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Bangladesh Air Force

If you guys want to upgrade your old fighter avionics, you can use Indonesian electronics company, Info Global. It has upgraded Indonesian and Malaysian planes like Hawk 100/200, Boeing 737-200, Hercules C-130, KT-1B, and Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA).

Here is one of the product proposed for Indonesian KFX fighter version (IFX) at Indodefense event in 2016

Infoglobal 1.jpg

The stealth technology is from 1980s nearly 40 years old from F-117 Night Hawk.
View attachment 655972 View attachment 655973
It took Chinese 40 years to understand/copy this technology but yet still can not fully compare able with F-22 Raptor.
A far as your cyber theory is concerned these stealth fighter were mainly built in Nevada air base the Area 51....with highly secured area of the whole world....China would not be able to stole this information....
Chinese always copy and modify designs just like
Su-27----J-11 J-16Su-34----J-15Mig-21----J-7 IAI lavi---J-10.
Which aircraft BAF goona purchase????
I am more curious. Some backward countries like Pakistan. do they make any airplanes?

Even Israel can make the only "localized aircraft" lavi. Then there is no progress. can only comfort myself with some rumors.
Saw few ex mig pilots talking about rafale...heard French authority visited our dhk and cgp base..but Italians visited our bases too...hope we get an official announcement soon :(
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