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Bangladesh Air Force

Amra khan ridiculed this guy I remember
Is he the guy running DefSeca FB page ? A complete moron. Saw his post saying that ''Actually, India is our Friend '' and immediately logged off FB.

Also anyone know what happened to the $1 Bn Line of Credit from China for airforce procurement ? So called defence analysts in FB and YT were jumping up and down about this in 2017.
FIRST PIC of Bangabondhu-35 guys!!!!!


Can't wait to export this bad boy!!!!!
How about something starting with I-(number).

I as in imaginary.

If we do develop a fighter it will likely be a Chinese aircraft manufactured in Bangladesh with some minor tweaks and a name like Bangubandu-3000 ultra modern 4th gen aircraft with SUPWA DUPA AESA RADAR or some $hit like that.

BUT , Bangladesh can start to make helicopters on it's own since it isn't nearly as difficult as making a fighter jet.

Now it depends on the helicopter , is it ASW or is it just for troop carriers/gunship or rescue

Now for the engines it will likely be foreign
Is he the guy running DefSeca FB page ? A complete moron. Saw his post saying that ''Actually, India is our Friend '' and immediately logged off FB.

Also anyone know what happened to the $1 Bn Line of Credit from China for airforce procurement ? So called defence analysts in FB and YT were jumping up and down about this in 2017.
Ofc Bangladesh rejected them in light of rohynga crisis
Ofc Bangladesh rejected them in light of rohynga crisis

That rejection hurt Bangladesh more than China lol , lmao what were these fools thinking just because they refuse an offer from the Chinese some how the Chinese will economically collapse ?

China has better things to do , these fools missed an opportunity to buy J-10s and also the Royhinga crisis didn't give the BAF a lesson for some reason.

Since with the recent coup , Myanmar will and I mean will still violate our airspace and waters and wtf is BAF going to do then ? Cry to the UN ?

Our navy is decent but guess what ? We still need more ships and subs to guard our own resources , also since now Bangladesh can get resources from the sea floor we definitely need a freaking better Navy.
Credit with China usually does not work like that. It is GoB which formally requests credit which China reviews and approves/rejects. BD most likely simply stopped pursuing it in 2017.
Exactly. I was just mentioning how defseca put it. Although at the time I was part of their team... I knew it was a load of horseshit
Just couldn’t challenge his narrative without being dropped. So I left voluntarily
Exactly. I was just mentioning how defseca put it. Although at the time I was part of their team... I knew it was a load of horseshit
Just couldn’t challenge his narrative without being dropped. So I left voluntarily
Hahahah...yeah I figured a long time ago.
BTW, have you seen one of their recent posts in which they have basically declared to wash their hands off any responsibility for past predictions?

Edit: Here it is:
That rejection hurt Bangladesh more than China lol , lmao what were these fools thinking just because they refuse an offer from the Chinese some how the Chinese will economically collapse ?

China has better things to do , these fools missed an opportunity to buy J-10s and also the Royhinga crisis didn't give the BAF a lesson for some reason.

Since with the recent coup , Myanmar will and I mean will still violate our airspace and waters and wtf is BAF going to do then ? Cry to the UN ?

Our navy is decent but guess what ? We still need more ships and subs to guard our own resources , also since now Bangladesh can get resources from the sea floor we definitely need a freaking better Navy.

it was the right decision at the time... what is the point in buying something that can not be used freely against the burmese?
Hahahah...yeah I figured a long time ago.
BTW, have you seen one of their recent posts in which they have basically declared to wash their hands off any responsibility for past predictions?

Edit: Here it is:
What a bunch of hogwash
He’s a master narcissist controlling every aspect of every post
Doesn’t get info himself. His sources are friend of friends of team members
Lmao he didn’t know the specs for the tenders were sukhoi jets until I told him that’s exactly what they were 😂😂😂
I have a feeling that If BAF doesn't sign any contract this year (50th anniversary of independence) or next year (Air show) we won't be getting anything in the foreseeable future.
I have a feeling that If BAF doesn't sign any contract this year (50th anniversary of independence) or next year (Air show) we won't be getting anything in the foreseeable future.

The thing is that we better buy something now or else we will have to switch onto a 5th gen platform , I feel like we will eventually buy something it just will be a bit late
it was the right decision at the time... what is the point in buying something that can not be used freely against the burmese?

I mean you can sorta use it against the Burmese , but again missed opportunity and a lot of our weapons are Chinese so ?
it was the right decision at the time... what is the point in buying something that can not be used freely against the burmese?

India is also a threat, although a more distant one.

In hindsight maybe a missed opportunity from one angle but then again BD has never been serious about air-defence since BNP came into power in 2001.

On balance, probably the right decision as China was totally in the wrong to support the Barman savages in 2017 and BD would have looked a door-mat if it went ahead with a major Chinese weapons purchase at the time.

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