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Bangladesh Air Force

TBH, I don't know but I feel more sad and disappointed with BAF than my PAF. I mean, how much anguish will Bangladeshi people feel over it if I feel so much? I guess human development and all the economy and improvement in life quality did cost Bangladesh its military capability somewhat. From Military point of view, its upsetting but I guess people always preferred and wanted it this way. Money being spend on people not arms.
What’s there to feel disappointed about PAF, they’re the best airforce in the region
I lost all hope for BAF defending the sky of Bangladesh against the potential enemies we may have to face in the future. Given their foot dragging of well over a decade on just deciding which fighter jet to buy, it is obvious that anything they will bring(only God knows when!) will be too little, too late. The heart of the problem is, our entire leadership is not serious about making Bangladesh capable of defending against any conventional attack. They do not take defence in anyway seriously. This is a stark contrast in our neighborhood dominated by India, China, Pakistan and Myanmar. So, with this kind of complacency and apathy, it is obvious that Bangladesh will never be able to raise a conventional force strong enough against defending serious military players like India or Myanmar.

There is only one way Bangladeshi leadership may wake up from their complacency and slumber and do what should be done, if India or Myanmar forcefully capture a piece of Bangladesh. Until that happen, our leadership will continue to believe their delusion that, ''we have no enemy, so spending on defence is worthless''. So, Bangladesh will always remain a minnow in military front and rather will accept bullying of the neighbors as a fate rather than trying to stand-up on it's own feet. In our national psyche, we are a small, vulnerable country who should avoid all the troubles of outside world and solely focus on survival. Our dealing with India amply demonstrate this mentality. This serious national inferiority complex must have to overcome if we ever hope to be a respected member of the nations in the world.
For deciding they are follwing indian path of MMRCA.

I think pakistan is not your nighbor sir.ieaq is closer to pakistan then bd .oman uae saudi tajikistan kyergistan uzbikistan turkamnistan kuwait are more nighbors of pakistan then bd .we are out of picture is east of india
What’s there to feel disappointed about PAF, they’re the best airforce in the region

It means we have to further improve our weapons accuracy and precision. Although, the error or practically on ground, it is insignificant but PAF always target for the best of its capabilities and refining ourselves is part of it. As the saying goes, there is always room for improvement.

As you have already highlighted, what is coming will almost nullify our recent past achievement. IAF has the capability, pilots, aircraft that can wreak havoc on us. Even without Rafales, They would pose a great threat from 250+ SU 30 MKIs to both MiG platfroms to the French Jaguars and Mirage 2Ks ( don't go for their old age, they are pretty effective aircafts with the upgrades). These all platforms have more potential than I dare say, what PAF has in its inventory. We all are lucky for IAF mismanagement, poor utilization and non-optimum net-centric capabilities. I fear for when they start using their current assets in the proper way. Even now, every success and victory we get/ already gotten is by the Almighty Allah's grace and blessings.

The main objective of kill- switch debate is that US equipment is sanction prone and we need codes from them everyday to fly f-16 with all of its avionics to work fully operational. Other aircrafts which are foreign such as Mirages in our inventory does not have such constraints. We can even fight with french AF hypothetically with fully utilizing Mirages. Meanwhile, Let's say we have to fight USAF (let's ignore it is not gonna happen or that USAF will anihiliate PAF due to sheer qualitative and quantitative superiority), we will have to rely on other jets than F-16 in our inventory; F-16 will even then be able to fly but won't be able fire some missiles or operate properly.
The main point is, while using American equipment, we are at the mercy of US. If one day Uncle Sam says India is our strategic ally and they have to support them, we might have to fight in a skirmish with India with one hand tied.

The danger is that being too complacent might one day cause failure. The threat posed upon is too dangerous and can never be understated.
The danger is that being too complacent might one day cause failure. The threat posed upon is too dangerous and can never be understated.
The danger start when enemies objective did not fillful.mym pumped 1mn unwanted people to bd why mym go to war if objective is achieved without war ? Same apply india they are signing with bd what they want then why war ?
TBH, I don't know but I feel more sad and disappointed with BAF than my PAF. I mean, how much anguish will Bangladeshi people feel over it if I feel so much? I guess human development and all the economy and improvement in life quality did cost Bangladesh its military capability somewhat. From Military point of view, its upsetting but I guess people always preferred and wanted it this way. Money being spend on people not arms.

The issue is mainly the political will.

People always want what they are made to want.
The danger start when enemies objective did not fillful.mym pumped 1mn unwanted people to bd why mym go to war if objective is achieved without war ? Same apply india they are signing with bd what they want then why war ?
War itself is irrational. So don't see it through the lens of logic and reasoning bro. And just like Pakistan has "fremeny" relationship with Afghanistan, and etc, Bangladesh also has its own share of problems. TBH, BD and IND won't go to war and even if they do, I personally believe BD will eventually lose (Duh). Bangladesh and Myanmar are more at level of each other and BD has fair chances of winning against them and vice-versa. Pakistan should also on papers and by all aspects lose to India but Israel and Pakistan are two exceptions known to world. Can't really put BD in the same catagory. Just my personal opinion.
War itself is irrational. So don't see it through the lens of logic and reasoning bro. And just like Pakistan has "fremeny" relationship with Afghanistan, and etc, Bangladesh also has its own share of problems. TBH, BD and IND won't go to war and even if they do, I personally believe BD will eventually lose (Duh). Bangladesh and Myanmar are more at level of each other and BD has fair chances of winning against them and vice-versa. Pakistan should also on papers and by all aspects lose to India but Israel and Pakistan are two exceptions known to world. Can't really put BD in the same catagory. Just my personal opinion.
Mym was threat but bd did not show up at the time of need .if bd start cap on border and threat them they may failed to push rohingas in bd
The issue is mainly the political will.

People always want what they are made to want.
It's same everywhere. Ask anyone here in Pakistan or PDF and all want our political leadership to have spine to start incursion for Kashmir. We troll our leaders ( both military and political) more than our enemies do. Even on 27th Feb 2019, we had several locks but AF leadership for whatever reasons didn't permitted firing at them. The point is, lack of will is not special to Bangladesh. It just depends how much one nation lacks.
Mym was threat but bd did not show up at the time of need .if bd start cap on border and threat them they may failed to push rohingas in bd
TBH, Bangladesh doesn't want to start war and those refugees didn't seem that important for BAF and BD to start a war. A war only brings destruction which BD can ill afford. I guess risk-assessment and threshold was measured and respectively, decisions were made.
The EFT delays are understandable, maybe its a good thing that BAF is taking their time before committing to such an expensive platform,. No other third world country operates them, and Austria is selling tranche 1 EFTs in favor of Gripens because of the expensive maintenance
J10 Cs on the other hand should be within budget and perfectly set up BAF for future FC-31s
The danger is that being too complacent might one day cause failure. The threat posed upon is too dangerous and can never be understated.
I reckon PAF is more level headed than it’s land force counterpart. It sees its enemy as it’s equal which is why it has success every time. Whereas the same cannot be said about it’s army. Too many blunders that nearly cost them heavily every time
I reckon PAF is more level headed than it’s land force counterpart. It sees its enemy as it’s equal which is why it has success every time. Whereas the same cannot be said about it’s army. Too many blunders that nearly cost them heavily every time
All tri forces have their fair share of blunders. Pakistan army is more in numbers relatively and thus have much more mistakes. But, it has learnt a lot of lessons. It's another debate that at what cost it learnt them. But, it's never too late. Right now, all services of military are going in the right direction. Pakistan army for its part has sacrificed alot to changeover to its current form and I think with the threat and enemies army in its recent past has faced, it is quite a satisfactory powerhorse to which it has emerged. PAF from the start was second to none.
And remember, nothing is isolated. All events and factors are connected. Even in BAF case, the slow progress and all has many factors which some are public and many we don't even know. BAF is thorough professional and is as competent as PAF so I believe they have a plan which they are following. Let's just believe in them even if it seems a gloomy picture right now. And to be frank, having faith in them and believing in them is the only thing we can do (lol).
Too many blunders that nearly cost them heavily every time
Not nearly...should be replaced with 'always' ...On a lighter note....


Let's be hopeful for good and positives rather then getting down. Every cloud has a silver lining.

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