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Bangladesh Navy

Keep crying... While boasting about vintage Chinese frigates, LDC dumbass !!! :rofl:

3 collisions in 1 year is 'reasonable' but IN's 'accidents' (real or imaginary) isn't...that's LDC logic for you...
We never boasted. Your ministers come to our country to ask us why we need to buy subs (be it trashy or modern, and tries to sell us patrol boats when we can make em ourselves.

Did you look at the videos of Dhaka on youtube yet? You take dumps right out in plain view city, tannery effluent swimming pool around it or not.....and then the whole place floods....yuck. Its all there in plain view with a youtube search, and you lot claim some single digit or zero open defecation.....lol right.

Just a refresher:


So don't give me this BS when you yourself called your countryfolk as cockroaches, smelly and gropey because they hassled you in the smelly foul airport for a bribe aka luggage check from the get go....and then you witnessed the horror that is Dhaka for 4 hours for a small trip to whichever gated place you went to.

Dhaka after all ranks where it does in liveability for a reason.....and its not a welcome trend to automatically believe the rural areas and towns are all suddenly 180 degree away from that hell-pit.
Unlike y’all we don’t use it to grow our crops.

Topic is about toilets, don’t try to divert it.

car exploding in car park multiple times is a manufacturing defect. it is not the drivers fault
the Indian navy is a professional force with orders of magnitude better than pakistani and bangladeshi navy

in the 1971 war pakistani navy lost their submarine when it tried to lay mines
Just like the sukhoi with Indian made spares, manufacturing defect yeah!?

Pns ghazi might have had in internal explosion or sabotaged... both have fair bit of evidence... (Pakistani submarine crew was mostly Bengali, or the upgrade it went in Turkey was defective) but in no was was it destroyed by IAF for which the evidence point to zero because the boat went down in internal explosion while being submerged.
Real sad to see this.

BTW let's not post this in the Bangladesh Navy thread. It's off topic.

well, sure its off topic.... but its not time for us to ignore stuff that are within our sphere.... e.g. we can't ignore what happens in the Maldives, because a quarter of that country's population is Bangladeshi.... its time for us to tear our thinking barriers to redesign our thinking....
Just like the sukhoi with Indian made spares, manufacturing defect yeah!?

Pns ghazi might have had in internal explosion or sabotaged... both have fair bit of evidence... (Pakistani submarine crew was mostly Bengali, or the upgrade it went in Turkey was defective) but in no was was it destroyed by IAF for which the evidence point to zero because the boat went down in internal explosion while being submerged.

Indian Sukhoi fleet is far more potent than anything you dream of

There is no evidence that any of the Pakistani submarine crew was Bengali. Most Bengali personnel were much under house arrest (assuming they did not defect).

All evidence points to the PNS Ghazi sinking after trying to lay mines. That points to routine operation.
We never boasted

Lol, and what is happening in this forum ?

Pakistani submarine crew was mostly Bengali

Bengali officers & sailors were relieved of their duties much before the beginning of the war as the PN top brass doubted their loyalty (source: 'Story of the Pakistan Navy')

Just like the sukhoi with Indian made spares, manufacturing defect yeah!?

When was any accident blamed on Indian spares ? Do you have access to IAF reports or are you shooting off your rear as usual ?

It's damn funny to see someone from a country without one, certified aerospace vendor mocks Indian made MKIs... Really it is.
Lol, and what is happening in this forum ?
What regularly happens in all forums.

Bengali officers & sailors were relieved of their duties much before the beginning of the war as the PN top brass doubted their loyalty (source: 'Story of the Pakistan Navy')
That’s why half of them who were in France for scropene training had to hide and escape their hotel to go to the consulate and mutiny... Pakistanis would rather admit to losing to Indians alone nowadays and keep rice farmer and fish Cather Mukhtis out of the story to save some face.

Indian Sukhoi fleet is far more potent than anything you dream of

There is no evidence that any of the Pakistani submarine crew was Bengali. Most Bengali personnel were much under house arrest (assuming they did not defect).

All evidence points to the PNS Ghazi sinking after trying to lay mines. That points to routine operation.
Well my serious side will admit to that. My troll side would say that’s why half of them crash every year.
(Note this was genuinely meant as a compliment, but fix your spare problem shit, having shitty problems like that makes having sukhois redundant.

There’s no evidence (at least from Pakistani perspective that Indian tanks were on the verge of entering Lahore, that Lahore was to fall)
But east bengal regiment soldiers with mine strapped to their body is why Pakistan probably still exist today.
So yeah, so much dive for evidences, pfft
That’s why half of them who were in France for scropene training had to hide and escape their hotel to go to the consulate and mutiny... Pakistanis would rather admit to losing to Indians alone nowadays and keep rice farmer and fish Cather Mukhtis out of the story to save some face.

And when did that happen ? During commissioning of PNS Mangro which happened months earlier before actual war.

There were no Bengalis in PN during the war.
That’s why half of them who were in France for scropene training had to hide and escape their hotel to go to the consulate and mutiny... Pakistanis would rather admit to losing to Indians alone nowadays and keep rice farmer and fish Cather Mukhtis out of the story to save some face.

Get your facts straight

Indian navy acquired Scorpene. Pakistani navy never acquired Scorpenes. Scorpene is a new submarine class.
PNS Ghazi was an American submarine

Pakistani navy lost the submarine on a routine mission. Why is it so hard to accept the truth ?
According to who? You? LOL. The "Dhaka ppl are cockroaches" guy......you probably wont even last 2 minutes in the BD countryside (to check anything of note for yourself esp when whichever BBS/BRAC/BAL idiot isnt around to concoct a feel/datapoint) when you complain about 4 hours to Wari waaaaaah, I'm leaving the country and giving up on it totally!

Looks like your mighty loan provider is catching onto the issues regarding operationalising them ;) :

This is apparently an airport in a "capital" "city":

"Capital" sewer handling ala a 3rd tier Indian city, not even basic safety gear that were standard in India's main cities 20 years ago:

Washing in the capital's crap....that Crap with a capital C:

Dhaka is a 21st century city, heres the 90% of how that looks like:

No open defecation going on here guys, nothing to see folks! Move along:

Yum fish,....and the great Bangladesh navy in operation...."cruisers" and "gunboats" floating along everywhere, watch out for the "mines" tho....they give ya blisters:

Speaking of countryside, it’s much much much better than many places in Dhaka, so you’re wrong in your assumption in me lasting more than a day in countryside, actually my plan is to settle somewhere like that because of how organized it is, speaking of crowds... it’s not something shameless to be somewhat claustrophobic which I sort of am.

As for all the videos, well yeah... they’re in bd, Dhaka like I said is a failed city and has to be rebuilt from ground up...
it’s not like supapowa India is without any of the hackles that are shown anywhere in South Asia/south east Asia.
So stop acting superior. We admit our shortcomings and try to work on it rather than live in a delusional world thinking “we’re the next supa powa”

If anyone has the chance of being it, it’s china.
Get your facts straight

Indian navy acquired Scorpene. Pakistani navy never acquired Scorpenes. Scorpene is a new submarine class.
PNS Ghazi was an American submarine

Pakistani navy lost the submarine on a routine mission. Why is it so hard to accept the truth ?
Daphne class sorry, I’m not contesting your particular claim here but according to the Pakistanis themselves, it might like got blown off while laying mines, like you said or... sabotaged by an internal explosion. I’m not leaning towards anyone of the theory to win this argument however.

And when did that happen ? During commissioning of PNS Mangro which happened months earlier before actual war.

There were no Bengalis in PN during the war.
Because all of them resigned and left their bases as soon as the war started. However the once who were in Pakistan stayed until they were sent to France, Toulon for submarine training from where they mutinied, came to bd, trained naval commandos and performed operation jackpot.

You are contradicting yourself. If you acted, then Dhaka wouldn't be the dump it is today.
Frankly I’ve not crossed quarter the lifespan Dhaka has (post independence) and lived there for a limited number of years...
although I have to note that not all of Dhaka is the dump it is perceived to be.
a) You really dont actually (as a group):


b) The best way to prove you are not delusional is to stop dragging in India for all kind of non-related talk on this NAVY thread.
A) one persons opinions on a “forum” doesn’t represent 160+ million people living in bd and others abroad...

B) under no reason am I or anyone obligated to prove we’re not delusional, trolling in bd forum is always started in by the holy trinity, you... gv... whatever and wiseman so as long as y’all don’t stop seeing people of bd as subordinate, don’t expect them (other bd origin members) (sometimes me included) to pull in india’s Shortcomings in the convos.
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