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Bangladesh is getting closer to Eurofighter Typhoon

Both are potent fighter. But EFT is better as it was designed primarily for aerial fight. Also it will depend on pilot too. Instead of arguing, read these.

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why should we read anything. We evaluated both. We found EFT wanting and overpriced. Surely they won't design a new kind of EFT for you that we haven't seen already.
why should we read anything. We evaluated both. We found EFT wanting and overpriced. Surely they won't design a new kind of EFT for you that we haven't seen already.

Sure sure...whatever you say...
Who cares whatever BAF buys... I would just expect them to send their new toys to Yalahenka Air Show..

And those predicting IAF vs BAF showoff,, not happening in your lifetime
HE is the Rafale Salesman. I am sure Dassault is paying him handsomely for his efforts.
LMAO , no bhai, dassault aviation isn't fool that they will pay such people. They have smarter people than this amateur Indian. :lol:
And those predicting IAF vs BAF showoff,, not happening in your lifetime
Wise people never seek for battle, but they always remain prepare.
India won't attack BD - what is the reason for India to attack BD unless you do so? If your defence spending per capita is much less, then you could spend more on border patrol and stop illegal activities on the border. It's a common knowledge that there is lot of cross-border stuff going on in Assam/Tripura etc., Get drones, erect barbed wire electrical fences, stop illegal border movement and business. Benefits both countries. Realistically when was last time BD was ever threatened by external military/air force (India/Myanmar) ?

Nobody in India ever trusted Pak even before hiduvta started spreading. Dislike and distrust for Pak is not something new or related to hinduvta.
Hinduvta just makes it easier for jobless people to hate everything other than their own ideas, Pak issue is even older than hinduvta ideology.

Defense is preparing for the day when you need to act.
Its a little late when you find out on one fine morning your enemies' tanks are driving by right outside your door !
Firstly Austria, Kuwait and Qatar have a history of operating high end western jets "genius".
Bangladesh has never operated a high end western fighter, it has not modern ADGE or AEW to support it.
So, the logic is, as Bangladesh never operated high end western fighter, it should not pursue ever? Why? If BAF see something fit for it's need, it has to start from somewhere or not? It is not that, India is going to attack Bangladesh tomorrow, these two countries may not even engage in military clash ever. Bangladesh's Western fighter jet program is not for any emergency. BAF will get sufficient times to establish proper infrastructure and training.
Austria simply needs air policing. Kuwait pretty much the same, Qatar is actually looking to match the air capability of it's neighbours. All three have much much more money then BD too.
Bangladesh also has similar need. But you are now changing the goal post. At first you claimed that, EFT is not suitable for Bangladesh as it is a small country. When I pointed that even smaller countries than Bangladesh are operating EFT, you then came up with other excuses !
Yes hands down each and every time..... ever heard anyone say otherwise?

Canard delta design and more powerful engine allows greater manueverability in the high-altitude regime.
Eurofighter also has higher service ceiling and top speed allowing it to more fully utilise its larger and longer ranged radar to hit the Rafale at greater ranges than the other way round.

Eurofighter in essence will dictate the engagement whereas the Rafale will have to fight defensively.
So, the logic is, as Bangladesh never operated high end western fighter, it should not pursue ever? Why? If BAF see something fit for it's need, it has to start from somewhere or not? It is not that, India is going to attack Bangladesh tomorrow, these two countries may not even engage in military clash ever. Bangladesh's Western fighter jet program is not for any emergency. BAF will get sufficient times to establish proper infrastructure and training.

Bangladesh also has similar need. But you are now changing the goal post. At first you claimed that, EFT is not suitable for Bangladesh as it is a small country. When I pointed that even smaller countries than Bangladesh are operating EFT, you then came up with other excuses !

Look, reread my posts. I am not saying BD cannot operate high end western fighters. Bangladesh has a strong economy, it's people are bright and dedicated and it has a professional armed forces.

It would require an immense amount if time, logistics, manpower and money to do this. You have to ask yourself what would be the net gain? 16 Planes, say 12 available at any given time, all vulnerable to stand off weapons from Myanmar or India. Now think what you could do with the $4 Billion instead? Totally integrated and very heavy SAM/Radar network that could shoot anything out of the sky 200km from BD borders. That would make any attacker think twice.

BAF needs to protect BD from any possible threat and yes, that includes India.
Canard delta design and more powerful engine allows greater manueverability in the high-altitude regime.
Eurofighter also has higher service ceiling and top speed allowing it to more fully utilise its larger and longer ranged radar to hit the Rafale at greater ranges than the other way round.

Eurofighter in essence will dictate the engagement whereas the Rafale will have to fight defensively.
it has a higher service ceiling and speed meaning that meteors could be launched from higher up and faster (as the air is thinner at higher altitudes). This will increase probability of hit
This thread is hilarious.

The reality is all we have are bits of news here and there regarding a purchase.

It has been confirmed that the number required is 16 and will be from a Western source with 2 engines. (There are figures regarding cost floating around as well)

We DO know BAF people are talking with Leonardo.

Much more so than say with Dassault.

So I guess you can infer Eurofighter is likely going to be the choice.

I also think BAF seems to be taking its time.

Don't count out further purchases of fighters as well as support i.e. AEW platforms.

Economy is only getting better.

And Bangladesh UNDERSPENDS on its military as it is.

So lets just savor this story as it unfolds.
it has a higher service ceiling and speed meaning that meteors could be launched from higher up and faster (as the air is thinner at higher altitudes). This will increase probability of hit

Yes, in essence Meteor's fired by Eurofighters will have slightly longer "no escape" zones than the same missile fired by Rafales.

Eurofighter was designed as a pure air-supremacy fighter that could shoot down the Su-27s and Mig-29s that the Soviet Union fielded in the 1980s, whereas the Rafale was designed as an all-in-one fighter that had to be small enough to fit on a carrier.

When equipped with similar radar, avionics and missiles, the Eurofighter is quite a fair bit superior to Rafale in air-to-air combat.
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