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Bangladesh closes border with India for 14 days from Monday

BJP was voted to power in 2014 as Congress government was found to be involved in multiple scams.
In 2019, Congress was still in disarray with the inexperienced Rahul Gandhi leading it.
If a 3rd alternative comes up, we will give it a due consideration.
Sorry I have no interest in your internal matter. I am just discussing the consequences.
Lip service would have been promising vaccines and hoarding it for our own people from the start, we started giving vaccines, only when we are so much in crunch that we have suspended temporarily, yes I know you paid for it but if Indian government wanted it could force SII to not trade with bd and only prioritize India. A friend looks beyond his own interests.
On a positive now here's something that you might want to hear, don't say it's scripted :D
A business deal is a business deal. I suggest you to learn business first. If you sign a deal , you must think before it.

If you are in problem, so we are!

Here some people claimed that covid 19 is well managed in Bangladesh.

I would simply say that it's based on govt information.

Indian media has freedom of speech, Bangladeshi media is under complete control of govt.

So if anyone claim that Bangladesh is in less problem , don't believe them.
A business deal is a business deal. I suggest you to learn business first. If you sign a deal , you must think before it.

If you are in problem, so we are!

Here some people claimed that covid 19 is well managed in Bangladesh.

I would simply say that it's based on govt information.

Indian media has freedom of speech, Bangladeshi media is under complete control of govt.

So if anyone claim that Bangladesh is in less problem , don't believe them.
I'm not talking about the business side of it, that's another line of thought.
I'm saying think on the lines would an enemy country have even offered the vaccine? Friendly nations think beyond their own interests. I'm sure if bangladesh was in same situation as India people would know, you just can't keep such an outbreak hidden.
Bangladesh is an advanced country and should seal itself off from presently embattled India
Love you for saying this. Yes should be shut forever.😍

Doesn't matter, is they want to lose West bengal and North East India, what can you say? It's their own decision.

Without Bangladesh these states' economy will collapse.

LoL You really think Bengalis on this side want tojoin Bangladesh? What are you smoking? But I appreciate Bangladesh government's decision..complete sealing of the border between India and Bangladesh for the next few centuries is the best idea
Even if it's the fact I still don't think they can join us. At best they can become independent.

As even if they later want to join us it won't recognised by India or others. World isn't like past days that any annexation or self merging can be happened, specially when the strongest tool of unity (religion) is different.

But yes West bengal and seven sisters can be independent. And then there shall be no water discrimination I am sure. There was no historical conflict between common Muslim and common hindus , therefore, those new independent states will be the allies of Bangladesh.

India block our water only to show muscle. So the real problem is India and it's ultra hindutva nationalism.

West Bengal is intimately connected to rest of India, and for that matter also Assam....May be the states on the periphery of Assam are not that connected...but Absolutely no one in West Bengal wants independence from India....I can say the same with a degree of confidence about Assam....So destiny of Bangladesh lies with Myanmar after it permanently seals itself off from India
Zak at least now valo kaj korse. I think it should be shut for 1 month.

I've seen some shocking footage from India lately, sent by my Indian friends.

People dying on the way to the hospital - laying on the sidewalk suffering with lack of oxygen, and waiting to die.

Some unconscious, some already dead.

And Kumbh mela and Holi did not help.

Allah pardon all their sins. Ameen.
West Bengal is intimately connected to rest of India, and for that matter also Assam....May be the states on the periphery of Assam are not that connected...but Absolutely no one in West Bengal wants independence from India....I can say the same with a degree of confidence about Assam....So destiny of Bangladesh lies with Myanmar after it permanently seals itself off from India

Self-determination is a noble quality and WB folks have to weigh whether they are better off economically if they throw in their lot with Cow belt Hindutva nutcases, or any alternative, such as becoming an independent country. I'd ask the Assamese the same thing. How long will you let the center rob you blind (lifting your mineral resources and petroleum)??

You don't have to join us in Bangladesh if you don't want to, but having your own independent sovereign country is not a bad thing, especially when WB is still being exploited so heavily by the center and cow belt states.

Already there are movements in WB spreading this idea.

1. Do WB folks like it, when Marwari businesses in WB publicly proclaim that they won't hire Bengalis

2. Do WB folks like it, when almost all positions in customs, utilities and all govt. offices in WB (viz. Rail, JEE, NEET, Banks, offices etc.) are taken by cow belt Hindutvabadi folks? Left to fend for yourself in your own state?? Shame.

3. Do WB folks like it, when Bengalis can't get jobs in their own home state (WB) because of cow belt job-seeker competition, have to migrate for work to other North, South or West Indian States, be treated as outsiders and often, as second class citizens, and worse yet - Bangladeshis? :lol:

4. Do WB folks like it, when they get painted by (and is the butt of jokes by) other Indians as somehow lazy, lethargic, non-hardworking, over-intellectualized, kam-chor "Bong" folks? We know this is a stereotype, but why can't you industrialize your own state and give jobs to your own people? You could, if you became independent.

5. Do WB folks like it, when states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, Telangana, Karnataka and others come up with policies of hiring their locals first and banning outsiders like "bongs"? So Bengalis have to play "second or third class Indian" game?

6. Do WB folks like it, when top administrative officials in West Bengal come from IAS/IPS cadre and not WBCS/WBPS cadre?

7. Do WB folks like it, when Bengali workers in WBSEDCL get expelled because they don't have fluency in English and Hindi?

8. Do WB folks like it, when a BJP fanatic Subramaniyam Swami proposes to weaken WB to make a separate state from West Bengal namely Gorkhaland ? What kind of folks are Bengalis when they let a fanatic outsider dictate the future of their own state? Is there any measure of shame?

No one is asking you to change religion Dada.

But where is your "jatigoto shotta", self-determination and back bone? It is in short supply in WB - it seems.

Sharajibon Hindutva jowal-er nichey thakai ki Bangalir porichoi? (is staying under Hindutva yoke forever the realization of proud Bengalihood)?
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Self-determination is a noble quality and WB folks have to weigh whether they are better off economically if they throw in their lot with Cow belt Hindutva nutcases, or any alternative, such as becoming an independent country. I'd ask the Assamese the same thing. How long will you let the center rob you blind (lifting your mineral resources and petroleum)??

You don't have to join us in Bangladesh if you don't want to, but having your own independent sovereign country is not a bad thing, especially when WB is still being exploited so heavily by the center and cow belt states.

Already there are movements in WB spreading this idea.

1. Do WB folks like it, when Marwari businesses in WB publicly proclaim that they won't hire Bengalis

2. Do WB folks like it, when almost all positions in customs, utilities and all govt. offices in WB are taken by cow belt Hindutvabadi folks? Left to fend for yourself in your own state?? Shame.

3. Do WB folks like it, when Bengalis can't get jobs in their own home state (WB) because of cow belt job-seeker competition, have to migrate for work to other North, South or West Indian States, be treated as outsiders and often, as second class citizens, and worse yet - Bangladeshis? :lol:

4. Do WB folks like it, when they get painted by (and is the butt of jokes by) other Indians as somehow lazy, lethargic, non-hardworking, over-intellectualized, kam-chor "Bong" folks? We know this is a stereotype, but why can't you industrialize your own state and give jobs to your own people? You could, if you became independent.

5. Do WB folks like it, when states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, Telangana, Karnataka and others come up with policies of hiring their locals first and banning outsiders like "bongs"? So Bengalis have to play "second or third class Indian" game?

No one is asking you to change religion Dada.

But where is your "jatigoto shotta", self-determination and back bone? It is in short supply in WB - it seems.

Sharajibon Hindutva jowal-er nichey thakai ki Bangalir porichoi? (is staying under Hindutva yoke forever the realization of proud Bengalihood)?

Good write up though slightly vitriolic..I would still tackle your post on the merits of your points
A part of Bengal's debacle is due to the policies of the Left Government of around 34 years...Part is due to the anti-entreprneurial attitudes of West Bengalis themselves..My Pishu (Father's sister's husband) is one of the top 10 biggest ethnic Bengali industrialist/businessmen in Kolkata...But he would not even rank in the top 2000 (may be even 5000?) in the national scale..I donot know how much of that has to do with Marwari monopoly .Some stuffs you said may be true.....and there is a growing divide between the Bengali upper middle class and the religiosity of the cow belt ..cuz the Bengali Upper Middle class (10-15%?) takes pride in the Bengali Renaissance in the fields of literature,art,dance,music,science...They are much more conversant with the ideas of Marxism and European Enlightenment...The elite intellectual culture is basically non-existent in the cow belt ..Their world starts with Ram Mandir and ends with Cow urine..there is a vibrant atheist/agnostic class in WB (along with Maharashtra and Kerala)

I will say something extremely controversial here..Outside of Rajasthan, the Hindi speaking belt doesnot have an elite culture to look up to or imitate...This has been the case since partition and the removal of Urdu speaking erstwhile royal elites in these places.....since then the Hindi belt has been running around like a headless chicken regarding cultural direction....for sometime guidance was given by the partition displaced West Punjabi HIndu elites of Bollywood...but eventually they failed and caved into popular pressures to cater to the contemporary tastes....


These are the few things I had to write the last few weeks on the Hindi belt..these are disparate thoughts in disparate threads:

in general gender relations are much better in NE..outside of Assam, even pre marital sex is not blown out of proportions...You see tens of thousands of girls from NE renting flats togetrher and living on their own in Kolkata...I will give you a dirty secret...the one reason women from Europe continue to travel through India, inspite of so many bhaiyya rapes is solely due to North East women...women from the NE are the backbone of the tourism and medical services industry...and Euro women feel quite a lot of shared values and kinship with them...I personally tried to persuade one slightly built Russian in our group not to travel unaccompanied but failed...another female friend in the group from Poland waxed lyrical and now shehas to tick it off from her bucketlist..the Russian was also in Islamabad and Mexico and had positive experiences..............I may be wrong in my reading here, but i still feel majority of the sexual mismeanour culture emanates from the UP-Bihar belt

Well how is the treatment of women in West Bengal and Kerala? better than the cow belt ......saddest part is this happened in Mumbai....influx of UP,Bihari migrants have changed everything....................The parts of India that have exemplary gender relations are in the North East

Thanks for reporting this...obviously the problem has mestasized a lot

The culture has slowly degenerated 2003 onwards..when the first rapes against foreign tourists started happening.................The only way would be citizen policing, naming and shaming as police has too much on its plate but yes a comperhensive public database against any kind of sexual misdemeanours would be a start.....but you need a party with a lot of national heft to pull this through....I hope BJP can pull it through..........But it is kind of the incel party of the Hindi belt...where the Hindu guys who donot manage to get a girlfriend or mixed friend circle join in and in turn also terrorize everybody regarding "Love Jihad"...by the way as @jamahir would tell you it's an unnecessary monster created by the Catholic Church that then went out of hand.......as long as one party is not trying to change the religion of another party, inter faith couples shoud be allowed...Nay...celebrated!

Political violence in West Bengal is high...normal day to day crime is low...rape also very low..but is spiking since the Park Street rape case..........basically whole of India is going through a churning because the female foeticide generation has grown up

the differentiation is not there....ask me in 15 years...if BD has thrice the GDP per capita than India then, and is committed to secularism then situation may look extremely different in West Bengal...Kolkata is the home of bengali renaissance....Upper class bengalis just cannot stand the bhaiyya types whose world begins with Ram mandir and ends with gaumutra.....whereas a significant portion of upperclass Bengalis are very much conversant with european enlightenment ideals, european scientific revolution, marxism etc...there is absolutely no such class in the bhaiyya belt...upper class means selling land to have custom lifted fat offroad tyred 4x4s there....if the cow belt keeps holding India back and Bangladesh becomes thrice or four times as rich as the average Indian...pandemonium will start happening in eastern wing....

You did touch on some important points but from an outsider's perspective...But for the West Bengali to completely lose faith in the Indian Union one thing needs to happen....Bangladesh achieving 4x GDP per capita of India nominal within the next 15-20 years...

I donot think double GDP per capita nominal of India would be enough for the neighbouring states especially WB to sit up and take notice...Correct me if I am wrong here....But places with high density need to be a LOT richer to look as clean,advanced and developed as poorer ,sparsely populated places ..This has been my experience in life

Also if there is 30 years of Gaumutra and Ram Mandir, along woth 90s Sub Saharan Africa level of mismanagement in India, then future of WB is anybody's guess

A picture says a thousand words...this one picture will show which parts of India are responsible for the thirsty incel image of Indian men..the accompanying blurb below will help you to unpack the social situation even more


General reflection of soceity...at least till now Bengali boys are not as uncouth,ruffian,rowdy,misogynistic as UP,Bihar boys...Kolkata is miles ahead of Lucknow and Patna in terms of gender relations .................not much female foeticide took place in West Bengal, which means that extreme thirsty incel culture is still not present...boys donot attack girls physically if girls reject their romantic advance and go for some other men

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I've seen some shocking footage from India lately, sent by my Indian friends.

People dying on the way to the hospital - laying on the sidewalk suffering with lack of oxygen, and waiting to die.

Some unconscious, some already dead.

And Kumbh mela and Holi did not help.

Allah pardon all their sins. Ameen.
It's amazing that even in this pandemic time they gathered for kumbhamela.

Also IPL is on.
West Bengal is intimately connected to rest of India, and for that matter also Assam....May be the states on the periphery of Assam are not that connected...but Absolutely no one in West Bengal wants independence from India
It was just a hypothetical projection not reality. I just wanted to say that even if West Bengal want independence, then there is no reason that Bangladesh can annex them.

As if they don't want to stay with India ,then they also wouldn't want to be a part of Bangladesh.

I was explaining to @Jobless Jack
So destiny of Bangladesh lies with Myanmar after it permanently seals itself off from India
We are actually Sea faring nation. Not only Myanmar and China, we can trade through sea route. Once we will be used to it, even price wouldn't be so high for massive amount of import.
You really think Bengalis on this side want tojoin Bangladesh?
No I don't think so.
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I've seen some shocking footage from India lately, sent by my Indian friends.

People dying on the way to the hospital - laying on the sidewalk suffering with lack of oxygen, and waiting to die.

Some unconscious, some already dead.

And Kumbh mela and Holi did not help.

Allah pardon all their sins. Ameen.

It was just a hypothetical projection not reality. I just wanted to say that even if West Bengal want independence, then there is no reason that Bangladesh can annex them.

As if they don't want to stay with India ,then they also wouldn't want to be a part of Bangladesh.

I was explaining to @Jobless Jack

We are actually Sea faring nation. Not only Myanmar and China, we can trade through sea route. Once we will be used to it, even price wouldn't be so high for massive amount of import.

No I don't think so.
I was talking of hypothetical situation. Making the assumption that indian central rule will weaken. Assuming of RSS terrorists taking over WB Assam and tripura. Ruling these states along the same lines as Yogi G in UP. Such a senario will increase inflow of refugee into BD.

In such a senario BD will have no choice but to intervene to protect the border. The muslims in WB will have a choice. Survive by working with BD, or death in the hands of RSS terrorists.

So much for Indian unity and patriotism😂.
Modi G will destroy whatever remains of it. Give it another 5 years.

Yes i assure you. No one in BD is particularly excited about this prospect. But cannot allow BD to become refugee land. As this will have serious law and order crisis. So really end of the day, its not about what anyone wants its more about serving the national interest of BD.
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