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Bangladesh Air Force

I agree with you regarding threat assessment is the need of the hour. Perhaps it has been done and BAF has concluded we do not need an effective air force. If that is the case they should vocalise it. Perhaps BDs sovereignty is best maintained through economic prosperity and tight embrace of the global economy. It has worked for germany and Japan post WW2.

But I disagree that we do not need fighters in numbers. Our region is unpredictable and we are surrounded by dysfunctional fascist hedgemonistic states. We need a stong defense to guarantee our position.
The numbers is understandable but for a BAF to eye ball something like the EFT or likewise makes no sense what so ever.

This is lousiness on their part and just goes to show the type of leadership.

If BAF gets decent squadron numbers of fighter trainers and they know how to operationally interconnect and deploy those aircraft then they should do better than most countries.

The attitude of the countries leadership and inconsistent statements will take BAF no where but down the gutter.

If Bangladesh is serious about its Air force then honestly the L-159Alca and a hand full of Mig-29K or Mig-35 should do you the job.

Both of the Aircraft are nothing new for BAF and extensive training is not a factor.

BAF should primarily be a fighter trainer air force with a hand full of adv Migs for BVR....anything else is needle in a haystack.

BAF has to maintain is fleets of yaks better then they are!

The future BAF should look something like this;

30 ......... Yak 130 (advanced trainer, CAS and Point defense)

50 ......... L-159E ( CAS, Precision strike and CAP)

25 ......... Mig-29k/35

Upgrade the 8 Mig-29 to K standards.

Keep hand full of F-7BGIs running till they can.
The numbers is understandable but for a BAF to eye ball something like the EFT or likewise makes no sense what so ever.

This is lousiness on their part and just goes to show the type of leadership.

If BAF gets decent squadron numbers of fighter trainers and they know how to operationally interconnect and deploy those aircraft then they should do better than most countries.

The attitude of the countries leadership and inconsistent statements will take BAF no where but down the gutter.

If Bangladesh is serious about its Air force then honestly the L-159Alca and a hand full of Mig-29K or Mig-35 should do you the job.

Both of the Aircraft are nothing new for BAF and extensive training is not a factor.

BAF should primarily be a fighter trainer air force with a hand full of adv Migs for BVR....anything else is needle in a haystack.

BAF has to maintain is fleets of yaks better then they are!

The future BAF should look something like this;

30 ......... Yak 130 (advanced trainer, CAS and Point defense)

50 ......... L-159E ( CAS, Precision strike and CAP)

25 ......... Mig-29k/35

Upgrade the 8 Mig-29 to K standards.

Keep hand full of F-7BGIs running till they can.

BAF needs to give BN and BA a fighting chance and withstand a couple of weeks of onslaught from india.

The inventory above wont do do that. However couple of sqd of F16/EFT/gripen with appropriate BVR capable missiles alongside a sizeable surface to air missiles will.

At the moment our existing assets can not get near raffles to do anything.

It is not about quantity we have small air space to defend but rather quality.

BAF can protect the nation, it just needs vision. BD wont face entire indian military as they can not ever really let their border against pakistan and china go undefended.
Russian birds are fantastic on paper but struggle with availability. Russian after sales support is notoriously unreliable.

EFTs are fantastic but not without overall numbers.

BAF should fully focus on getting Gripens and/or J-10Cs in numbers along with whatever ToT is available and AEW&C.

After that if they still find money to spare they can consider 1-2 sqd EFTs.
BAF needs to give BN and BA a fighting chance and withstand a couple of weeks of onslaught from india.

The inventory above wont do do that. However couple of sqd of F16/EFT/gripen with appropriate BVR capable missiles alongside a sizeable surface to air missiles will.

At the moment our existing assets can not get near raffles to do anything.

It is not about quantity we have small air space to defend but rather quality.

BAF can protect the nation, it just needs vision. BD wont face entire indian military as they can not ever really let their border against pakistan and china go undefended.
India was never Banglas enemy!

The above is more than enough to support any sort of midsize army especially the L-159.

BAF has 230 planes even for its size.

The above is safe estimation of keeping 50% serviceable.
India was never Banglas enemy!

The above is more than enough to support any sort of midsize army especially the L-159.

BAF has 230 planes even for its size.

The above is safe estimation of keeping 50% serviceable.
India may not be an outright enemy but they are a threat.

You need consider what sort of aircraft BAF would be facing. IAF would be flying network connected Rafales, Su-30MKIs, MiG-29UPGs and perhaps F-16 Vipers in the future.

Burma would be flying Su-30SMEs, MiG-29SMTs and JF-17 Block II's, perhaps network connected in the future.

At a bare minimum, BAF needs 4 squadrons of network connected (TDL with AEW&C aircraft and Bangabandhu Satellite 1) Gripens/J-10s/EFTs for minimum deterrence against both.
India may not be an outright enemy but they are a threat.

You need consider what sort of aircraft BAF would be facing. IAF would be flying network connected Rafales, Su-30MKIs, MiG-29UPGs and perhaps F-16 Vipers in the future.

Burma would be flying Su-30SMEs, MiG-29SMTs and JF-17 Block II's, perhaps network connected in the future.

At a bare minimum, BAF needs 4 squadrons of network connected (TDL with AEW&C aircraft and Bangabandhu Satellite 1) Gripens/J-10s/EFTs for minimum deterrence against both.
Strong Sam system
BAF should diversify its fleet instead of making them dependent on the Chinese and Russians.

They should acquire aircraft and make their Air Force top-class in the region.
  • 30-50 MiG-29s, upgrade them to MiG-35 standards. MiG-29s can be acquired from Russia or any ex-operators. These can be deployed in the Southern regions for Maritime security.
  • 40-50 J-10C/D from China to boost security over its Western Border with India.
  • 40-50 F-16s C/D from the ex-USAF fleet and upgrade them to MLU-4/5 standards.
This will make them counter any issue in the region.
I agree with you regarding threat assessment is the need of the hour. Perhaps it has been done and BAF has concluded we do not need an effective air force. If that is the case they should vocalise it. Perhaps BDs sovereignty is best maintained through economic prosperity and tight embrace of the global economy. It has worked for germany and Japan post WW2.

But I disagree that we do not need fighters in numbers. Our region is unpredictable and we are surrounded by dysfunctional fascist hedgemonistic states. We need a stong defense to guarantee our position.

Really as regards Germany and Japan?

One is part of Nato and the other has US protection. Not to mention that they both had robust militaries, including powerful airforces.
BAF does not need Gripen, Rafael or EFT.

IMO Bangladesh air force is being Delusional and following the footstep of India.....thinking that new Fighter is a necessity.

What the BAF needs to do is to stop getting into complex and have a proper threat assessment and consultation done.

There are a couple of political factors as well but not getting into that, BAF is better of with fighter trainers and there are plenty proven safe and robust options.
Bruh if we follow what you’re proposing then nothing is a threat in bd. Burmese do 17 airspace violations in a day, we don’t scramble one single fighter 😂
BAF needs to give BN and BA a fighting chance and withstand a couple of weeks of onslaught from india
Keyword: chance
I could argue the opposite. If the army isn’t hogging the budget allocation every fucking year and gets to dictate how much the other two receives then expect no improvement.
let BA get bombed in the meat grinders... then they’ll understand
Bruh if we follow what you’re proposing then nothing is a threat in bd. Burmese do 17 airspace violations in a day, we don’t scramble one single fighter 😂
What do the Burmese use to violate your air space and where does the violation happen from.
They used mig 29 and helicopters
Mig violation led to scrambling from Dhaka but too late...
Madness .............. If any thing there should be a proper squadron at Cox and Chitagong

Look's like BAF has forgotten the ways of the PAF.

A proper SAM system to the East is a cost effective deterrence.

What I have said above

30 ......... Yak 130 (advanced trainer, CAS and Point defense)

50 ......... L-159E ( CAS, Precision strike and CAP)

25 ......... Mig-29k/35

Is a cost effective solution

BGI and Mig29 stay at Dhaka.

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