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Bangladesh Army Issues Tender To Procure Attack Helicopter

China's Z10 is designed for the eastern war zone, not the Western war zone. Therefore, there will be Engine power problems when Z10 is used in the Northwest Plateau of Pakistan(Climb rate decrease). Moreover, Turkey also purchased 52 training aircraft from Pakistan. This is the reason why Pakistan chose T-129.

As for the engine of T-129, what matters is not the relationship between Bangladesh and the USA, but the relationship between Turkey and the USA.

My suggestion: if Bangladesh has enough time to wait for the Z10 to replace the WZ9(1000HP) by the WZ16(2040HP), I suggest buying the Z10. Otherwise, I suggest buying AH1Z or Mi35.
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Whenever a country which had no experience in gas turbine development, promises a new advanced gas turbine (like a helicopter engine), there will be skepticism. They won't be ready anytime soon, certainly not within the time scale they propose. It's almost certain they won't. If they do, it'll be horrendously unreliable

T625 Gökbey will enter mass production this year, the same engine will be used for T-129 and ATAK 2 will be powered by the Ukrainian engine which will make maiden flight in 2023.

As for the engine of t-129, what matters is not the relationship between Bangladesh and the USA, but the relationship between Turkey and the USA.

Looks like it's more about US-Pakistan. Philippines is getting T-129 without US objection.
China's Z10 is designed for the eastern war zone, not the Western war zone. Therefore, there will be Engine power problems when Z10 is used in the Northwest Plateau of Pakistan(Climb rate decrease). Moreover, Turkey also purchased 52 training aircraft from Pakistan. This is the reason why Pakistan chose T-129.

As for the engine of T-129, what matters is not the relationship between Bangladesh and the USA, but the relationship between Turkey and the USA.

My suggestion: if Bangladesh has enough time to wait for the Z10 to replace the WZ9(1000HP) by the WZ16(2040HP), I suggest buying the Z10. Otherwise, I suggest buying AH1Z or Mi35.
Turkey requires re-export certificate from the US every time they sign an export deal on the T-129s. Regardless of the currently cold US-Turkey relations, the US is still approving re-export of the Honeywell engines to friendly nations like the Phillipines. Mind you the US govt is run by major US Corporations like Honeywell who have bought off the politicians through campaign finance donations.

If the US does not object to engine re-export to BD,we should order T-129s right away. Simultaneously, we should closely evaluate performance and reliability of Z-10 and WZ-9 and monitor the progress of WZ-16. If WZ-9 appears to meet our interim requirements while WZ-16 looks promising, we may be able to work out a deal whereby CAIIC starts delivery of Z-10s, initially with WZ-9s but swaps out with WZ-16 as soon as possible.

The above arrangements will help us build numbers.
Turkey requires re-export certificate from the US every time they sign an export deal on the T-129s. Regardless of the currently cold US-Turkey relations, the US is still approving re-export of the Honeywell engines to friendly nations like the Phillipines. Mind you the US govt is run by major US Corporations like Honeywell who have bought off the politicians through campaign finance donations.

If the US does not object to engine re-export to BD,we should order T-129s right away. Simultaneously, we should closely evaluate performance and reliability of Z-10 and WZ-9 and monitor the progress of WZ-16. If WZ-9 appears to meet our interim requirements while WZ-16 looks promising, we may be able to work out a deal whereby CAIIC starts delivery of Z-10s, initially with WZ-9s but swaps out with WZ-16 as soon as possible.

The above arrangements will help us build numbers.

I have serious doubts on the US approving engine re-export for either T-129 and Gripen.

US has already publicly made clear they would like BD to buy major US weapon systems. They gain little by approving engine re-exports that could potentially cost them billions of US dollars of sale and greater influence on BD.

BD cannot exactly jump into the Chinese camp due to BD dependence on US and Western markets and relations have deteriorated since China backstabbed BD back in 2017. It knows BD no longer trusts the Chinese all that much.

If BD does not wish to buy the Chinese Z-10ME then it just needs to hope the indigenous engine for the T-129 is ready soon.
I have serious doubts on the US approving engine re-export for either T-129 and Gripen.

US has already publicly made clear they would like BD to buy major US weapon systems. They gain little by approving engine re-exports that could potentially cost them billions of US dollars of sale and greater influence on BD.

BD cannot exactly jump into the Chinese camp due to BD dependence on US and Western markets and relations have deteriorated since China backstabbed BD back in 2017. It knows BD no longer trusts the Chinese all that much.

If BD does not wish to buy the Chinese Z-10ME then it just needs to hope the indigenous engine for the T-129 is ready soon.
Regarding Honeywell engine re-export approval, it would be a game of who manages to buy more influence by lobbying the Congressional foreign relations and armed services committees: Honeywell or Boeing.
I think it is still up in the air.
It is a similar deal with Gripens: GE vs LM

Regarding the so called "backstabbing" by China on the Rohingya issue in 2017, I blame ourselves more than China. It was insanely naive to believe China who has deep strategic interests in Burma would side with us on that issue.
China still deeply values its relationship with us, enough to sell us their best weapons. The onus is on us to properly evaluate the Z-10 and its engines. The price tag floating around on the internet is $18 million. Even if it is $30 million, it is bang for buck provided it meets our requirements.
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Turkey requires re-export certificate from the US every time they sign an export deal on the T-129s. Regardless of the currently cold US-Turkey relations, the US is still approving re-export of the Honeywell engines to friendly nations like the Phillipines. Mind you the US govt is run by major US Corporations like Honeywell who have bought off the politicians through campaign finance donations.

If the US does not object to engine re-export to BD,we should order T-129s right away. Simultaneously, we should closely evaluate performance and reliability of Z-10 and WZ-9 and monitor the progress of WZ-16. If WZ-9 appears to meet our interim requirements while WZ-16 looks promising, we may be able to work out a deal whereby CAIIC starts delivery of Z-10s, initially with WZ-9s but swaps out with WZ-16 as soon as possible.

The above arrangements will help us build numbers.

WZ-16 has been mass produced, but the production capacity is not enough, and China gives priority to assembling WZ-16 for Z15, not Z10.

Because WZ-16 and Z15 were jointly developed by China and France. Both parties have agreed that WZ-16 must give priority to meeting the needs of Z15.

That's why I said, WZ-16 it takes time to wait. Even the Z10 used by the PLA is queuing.
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Maybe BD can buy the embargoed Pakistan AH-1Zs that are zero hours and factory fresh - on a discount ?

"on a discount" seems to be the Bangladeshi way.

I would love to watch these guys haggle at a car dealership.
Likely to be T129.

Also, does it make any sense for BA to get T129 and BAF to get Apache?
It makes no sense for two branches to be acquiring attack helicopters...and I hope to God that they won't end up going for different ones.

It would be far more efficient if only Army Aviation acquired them...and it was all the same type. Let's say instead of acquiring 15 and 15(by Army and Air Force)...instead the army acquired 30.

Also I hope it ends up being T129...and Turks agree to let BD in a bit...even if not ToT...some work share at least. So that BD can take little baby steps towards building domestic capabilities...completely importing every military system is unsustainable.

Apache is a beast and my favorite attack heli...but if we are being practical then T129 is better in the long run.
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It makes no sense for two branches to be acquiring attack helicopters...and I hope to God that they won't end up going for different ones.

It would be far more efficient if on Army Aviation acquired them...and it was all the same type. Let's say instead of acquiring 15 and 15(by Army and Air Force)...instead the army acquired 30.

Also I hope it ends up being T129...and Turks agree to let BD in a bit...even if not ToT...some work share at least. So that BD can take little baby steps towards building domestic capabilities...completely importing every military system is unsustainable.

Apache is a beast and my favorite attack heli...but if we are being practical then T129 is better in the long run.

Do you remember our conversation at the beginning of 2019?

That uncle that told me all that stuff about Bangladesh going US/West wasn't kidding apparently.

He unfortunately almost lost his life due to COVID but is still alive, albeit debilitated.
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