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Bangladesh Army Issues Tender To Procure Attack Helicopter

Do you remember our conversation at the beginning of 2019?

That uncle that told me all that stuff about Bangladesh going US/West wasn't kidding apparently.

He unfortunately almost lost his life due to COVID but is still alive, albeit debilitated.
Yes I remember u telling me about that uncle...
...that is a good source u have stumbled across. Hard to find ppl whose claims actually prove right.

And good to hear that he has recovered...usually the older folks past 40 are more effected by COVID(younger ones get it too but usually end up with a better prognosis). Just recently the father of one of my best friends from high school got COVID. Before COVID he was healthy as a horse...afterwards he remained in ICU for a couple of weeks on a ventilator.

Seeing such things makes me a bit sad that there still exist anti vaccers...that too in the US(which is developed and a large majority of population has access to education/internet/healthcare)...it's like they are choosing to be ignorant and putting their own lives and the lives of others at risk...
...but I digress
...let's get back to T129...I'm excited for BD :victory:
Maybe u guys can do what Pak had hoped to do with T129.
Yep T-129 it is.

We should forget about WZ-10ME or Apache as BD is going to be getting a lot of major weapons systems from Turkey this decade.
1. The military often uses random photos of the internet in their posters.
2. It remains to be seen how quickly a non-American engine can be developed. If the Turkish engine venture fails and no other alternative is found, best to consider diversification. On the other hand, if long term engine supply can somehow be secured and ToT for the helicopter obtained, there is no need to look at anythin else except for maybe T-929 in the distant future.
Ops Room is saying T-129 doesn't fulfill the requirement specifications of 15 years experience. Tender is asking model validity of 15 years. If that's the case then both T-129 and Z-10 is out of the picture.

View attachment 780146

T-129 is based on A129 which has been around for ages.

I am more concerned about the requirement that when one engine fails, the other engine needs to generate 1600 hp output. LHTEC CTS800-4A narrowly misses that.
Having said that, this is just a Request for Proposal. This might be BA's way of haggling TAI by using Apache as a stalking horse.

Full RFP can be read here:
This only leaves Mi-28NM. Russian ambassador met army chief the same day they issued the tender. :whistle:

LHTEC CTS800-4A narrowly misses that.

Doesn't even come close.



LCH and Appache will be the best bat.

India isn't even eligible to participate.
This only leaves Mi-28NM. Russian ambassador met army chief the same day they issued the tender. :whistle:

Doesn't even come close.

View attachment 780242
View attachment 780241

India isn't even eligible to participate.

I believe the figures listed in the RFP are indicative. It is beyond stupid to limit options to only Mi-28.
Ops Room is saying T-129 doesn't fulfill the requirement specifications of 15 years experience. Tender is asking model validity of 15 years. If that's the case then both T-129 and Z-10 is out of the picture.

View attachment 780146

Excellent Choppers but too costly. Very few can be bought.
WZ-16 has been mass produced, but the production capacity is not enough, and China gives priority to assembling WZ-16 for Z15, not Z10.

Because WZ-16 and Z15 were jointly developed by China and France. Both parties have agreed that WZ-16 must give priority to meeting the needs of Z15.

That's why I said, WZ-16 it takes time to wait. Even the Z10 used by the PLA is queuing.

Z 10 is a Junk.
I believe the figures listed in the RFP are indicative. It is beyond stupid to limit options to only Mi-28.

Isn't that what happened with the original MRCA tender.

Limit yourself to a Russian platform.

And then watch them attempt to rip you off with the price.

Please tell me Bangladesh isnt that stupid.
Helos will be bought from category A and B countries (Turkey, China, Russia, EU, USA) not category C countries. Therefore LCH has no chance

Ohh thats fine. BD can buy choppers from a country which buys choppers from India. Fine. B D is a new cash cow for some countries now. By the way China is buying Choppers from Russia.
Absolutely infuriating.

All Bangladeshis should be embarrassed and ashamed of the BAF.

Kick out the old blood and inject with new.

The organization looks to be in rot.
Its not BAF fault
Geo politics
Helos will be bought from category A and B countries (Turkey, China, Russia, EU, USA) not category C countries. Therefore LCH has no chance
LCH/ LCA us good combo
Ohh thats fine. BD can buy choppers from a country which buys choppers from India. Fine. B D is a new cash cow for some countries now. By the way China is buying Choppers from Russia.

"BD can buy choppers from a country which buys choppers from India?"

Who again?

Making Apache fuselage isn't same as designing and manufacturing a new equipment.

Don't tell me any of these countries are lining up to buy LCH.

For strategic reasons BD won't buy anything of significance from India.
Ohh thats fine. BD can buy choppers from a country which buys choppers from India. Fine. B D is a new cash cow for some countries now.
I am just stating the requirements. Assembly and engines also need to be from CAT A and B.

Indians Calling us cash cow is ironic given the huge sums of money they pay to buy weapons from EU , USA ,Russia.
Isn't that what happened with the original MRCA tender.

Limit yourself to a Russian platform.

And then watch them attempt to rip you off with the price.

Please tell me Bangladesh isnt that stupid.

That was a very different RFP. The title stated "Tender (AP-2 Russia)" while the specs listed were very specific to the point it was obvious only Su-30 and Su-35 were allowed to compete.

Open the link above and have a read of the attack helicopter RFP: 90% of the criteria is undecided.
"on a discount" seems to be the Bangladeshi way.

I would love to watch these guys haggle at a car dealership.

Those AH-1Zs will never see PAA service - Pakistan has moved on as indicated by the attemp to get the T-129s. Pakistan will move on to the WZ-10s and the T-929. The USA will have to do something with the AH-1Zs, which is sell them or put them into USA service otherwise they will rust away where they are.

Pakistan of today is not going to pay "parking fees" for those helicopters on top of the cost of those helicopters now ...
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