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Bangladesh Air Force

Why so? These are being procured for deployment in UN missions which is everything for BAF.
Every nation buys stuff for its defense. Use in UN missions should be off secondary concern.

Why are we buying these.... we have minimal missile or air capacity. We should have bought armed UAV to help with both these deficiencies.

I just dont see the point in having these. If we see an enemy we have no way of hitting them. Its the same as all the investments in radars or YAKs. The only logical reason for having them is to give the leadership some time to run away.

Utterly nonsensical.
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Bangladesh should consider the Turkmenistan
Air Force.A decent air force with 2 sq of mig-29 and 2 sq of ground attack Su-25....BAF should need atleast 2 sqs of any min 4th generation jet.
To counter at least 40 Su-30 mki deployed for Eastern front by India.
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J-10 is rejected by PAF in 2008 due to some flaws in his designs....Rafale is a capable platform but with PL-15 400 km range BVR missiles of MAF jft and strings attached to it make it a difficult choice....Mig-35 and JFT are the only options left....JFT will not come until the Awami league government....Uncle Sam will not sell its F-16 unless a Soviet war like situation happens with BD.
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J-10 is rejected by PAF in 2008 due to some flaws in his designs....Rafale is a capable platform but with PL-15 400 km range BVR missiles of MAF jft and strings attached to it make it a difficult choice....Mig-35 and JFT are the only options left....JFT will not come until the Awami league government....Uncle Sam will not sell its F-16 unless a Soviet war like situation happens with BD.

EFT is there and available as well as the Gripen. The issue is not money but rather will....

Personally BD should only consider western option in my opinion.

We just need to see the rohingya debacle.....China wont favor BD in any way against india with whom they have economic relation many times more than BD.

BD needs to accept whatever strings and go western.
J-10 is rejected by PAF in 2008 due to some flaws in his designs....Rafale is a capable platform but with PL-15 400 km range BVR missiles of MAF jft and strings attached to it make it a difficult choice....Mig-35 and JFT are the only options left....JFT will not come until the Awami league government....Uncle Sam will not sell its F-16 unless a Soviet war like situation happens with BD.
1.pl15's range is not 400km...nowhere near 400km but it's a good missile
2.uncle Sam already offered F16 to baf.
3.baf will go neither for jft nor for mig35
Get yourself updated bruh
J-10 is rejected by PAF in 2008 due to some flaws in his designs....Rafale is a capable platform but with PL-15 400 km range BVR missiles of MAF jft and strings attached to it make it a difficult choice....Mig-35 and JFT are the only options left....JFT will not come until the Awami league government....Uncle Sam will not sell its F-16 unless a Soviet war like situation happens with BD.

J-10 design flaw? o_O
What design flaw is he talking about? Do you know? @LKJ86
J-10 is rejected by PAF in 2008 due to some flaws in his designs....Rafale is a capable platform but with PL-15 400 km range BVR missiles of MAF jft and strings attached to it make it a difficult choice....Mig-35 and JFT are the only options left....JFT will not come until the Awami league government....Uncle Sam will not sell its F-16 unless a Soviet war like situation happens with BD.
funny because if that were the case, the chinese would have had fielded jf-17 in it's fleet than j10...

EFT is there and available as well as the Gripen. The issue is not money but rather will....

Personally BD should only consider western option in my opinion.

We just need to see the rohingya debacle.....China wont favor BD in any way against india with whom they have economic relation many times more than BD.

BD needs to accept whatever strings and go western.
fact is by the time bd does decide to pull the trigger, they will be 2 generations behind in aerial warfare technology
like they have been for a long time. plus limited numbers means death sentence
1.pl15's range is not 400km...nowhere near 400km but it's a good missile
2.uncle Sam already offered F16 to baf.
3.baf will go neither for jft nor for mig35
Get yourself updated bruh
For your delusion go check Wikipedia
For pl-15 range
Where uncle SAM offered F-16? Never heard of it.

J-10 design flaw? o_O
What design flaw is he talking about? Do you know? @LKJ86
Yep PAF officers thoroughly inspected J-10 in Gen Musharraf era and sent a full load of paper work to (CAC)Chengdu Aircraft Corporation ....Air Vice Marshall rtd Shahid Lateef has a whole interview on J-10.

EFT is there and available as well as the Gripen. The issue is not money but rather will....

Personally BD should only consider western option in my opinion.

We just need to see the rohingya debacle.....China wont favor BD in any way against india with whom they have economic relation many times more than BD.

BD needs to accept whatever strings and go western.
Dear, the 50 years old PAF bases in Bangladesh were not designed to handle 4++ aircraft, they need a serious upgradation before procuring any western equipment.From radar hangers to the security systems.

funny because if that were the case, the chinese would have had fielded jf-17 in it's fleet than j10...

fact is by the time bd does decide to pull the trigger, they will be 2 generations behind in aerial warfare technology
like they have been for a long time. plus limited numbers means death sentence
You should think it in the other way if J-10 is the real difference maker then PAF wasn't waste a single second to procure it....PAF has fought many aerial battle.... the last one is 27 feb and everyone knows what happens there....You should rather believe PAF.
For your delusion go check Wikipedia
For pl-15 range
Where uncle SAM offered F-16? Never heard of it.

Yep PAF officers thoroughly inspected J-10 in Gen Musharraf era and sent a full load of paper work to (CAC)Chengdu Aircraft Corporation ....Air Vice Marshall rtd Shahid Lateef has a whole interview on J-10.

Dear, the 50 years old PAF bases in Bangladesh were not designed to handle 4++ aircraft, they need a serious upgradation before procuring any western equipment.From radar hangers to the security systems.

You should think it in the other way if J-10 is the real difference maker then PAF wasn't waste a single second to procure it....PAF has fought many aerial battle.... the last one is 27 feb and everyone knows what happens there....You should rather believe PAF.

PAF has not fought many aerial battles...No one has....there has been no real wars between two equally equiped countries since WW2... you defeated the indians last year absolutely.... did a JF17 bring down IAF jet or was it a F16? Either way it was not a war.... is JF17 better than the J10.... possible but not probable. Pakistan is a very very junior partner to china in JF17s development. Logic dictates that as china is inducting J10 than it is the better plane.
funny because if that were the case, the chinese would have had fielded jf-17 in it's fleet than j10...

fact is by the time bd does decide to pull the trigger, they will be 2 generations behind in aerial warfare technology
like they have been for a long time. plus limited numbers means death sentence
JF-17 is primarily a Pakistani fighter jet created with joint Chinese support. Similar to Al Khalid tank and Al Zarrar tank, it was meant for Pakistan and not for China.
PAF has not fought many aerial battles...No one has....there has been no real wars between two equally equiped countries since WW2... you defeated the indians last year absolutely.... did a JF17 bring down IAF jet or was it a F16? Either way it was not a war.... is JF17 better than the J10.... possible but not probable. Pakistan is a very very junior partner to china in JF17s development. Logic dictates that as china is inducting J10 than it is the better plane.
PAF fought in 1948 1965 1971 1980s with
Soviets Israeli and Indian air force and shoot down their planes. Continually fighting for last 20 years with Taliban.On 27 feb jft locked at least 10 targets but the fire order did not come.

Pakistan has 52% share of jft development go do some study! The jft of MAF with Ruby serial numbers were built in PAC.

J-10 has Chinese Avionics on the other hand jft has western Avionics Tailor built for Pakistan and can be integrated with any western radar, missile and Pod....like Aselsan Pod from Turkey AIM-9 L sidewinder....In short This Dragon has now able to take down EFT Rafale and Gripen with Block 3 upgrade.

you're so deluded they're of different class... pakistan already has f16s and it doesn't need j10s
The simplest definition of jft is an F-16 block 15 (remember the Block 15 word) with the different body and a glass cockpit .... I am sure any wise person will have his answer with this definition.
PAF fought in 1948 1965 1971 1980s with
Soviets Israeli and Indian air force and shoot down their planes. Continually fighting for last 20 years with Taliban.On 27 feb jft locked at least 10 targets but the fire order did not come.

Pakistan has 52% share of jft development go do some study! The jft of MAF with Ruby serial numbers were built in PAC.

J-10 has Chinese Avionics on the other hand jft has western Avionics Tailor built for Pakistan and can be integrated with any western radar, missile and Pod....like Aselsan Pod from Turkey AIM-9 L sidewinder....In short This Dragon has now able to take down EFT Rafale and Gripen with Block 3 upgrade.

The simplest definition of jft is an F-16 block 15 (remember the Block 15 word) with the different body and a glass cockpit .... I am sure any wise person will have his answer with this definition.
Where as a j10c is comparable to a block 50... completely different class

JF-17 is primarily a Pakistani fighter jet created with joint Chinese support. Similar to Al Khalid tank and Al Zarrar tank, it was meant for Pakistan and not for China.
Jf17 is an old Chinese project that itself stems from a old single engine Soviet project... blueprints brought and further developed, similar to j10
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