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Bangladesh Navy

@Khan saheb, why would ali haider get a replacement radar though?
The current radar don't serve BN's needs anymore. A radar, datalink & some other subsystem upgrades were planned from the start. BNS Omar Farooq (F15) received the upgrade first. I think F17 would get the Kronos radar too just like F 15.
Incidentally PLAN has started to strip of it's last Type53H2G frigate '542'. Readying for transfer?
It’s a gift for Cambodia.

@Michael Corleone did not ever live in rural BD, he spent his life in Kuwait. Yet, what he stated about rural BD is true. Do not measure our real Bangladesh with the yardstick of Dhaka. Dhaka is full of problems, because it was not been built with much planning. The rural BD is completely different. It has been in the process of evolution since after 1947. The govt. has paved many thousands of km of already existing Kaccha roads, has built bridges and culverts, and added new roads.

Go to a peasant's house. Almost all the houses are now built with brick or with a combination of brick+tin (corrugated sheet). There was a time when one could see many house walls built with even jute stick (Patkhori), but not now. The rural face has completely changed with the supply of electricity, although per capita consumption of power is not high. Many/most of the houses have fridges and TVs.

There are shortage of labors in the farms. The per day salary is more or less 500 Taka. The govt. is selecting industrial zones in many parts of the rural BD. This will cause the labors to be absorbed there causing the efficiency and real income to go up. Many of the people are already using motor cycles. People without MC can easily travel at a cheap price to almost any place they like by using three wheeler autos.

Many of the women/housewives are engaged in poultry farms in limited scale. Since meat and eggs are in demand, therefore, their sells have improved the income of many of the rural households. There are so many kindergartens in the rural BD. All the school age children attend schools, at least, the Primary ones. In our time, we did not even see what a rucksack is. But, today every child uses it for going to school.

We do not have any issue with Muslim, Hindu or low-caste people like the sons and daughters of sweepers in the schools. They study and play together. Unlike the Indians, these small children are not taught by any body about the JATPAT. So, they feel affinity with each other. There is no bar even in the fields of employment.

Yes, Indian good cities may compare with the BD cities. But, please do not compare BD rural with Indian rural. It is a way higher than India can ever dream of.
I lived in rural and urban bd and hence can tell the difference, urban bd has improved substantially compared to 20 years back but I still prefer rural bd because less people compared to cities.
But I’m just claustrophobic so that’s just me
The current radar don't serve BN's needs anymore. A radar, datalink & some other subsystem upgrades were planned from the start. BNS Omar Farooq (F15) received the upgrade first. I think F17 would get the Kronos radar too just like F 15.
I thought F15 recieved the chinese SLC aesa radar ?
The Twin 40L70 Compact provides effectiveness and reliability especially under the most challenging operations, such as:
- anti-missile defence (subsonic sea-skimmers);
- anti-aircraft defence;
- ship-to-ship engagements.
Then, what will defend from supersonic sea-skimming missiles?
maritime firefighting exercises

BN plans to procure 02 x Helicopters in the financial ieii iill-
2018. The Helicopters shall be designed to undertake Anti
Submarine Warfare (ASW), Anti Surface Warfare (ASuW), Over
the Horizon Targeting (OTHT), Maritime Search and Rescue
(MSAR) Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) Casualty Evacuation
(CASEVAC) and Special Forces Missions (quoted from tender)

Sea State : at least upto 4

for more details: http://www.dgdp.gov.bd/dgdp/AP_TEN/s_doc/2247.pdf

so,4 wildcats on 4 type56 corvette??

Basic Requirement
a. The Helicopters should be able to operate in all weather
condition from all BN ships containing Helrcopter deck similar to
the dimension of BNS BANGABANDHU and larger'
b. The HelicoPters should be.
(1) Proven Maritime version and designed for Maritime
(2) Proven and certified for both Anti submarine warfare
(ASW) and Anti Surface Warfare (ASuW) capability
(3) Utilized for Naval/ Maritime operations by at least 02
1 navies
(4) Cleared for single Pilot VFR and IFR operation (day and

The Helicopters are to be compatible with existing MacTaggart
scott Handling system of BNS BANGABANDHU and'/or Recoi6ry,
Assist Securing and Traversing (RAST) system.

(Source: tender)
4'th Shadhinota Class ship launched.
BNS Shongram (F113) & BNS Prottasha (F114) will be Commissioned by May-June of this year.

So the stage is clear for the Forth act to begin. Cheers!
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