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Bangladesh closes border with India for 14 days from Monday

I was talking of hypothetical situation. Making the assumption that indian central rule will weaken. Assuming of RSS terrorists taking over WB Assam and tripura. Ruling these states along the same lines as Yogi G in UP. Such a senario will increase inflow of refugee into BD.

In such a senario BD will have no choice but to intervene to protect the border. The muslims in WB will have a choice. Survive by working with BD, or death in the hands of RSS terrorists.

So much for Indian unity and patriotism😂.
Modi G will destroy whatever remains of it. Give it another 5 years.

Yes i assure you. No one in BD is particularly excited about this prospect. But cannot allow BD to become refugee land. As this will have serious law and order crisis. So really end of the day, its not about what anyone wants its more about serving the national interest of BD.
The reality is religion is the strongest tool to unite people, although it's not the only tool , as you see we got independence from Pakistan despite it was the largest Muslim nation ( by population ) before 1971.

But the real problem of Hinduism is ,it's not a single religion, but it's an umbrella where many religion gathered and formed Hinduism.

That's the reason you see such discrimination and differences between various sectors of Hinduism.

Modi is simply trying to impose Hindutva as a single political religious body to unite the people, but he will be failed miserably. All hindus can't follow hindutva.

Specially you can't cross the linguistics barrier.

But if by modi's act India will be balkanized , still he will have a good amount of land and with a good amount of people in hand to form a strong country.

Look at the Hindi belt , if he can manage to hold this area only, still he has 40 crore of people to form a country with single religion ( political religion that is hindutva) and single hindi language ,and the country will be much stronger than current India, as it will have less population, so that can be well monitored.

Sometimes I feel that Modi and Amit Shah actually want to break India under their rhetoric of akhanda bharat.

And in the end it will be beneficial for them ( hindutva team).

You don't need 1.4 billion people to become rich and strong nation.

But you actually need a group of people that share same language, culture and religion.

Hindutva ideology, Hindi language , and the similar culture can form a much reasonable country unlike African version of Asia that is present days India now.

So I think modi will try to capture Bengal, but if they can't, they won't mind if Bengalis want independent country, as in the end it will be beneficial for hindutva.

Bengalis are basically shakta and historically shaktism has no caste system.

What you see in West bengal and Bangladesh there are only 2 types of Hindus , one is Beahmin ,and others are shudra.

Yes Hindu elites who are not brahmin still shudras , just they are called as uttomarno shudra (উত্তমর্ন শুদ্র) .

So they are actually different from the cow belt , so it will be hard for them to tolerate modi , specially for educated class.

Although in democracy educated class play very little role, if you have a fair election system.

As look at Bangladesh, isolated middle class will not take any side .

But in lower class you can control them with religious ideology ( or for BAL using freedom fight ,although it's not nearly as strong as religion) , and can make one party winner always.

Same thing is Modi doing , just getting votes from illiterate mass I think.

And it's the real threat to Bangladesh.

Bangladesh will have no other way but to ensure her own security and must not trust India anymore.

But if these states will become independent ( hypothetical for now) , then we must make good friendly relationship with them.

We have problems only with Indian Dadagiri , but we never had or will never have any problem with other neighbours, doesn't matter what is their religion.

Hindu and Muslims are living in Bangladesh in peace. Other than recently some isolated cases( some say govt is behind it ) there was never ever any problem between Muslims and hindus in Bangladesh, neither Bangladesh have any problem with neighbouring Hindus.

The only problem is Bharati expansionism or threat of expansionism.
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There is an Indian Triple-Mutant variety of virus now, even more infectious and hard to defeat with artificial antibodies.
The reality is religion is the strongest tool to unite people, although it's not the only tool , as you see we got independence from Pakistan despite it was the largest Muslim nation ( by population ) before 1971.

But the real problem of Hinduism is ,it's not a single religion, but it's an umbrella where many religion gathered and formed Hinduism.

That's the reason you see such discrimination and differences between various sectors of Hinduism.

Modi is simply trying to impose Hindutva as a single political religious body to unite the people, but he will be failed miserably. All hindus can't follow hindutva.

Specially you can't cross the linguistics barrier.

But if by modi's act India will be balkanized , still he will have a good amount of land and with a good amount of people in hand to form a strong country.

Look at the Hindi belt , if he can manage to hold this area only, still he has 40 crore of people to form a country with single religion ( political religion that is hindutva) and single hindi language ,and the country will be much stronger than current India, as it will have less population, so that can be well monitored.

Sometimes I feel that Modi and Amit Shah actually want to break India under their rhetoric of akhanda bharat.

And in the end it will be beneficial for them ( hindutva team).

You don't need 1.4 billion people to become rich and strong nation.

But you actually need a group of people that share same language, culture and religion.

Hindutva ideology, Hindi language , and the similar culture can form a much reasonable country unlike African version of Asia that is present days India now.

So I think modi will try to capture Bengal, but if they can't, they won't mind if Bengalis want independent country, as in the end it will be beneficial for hindutva.

Bengalis are basically shakta and historically shaktism has no caste system.

What you see in West bengal and Bangladesh there are only 2 types of Hindus , one is Beahmin ,and others are shudra.

Yes Hindu elites who are not brahmin still shudras , just they are called as uttomarno shudra (উত্তমর্ন শুদ্র) .

So they are actually different from the cow belt , so it will be hard for them to tolerate modi , specially for educated class.

Although in democracy educated class play very little role, if you have a fair election system.

As look at Bangladesh, isolated middle class will not take any side .

But in lower class you can control them with religious ideology ( or for BAL using freedom fight ,although it's not nearly as strong as religion) , and can make one party winner always.

Same thing is Modi doing , just getting votes from illiterate mass I think.

And it's the real threat to Bangladesh.

Bangladesh will have no other way but to ensure her own security and must not trust India anymore.

But if these states will become independent ( hypothetical for now) , then we must make good friendly relationship with them.

We have problems only with Indian Dadagiri , but we never had or will never have any problem with other neighbours, doesn't matter what is their religion.

Hindu and Muslims are living in Bangladesh in peace. Other than recently some isolated cases( some say govt is behind it ) there was never ever any problem between Muslims and hindus in Bangladesh, neither Bangladesh have any problem with neighbouring Hindus.

The only problem is Bharati expansionism or threat of expansionism.

BD is the central part of NE. No independent country can thrive without co operation with Indian govt or BD in the NE. So if Indian central govt slowly moves out BD will move in . Otherwise these so called independent ( can be a Muslim or Hindu state) states will lay claim to BD territories in the future based on common religion and or culture. A power vacuum will be dangerous as order will need to be restored.
The Muslims and liberal Hindus of NE will have a choice . Work with BD or suffer under Hindutva or under Hindutva inspired local goons ? Suffer even more by forming a new country ?

States like Tripura and Assam cant even form their own country as they will be completely reliant on BD for access to port for trade. Without Trade , these states will become even poorer. This means more crime and sooner or later they will declare war or BD will have to Mine the border to keep them out. impossible task. Therefore these to sates will themselves ask if they can join BD. Especially Tripura and lower Assam. Want to know how long their Indian patriotism will last , if there is a shortage of Cash?

WB has a sizeable Muslim population that once feel the full brunt of Hindutva terror will run into the arms of BD, Indian patriotism will go right out the window.
Why will they want to return to Independent WB where Hindus form majority, face abuse again ? They will stay in BD as refugees unless BD ensures their safe return. The only way BD will be able to ensure such a crisis does not take place is by taking over the management of WB and breaking the back of RSS terrorists in WB. The only way and most natural way to do that is to add the state to BD's territory.

Also It is in BD's interest to take certain territories from WB i.e. Siliguri corridor. Murshidabad for historical reasons.

In the end of the day. The BJP is playing a dangerous game. This will destroy the social fabric of the NE. What ever economic and social progress BD has made will go out the window because of this dangerous game being play by the BJP

Just because there is no Hindu Muslim conflict now does not mean there wont be in the future. If BJP comes to power in WB, can you bet the Hindus in BD wont get ideas and will not follow their brethren's across the border in their extremist ideas ? It is high time to start profiling the Hindus in BD as potential terrorists. DGFI must learn from the CIA and copy their tactics if necessary to keep BD safe from Hindu terrorists .

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Good write up though slightly vitriolic..I would still tackle your post on the merits of your points
A part of Bengal's debacle is due to the policies of the Left Government of around 34 years...Part is due to the anti-entreprneurial attitudes of West Bengalis themselves..My Pishu (Father's sister's husband) is one of the top 10 biggest ethnic Bengali industrialist/businessmen in Kolkata...But he would not even rank in the top 2000 (may be even 5000?) in the national scale..I donot know how much of that has to do with Marwari monopoly .Some stuffs you said may be true.....and there is a growing divide between the Bengali upper middle class and the religiosity of the cow belt ..cuz the Bengali Upper Middle class (10-15%?) takes pride in the Bengali Renaissance in the fields of literature,art,dance,music,science...They are much more conversant with the ideas of Marxism and European Enlightenment...The elite intellectual culture is basically non-existent in the cow belt ..Their world starts with Ram Mandir and ends with Cow urine..there is a vibrant atheist/agnostic class in WB (along with Maharashtra and Kerala)

I will say something extremely controversial here..Outside of Rajasthan, the Hindi speaking belt doesnot have an elite culture to look up to or imitate...This has been the case since partition and the removal of Urdu speaking erstwhile royal elites in these places.....since then the Hindi belt has been running around like a headless chicken regarding cultural direction....for sometime guidance was given by the partition displaced West Punjabi HIndu elites of Bollywood...but eventually they failed and caved into popular pressures to cater to the contemporary tastes....


These are the few things I had to write the last few weeks on the Hindi belt..these are disparate thoughts in disparate threads:

You did touch on some important points but from an outsider's perspective...But for the West Bengali to completely lose faith in the Indian Union one thing needs to happen....Bangladesh achieving 4x GDP per capita of India nominal within the next 15-20 years...

I donot think double GDP per capita nominal of India would be enough for the neighbouring states especially WB to sit up and take notice...Correct me if I am wrong here....But places with high density need to be a LOT richer to look as clean,advanced and developed as poorer ,sparsely populated places ..This has been my experience in life

Also if there is 30 years of Gaumutra and Ram Mandir, along woth 90s Sub Saharan Africa level of mismanagement in India, then future of WB is anybody's guess

A picture says a thousand words...this one picture will show which parts of India are responsible for the thirsty incel image of Indian men..the accompanying blurb below will help you to unpack the social situation even more



Dada I offer my apologies if my language comes off as a little rough around the edges, but sometimes there is no alternative to being direct.

I think all this college street intellectualism, Marxism and high-thinking imbibing Sartre, Nietzsche and Kierkegaard is fine, but if one cannot provide excellent living-wage jobs to the underclass - then the point of Marxist thought is kind of pointless. If people with Ph.D's are being bus conductors and can hardly make a living, then what is the point of education?

Look at the Chinese and how the CCP adopted Capitalism, Russia as well to some extent (Oligarchs controlling the oil). Did not happen in WB.

There are tons of people from Bangladesh who went to WB from Bangladesh after 1947 - Now Modi's RSS and BJP wants to make all these Hindus illegal immigrants!

They have a grand plan to drive out non-Hindutva Hindus from WB itself. How will they do it? They get plenty of money from the half-educated cow belter H1B diaspora in the US and EU.

While Bengalis sit sipping tea from earthenware pots in college street debating Nietzsche and have no action plan.

BJP wants to kick out Bengalis from WB itself and replace them with cow belter Hindu extremists. And WB folks are quietly sitting on their butts.

Do all WB people have cold water running in their veins - instead of blood??

If this keeps going, the name of WB is going to change to "Bongal" soon, as planned by BJP.

All the choice jobs in WB are going to non-Bengali cow belters and it has sadly come down to this now from Garga's FB page,
"বাঙালি ভাবো, আমরা যদি বাংলার সমস্ত রাজ্য সরকারি চাকরির পরীক্ষায় ৫০ বা ১০০ নম্বরের বাংলা পেপার বাধ্যতামূলক করাতে পারি, তাতে বাঙালির লাভ। তোমার লাভ, তোমার ভবিষ্যত প্রজন্মের লাভ।"

" Bengalis think, if we can make Bangla paper of 50 or 100 marks compulsory in all state government job examinations in Bengal, then it will be to the benefit of Bengalis. Your profit, the profit of your future generations."

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What is easier ? Forming a new country ? or joining a country that you have already established religious and cultural commonality ?
But why other countries of earth will recognise it so easily? India will create issue , they will blame that Bangladesh annexed part of their country, Bangladesh was responsible for the anarchy so these states revolted against India, actually the common folks want to stay with India, only spepraratist funded by Bangladesh created anarchy.... .... ... bla bla bla .

How you will tackle them when India will start accusing Bangladesh like that? The world will recognise Bangladesh as expansionist country, will it bring any better results?

BD is the central part of NE. No independent country can thrive without co operation with Indian govt or BD in the NE. So if Indian central govt slowly moves out BD will move in . Otherwise these so called independent ( can be a Muslim or Hindu state) states will lay claim to BD territories in the future based on common religion and or culture. A power vacuum will be dangerous as order will need to be restored.
If you have the life, you have the problem. It's inevitable.

If they claim Bangladeshi land we will tackle them. Its easier to tackle smaller entities.

The Muslims and liberal Hindus of NE will have a choice . Work with BD or suffer under Hindutva or under Hindutva inspired local goons ? Suffer even more by forming a new country ?
But how many hindus are liberal in india? If they are liberal they won't vote for bjp. But they are doing so.

Also you don't have to be liberal in order to dicth RSS.

Many people in Bangladesh who are extremely pious dislike jamati Islami, and support BAL.

And also in the end of the day everyone is communal. If they rejected Hindutva rule ,their is no reason for them to accept muslim majority rules.

About seven sisters , they can for different counties, as Bhutan is a sovereign entity and they aren't doing bad.

WB has a sizeable Muslim population that once feel the full brunt of Hindutva terror will run into the arms of BD, Indian patriotism will go right out the window. Why will they want to return to Independent WB where Hindus form majority, face abuse again ? They will stay in BD as refugees unless BD ensures their safe return. The only way BD will be able to ensure such a crisis does not take place is by taking over the management of WB and breaking the back of RSS terrorists in WB. The only way and most natural way to do that is to add the state to BD's territory.
I already said that if that's the case we have full right to interfere.

But what if things go in different direction? What if West Bengal declare independence and Muslims of West Bengal then want to join Bangladesh?

Believe me it will just reunite West Bengali hindus with the cow belt aka modi belt.

They will instantly lebel West Bengali Muslim as common enemies ( for West bengali hindus and cow belt hindutva ) , and nothing unify people like a common enemy.

So in the end the independent West bengal or assam will never come true if Muslims want to join another Muslim nation Bangladesh.

Also It is in BD's interest to take certain territories from WB i.e. Siliguri corridor. Murshidabad for historical reasons.
We also have the right on karimganj and Kachar but what happened has happened ,it's not possible for us to take it back other than hostilities, even not from the newly formed countries.

If it was possible, India could annex us during 1971 , you see Indians here always rant about it?

But the reality is different, India could never annex Bangladesh doesn't matter how tiny East Bengal regiment was.

The land is known to us , not to them.

Same the land of west bengal and seven sisters are well known to them, not to us.

So relaistsitically it's almost impossible.

You see Russian annexed Crimea only because majority of Crimeans are Russian language speakers and both sides are orthodox Christian.

So yes if there was state like Kashmir we could have them join us as it's Muslim majority.

But Muslim minority States won't do that..
Besides India isn't federation kf states, but union of states so a Muslim majority state ( after anarchy or decide to leave cow belt) can choose to remain independent or join another Muslim nation, but surely Muslim of Muslim minority states won't do, unless they don't want to get traitor tags by the majority hindus.

As I already said such things only can unite cow belt and bengali or assamese hindus ,and independence plan will be buried, let alone joining other country.

Just because there is no Hindu Muslim conflict now does not mean there wont be in the future. If BJP comes to power in WB, can you bet the Hindus in BD wont get ideas and will not follow their brethren's across the border in their extremist ideas ? It is high time to start profiling the Hindus in BD as potential terrorists. DGFI must learn from the CIA and copy their tactics if necessary to keep BD safe from Hindu terrorists .
Exactly . Now just assume what will be the consequences of you annex those states? Will the hindus not consider you as a threat?

If you can't control your neighbouring small countries , how can you control them by hostile takeover?

The bottom line is , if you can create a Muslim majority state inside West bengal or assam when Indian govt is rolling, maybe then later you can make them join Bangladesh after independence from India.

Otherwise not!
Self-determination is a noble quality and WB folks have to weigh whether they are better off economically if they throw in their lot with Cow belt Hindutva nutcases, or any alternative, such as becoming an independent country. I'd ask the Assamese the same thing. How long will you let the center rob you blind (lifting your mineral resources and petroleum)??

You don't have to join us in Bangladesh if you don't want to, but having your own independent sovereign country is not a bad thing, especially when WB is still being exploited so heavily by the center and cow belt states.

This partition and separatist fetish of muslims of south aisia is the primary reason why people doubt their patriotism, as its always conditional.In pakistan India or bangladesh its always Islam first and country second for a huge lot.

Their is no separatism in WB ,just look at the support BJP an open nationalist party is getting their.
Secondly even if their is .... do you know how long will it take the Indian State to squish it ?

My guess- not more than a month

Rest of your post is more of a juvenile wet dream of joining bangladesh, separatism blah blah...

Realistically any intervention of bangladesh in India specially in separatists activities will result in presence of Indian Army on the border........not BSF :lol:

Already there are movements in WB spreading this idea.

1. Do WB folks like it, when Marwari businesses in WB publicly proclaim that they won't hire Bengalis

2. Do WB folks like it, when almost all positions in customs, utilities and all govt. offices in WB (viz. Rail, JEE, NEET, Banks, offices etc.) are taken by cow belt Hindutvabadi folks? Left to fend for yourself in your own state?? Shame.

All the things you mentioned are exam based nothing stops bengalis to write an exam and clear them ,beating the so called "cow belt " fair n square

What stops bengalis to open a shop and not hire marwaris ?

Besides how does all this is relevant to a bangladeshi ?

do you think illegal Bangladeshis increases or decrease the chances of bengalis getting a job ?

3. Do WB folks like it, when Bengalis can't get jobs in their own home state (WB) because of cow belt job-seeker competition, have to migrate for work to other North, South or West Indian States, be treated as outsiders and often, as second class citizens, and worse yet - Bangladeshis? :lol:

Its true bangladeshis are not treated well at all and its like an abuse for a bengali to be called a bangladeshi !

Competition never hurt anyone ,it only improves the job market.

4. Do WB folks like it, when they get painted by (and is the butt of jokes by) other Indians as somehow lazy, lethargic, non-hardworking, over-intellectualized, kam-chor "Bong" folks? We know this is a stereotype, but why can't you industrialize your own state and give jobs to your own people? You could, if you became independent.
Can't make this up, if you have a culture of laziness ,romanticizing useless intellectualism and superiority complex with no substances you do end up being mocked.
You cant industrialize because everything you said comes from left rule and its stupid ideology which infected the said minds ,thus no jobs and no zeal to get one either...

5. Do WB folks like it, when states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, Telangana, Karnataka and others come up with policies of hiring their locals first and banning outsiders like "bongs"? So Bengalis have to play "second or third class Indian" game?
Because they have jobs they can do it.
No one stops WB to industrilize other than themselves.

6. Do WB folks like it, when top administrative officials in West Bengal come from IAS/IPS cadre and not WBCS/WBPS cadre?

7. Do WB folks like it, when Bengali workers in WBSEDCL get expelled because they don't have fluency in English and Hindi?

These things are common for all states.

8. Do WB folks like it, when a BJP fanatic Subramaniyam Swami proposes to weaken WB to make a separate state from West Bengal namely Gorkhaland ? What kind of folks are Bengalis when they let a fanatic outsider dictate the future of their own state? Is there any measure of shame?

But where is your "jatigoto shotta", self-determination and back bone? It is in short supply in WB - it seems.

Sharajibon Hindutva jowal-er nichey thakai ki Bangalir porichoi? (is staying under Hindutva yoke forever the realization of proud Bengalihood)?
You are the one who fantasize separatism in wb because you are so scared of the RSS and its impact on Bangladesh.

Don't worry about our country ,think about yourself ,RSS is already present in WB in large numbers and has a growing imprint, in coming years it will impact Bangladesh as well, good luck.

Their could be separatism in Bangladesh as well maybe "Bangabhumi" ?
BD is the central part of NE. No independent country can thrive without co operation with Indian govt or BD in the NE. So if Indian central govt slowly moves out BD will move in . Otherwise these so called independent ( can be a Muslim or Hindu state) states will lay claim to BD territories in the future based on common religion and or culture. A power vacuum will be dangerous as order will need to be restored.
The Muslims and liberal Hindus of NE will have a choice . Work with BD or suffer under Hindutva or under Hindutva inspired local goons ? Suffer even more by forming a new country ?

States like Tripura and Assam cant even form their own country as they will be completely reliant on BD for access to port for trade. Without Trade , these states will become even poorer. This means more crime and sooner or later they will declare war or BD will have to Mine the border to keep them out. impossible task. Therefore these to sates will themselves ask if they can join BD. Especially Tripura and lower Assam. Want to know how long their Indian patriotism will last , if there is a shortage of Cash?

WB has a sizeable Muslim population that once feel the full brunt of Hindutva terror will run into the arms of BD, Indian patriotism will go right out the window.
Why will they want to return to Independent WB where Hindus form majority, face abuse again ? They will stay in BD as refugees unless BD ensures their safe return. The only way BD will be able to ensure such a crisis does not take place is by taking over the management of WB and breaking the back of RSS terrorists in WB. The only way and most natural way to do that is to add the state to BD's territory.

Also It is in BD's interest to take certain territories from WB i.e. Siliguri corridor. Murshidabad for historical reasons.

In the end of the day. The BJP is playing a dangerous game. This will destroy the social fabric of the NE. What ever economic and social progress BD has made will go out the window because of this dangerous game being play by the BJP

Just because there is no Hindu Muslim conflict now does not mean there wont be in the future. If BJP comes to power in WB, can you bet the Hindus in BD wont get ideas and will not follow their brethren's across the border in their extremist ideas ? It is high time to start profiling the Hindus in BD as potential terrorists. DGFI must learn from the CIA and copy their tactics if necessary to keep BD safe from Hindu terrorists .


It seems the ones who support BJP in West Bengal have Hindu "Bangal" roots...those who come from East Bengal OR Bangladesh.....I may be wrong..but that's my initial reactions...............For me it is completely incongruent that BJP rules Bengal...
But why other countries of earth will recognise it so easily? India will create issue , they will blame that Bangladesh annexed part of their country, Bangladesh was responsible for the anarchy so these states revolted against India, actually the common folks want to stay with India, only spepraratist funded by Bangladesh created anarchy.... .... ... bla bla bla .

How you will tackle them when India will start accusing Bangladesh like that? The world will recognise Bangladesh as expansionist country, will it bring any better results?

If you have the life, you have the problem. It's inevitable.

If they claim Bangladeshi land we will tackle them. Its easier to tackle smaller entities.

But how many hindus are liberal in india? If they are liberal they won't vote for bjp. But they are doing so.

Also you don't have to be liberal in order to dicth RSS.

Many people in Bangladesh who are extremely pious dislike jamati Islami, and support BAL.

And also in the end of the day everyone is communal. If they rejected Hindutva rule ,their is no reason for them to accept muslim majority rules.

About seven sisters , they can for different counties, as Bhutan is a sovereign entity and they aren't doing bad.

I already said that if that's the case we have full right to interfere.

But what if things go in different direction? What if West Bengal declare independence and Muslims of West Bengal then want to join Bangladesh?

Believe me it will just reunite West Bengali hindus with the cow belt aka modi belt.

They will instantly lebel West Bengali Muslim as common enemies ( for West bengali hindus and cow belt hindutva ) , and nothing unify people like a common enemy.

So in the end the independent West bengal or assam will never come true if Muslims want to join another Muslim nation Bangladesh.

We also have the right on karimganj and Kachar but what happened has happened ,it's not possible for us to take it back other than hostilities, even not from the newly formed countries.

If it was possible, India could annex us during 1971 , you see Indians here always rant about it?

But the reality is different, India could never annex Bangladesh doesn't matter how tiny East Bengal regiment was.

The land is known to us , not to them.

Same the land of west bengal and seven sisters are well known to them, not to us.

So relaistsitically it's almost impossible.

You see Russian annexed Crimea only because majority of Crimeans are Russian language speakers and both sides are orthodox Christian.

So yes if there was state like Kashmir we could have them join us as it's Muslim majority.

But Muslim minority States won't do that..
Besides India isn't federation kf states, but union of states so a Muslim majority state ( after anarchy or decide to leave cow belt) can choose to remain independent or join another Muslim nation, but surely Muslim of Muslim minority states won't do, unless they don't want to get traitor tags by the majority hindus.

As I already said such things only can unite cow belt and bengali or assamese hindus ,and independence plan will be buried, let alone joining other country.

Exactly . Now just assume what will be the consequences of you annex those states? Will the hindus not consider you as a threat?

If you can't control your neighbouring small countries , how can you control them by hostile takeover?

The bottom line is , if you can create a Muslim majority state inside West bengal or assam when Indian govt is rolling, maybe then later you can make them join Bangladesh after independence from India.

Otherwise not!

Are you saying any future intervemt
But why other countries of earth will recognise it so easily? India will create issue , they will blame that Bangladesh annexed part of their country, Bangladesh was responsible for the anarchy so these states revolted against India, actually the common folks want to stay with India, only spepraratist funded by Bangladesh created anarchy.... .... ... bla bla bla .

How you will tackle them when India will start accusing Bangladesh like that? The world will recognise Bangladesh as expansionist country, will it bring any better results?

If you have the life, you have the problem. It's inevitable.

If they claim Bangladeshi land we will tackle them. Its easier to tackle smaller entities.

But how many hindus are liberal in india? If they are liberal they won't vote for bjp. But they are doing so.

Also you don't have to be liberal in order to dicth RSS.

Many people in Bangladesh who are extremely pious dislike jamati Islami, and support BAL.

And also in the end of the day everyone is communal. If they rejected Hindutva rule ,their is no reason for them to accept muslim majority rules.

About seven sisters , they can for different counties, as Bhutan is a sovereign entity and they aren't doing bad.

I already said that if that's the case we have full right to interfere.

But what if things go in different direction? What if West Bengal declare independence and Muslims of West Bengal then want to join Bangladesh?

Believe me it will just reunite West Bengali hindus with the cow belt aka modi belt.

They will instantly lebel West Bengali Muslim as common enemies ( for West bengali hindus and cow belt hindutva ) , and nothing unify people like a common enemy.

So in the end the independent West bengal or assam will never come true if Muslims want to join another Muslim nation Bangladesh.

We also have the right on karimganj and Kachar but what happened has happened ,it's not possible for us to take it back other than hostilities, even not from the newly formed countries.

If it was possible, India could annex us during 1971 , you see Indians here always rant about it?

But the reality is different, India could never annex Bangladesh doesn't matter how tiny East Bengal regiment was.

The land is known to us , not to them.

Same the land of west bengal and seven sisters are well known to them, not to us.

So relaistsitically it's almost impossible.

You see Russian annexed Crimea only because majority of Crimeans are Russian language speakers and both sides are orthodox Christian.

So yes if there was state like Kashmir we could have them join us as it's Muslim majority.

But Muslim minority States won't do that..
Besides India isn't federation kf states, but union of states so a Muslim majority state ( after anarchy or decide to leave cow belt) can choose to remain independent or join another Muslim nation, but surely Muslim of Muslim minority states won't do, unless they don't want to get traitor tags by the majority hindus.

As I already said such things only can unite cow belt and bengali or assamese hindus ,and independence plan will be buried, let alone joining other country.

Exactly . Now just assume what will be the consequences of you annex those states? Will the hindus not consider you as a threat?

If you can't control your neighbouring small countries , how can you control them by hostile takeover?

The bottom line is , if you can create a Muslim majority state inside West bengal or assam when Indian govt is rolling, maybe then later you can make them join Bangladesh after independence from India.

Otherwise not!
Well this presents future challenges

1) because supporting independence movements by proxy are not easy. Ask pakistan.

2) An Intervention into WB, assam or tripura like russian/turkish style intervention to form a muslim majority country from muslim districts also requieres strong govt in BD and most importantly a strong ally on international stage.

3) in all reality india is slowly diving along ethnic and religious lines. This means civil war. Therefore BD has to do is play her cards carefully but strongly. A russian or turkish style Intervention is most likely. Sieze certain areas of WB, assam, tripura , push refugees in and give recognition to that area as a country. Get allies to recognise the said areas as country.

Bottom line is NE cannot be allowed to become a RSS terrorist hotspot. This is a direct threat to the national security of the country. Cannot allow the country to become refugee land.
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It seems the ones who support BJP in West Bengal have Hindu "Bangal" roots...those who come from East Bengal OR Bangladesh.....I may be wrong..but that's my initial reactions...............For me it is completely incongruent that BJP rules Bengal...
Well yes. They fantasies about WB and Bangladesh joining togather under indian rule.

In an ideal world mamata banerjee would win. We all stay on our own side of the border and let common sense and peace prevail.
Are you saying any future intervemt

Well this presents future challenges

1) because supporting independence movements by proxy are not easy. Ask pakistan.

2) An Intervention into WB, assam or tripura like russian/turkish style intervention to form a muslim majority country from muslim districts also requieres strong govt in BD and most importantly a strong ally on international stage.

3) in all reality india is slowly diving along ethnic and religious lines. This means civil war. Therefore BD has to do is play her cards carefully but strongly. A russian or turkish style Intervention is most likely. Sieze certain areas of WB, assam, tripura , push refugees in and give recognition to that area as a country. Get allies to recognise the said areas as country.

Bottom line is NE cannot be allowed to become a RSS terrorist hotspot. This is a direct threat to the national security of the country. Cannot allow the country to become refugee land.
The problem will arise more if we try to annex them. But let's agree to disagree here.

All we can wish now ,that is praying to Allah to save our country and keep our military stronger and corruption free.

And only military can protect Bangladesh from becoming Afghanistan or Somalia.

That's why despite hearing many recent stories ( Although they have little credibility IMHO) , I want to heavily rely on our military.

I believe inshallah they will keep protecting our motherland from all odds.
The problem will arise more if we try to annex them. But let's agree to disagree here.

All we can wish now ,that is praying to Allah to save our country and keep our military stronger and corruption free.

And only military can protect Bangladesh from becoming Afghanistan or Somalia.

That's why despite hearing many recent stories ( Although they have little credibility IMHO) , I want to heavily rely on our military.

I believe inshallah they will keep protecting our motherland from all odds.
Ah but that's what BJP and RSS wants though!

Turn India Pak and BD into the next Afghanistan--- so that they can can carry out their century long fantasy of cleansing Bharat from the Muslim, Christian and Liberal" Aliens" . From the ashes of what remains , will be born the new Bharat.

Do you think the things the Sanghi's are doing all this by accident ? No ! they are lusting for war and as the days go on, their acts will get even more brazen !
The anti Modi protests in BD are precisely what the Sanghi's wanted !

Bloody terrorists. In an ideal world Mullah's and Sanghi's will be thrown in the Bay of Bengal never to be heard from again. Good riddance !
@jamahir How to build an unified left liberal agnostic (very important) party that would have as much grassroots success as BJP in the last 25 years....cuz even if Mamata wins in Bengal this time, situation will be grim in Bengal as industries won't come back...other than a homegrown class of entrepreuneurs Bengal is fugged
Ah but that's what BJP and RSS wants though!

Turn India Pak and BD into the next Afghanistan--- so that they can can carry out their century long fantasy of cleansing Bharat from the Muslim, Christian and Liberal" Aliens" . From the ashes of what remains , will be born the new Bharat.

Do you think the things the Sanghi's are doing all this by accident ? No ! they are lusting for war and as the days go on, their acts will get even more brazen !
The anti Modi protests in BD are precisely what the Sanghi's wanted !

Bloody terrorists. In an ideal world Mullah's and Sanghi's will be thrown in the Bay of Bengal never to be heard from again. Good riddance !
I know this. I just said Bangladesh must not attack first. But if necessary we will not only defend ourselves, but also will take necessary step.

But annexing Hindu majority area is not realistic idea.

But if you can manage Muslim areas , I want them to join us.
Well yes. They fantasies about WB and Bangladesh joining togather under indian rule.
Well if your argument was the counter argument, then I support it. As counter argument I also want akhanda Bangladesh that's including West bengal and assam and tripura.
I know this. I just said Bangladesh must not attack first. But if necessary we will not only defend ourselves, but also will take necessary step.

But annexing Hindu majority area is not realistic idea.

But if you can manage Muslim areas , I want them to join us.

Well if your argument was the counter argument, then I support it. As counter argument I also want akhanda Bangladesh that's including West bengal and assam and tripura.

Assam and Trpura is a bit of a stretch...Sylhet was already bifuricated from Assam
@jamahir How to build an unified left liberal agnostic (very important) party

What do you mean by "agnostic" ?

that would have as much grassroots success as BJP in the last 25 years....cuz even if Mamata wins in Bengal this time, situation will be grim in Bengal as industries won't come back...other than a homegrown class of entrepreuneurs Bengal is fugged

I think to start with:

1. Bengal can take inspiration from Kerala which has a relatively newer, small-sized-materials technology company environment. One good example of Keralite tech contribution is the company called Genrobotics which devised the robot Bandicoot which clears manholes. A very useful contribution. Just like how Keralite tech ecosystem exists despite presence of older tech towns like Pune, Bangalore and Hyderabad, Bengal can develop its own small-materials ecosystem in the already tech-existent Salt Lake area of Calcutta.

2. Why not Mamata invite Tata again but this time to set up large factories for energy-efficient buses, utility trucks, utility vans and larger-than-Nano cars ( for taxis ) ? These can be sold to governments, perhaps under the proposition that in the near-future their cities can be rid of all privately-owned personal transport vehicles and instead be serviced by Bengal's Tata vehicle factories ?
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