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Bangladesh Army Issues Tender To Procure Attack Helicopter

I don't think export permits can be obtained for the engines for the Bangladesh sale of the T129. Forget about American helicopters because they are very expensive, and Atak is not very cheap, even I can understand that this tender will go to a multi-purpose MI series, there is no need for polemic.
I specifically said "I think".
Mama, tomar chapabajir obbhash galo na.
3ta helicopter diye ki bal falabe?
Mama chapabaazi na shotti oita to time hoile e Jana jabe. Ekhane personally attack na kore. Indian army bought 6 Apache despite their huge capability. Bangladesh army doesn't have the capability and enough pilot and ground crews to maintain 8 attack helicopter at this point. They are buying more mi171. And 3 initially. More will come later. Pore dekha jabe army baal fele na ki fele ;)
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I don't think export permits can be obtained for the engines for the Bangladesh sale of the T129. Forget about American helicopters because they are very expensive, and Atak is not very cheap, even I can understand that this tender will go to a multi-purpose MI series, there is no need for polemic.

BD can afford American helicopters, it's not some piss-poor country which have to solely rely on Russian helicopters.

Bangladesh army doesn't have the capability and enough pilot and ground crews to maintain 8 attack helicopter at this point.

Yeah right, BAF can approach US for eight Apache helicopters but army which gets biggest share of budget is unable to maintain 8 attack helicopter. Now it seems you just provide false information. First about Rafale, MRCA's budget approval and now this.
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BD can afford American helicopters, it's not some piss-poor country which have to solely rely on Russian helicopters.

Yeah right, BAF can approach US for eight Apache helicopters but army which gets biggest share of budget is unable to maintain 8 attack helicopter. Now it seems you just provide false information. First about Rafale, MRCA's budget approval and now this.
Okay let's wait and see what happens. I will be the happiest person on earth if army buys more than 3 AH in the first run.
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