

Noo, I was talking about Urdu if you did not know. West Bengal is getting Urdu as their official language.
Abir ji punjab also went through partition and much worse then bengal and I dont recall any damm thing which came from delhi....In all of punjab's history direction is from punjab to delhi..even today electricty in delhi is from bhakra....atleast be objective in ur comments...

The green revolution changed the whole economy of Hariyana and Punjab, only recently Central Govt promised to replicate the same in East India. However I'm not giving any excuse, it's our fault that we elected a stupid party for 30 years who love to play the victim card without any responsibility!
Why? Did I hurt your feeling or something?

By the way, I think your mentality is west Bengal type. So naturally you will just blend in among your blood brothers.

So West Bengalis kicked out commies yet La-Hasina rehabilitating these low lives in Bd. I think West Bengali just became smart while Bd is admin by some donkey. This West Bengal effect will take place in Bangladesh if we are to hold a election now.

May I suggest you that let's concentrate on Bangladesh. No need to worry about Bharat. East Bengal or North India, they are all Bharti and will not hesitate to cut your throat when you ain't looking.

What wrong in this man? Why he always post hate?

Not gonna reply , leave him as he is. :wave:
The green revolution changed the whole economy of Hariyana and Punjab, only recently Central Govt promised to replicate the same in East India. However I'm not giving any excuse, it's our fault that we elected a stupid party for 30 years who love to play the victim card without any responsibility!

As far as I know, the leftists used heineous acts to intimidate the voters of west Bengal. Many of their party workers worked as informers. These informers would inform the anti-leftist thinking of certain individual, and he would be killed in a few days. It was a case of pure intimidation.

This has hampered the political activities of the anti-leftists. This may be one reason why the lefts continued to rule over without delivering anything to the state. Central govt would certainly avoid when it has to provide development funds in a state run by the left.
As far as I know, the leftists used heineous acts to intimater the voters of west Bengal. Many of their party workers worked as informers. These informers would send the anti-leftist thinking of certain i9ndividuals, and he would be killed in a few days. It was a case of pure intimidation. This has hampered the political activities of the anti-leftists. This may be one reason why the lefts continued to rule over without delivering anything to the state. Central govt would certainly avoid when it has to provide development funds in a state run by the left.

This is quite an accurate assessment . Leftists almost made it an organized form of intimidation . They had their roots everywhere from Universities with their student unions, to panchayatis , municipalities in every district . They lasted so long because they organized themselves and their supporters and votebank quite efficiently .

However the bold part seems a bit too harsh , that is what Naxalites were known for not the mainstream left .
What wrong in this man? Why he always post hate?

Not gonna reply , leave him as he is. :wave:

He is a steeped in fundamentalism.

Nothing beyond Wahabism is acceptable to him in BD or anywhere in the world.

He is unique.

He also hates BD though he flies the BD flag.

Helps him to project a helpless image to get his way around and making suckers of the Americans where he claims he resides.

We provided 1.1 million Indians with Jobs in this country through Legal means. They are documented.

Dont start trolling here.

Thank you.

It is terribly white of you!

However, the per hectare yield of wheat was highest in Bengal!

West Bengal is a rice producing zone. Wheat yield cannot be that much unless it is produced under a superficially created optimum condition. Wheat needs less water and it cannot be produced in fields under standing water. Could it be that the areas in the north like Dinajpur are producing whaets?
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