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Bangladesh economy may overtake western countries by 2050

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UNESCO Institute for Statistics
UNESCO Institute for Statistics
What about College??
Over take India in research?????:rofl:

Now for some actual analysis:

Japan was never going to overtake the US as it had less than half the population, so those predictions were known to be full of hot air when they were made. Only someone who had no common sense would have taken them seriously. Still Japan is a very rich country on a par with Western Europe.

Latin Americans are not exactly known for their hard work. They are doing ok being middle income countries for the amount of work they do.

Blah,again more hot air but no facts.Your Idea that the population is the main driving force of economic growth is wrong.Both Japan and Latin Americans had very productive population when economic crisis hit them.If you want to know how hard working Latinos are then go to US.Problem was the bad financial policies from the Govt's of these countries.Japan had a massive asset price bubble which was created by the bad policies of Japanese Govt.The result was two lost decades of Japan

Same goes for Latin American economies in 80s they borrowed more money than they can manage.When oil prices went up they were forced to borrow more until their debts could not be pay back.Their goes two decades with out any economic growth.Such thing could happen to any country.

Malaysia should reach developed country status by the end of the decade and Indonesia should reach middle income status by the middle of the next decade so those predictions are actually coming true.

China, unless an absolute catastrophe happens, will become a developed country by the middle of the next decade and also the world's largest economy.

Looks like the predictions for the Asian countries, bar Japan, have/or will come true.

Do you remember Indonesia had a massive recession in 1997.They lost 13.5% of its GDP that year.They are only emerging from that now.Similar thing also happened to Malaysia in 1998.None of this prediction can be expected to be true.
^^^ You have no ability to analyse or are trolling for the sake of it.

Nice BS

Income per Capita $PPP

India $3,652 Bangladesh $1,788 Pakistan $2,763

List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First Row of your table is thus proved wrong.Shall I continue to the next row ji????:azn:

Again another bs. Poor of India does not have any share of that. For example almost 30% of Indian population in UP and Bihar lives with 300 and 500 usd per capita which is equivalent o sub saharn Africa... Not to mention other poor Indians as well? That's why one third of Indians go to bed hungry and 42% children are malnourished, farmers commit suicide for poverty but nothing such happened in Bangladesh.

India is a backward country where bulk of the poor are ruled by certain elites who enjoy all the benefits that's why poverty is so high in India and interns of social Indicator it is far behind then Bangladesh.
:lol:Sensational headline by Daily Star & prothom alo and it doesn't take rocket science to figure out the reason behind it.:rolleyes:

This is the original article' headline by the guardian :

New-wave economies going for growth

New-wave economies going for growth | World news | The Guardian

This is the twisted article by Daily farting star:

Bangladesh economy may overtake western countries by 2050 :eek:

Bangladesh economy may overtake western countries by 2050

While not a word has been mentioned about BD particularly, apart from the sending of remittence by hard working expatriates, but Captain here went ballastic over predictions of 50 years from now that have many ifs and buts. :hang2:

From the N11 countries that were particularly mentioned here were mexico( already a regional middle income power) , nigeria (huge oil reserves with 8% growth rate) & Vietnam (avg 8% growth rate in last 5-6 years). Now look at BD , yet to achieve a 7% growth rate and always crooked up figures & targets by the gov.)

Lets see BD's achievement in the factors needed for such growth trajectory mentioned here :

1)need sound macro-economic policies including control of inflation and budget deficits- Utter failure. :tdown:

2)invested in human capital- Decent achievement. Then again most of our workers are primarily unskilled. Technical institutes should be set up to facilitate skilled man power export. Grameen Bank wanted to set up such facilities but were blocked by the gov. The ones set up are primarily by Private ownership and companies.

3) improving their educational standards- Don't know where it is going now. It was definitely going in the right direction until recent years. In I heard in rural areas students can opnely cheat in HSC & SSC exams. But them again I would say decent achievement in our edu sector over the past 30 years.

4)able to import new technologies from the west- Not making decent progress.

5)young and growing populations- Making great progress :rolleyes: but their potential must be harnessed and proper policies must be ensured so that they come back from abroad and invest and work in the country. I don't see any policies taken thus far.

6) Investment on infrastructure- hardly any progress. The roads & higways connecting chittagong & shylet are in shambles due to poor maintainance & abuls & kalo birals. Lets not mention infrastructure in the north west.

7) Power sector- One should ask whether the Quick rentals are even sustainable with billions of dollars of subsidy. The forex reserve is struggling to keep up and the next gov would feel the pinch of the blunders done by BAL.

Also we are still a country mired by astronomical level of corruption and political instability. Did we even achieve 7.5 % growth rate yet? :hitwall: We are still in medium light engineering sector overwhelmingly revolving around textiles & garments. Recent years of workers unrest and the most recent tazrin factory fire & the subsequent US protest on workers safety showed the various factors apart from political instability that can halt our years of gains in an instant. Not to forget recent surge of takeovers by next door dadas facilitated by gov dalali. A country can not cross west by 80% garments export alone. State guided investment by the private sector is needed to make a leap towars high-end value added manufaturing like auto, ship building, electronics ects. The countries like Malaysia, S.K, Mexico that lived up to expectations & predictions followed similar policies. I feel its unfair to keep the likes of BD, vietnam, PAK, nigeria ( though they have huge oil reserves;) in the same category as S.korea , indoneshia , mexico & turkey.

Lets look at one quote of the same article that shows the naiveness of such retarded predictions:

HSBC has cut its growth forecast for 2013 because of the impact of collapsing world trade on those emerging markets that have based their development on export growth. But in the longer term, there is optimism even for what has up until now been the world's slowest-growing continent: Africa.

Predictions are all good, but boasting over something that doesn't even exist and mired by so many uncontrollable factors is nothing but naiveity.

Before harping over it aimlessly , one should ask him/herself the question - why did daily star & prothom alo gave such a sensationalist headline that have hardly any relevance to what the Guardian tried to say.
It was already mentioned couple of time Bangladesh's GDP of now measured in 95 base year. Indians to the Bangladeshis are always seen as poor and miser that they even had o steal furniture and sink from Bangladesh. Only after war India able to move ahead little due to slow down in Bangladesh economy which Bangladesh will cover up soon.

But this is irrelevant as despite using 95 base year India has far worse condition in social indicator which speaks the living condition of the Indians.
It was already mentioned couple of time Bangladesh's GDP of now measured in 95 base year. Indians to the Bangladeshis are always seen as poor and miser that they even had o steal furniture and sink from Bangladesh. Only after war India able to move ahead little due to slow down in Bangladesh economy which Bangladesh will cover up soon.

But this is irrelevant as despite using 95 base year India has far worse condition in social indicator which speaks the living condition of the Indians.

We feel its an insult to be compared to your country, no disrespect to you or your country.


You are in low HDI, India is in medium.

134 India
145 Pakistan
146 Bangladesh

Seems too many of you people seem to be genetically incapable of analyzing data and facts.

What was it about "far worse condition in social indicator which speaks the living condition of the Indians"!

As for social equality, the Gini indexes are quite comparable for India and Bangladesh.

India 36.8
Bangladesh 33.2

So with i/3 of Indian income per capita, every segment of BD population earns much less. That's why the pole vaulting.

Now, we wish the country well. Just don't get into the pathetic comparisons with India.

Your unkil China has a Gini coeff. of 61 BTW.

Just something for you to chew on, why they sell arms to Myanmar to (man)handle you. ;)
Hmmm... trying to open my eyes, but too many IFs and Buts......and still, should I be excited for something sUper that may happen even after 30 years!?!!!

Saw in a talk show at ETV yesterday, where an economist professor of DU disagreed with the title 2050 which is based on remittance mostly. He gave stress on the importance of diversified industrialization and exporting skilled and educated labors in abroad in future that we lack.

And about education, there are too many worthless A+. But better than previous generation.

I would like to see a steady growth in GDP, HDI, political harmony (less political and ideological devision) in long run, I have no wish to compare BD with other countries, but just want to see a stable progress.

And about the hammy Daily-Alo title, it's to create a mass hysteria among the ignorants!

Lastly, we should give more focus on GDP per capita level, not GDP volume with overpopulation.
We feel its an insult to be compared to your country, no disrespect to you or your country.


You are in low HDI, India is in medium.

134 India
145 Pakistan
146 Bangladesh

Seems too many of you people seem to be genetically incapable of analyzing data and facts.

What was it about "far worse condition in social indicator which speaks the living condition of the Indians"!

As for social equality, the Gini indexes are quite comparable for India and Bangladesh.

India 36.8
Bangladesh 33.2

So with i/3 of Indian income per capita, every segment of BD population earns much less. That's why the pole vaulting.

Now, we wish the country well. Just don't get into the pathetic comparisons with India.

Your unkil China has a Gini coeff. of 61 BTW.

Just something for you to chew on, why they sell arms to Myanmar to (man)handle you. ;)

GDP/capita is used to measure HDI.

When BD, rebases to 2005 GDP, then BD will at least equal India HDI.

I do not need to remind Indians of the fact that India had a whole 25 head start over BD in nation-building.

There is little doubt that BD has used it's independence much better than India in improving the lives of the general population.
GDP/capita is used to measure HDI.

When BD, rebases to 2005 GDP, then BD will at least equal India HDI.

I do not need to remind Indians of the fact that India had a whole 25 head start over BD in nation-building.

There is little doubt that BD has used it's independence much better than India in improving the lives of the general population.

Again, wishing well for your country.

Just keep it to your own positive news.

As of now, BD is an LDC (least developed country) and all other SAARC countries are giving it concessionary terms.

Again, no disrespect meant. Just facts.
Eorl ⚔;3727060 said:
Hmmm... trying to open my eyes, but too many IFs and Buts......and still, should I be excited for something sUper that may happen even after 30 years!?!!!

Saw in a talk show at ETV yesterday, where an economist professor of DU disagreed with the title 2050 which is based on remittance mostly. He gave stress on the importance of diversified industrialization and exporting skilled and educated labors in abroad in future that we lack.

And about education, there are too many worthless A+. But better than previous generation.

I would like to see a steady growth in GDP, HDI, political harmony (less political and ideological devision) in long run, I have no wish to compare BD with other countries, but just want to see a stable progress.

And about the hammy Daily-Alo title, it's to create a mass hysteria among the ignorants!

Lastly, we should give more focus on GDP per capita level, not GDP volume with overpopulation.

Quoted for truth.

By the way, ETV is pro-Awami :rofl:
GDP/capita is used to measure HDI.

When BD, rebases to 2005 GDP, then BD will at least equal India HDI.

I do not need to remind Indians of the fact that India had a whole 25 head start over BD in nation-building.

There is little doubt that BD has used it's independence much better than India in improving the lives of the general population.

The Hindutva troll whom you responded to basically said what is really going inside the minds of the Hindutva fanatics of this forum.

"It is an insult to be compared to Bangladesh" in other words due to their arrogance, hatred for Bangladesh and I suspect partial racism (more from the northern Indians than some of the supposed West Bengalis here) they are blinded to reality.

The fact is India is a poverty-stricken hellhole with more poverty than sub-Saharan Africa, 60% without toilets, 14,000 farmers a year committing suicide. Huge caste division and inequality.

Indian poverty has contributed to 1/3 of India having a Maoist presence.

Due to their pride and inferiority complex (inferiority complex in the sense that they actively try to promote how great they are, a truly great/successful person doesn't need to brag as he is comfortable and secure with the actual reality that he is) they troll the Bangladesh sub-forum 24-7, 365 days of the year looking to insult and belittle "insignificant" Bangladesh whom "they do not care about" (but spend a huge amount of time posting about and reading about).

India is essentially an artificial union, a mish-mash of different ethnic groups, tribes, races with huge poverty and social inequity that could in the future disintegrate as the USSR and Yugoslavia (two other multi-national entities) did.
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