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Bangladesh Air Force

Keyword: chance
I could argue the opposite. If the army isn’t hogging the budget allocation every fucking year and gets to dictate how much the other two receives then expect no improvement.
let BA get bombed in the meat grinders... then they’ll understand

Inter-Services rivalries is always there. If BAF can not defend its corner in a friendly field of battle how are goin to stand against hostile foreign enemy?
They used mig 29 and helicopters
Mig violation led to scrambling from Dhaka but too late...
There was no violation by fighter jet, only halo.
Keyword: chance
I could argue the opposite. If the army isn’t hogging the budget allocation every fucking year and gets to dictate how much the other two receives then expect no improvement.
let BA get bombed in the meat grinders... then they’ll understand
Budget does not work that way. BAF faggots are cucks. AFD should be replaced with a proper Joint Chief's office which will dictate balance, integration and streamlining of the three forces. This office should also take over the R&D wings of the three forces for greater integration.
The three service chiefs would report into the Joint Chief of Staff. The office should also have one 3-star vice chief from each service and senior secretaries from PMO, MoD, MoP and MoF who would oversee interfaces.
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Keyword: chance
I could argue the opposite. If the army isn’t hogging the budget allocation every fucking year and gets to dictate how much the other two receives then expect no improvement.
let BA get bombed in the meat grinders... then they’ll understand
I thought the navy was getting the biggest share of the budget for procurement.
I thought the navy was getting the biggest share of the budget for procurement.
Navy acquisition has stalled recently, beside the sub base construction which has been spoken for, I don’t see any progress on frigate construction nor the shipyard expansion necessary
There was no violation by fighter jet, only halo
Not when rohynga crisis happened
There was no violation by fighter jet, only halo.

Budget does not work that way. BAF faggots are cucks. AFD should be replaced with a proper Joint Chief's office which will dictate balance, integration and streamlining of the three forces. This office should also take over the R&D wings of the three forces for greater integration.
The three service chiefs would report into the Joint Chief of Staff. The office should also have one 3-star vice chief from each service and senior secretaries from PMO, MoD, MoP and MoF who would oversee interfaces.
The best way is to go imperial Japanese route but with commonality in mind... divide up current fleet among navy and army, and plan on force multiplier with common aircraft types. Problem solved
Inter-Services rivalries is always there. If BAF can not defend its corner in a friendly field of battle how are goin to stand against hostile foreign enemy?
One cannot simply **** up like this and not have to answer to a hearing...
BAF incompetence is a mixture of everything... politics, bureaucracy, budget, inter force rivalry and last but not the least, incompetent officers who most likely get in because their fathers or grandfather have been in the armed forces...
Sets them up pretty well for a career in airline business. Young pilots are quitting because commercial pays better
Need not say more
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Navy acquisition has stalled recently, beside the sub base construction which has been spoken for, I don’t see any progress on frigate construction nor the shipyard expansion necessary

Not when rohynga crisis happened

The best way is to go imperial Japanese route but with commonality in mind... divide up current fleet among navy and army, and plan on force multiplier with common aircraft types. Problem solved

One cannot simply **** up like this and not have to answer to a hearing...
BAF incompetence is a mixture of everything... politics, bureaucracy, budget, inter force rivalry and last but not the least, incompetent officers who most likely get in because their fathers or grandfather have been in the armed forces...
Sets them up pretty well for a career in airline business. Young pilots are quitting because commercial pays better
Need not say more

Bruh it's 2021 and BAF still has no dam new fighters nor the Navy has any new frigates or subs to truly defend Bangladesh.

How long will it take for BAF to realize you gotta buy something , cause even the Air Force Chief knows how fked the BAF really is.

If Myanmar and India can buy some dam fighters already , why the heck is it taking BAF this long to induct new 4th gen fighters ? Corruption is every where but THIS..this is beyond corruption

I just wish Myanmar would pull a Pearl Harbor on us
I thought the navy was getting the biggest share of the budget for procurement.

Navy gets something , but yeah as Michael said we haven't found a partner to make our next gen frigates with and only god knows when we will get the subs. Let alone future ships like LHDs or LPDs
Bruh it's 2021 and BAF still has no dam new fighters nor the Navy has any new frigates or subs to truly defend Bangladesh.

How long will it take for BAF to realize you gotta buy something , cause even the Air Force Chief knows how fked the BAF really is.

If Myanmar and India can buy some dam fighters already , why the heck is it taking BAF this long to induct new 4th gen fighters ? Corruption is every where but THIS..this is beyond corruption

I just wish Myanmar would pull a Pearl Harbor on us

Navy gets something , but yeah as Michael said we haven't found a partner to make our next gen frigates with and only god knows when we will get the subs. Let alone future ships like LHDs or LPDs
This is exactly what Pakistanis ridiculed bengalis for in the military, indecisiveness
We make exceptional soldiers but allow room for contemplation and we have a incompetent armed forces
This is exactly what Pakistanis ridiculed bengalis for in the military, indecisiveness
We make exceptional soldiers but allow room for contemplation and we have a incompetent armed forces

True , these fools in the government act like we live in la la land and everything is peaceful. When will they realize that Bangladesh has enemy's on both sides.

We must build a strong Air Force first to assert air dominance , I don't want Bangladesh to be Iraq during Desert Storm I want Bangladesh to be North Vietnam who somewhat had air dominance.

Second we need a dam strong navy , 6 Frigates ain't sHit we need 10-12 next gen Frigates along with 2 or 3 Destroyers/Or Destroyer mixed with a Frigate and then we need 8-12 modern quiet diesel electric subs something like Song class Sub or Swedish Gotland.

Third we need a LHD , if we want to really defend our interests and protect St Martins we should be able to deploy troops immediately via through LHDs.

Fourth of course we should be able to make most of our equipment ourselves , from cruise missiles to radars.

Bangladesh's economy is growing and so is it's major infrastructure , Myanmar aka an unstable nation anytime can pose a threat to us cause they don't care about sanctions.
F-7 BG is firing it's 30mm cannon during WINTEX-2021.


True , these fools in the government act like we live in la la land and everything is peaceful. When will they realize that Bangladesh has enemy's on both sides.

We must build a strong Air Force first to assert air dominance , I don't want Bangladesh to be Iraq during Desert Storm I want Bangladesh to be North Vietnam who somewhat had air dominance.

Second we need a dam strong navy , 6 Frigates ain't sHit we need 10-12 next gen Frigates along with 2 or 3 Destroyers/Or Destroyer mixed with a Frigate and then we need 8-12 modern quiet diesel electric subs something like Song class Sub or Swedish Gotland.

Third we need a LHD , if we want to really defend our interests and protect St Martins we should be able to deploy troops immediately via through LHDs.

Fourth of course we should be able to make most of our equipment ourselves , from cruise missiles to radars.

Bangladesh's economy is growing and so is it's major infrastructure , Myanmar aka an unstable nation anytime can pose a threat to us cause they don't care about sanctions.
North Vietnam had formidable air defence. If anything the best on the world at that time. They saturated the country with AA guns.
well we have a couple of oerlikon radar controlled guns, expect these couple to protect whole of bd for years
its just written in the website / magazine we are into EF2000 . until as such we have signed MOU and or Publicly inform we are getting it better keep it in doubts... it aint going to be cheap
Qatar paid £6 billion for 24 typhoons in 2017. (That's almost 7.3 billion USD in 2017 ). Yes they are a gulf state so they probably went full spec and the money includes training ,armaments packages and infrastructure. I just think it might be too expensive to maintain (twin engine fighters) and acquire with current economy.
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