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Bangladesh closes border with India for 14 days from Monday

You are making the same mistake like @itsanufy . Who said that I am making mistake of few forum posts?

Indians choose Modi as PM two consecutive times.

@lightoftruth is the first Indian here who confessed it unlike you guys.

Although it was not necessary to confess , because the RSS govt is the evidence that what majority Indians actually want.
I wish if this was so easy. Then people would have mastered the art of winning elections. Since independence various parties were chosen by the same populace and decimated after some time. I gave the answer that I have.

If it doesn’t meet your expectations or thoughts then I can’t help.
Muslims make up a handsome population of WB. If WB becomes Hinduvta, these people will flee into BD. This will cause chain reaction of BD as many people in BD consider WB the lost part that should have been included in 1947. In the end , unfortunetly BD will get involved in WB one way or the other. As per the Hinduvta all the indian muslims are Bangladeshi and no part of India share more close connection than WB. if Any state in NE becomes part of BD, it will be WB.
Well yes if this is the case , then we will have a valid reason to do that. In this case I agree. If Muslims of West Bengal try to flee or India try to push towards Bangladesh, then surely we shall have this legitimacy.
If it doesn’t meet your expectations or thoughts then I can’t help.
Thank you for your explanation. But I wasn't seeking for it. I was just stating the fact.
Indians choose Modi as PM two consecutive times.

@lightoftruth is the first Indian here who confessed it unlike you guys.

Although it was not necessary to confess , because the RSS govt is the evidence that what majority Indians actually want.
Confess ? You make it sound as if Indians committed a crime by electing Modi...🙂
I wish if this was so easy. Then people would have mastered the art of winning elections. Since independence various parties were chosen by the same populace and decimated after some time. I gave the answer that I have.
Yes I understand. I wish if majority Indians were like some of you.
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@magra , @itsanufy ,@UDAYCAMPUS , will you still blame me if I nowadays became extremely anti India? I really started to love this guy @lightoftruth, as he has the gut of confessing the truth.

Who is to be blamed then ( for increasing anti Indian sentiment in Bangladesh? Majority Indian citizens or only Indian government?

Who choose RSS govt? Surely the majority Indians, right?

Okay happy to hear from a sane Indian! Some others are calling for holy war on Bangladesh and close the border forever, because we shut it to control covid 19!
You have a point of view, a narrative and you decide to accept only those posts which validate that narrative while discarding the countless others. That's not how you prove a point.
Yes but with Chinese diplomatic support and removal of Indian central govt influence, there is not much to stop BA from asserting itself in the NE. Entire WB and tripura can be swallowed by BD. Bordering districts of assam as well..

Why do you think the Chinese are getting cozy with BD? They want to Boot the Indian union out of the NE permanently. A strong BD is instrumental for that goal as smaller independent state can be easily influenced by the Indian union in the future. That means these states have to join BD , willingly or not. Only a strong BD in terms of Economy territory and military can achieve this chinese goal.
Lol swallowing entire WB and Tripura? :lol: I'll speak for my state Tripura, never heard a single soul talk on those lines, each and everyone is a patriotic Indian, we want better relations and trade but don't confuse that with wanting merger
Confess ? You make it sound as if Indians committed a crime by electing Modi...🙂
Well if it's not crime ,then anti Indian sentiment in Bangladesh is also the destiny of Bangladesh.

Some Indians still trying to say that Bangladesh is a friend of India, and it's only sanghi govt who is a threat, but the reality is majority Indian now became RSS ,I agree with you.

A friendly nation can't call us various names in various times.

A friendly nation can't betray when we need them the most.

A friendly nation can't push us to a corner.

However that's fine , we are friends of friends and enemy of enemies.

So the bottom line is , "As you sow , so shall you reap."

So get ready for future. In the end it will help you instead of lip services ( by your politicians and many of you ).

But as I said , I really honor your honesty. Even enemies can show respect to honesy enemies.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing personal against you , I am just talking in general.

It's better for both Bangladesh and India to become honest enemies, than pretending to be the fake friends.

In Bangladesh who pretend to be India friends, are less than Indian pet dogs.
You have a point of view, a narrative and you decide to accept only those posts which validate that narrative while discarding the countless others. That's not how you prove a point.
Not that. Actually I would rather believe in action than lip services.

India always give lip services and action always went against our interest, and still it's against us , will be against us always.
Not that. Actually I would rather believe in action than lip services.

India always give lip services and action always went against our interest, and still it's against us , will be against us always.
Lip service would have been promising vaccines and hoarding it for our own people from the start, we started giving vaccines, only when we are so much in crunch that we have suspended temporarily, yes I know you paid for it but if Indian government wanted it could force SII to not trade with bd and only prioritize India. A friend looks beyond his own interests.
On a positive now here's something that you might want to hear, don't say it's scripted :D
Well if it's not crime ,then anti Indian sentiment in Bangladesh is also the destiny of Bangladesh.

Some Indians still trying to say that Bangladesh is a friend of India, and it's only sanghi govt who is a threat, but the reality is majority Indian now became RSS ,I agree with you.

A friendly nation can't call us various names in various times.

A friendly nation can't betray when we need them the most.

A friendly nation can't push us to a corner.

However that's fine , we are friends of friends and enemy of enemies.

So the bottom line is , "As you sow , so shall you reap."

So get ready for future. In the end it will help you instead of lip services ( by your politicians and many of you ).

But as I said , I really honor your honesty. Even enemies can show respect to honesy enemies.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing personal with you , I am just talking in general.

It's better for both Bangladesh and India to become honest enemies, than pretending to be the fake friends.

In Bangladesh who pretend to be India friends, are less than Indian pet dogs.

Their is a popular saying in foreign policy that "their are no permanent friends or enemies".

Indian foreign policy has been very kind to Bangladesh ,do you know during which govt the influx of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh was documented in the Indian Parliament ?

ding ding ding: Congress UPA !

Besides name calling, this Govt has hardly done anything against Bangladesh in terms of foreign policy,

That's why even after being a supporter I always criticize their baseless policy with respect to Bangladesh.

Their is nothing concrete on Illegal immigration (detention centers etc.) , terrorism (emanating from Bangladesh, Smuggling, human trafficking etc

One cannot overlook these serious issues which impact national security in India and consider the border as non hostile.

Just by saying we are friends we don't end up being friends unless all these issues are resolved.

That doesn't mean we are enemies too since Bangladesh govt is keen on addressing them,

simply saying- if we are not friends doesn't mean we are enemies.

Between India and Bangladesh it will be Bangladesh who will pay much higher price in creating a enemy out of India ,it has nothing to do with current govt but everything to do with the issues we have.
You have a point of view, a narrative and you decide to accept only those posts which validate that narrative while discarding the countless others. That's not how you prove a point.

Lol swallowing entire WB and Tripura? :lol: I'll speak for my state Tripura, never heard a single soul talk on those lines, each and everyone is a patriotic Indian, we want better relations and trade but don't confuse that with wanting merger

Well I would rather BD not get involved in India at all. Shut the border only allow trade with strict background vetting of any potential RSS terrorist coming into BD from India. Who wants a merger with illiterate Indians who drink cow urine and vote for terrorists anyway ? BD govt will have to Invest in building toilets and schools to educate your illiterate states . Best put that cash in better endeavors.

But as your terrorist central government continues to spew venom against Bangladeshis. This will unfortunately push BD further into Chinese arms who are very interested in liberating the NE from the Indian RSS terrorism. This means in the future BD will intervene in the NE to maintain order and make sure the NE does not fall into RSS terrorist hands.

Your patriotism end of the day is very irrelevant. Trust me . We are not eager to have you as country men either. perhaps you can help the fight against terrorism by rejecting the RSS ?
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Well I would rather BD not get involved in India at all. Shut the border only allow trade with strict background vetting of any potential RSS terrorist coming into BD from India. Who wants a merger with illiterate Indians who drink cow urine and vote for terrorists anyway ? BD govt will have to Invest in building toilets and schools to educate your illiterate states . Best put that cash in better endeavors.

But as your terrorist central government continues to spew venom against Bangladeshis. This will unfortunately push BD further into Chinese arms who are very interested in liberating the NE from the Indian Union. This means in the future BD will intervene in the NE to maintain order and make sure the NE does not fall into RSS terrorist hands.

Your patriotism end of the day is very irrelevant. Trust me . We are not eager to have you as country men either. perhaps you can help the fight against terrorism by rejecting the RSS ?
Illiterate Indians? Just have a look at Tripura's literacy rate lol. You don't need to get so emotional and spew venom in every post.
Wow so you don't want merger but because chinese overlords might want that so you will entertain that thought. And then people complain of Indian hegemony.
As for rejecting terrorism, I will reject where injustice is being done, not blindly accuse an entire populace of terrorism.
Illiterate Indians? Just have a look at Tripura's literacy rate lol. You don't need to get so emotional and spew venom in every post.
Wow so you don't want merger but because chinese overlords might want that so you will entertain that thought. And then people complain of Indian hegemony.
As for rejecting terrorism, I will reject where injustice is being done, not blindly accuse an entire populace of terrorism.
BD will do what ever it takes to combat terrorism in the NE. As you know if RSS terrorists take over the NE this will cause massive influx of unwanted refugee into BD. BD will do whatever it takes to ensure the NE remains stable . If it means shaking hands with the Chinese then so be it. The main point is that BD will not tolerate RSS terrorism nor will BD allow itself to be used as pawn by the RSS.

. Why is it so wrong if BD shakes hands with the Chinese to fight RSS terrorism ? Both countries are facing a common threat in the name of RSS terrorism. So BD must do what it must do to protect her borders.
BD will do what ever it takes to combat terrorism in the NE. As you know if RSS terrorists take over the NE this will cause massive influx of unwanted refugee into BD. BD will do whatever it takes to ensure the NE remains stable . If it means shaking hands with the Chinese then so be it. The main point is that BD will not tolerate RSS terrorism nor will BD allow itself to be used as pawn by the RSS.

. Why is it so wrong if BD shakes hands with the Chinese to fight RSS terrorism ? Both countries are facing a common threat in the name of RSS terrorism. So BD must do what it must do to protect her borders.
chinese facing rss terrorism? I think I've heard it all today. You make RSS sound like ISIS. Bydway just so you know RSS already have presence in Northeast. Maybe it's time to start holy war and takeover northeast. :cheesy:
chinese facing rss terrorism? I think I've heard it all today. You make RSS sound like ISIS. Bydway just so you know RSS already have presence in Northeast. Maybe it's time to start holy war and takeover northeast. :cheesy:
We are not interested in holy war like your RSS wet dreams for Akand Bharat. We will do whatever it takes to protect BD from RSS terrorism. IF that means intervening in NE so be it. And yes we know RSS already there.

RSS is the Hindu ISIS.
Their is a popular saying in foreign policy that "their are no permanent friends or enemies".
I know this. Our Indian sycophants do not know the reality though. They want to su.ck Indian ball even after 50 years.

Indian foreign policy has been very kind to Bangladesh ,
Yes sure very kind , so kind that Bangladeshi rivers are drying ! :sarcastic:

Indian foreign policy has been very kind to Bangladesh ,do you know during which govt the influx of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh was documented in the Indian Parliament ?

ding ding ding: Congress UPA !
Please send illegals with proper papers, we will accept them. But neither BJP nor Congress can do it.

Besides name calling, this Govt has hardly done anything against Bangladesh in terms of foreign policy,
Please ask them to do whatever they want. In the end it will be beneficial for us. India stooges will lose their ground, people will be happy.

One cannot overlook these serious issues which impact national security in India and consider the border as non hostile.
For this you should stop border killing . You can make walls inside your area if you want , personally I will be happy.

Just by saying we are friends we don't end up being friends unless all these issues are resolved.
Exactly. Give our fair share of water , prove that you are friends.

That doesn't mean we are enemies too since Bangladesh govt is keen on addressing them,

simply saying- if we are not friends doesn't mean we are enemies.
Did I say that we are enemies? I just said that if India want to buy enmity , we are ready .

Between India and Bangladesh it will be Bangladesh who will pay much higher price in creating a enemy out of India ,it has nothing to do with current govt but everything to do with the issues we have.
No sir , you are wrong. You are large country that's true , but do not under estimate others. Besides , we are not seeking for enemies , but if it's inevitable , we are prepared.
Who is in power of India? Okay online strangers are lying , but what about Modi is PM for two consecutive times?Isn't a message? If we elect BNP jamat again what shall be your reaction? Can you give a straight answer?

You are making the same mistake like @itsanufy . Who said that I am making mistake of few forum posts?

Indians choose Modi as PM two consecutive times.

@lightoftruth is the first Indian here who confessed it unlike you guys.

Although it was not necessary to confess , because the RSS govt is the evidence that what majority Indians actually want.

We managed to keep them out from power by one party dictatorship, can you do the same? Answer it with yes or no.

You can ignore the question if you want. Thank you.
BJP was voted to power in 2014 as Congress government was found to be involved in multiple scams.
In 2019, Congress was still in disarray with the inexperienced Rahul Gandhi leading it.
If a 3rd alternative comes up, we will give it a due consideration.
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