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Bangladesh closes border with India for 14 days from Monday

You got CHT as compensation for Muslim majority areas you lost in North Bengal
And what about Karimganj and Halikandi and kachar?

What about Muslim majority Kashmir? Yes now it's the problem of Pakistan, but in 1947 it was the issue for our forefathers too.

On the other hand you annexed sovereign hyderabad state. India became beneficial in 1947 and that was unfair and not equal treatment.
@Juggernaut_Flat_Plane_V8 , dada khali haha react dilei to hobe na kothar jobab tao den. Did I say anything wrong? In 1947 British raj was divided for two nation theory. How come that India got Kashmir? Also the un solved issue of assames Muslim majority parts? Jobab ache apnader kachhe?
@Juggernaut_Flat_Plane_V8 , dada khali haha react dilei to hobe na kothar jobab tao den. Did I say anything wrong? In 1947 British raj was divided for two nation theory. How come that India got Kashmir? Also the un solved issue of assames Muslim majority parts? Jobab ache apnader kachhe?

Kashmir would have most probably and RIGHTFULLY gone to Pakistan had they not been so darn impatient...At the very least the Vale of Kashmir or the Kashmir Valley should have been theirs...Probably half of Ladakh should have gone to Pakistan and Half of Ladakh to India...and Jammu to India...with Jammu being connected through Gurdaspur and Ladakh connected through Leh Manali highway

But Paks started sending in tribals in trucks by tens of thousands and you know the carnage that followed....it was no different than Abdali or other central Asian nomadic tribes puring through the Khyber Pass to attack the subcontinent in the middle ages..

This compelled the Rajah of Kashmir to approach India, and India had to reluctantly annex Kashmir...do remember Hyderabad was a million times more important at that time for India, and the while country was drowning in religious violence....The emerging Republic didnot want to take up the job of defending Kashmir, but still it did and still it shed blood to drive out tribal invaders as much as possible

If the Rajah of Kashmir had approached Jinnah to save him from tribal invasion, then Kashmir,Ladakh,Jammu,Kargil would have belonged to Pakistan today...simple equation

and now that so much Indian blood has been shed, we cannot relinquish it...there was chance to do that within the first couple of years of the conflict..not anymore

do remember India has always returned to Pakistan any territorial gains India made against Pakistan across the international border in any war....cuz India fundamentally recognozes the theexistence and legitimacy of Pakistan...but LOC is of course different

Why don't you ask PakWatans why they refuse to draw a proper map of Pakistan when they claim Indian territorry...why they keep eastern Half of the border completely open to China? is Pakistan a Chinese province?

What sort of mental gymnastics/fuggery is going on here?


regarding the Eastern wing situation with Bangladesh give me some time to dig up the population maps of those times..and lets see whether we can arrive at a fruitful consensus

One thing I want to add, during CPI-M there was absolutely no bad blood between Hindus and Muslims in Bengal....heck in our own family, my father's best friend was Muslim..and we never thought of things being different..only difference I remember..daughter of my father's friend calling her Dad as "Abbu" and me calling my late father as "Baba"...heck they were even late stage of launching a business together before my father suddenly passed away..and its not jsut one Muslim family....we used to do family vacations together through out the entire wing of the Himalayas .....I have lost touch with India for quite some time...so it comes as a distraught regarding the rise of BJP in Bengal ...A BJP focussed on small government/maximum governance rather large government/weak governance motto is my favourite......but backtrack into communal politics since late 2019 has made me swear off BJP.......BJP when they came to power, their motto was making India into a "startup nation" on the lines of Israel...anyways they failed...they would still get another mandate..to make amends...But 2030s onwards there would be pro-entreprenuer, still pro social welfare government in India ...I hope @jamahir shines in that decade as a politician and before that as a tech billionaire

Do remember a lot of the Hindu nationalism is kind of spillover from the rise of Islamic State just like AFD in Germany is a pillover from the developments in Middle East ...and AFD is a wayyyy more scary party than BJP can ever be...they have like close to 20 percent of the votes
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heck in our own family, my father's best friend was Muslim..and we never thought of things being different..only difference I remember..daughter of my father's friend calling her Dad as "Abbu" and me calling my late father as "Baba"...heck they were even late stage of launching a business together before my father suddenly passed away..and its not jsut one Muslim family....we used to do family vacations together through out the entire wing of the Himalayas

That's nice.

And my commiserations with you about your father.

I hope @jamahir shines in that decade as a politician and before that as a tech billionaire


Though I don't know if I want to be a billionaire. :D

and now that so much Indian blood has been shed, we cannot relinquish it

Please do read the below humble solution of mine for Kashmir :


The only reason that Partition happened in Bengal the way it did because of the course of the river Ganga....Else Ganga would have exited India and then again entered India...which would make zero sense...I will post all the maps one by one...I think Bangladesh also got Khulna as reparations
Let's look at the river situation and how Hooghly cuts off from Main Ganga to go southwards into Kolkata


Now let's look at 1909 population distribution in the same region just above the letter L in BENGAL where the river breaks off


Sure it's Muslim but the river exiting India and then reentering India would have severely hampered Kolkata I believe ...So an understanding was reached with Mr. Radcliffe I believe that let Khulna be part of Bangladesh inspite of being Hindu majority and let Murshidabad be part of India

1941 religious map


How it should have looked


How it eventually looked


1941 vs 2001 religious composition without borders


CHT went to East Pakistan because Jinnah gave enough concessions and convinced the Raja Tridiev Roy regarding his autonomous status

In the end things panned out equally good or bad for all parties involved...do remember India lost significant territory in Sindh as well ...especially in the triangle between Gujarat and Rajasthan on Pakistani side


May be that tiny silver of Sylhet went to India also as some form of reparation for the losses India had elsewhere in the Eastern sector?
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You have a point of view, a narrative and you decide to accept only those posts which validate that narrative while discarding the countless others. That's not how you prove a point.

Lol swallowing entire WB and Tripura? :lol: I'll speak for my state Tripura, never heard a single soul talk on those lines, each and everyone is a patriotic Indian, we want better relations and trade but don't confuse that with wanting merger
Even Muslims in West Bengal resist the idea of BD how big HDI it may be.

Vote in West Bengal does happen with how strong your organization is there in root level. Whoever is strong there will have the final say.

Having at least 30% Muslim its not possible for any party to win West Bengal without Muslim vote. I dont remember any major atrocities like burning home, killing for religion in West Bengal in recent past. But the same is happening in BD as we speak, Just few days earlier BBC reported some 70-80 houses were torched.

And people instead of introspecting their home are pointing fingers at others.

Well I would rather BD not get involved in India at all. Shut the border only allow trade with strict background vetting of any potential RSS terrorist coming into BD from India. Who wants a merger with illiterate Indians who drink cow urine and vote for terrorists anyway ? BD govt will have to Invest in building toilets and schools to educate your illiterate states . Best put that cash in better endeavors.

But as your terrorist central government continues to spew venom against Bangladeshis. This will unfortunately push BD further into Chinese arms who are very interested in liberating the NE from the Indian RSS terrorism. This means in the future BD will intervene in the NE to maintain order and make sure the NE does not fall into RSS terrorist hands.

Your patriotism end of the day is very irrelevant. Trust me . We are not eager to have you as country men either. perhaps you can help the fight against terrorism by rejecting the RSS ?
What you guys are doing to fence the border. At least Indian govt is spending its money fir the barbed wire. BD spending NIL.
You know history has always shown that the country which is affected by the illegal migration tries to fence the border like W Germany, USA even Pakistan.
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Who is in power of India? Okay online strangers are lying , but what about Modi is PM for two consecutive times?Isn't a message? If we elect BNP jamat again what shall be your reaction? Can you give a straight answer?

You are making the same mistake like @itsanufy . Who said that I am making mistake of few forum posts?

Indians choose Modi as PM two consecutive times.

@lightoftruth is the first Indian here who confessed it unlike you guys.

Although it was not necessary to confess , because the RSS govt is the evidence that what majority Indians actually want.

We managed to keep them out from power by one party dictatorship, can you do the same? Answer it with yes or no.

You can ignore the question if you want. Thank you.

BNP was in power which was not at all a pro Indian govt and Jamaat was their ally.

Now BAL, next time who knows BNP+Jamaat will not be back, after a long BAL term.
It seems the ones who support BJP in West Bengal have Hindu "Bangal" roots...those who come from East Bengal OR Bangladesh.....I may be wrong..but that's my initial reactions...............For me it is completely incongruent that BJP rules Bengal...
Absolutely correct. Bangals are the most strong supporters of BJP.
Let's look at the river situation and how Hooghly cuts off from Main Ganga to go southwards into Kolkata


Now let's look at 1909 population distribution in the same region just above the letter L in BENGAL where the river breaks off


Sure it's Muslim but the river exiting India and then reentering India would have severely hampered Kolkata I believe ...So an understanding was reached with Mr. Radcliffe I believe that let Khulna be part of Bangladesh inspite of being Hindu majority and let Murshidabad be part of India

1941 religious map


How it should have looked


How it eventually looked


1941 vs 2001 religious composition without borders

View attachment 737967

CHT went to East Pakistan because Jinnah gave enough concessions and convinced the Raja Tridiev Roy regarding his autonomous status

In the end things panned out equally good or bad for all parties involved...do remember India lost significant territory in Sindh as well ...especially in the triangle between Gujarat and Rajasthan on Pakistani side


May be that tiny silver of Sylhet went to India also as some form of reparation for the losses India had elsewhere in the Eastern sector?
I remembered one writeup where CHT was given to prevent BD being a land lock country.
If the Rajah of Kashmir had approached Jinnah to save him from tribal invasion, then Kashmir,Ladakh,Jammu,Kargil would have belonged to Pakistan today...simple equation
Exactly. But the Rajah wouldn't ask Jinnah to save them, because the treacherous Hindu ruler wanted to join to India ,although Kashmiri people choose Pakistan because it was the time of partition.

But it's Pakistani matter ,I will leave it to Pakistanis.

Maybe @Old School bhai or other knowledgeable Pakistani will answer ( post #80).

On the other hand the arrogant Nizam thought that the world will help him stay independent when it's surrounded by hostile entities. Nizam was NAIVE like some of out Bangladeshi ( who areng uncle Tom shushil) who believe that since we fought and achieved independent by a civil war , we can defend ourselves from any foreign aggression,so we don't need military; if India attack every civilian will give blood to defend Bangladesh.

Unfortunately these idiots forget that,that time civilians were fighting under professional Soldiers . Also Bangladeshi don't start history apart from the battle of badr ,where Allah sent Firishta ;they mistakenly don't bother to think that this is not the time of Rasullah ( PBUP) is not present, so no way to come any direct divine help. Although I read a book in Bangla long ago the name is , "আমি আফগানিস্তানের যুদ্ধে বদরের ফেরেশতা দেখেছি". Oh dada trust me it was written by a Mullah for brainwashing purpose, and majority people ( who read the book) believed in the garbage! People are so emotional, you are a Bangali and you know the nature of Bangali. They mistakenly never even think that the Firishtas were American firishta who helped Afghanistan against soviet. I believe the worthless Nizam was such an idiot like Bengali Muslims. So in this sense you annexed him and did good Job, such ruler actually don't deserve a sovereign country. But unfortunately his decision only deprived a Muslim nation from getting Kashmir. The logic was one king choose to remain sovereign and the other king choose to Join India. Later you ( India)made a story to make it legitimate.
Let's look at the river situation and how Hooghly cuts off from Main Ganga to go southwards into Kolkata


Now let's look at 1909 population distribution in the same region just above the letter L in BENGAL where the river breaks off


Sure it's Muslim but the river exiting India and then reentering India would have severely hampered Kolkata I believe ...So an understanding was reached with Mr. Radcliffe I believe that let Khulna be part of Bangladesh inspite of being Hindu majority and let Murshidabad be part of India

1941 religious map


How it should have looked


How it eventually looked


1941 vs 2001 religious composition without borders

View attachment 737967

CHT went to East Pakistan because Jinnah gave enough concessions and convinced the Raja Tridiev Roy regarding his autonomous status

In the end things panned out equally good or bad for all parties involved...do remember India lost significant territory in Sindh as well ...especially in the triangle between Gujarat and Rajasthan on Pakistani side


May be that tiny silver of Sylhet went to India also as some form of reparation for the losses India had elsewhere in the Eastern sector?
Dada , I will leave this debate on @Bilal9 bhai and @Homo Sapiens bhai if they are interested.

As ut will take long time and have to write long essays and my English skill is poor to engage in such long debate
And since this is related to Bangladesh , I don't want to mess things, pardon my limitation.

Or maybe already other Bangladeshi brothers wrote somewhere about the fact not sure.

As as far I know a descendants Mirjafar give Murshidabad to India. If I can remember correctly @Homo Sapiens also created a thread about it.
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BNP was in power which was not at all a pro Indian govt and Jamaat was their ally.

Now BAL, next time who knows BNP+Jamaat will not be back, after a long BAL term.
This can't be a logic. First let them return, then I will deal with you.

I can assure you that they will.never return.

BNP isn't a problem, but Jamat is.

BNP was trapped by the greed of Khaleda Zia and Tareq Zia , so lost it's way.

Just minus these two, BNP is more secular than BAL.

BNP is a continuation of NAP of Mawlana bhasani.

Many Muslim league supporters ( who voted for Fatima Jinnah against Ayub Khan ) also support BNP.

The real problem is Jamat and it's a pro establishment entity.

In 1947 it was against the creation of Pakistan , in 1971 they were against the creation of Bangladesh, now I will not be surprised if they made a secret pact with BAL establishment.

So it's safe to say that Jamat isn't completely anti India.

If you work for them and assure them that you will help them to capture power in Bangladesh, they will work for you.

They are simply expansionist like RSS ; RSS want akhanda bharat Jamatis want Islamic rule all over the world. Both are actually same.
Self-determination is a noble quality and WB folks have to weigh whether they are better off economically if they throw in their lot with Cow belt Hindutva nutcases, or any alternative, such as becoming an independent country. I'd ask the Assamese the same thing. How long will you let the center rob you blind (lifting your mineral resources and petroleum)??

You don't have to join us in Bangladesh if you don't want to, but having your own independent sovereign country is not a bad thing, especially when WB is still being exploited so heavily by the center and cow belt states.

Already there are movements in WB spreading this idea.

1. Do WB folks like it, when Marwari businesses in WB publicly proclaim that they won't hire Bengalis

2. Do WB folks like it, when almost all positions in customs, utilities and all govt. offices in WB (viz. Rail, JEE, NEET, Banks, offices etc.) are taken by cow belt Hindutvabadi folks? Left to fend for yourself in your own state?? Shame.

3. Do WB folks like it, when Bengalis can't get jobs in their own home state (WB) because of cow belt job-seeker competition, have to migrate for work to other North, South or West Indian States, be treated as outsiders and often, as second class citizens, and worse yet - Bangladeshis? :lol:

4. Do WB folks like it, when they get painted by (and is the butt of jokes by) other Indians as somehow lazy, lethargic, non-hardworking, over-intellectualized, kam-chor "Bong" folks? We know this is a stereotype, but why can't you industrialize your own state and give jobs to your own people? You could, if you became independent.

5. Do WB folks like it, when states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, Telangana, Karnataka and others come up with policies of hiring their locals first and banning outsiders like "bongs"? So Bengalis have to play "second or third class Indian" game?

6. Do WB folks like it, when top administrative officials in West Bengal come from IAS/IPS cadre and not WBCS/WBPS cadre?

7. Do WB folks like it, when Bengali workers in WBSEDCL get expelled because they don't have fluency in English and Hindi?

8. Do WB folks like it, when a BJP fanatic Subramaniyam Swami proposes to weaken WB to make a separate state from West Bengal namely Gorkhaland ? What kind of folks are Bengalis when they let a fanatic outsider dictate the future of their own state? Is there any measure of shame?

No one is asking you to change religion Dada.

But where is your "jatigoto shotta", self-determination and back bone? It is in short supply in WB - it seems.

Sharajibon Hindutva jowal-er nichey thakai ki Bangalir porichoi? (is staying under Hindutva yoke forever the realization of proud Bengalihood)?
Not happening mate. West Bengal and Assam is presumed to have a very high Muslim population at least that's what in the media. Above all many Hindus believe Bangladeshi Muslims are going to West Bengal in bulk and turning Hindus into minorities.

Paranoid Hindus will never want to become minority from ruling class. Maya Banerjee is becoming weaker.

Bengali Hindus and Assamese believe that staying under BJP is better as they would not lose their power to Muslims.
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