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Bangladesh Air Force

PAF never fought the russians directly in afganistan. In wars with india PAF fought well but never had any range to do critical damage....same as IAF never had range barring in BD in 1971.

PAF fought the talibans as a support role to your army. Do the talibans have any airforce.

My point was there has not been an airwar between any equally matched nation in ages, and I maintain that.

You are mistaken if you think I am criticizing the JF17. Its a good development for you and you have created something that have gotten you out of the bind that US put you in.

However to the best of my knowledge you do not have capacity to develop jet engines, radars, EW suites or the body frames. You have capacity to assemble and tinker with them certainly but you do not have the tecnological base to create them from scratch. Neither does china fully yet but probably will do in a decade.

Only nations with full capacity to develop a fighter remains the US, UK, France, Russia and possibly Japan but i have my doubt on the last one.
Dear, Actually F-16 was the best thing ever happened to Pakistan....It built the foundation of JF-17.... Absolutely PAF is bombarding Taliban hideouts in Pakistan for last 20 years.What would you think ground role is not important?
As for a major share in jft development all the tech of Radar EW etc are given as a TOT to Pakistan....Pakistan can modify integrate jft with different ammunitions and EWpods just like R darter Aim-9 L and Aselsan Targeting pod.... PAC has become a master in RD-93 engines....It also make RD-93 nearly smoke free.
As a result the Project Azm stealth fighter is going to totally built from scratch in Pakistan....
Which aircraft you are gonna purchase?
PAF never fought the russians directly in afganistan. In wars with india PAF fought well but never had any range to do critical damage....same as IAF never had range barring in BD in 1971.

PAF fought the talibans as a support role to your army. Do the talibans have any airforce.

My point was there has not been an airwar between any equally matched nation in ages, and I maintain that.

You are mistaken if you think I am criticizing the JF17. Its a good development for you and you have created something that have gotten you out of the bind that US put you in. You may have paid for 52% of the cost of development but that does not translate to innovation. JF17 is run on RD93 sourced by the Chinese from the russians or ws-13 which is still an experimental engine.

To the best of my knowledge you do not have capacity to develop jet engines, radars, EW suites or the body frames. You have capacity to assemble and tinker with them certainly but you do not have the tecnological base to create them from scratch. Neither does china fully yet but probably will do in a decade.

Only nations with full capacity to develop a fighter remains the US, UK, France, Russia and possibly Japan but i have my doubt on the last one.

JF17 is the product of bought in tech from many sources. That does not matter, the main thing is it works. JF17 vs J10 question in my mind is settled on the basis of where china is compared to pakistan in terms of tech.

Is F16 comparible to JFT? unless it went against one and beat it we do not know. Is JFT or J10 of any block comparible to similar blocks of EFT or raffles.... almost certainly not.
so shooting down 8 Russian/afghan aircrafts were joke ? please read this thread too


Pak-Soviet air-confrontations

The PAF and Soviet union during the (Soviet -Afghan war) were not on best terms , aside from proxy warfare the two also had multiple engagements in the air as well ...



During the Soviet Afghan war, the Soviets suffered many air losses at the hands of Mujahideen forces due to use of stinger missiles supplied by USA through Pakistan. Because of this many soviet planes started flying close to or even inside Pakistani air space to get around them. At first it was non combat aircraft but soon fighter and other air craft also began doing this resulting in clashes between the Pakistani air force.

Interesting fact :

The PAF holds a perfect 10-0 kill ratio losing no air craft at the hands of soviets.


Confrontations :





[[[17 May 1986 Sqn. Ldr. A. Hameed Qadri

No. 9 Squadron, PAF F-16A Fighting Falcon

(S. No. 82-723)

PAF Sargodha 2 Soviet/Afghan Su-22s Shot down both Su-22s in a single sortie 16,000 ft.over Parachinar, Pakistan. 1 AIM-9L Sidewinder Kill, 1 Gun Kill.]]]




[[[30 March 1987 Wng. Cdr. Abdul Razzaq

No. 9 Squadron, PAF F-16A Fighting Falcon

PAF Sargodha 1 Soviet/Afghan An-26 Shot down near Miranshah, Pakistan while on a recce mission.]]]




[[[16 April 1987 Sqn. Ldr. Badar Islam

No. 14 Squadron, PAF F-16A Fighting Falcon

PAF Minhas (Kamra) 1 Soviet/Afghan Su-22 Shot down after strafing Pakistani villages near Tull, Pakistan along with another Su-22 and with a pair of MiG-23MLDs flying top cover. Remaining 3 aircraft bugged out.]]]




[[[8 April 1988 Sqn. Ldr. Athar Bokhari

No. 14 Squadron, PAF F-16A Fighting Falcon

(S. No. 85-725)

PAF Minhas (Kamra) 1 Soviet Su-25

Col. Ruskoi Alexander Valadimirovich, Soviet Air Force (ejected) 1 PAF F-16 Vs. 4 Soviet Su-25s. Night interception over Parachinar, Pakistan. AIM-9L Sidewinder Kill. Remaining 3 Su-25s bugged out. Soviet Su-25 pilot, Col. Ruskoi Alexander Valadimirovich, (later Vice-President of Russia) was taken prisoner by Pakistani authorities.]]]




[[[12 September 1988 Flt. Lt. Khalid Mahmood

No. 14 Squadron, PAF F-16A Fighting Falcon

(S. No. 85-728) PAF Minhas (Kamra) 2 Soviet MiG-23MLDs 2 PAF F-16s Vs. 6 Soviet MiG-23s. Near Nawagai border area with Pakistan. Both Kills in a single sortie with AIM-9L and AIM-9P Sidewinders.]]]




[[[3 November 1988 Flt. Lt. Khalid Mahmood

No. 14 Squadron, PAF F-16A Fighting Falcon

(S. No. 84-717)

PAF Minhas (Kamra) 1 Afghan Air Force Su-22

Capt. Hashim, AAF (ejected) 2 PAF F-16s Vs. 6 Soviet/Afghan Su-22s. (3 on ground attack and 3 flying top cover) near Tull, Pakistan. Kill made with 2 AIM-9L Sidewinders. Afghan pilot, Capt. Hashim, was captured after bailing out.]]]




[[[20/21 November 1988 Muhammad Abbas Khattak

No. 14 Squadron, PAF F-16A Fighting Falcon

PAF Minhas (Kamra) 1 Soviet An-26 Shot down while on a recce mission inside Pakistan. PAF pilot later Chief of the Air Staff, PAF, 1994-1997.]]]




[[[31 January 1989 Flt. Lt. Khalid Mahmood

No. 14 Squadron, PAF F-16B Fighting Falcon

PAF Minhas (Kamra) 1 Soviet An-24 Night interception near Bannu, Pakistan while on a solo 'hot scramble'. An-24 on bombing run crashed while attempting to surrender. Thus credited as 'manoeuvre kill'.]]]



Defence pk

History of PAF (Wikipedia)

Pakistan Soviet Union relations ( Wikipedia)


This has been falcon and hope you enjoyed this months war history , until next time Blitz out


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Pakistan’s F-16s Battled Soviet Jets—and Shot Down the Future Vice President of Russia

by Sebastien Roblin
In 1977, General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq overthrew Pakistan’s civilian president in a coup. He proceeded to institute hardline Islamist laws throughout Pakistan, and began rebuilding Pakistani military power after its humiliating defeat in a 1971 war with India.

Following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, Washington found that Zia’s policies dovetailed conveniently with getting Pakistani assistance in supporting Mujahideen insurgents fighting Communist forces. Thus, Pakistani and U.S. agents collaborated in organizing and arming militants proliferating in Afghan refugee camps in Pakistan.

In retaliation, Soviet and Democratic Republic of Afghanistan Air Force (DRAAF) jet bombers began crossing into Pakistani airspace to blast those refugee camps. The Pakistani military deployed J-6 fighters (Chinese-built MiG-19 clones) capable of Mach 1 speed and two radars to defend the border, but these proved too slow and the patrol and radar coverage too spotty, so none of the raids were intercepted.

Thus in 1981, Zia persuaded the Reagan administration to authorize sale of forty F-16As and two-seat F-16Bs, which would be received between 1983-1986. The then cutting-edge fourth-generation fighter was affordable, extremely maneuverable due to its aerodynamically unstable design (compensated for with fly-by-wire controls), and could still attain high speeds and carry heavy payloads.

However, early production F-16s lacked the capability to fire radar-guided beyond-visual range missiles. This meant Pakistani Falcons needed to get up close to their opponents to use their AIM-9P and more advanced AIM-9L Sidewinder heat-seeking missiles—or their 20-millimeter Vulcan cannons.

In 1986, the F-16s of the PAF’s No. 9 Griffin and 14 Shaheen squadrons were finally ready to begin flying combat air patrols along the Afghan border. That year, Soviet and Afghan forces began a series of offensive targeting mujahideen bases in the Panshir valley, supported with intensified bombardments of refugee camps.

On May 17, 1986 two F-16As were vectored towards two DRAAF Su-22M3K penetrating Pakistani airspace near Parachinar. The Sukhois were rugged swing-wing supersonic fighter bombers that often suffered heavy losses in Cold War conflicts.

The PAF F-16s closed within six miles and Squadron Leader Hameed Qadri launched a Sidewinder which failed to hit. The Su-22 promptly belted back for the Afghan border. Qadri fired off a second AIM-9L which first flew wide off the Sukhoi, then curled around and slammed into its target.

In an account published by the PAF, Qadri describes that he raced towards the second Su-22, which he engaged with a gun:

“The other aircraft was in a left turn. His radius of turn and my energy state gave me enough confidence that I could easily achieve kill parameters both with missile and guns. During the turn, I found myself hitting the fringes of AIM-9P missile. I pulled a high yo-yo as I was in a totally offensive position. My target was now in a nose-down and heading towards Afghan territory. After apexing, I quickly rolled back and fired a three-second burst on the exiting Su-22. I stopped firing when a trail of smoke and flash from his aircraft confirmed a lethal kill. Through a split 'S', I headed east of Parachinar.“

However, the Afghan Air Force confirmed losing only one jet, though the engagement led to a major decrease in attacks on refugee camps. Furthermore, the Soviet VVS deployed MiG-23MLD fighters to protect Afghan Su-22s.

Qadri encountered the MiGs a month later, but neither side opened fire. Nearly a year later on April 16 1987, F-16s chased down DRAAF Su-22s again near Thal, managing to overtake the supersonic jets despite having to attack from lower altitude. Squadron Leader Badar-us-Islam shot down the Sukhoi of Lt. Col. Abdul Jameel, who ejected and was captured on Pakistani soil.

By 1987, Soviets records indicate that Pakistani fighters had begun roaming into Afghan airspace—particularly harassing efforts to provide aerial resupply to besieged garrisons like Khost, only ten miles across the border.

On March 30, 1987 two F-16s intercepted an An-26 twin-turboprop cargo plane near Khost, each striking it with one Sidewinder from just under a mile away. The ponderous cargo plane crashed into the snowy mountains below, killing all 39 aboard. Over the course of the conflict, Pakistani F-16 pilots also claimed the destruction of several Mi-8 transports helicopter, another An-26 on a reconnaissance mission in 1989, and a maneuver kill versus an An-24 transport which was actually attempting to defect.

However, the Pakistani fighter jock’s luck turned two weeks later when two No.9 Squadron F-16s ambushed four MiG-23s of the Soviet 120th Fighter Regiment as they plastered a mujahideen supply bases in Djaware, Pakistan with cluster bombs. As Soviet Lt. Col. Pochitalkin led his unit in evasive maneuvers he saw an airplane plummet towards the earth in flames below him.

This was not a MiG, but the F-16 of Lt. Shahi Sikander, who had inadvertently been acquired by an AIM-9L fired by his wingman. Sikander parachuted down to Afghan soil, where he and the wreckage of his plane were smuggled back to Pakistan by Mujahideen. Some Russian sources claim Sikander was actually shot down by a Soviet jet—though the MiGs were not carrying air-to-air missiles—or had somehow plowed into the rain of cluster bomblets.

In 1988, as Soviet ground forces withdrew from Afghanistan, DRAAF and Soviet aviation units began a ferocious new bombardment campaign in a last-ditch effort to save the crumbling Afghan Communist government.

On August 8, Col Alexander Rutskoy, commander of a regiment of slow but heavily armored Su-25 Frogfoot attack jets—was leading a night raid on the Maranshah refugee camp when his four-ship flight was bounced by two F-16As of the 14th fighter squadron. Rutskoy turned hard towards the F-16s, perhaps seeking to draw them away, and believing the heat-seeking missile would lose its track if his plane’s hot tail-pipe was facing away from it. But the AIM-9L was designed to engage targets from all aspects, and the detonations of its proximity warhead broke the “flying tank” in two.

Rutskoy ejected over Pakistani soil and was captured. Exchanged back to Russia, he was decorated as a hero of the Soviet Union and went onto become vice president of Russia under Boris Yeltsin, before leading an attempted coup in 1993.

A month after Rutskoy’s shootdown, a formation of twelve Soviet MiG-23s—eight loaded with bombs, and four carrying R-24 air-to-air missiles, zipped into Pakistani airspace near the Kunar valley at 32,000 feet—probably seeking to lure PAF F-16s into an ambush.

Obligingly, two F-16s raced towards the swing-wing fighters at only 11,000 feet. However, the Soviet radars failed to detect the lower-flying F-16s amidst the ground clutter. A Sidewinder fired at a steep angle by Squadron Leader Khalid Mahmood managed to riddle one MiG-23 with shrapnel, which limped back home for a crash landing. Two MiGs peeled away to engage the F-16s in a dogfight. But while Pakistani pilots claimed two MiG-23 kills, Soviet records show no additional aircraft were lost.

On November 3, 1988 the PAF would bag its final jet kill when Lt. Khalid Mahmood shot down a DRAAF Su-2M4K. Pakistan formally credits its F-16 pilots with 10 kills during the conflict, while Soviet records confirm the loss of three Su-22s, an Su-25 and An-26. Some sources claim the PAF shot down at least a dozen more aircraft during the Soviet war in Afghanistan which ostensibly were not formally credited because they involved violations of Afghan airspace. Those interested in a more extensive accounting of the Pakistani-Afghan air battles are recommended to consult the following compilations of Pakistani air combat narratives.

Sébastien Roblin holds a master’s degree in conflict resolution from Georgetown University and served as a university instructor for the Peace Corps in China. He has also worked in education, editing, and refugee resettlement in France and the United States. He currently writes on security and military history for War Is Boring.

Image: Wikimedia
Dear, Actually F-16 was the best thing ecmver happened to Pakistan....It built the foundation of JF-17.... Absolutely PAF is bombarding Taliban hideouts in Pakistan for last 20 years.What would you thing ground role is not important?
As for a major share in jft development all the tech of Radar EW etc are given as a TOT to pakistan....Pakistan can modify integrate jft with different ammunitions and EWpods just like R darter Aim-9 L and Aselsan Targeting pod.... PAC has become a master in RD-93 engines....It also make RD-93 nearly smoke free.
As a result the Project Azm stealth fight is going to totally built from scratch in Pakistan....
Which aircraft you are gonna purchase?
If you can master the tech and then improve on it then good for you. Time will tell.

As to what BAF is going to buy its any ones guess. They seem to lack strategic vision. My hope is EFT. I personally do not want russian or chinese jets at all.

We can not afford many western jet but i would rather have a few of those than J10s in numbers.

But these are all conjectures in my part. BAF as i said lacks strategic direction and we will probably end up with loads more trainers and 4th generation jets when others start to induct 5th generation jets. Such is life...

so shooting down 8 Russian/afghan aircrafts were joke ? please read this thread too


Pak-Soviet air-confrontations

The PAF and Soviet union during the (Soviet -Afghan war) were not on best terms , aside from proxy warfare the two also had multiple engagements in the air as well ...



During the Soviet Afghan war, the Soviets suffered many air losses at the hands of Mujahideen forces due to use of stinger missiles supplied by USA through Pakistan. Because of this many soviet planes started flying close to or even inside Pakistani air space to get around them. At first it was non combat aircraft but soon fighter and other air craft also began doing this resulting in clashes between the Pakistani air force.

Interesting fact :

The PAF holds a perfect 10-0 kill ratio losing no air craft at the hands of soviets.


Confrontations :





[[[17 May 1986 Sqn. Ldr. A. Hameed Qadri

No. 9 Squadron, PAF F-16A Fighting Falcon

(S. No. 82-723)

PAF Sargodha 2 Soviet/Afghan Su-22s Shot down both Su-22s in a single sortie 16,000 ft.over Parachinar, Pakistan. 1 AIM-9L Sidewinder Kill, 1 Gun Kill.]]]




[[[30 March 1987 Wng. Cdr. Abdul Razzaq

No. 9 Squadron, PAF F-16A Fighting Falcon

PAF Sargodha 1 Soviet/Afghan An-26 Shot down near Miranshah, Pakistan while on a recce mission.]]]




[[[16 April 1987 Sqn. Ldr. Badar Islam

No. 14 Squadron, PAF F-16A Fighting Falcon

PAF Minhas (Kamra) 1 Soviet/Afghan Su-22 Shot down after strafing Pakistani villages near Tull, Pakistan along with another Su-22 and with a pair of MiG-23MLDs flying top cover. Remaining 3 aircraft bugged out.]]]




[[[8 April 1988 Sqn. Ldr. Athar Bokhari

No. 14 Squadron, PAF F-16A Fighting Falcon

(S. No. 85-725)

PAF Minhas (Kamra) 1 Soviet Su-25

Col. Ruskoi Alexander Valadimirovich, Soviet Air Force (ejected) 1 PAF F-16 Vs. 4 Soviet Su-25s. Night interception over Parachinar, Pakistan. AIM-9L Sidewinder Kill. Remaining 3 Su-25s bugged out. Soviet Su-25 pilot, Col. Ruskoi Alexander Valadimirovich, (later Vice-President of Russia) was taken prisoner by Pakistani authorities.]]]




[[[12 September 1988 Flt. Lt. Khalid Mahmood

No. 14 Squadron, PAF F-16A Fighting Falcon

(S. No. 85-728) PAF Minhas (Kamra) 2 Soviet MiG-23MLDs 2 PAF F-16s Vs. 6 Soviet MiG-23s. Near Nawagai border area with Pakistan. Both Kills in a single sortie with AIM-9L and AIM-9P Sidewinders.]]]




[[[3 November 1988 Flt. Lt. Khalid Mahmood

No. 14 Squadron, PAF F-16A Fighting Falcon

(S. No. 84-717)

PAF Minhas (Kamra) 1 Afghan Air Force Su-22

Capt. Hashim, AAF (ejected) 2 PAF F-16s Vs. 6 Soviet/Afghan Su-22s. (3 on ground attack and 3 flying top cover) near Tull, Pakistan. Kill made with 2 AIM-9L Sidewinders. Afghan pilot, Capt. Hashim, was captured after bailing out.]]]




[[[20/21 November 1988 Muhammad Abbas Khattak

No. 14 Squadron, PAF F-16A Fighting Falcon

PAF Minhas (Kamra) 1 Soviet An-26 Shot down while on a recce mission inside Pakistan. PAF pilot later Chief of the Air Staff, PAF, 1994-1997.]]]




[[[31 January 1989 Flt. Lt. Khalid Mahmood

No. 14 Squadron, PAF F-16B Fighting Falcon

PAF Minhas (Kamra) 1 Soviet An-24 Night interception near Bannu, Pakistan while on a solo 'hot scramble'. An-24 on bombing run crashed while attempting to surrender. Thus credited as 'manoeuvre kill'.]]]



Defence pk

History of PAF (Wikipedia)

Pakistan Soviet Union relations ( Wikipedia)


This has been falcon and hope you enjoyed this months war history , until next time Blitz out


Share to

Pakistan’s F-16s Battled Soviet Jets—and Shot Down the Future Vice President of Russia

by Sebastien Roblin
In 1977, General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq overthrew Pakistan’s civilian president in a coup. He proceeded to institute hardline Islamist laws throughout Pakistan, and began rebuilding Pakistani military power after its humiliating defeat in a 1971 war with India.

Following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, Washington found that Zia’s policies dovetailed conveniently with getting Pakistani assistance in supporting Mujahideen insurgents fighting Communist forces. Thus, Pakistani and U.S. agents collaborated in organizing and arming militants proliferating in Afghan refugee camps in Pakistan.

In retaliation, Soviet and Democratic Republic of Afghanistan Air Force (DRAAF) jet bombers began crossing into Pakistani airspace to blast those refugee camps. The Pakistani military deployed J-6 fighters (Chinese-built MiG-19 clones) capable of Mach 1 speed and two radars to defend the border, but these proved too slow and the patrol and radar coverage too spotty, so none of the raids were intercepted.

Thus in 1981, Zia persuaded the Reagan administration to authorize sale of forty F-16As and two-seat F-16Bs, which would be received between 1983-1986. The then cutting-edge fourth-generation fighter was affordable, extremely maneuverable due to its aerodynamically unstable design (compensated for with fly-by-wire controls), and could still attain high speeds and carry heavy payloads.

However, early production F-16s lacked the capability to fire radar-guided beyond-visual range missiles. This meant Pakistani Falcons needed to get up close to their opponents to use their AIM-9P and more advanced AIM-9L Sidewinder heat-seeking missiles—or their 20-millimeter Vulcan cannons.

In 1986, the F-16s of the PAF’s No. 9 Griffin and 14 Shaheen squadrons were finally ready to begin flying combat air patrols along the Afghan border. That year, Soviet and Afghan forces began a series of offensive targeting mujahideen bases in the Panshir valley, supported with intensified bombardments of refugee camps.

On May 17, 1986 two F-16As were vectored towards two DRAAF Su-22M3K penetrating Pakistani airspace near Parachinar. The Sukhois were rugged swing-wing supersonic fighter bombers that often suffered heavy losses in Cold War conflicts.

The PAF F-16s closed within six miles and Squadron Leader Hameed Qadri launched a Sidewinder which failed to hit. The Su-22 promptly belted back for the Afghan border. Qadri fired off a second AIM-9L which first flew wide off the Sukhoi, then curled around and slammed into its target.

In an account published by the PAF, Qadri describes that he raced towards the second Su-22, which he engaged with a gun:

“The other aircraft was in a left turn. His radius of turn and my energy state gave me enough confidence that I could easily achieve kill parameters both with missile and guns. During the turn, I found myself hitting the fringes of AIM-9P missile. I pulled a high yo-yo as I was in a totally offensive position. My target was now in a nose-down and heading towards Afghan territory. After apexing, I quickly rolled back and fired a three-second burst on the exiting Su-22. I stopped firing when a trail of smoke and flash from his aircraft confirmed a lethal kill. Through a split 'S', I headed east of Parachinar.“

However, the Afghan Air Force confirmed losing only one jet, though the engagement led to a major decrease in attacks on refugee camps. Furthermore, the Soviet VVS deployed MiG-23MLD fighters to protect Afghan Su-22s.

Qadri encountered the MiGs a month later, but neither side opened fire. Nearly a year later on April 16 1987, F-16s chased down DRAAF Su-22s again near Thal, managing to overtake the supersonic jets despite having to attack from lower altitude. Squadron Leader Badar-us-Islam shot down the Sukhoi of Lt. Col. Abdul Jameel, who ejected and was captured on Pakistani soil.

By 1987, Soviets records indicate that Pakistani fighters had begun roaming into Afghan airspace—particularly harassing efforts to provide aerial resupply to besieged garrisons like Khost, only ten miles across the border.

On March 30, 1987 two F-16s intercepted an An-26 twin-turboprop cargo plane near Khost, each striking it with one Sidewinder from just under a mile away. The ponderous cargo plane crashed into the snowy mountains below, killing all 39 aboard. Over the course of the conflict, Pakistani F-16 pilots also claimed the destruction of several Mi-8 transports helicopter, another An-26 on a reconnaissance mission in 1989, and a maneuver kill versus an An-24 transport which was actually attempting to defect.

However, the Pakistani fighter jock’s luck turned two weeks later when two No.9 Squadron F-16s ambushed four MiG-23s of the Soviet 120th Fighter Regiment as they plastered a mujahideen supply bases in Djaware, Pakistan with cluster bombs. As Soviet Lt. Col. Pochitalkin led his unit in evasive maneuvers he saw an airplane plummet towards the earth in flames below him.

This was not a MiG, but the F-16 of Lt. Shahi Sikander, who had inadvertently been acquired by an AIM-9L fired by his wingman. Sikander parachuted down to Afghan soil, where he and the wreckage of his plane were smuggled back to Pakistan by Mujahideen. Some Russian sources claim Sikander was actually shot down by a Soviet jet—though the MiGs were not carrying air-to-air missiles—or had somehow plowed into the rain of cluster bomblets.

In 1988, as Soviet ground forces withdrew from Afghanistan, DRAAF and Soviet aviation units began a ferocious new bombardment campaign in a last-ditch effort to save the crumbling Afghan Communist government.

On August 8, Col Alexander Rutskoy, commander of a regiment of slow but heavily armored Su-25 Frogfoot attack jets—was leading a night raid on the Maranshah refugee camp when his four-ship flight was bounced by two F-16As of the 14th fighter squadron. Rutskoy turned hard towards the F-16s, perhaps seeking to draw them away, and believing the heat-seeking missile would lose its track if his plane’s hot tail-pipe was facing away from it. But the AIM-9L was designed to engage targets from all aspects, and the detonations of its proximity warhead broke the “flying tank” in two.

Rutskoy ejected over Pakistani soil and was captured. Exchanged back to Russia, he was decorated as a hero of the Soviet Union and went onto become vice president of Russia under Boris Yeltsin, before leading an attempted coup in 1993.

A month after Rutskoy’s shootdown, a formation of twelve Soviet MiG-23s—eight loaded with bombs, and four carrying R-24 air-to-air missiles, zipped into Pakistani airspace near the Kunar valley at 32,000 feet—probably seeking to lure PAF F-16s into an ambush.

Obligingly, two F-16s raced towards the swing-wing fighters at only 11,000 feet. However, the Soviet radars failed to detect the lower-flying F-16s amidst the ground clutter. A Sidewinder fired at a steep angle by Squadron Leader Khalid Mahmood managed to riddle one MiG-23 with shrapnel, which limped back home for a crash landing. Two MiGs peeled away to engage the F-16s in a dogfight. But while Pakistani pilots claimed two MiG-23 kills, Soviet records show no additional aircraft were lost.

On November 3, 1988 the PAF would bag its final jet kill when Lt. Khalid Mahmood shot down a DRAAF Su-2M4K. Pakistan formally credits its F-16 pilots with 10 kills during the conflict, while Soviet records confirm the loss of three Su-22s, an Su-25 and An-26. Some sources claim the PAF shot down at least a dozen more aircraft during the Soviet war in Afghanistan which ostensibly were not formally credited because they involved violations of Afghan airspace. Those interested in a more extensive accounting of the Pakistani-Afghan air battles are recommended to consult the following compilations of Pakistani air combat narratives.

Sébastien Roblin holds a master’s degree in conflict resolution from Georgetown University and served as a university instructor for the Peace Corps in China. He has also worked in education, editing, and refugee resettlement in France and the United States. He currently writes on security and military history for War Is Boring.

Image: Wikimedia

You had some skirmishes yes.... imagine the state of PAF if you went against the full might of USSR.....
Is F16 comparible to JFT? unless it went against one and beat it we do not know. Is JFT or J10 of any block comparible to similar blocks of EFT or raffles.... almost certainly not.
Jft goes against F-16 daily here in Pakistan with a red flag like dog fight simulation and the data is gathered continuously from the engagement to improve jft.This data is incorporated in the development of block3.
@Michael Corleone and @JohnWick do you guys read about Italian renaissance ? Leonardo da vinci / michelangelo/rafael all these greatest artists were copy paster of Greek arts . they were making copies of ancient greet art many years . and then days came when they start making art better then original Greek art and became legends of world .humanity survived on copy of knowledge all of our history is full of copy paste and then make things better then original . how many tech USA and west/USSR stole or took from Germany after ww2 ? i think humanity continue with copy of past and making things better for future . its because world is now more sensitive about intellectual property rights that is why its being noted .china will cross US and west TECH one day if they keep working this speed .
I am certainly not dissing Pakistan here. Just trying to be realistic here with your friend

The stealth technology is from 1980s nearly 40 years old from F-117 Night Hawk.
View attachment 655972 View attachment 655973
It took Chinese 40 years to understand/copy this technology but yet still can not fully compare able with F-22 Raptor.
A far as your cyber theory is concerned these stealth fighter were mainly built in Nevada air base the Area 51....with highly secured area of the whole world....China would not be able to stole this information....
Chinese always copy and modify designs just like
Su-27----J-11 J-16Su-34----J-15Mig-21----J-7 IAI lavi---J-10.
Which aircraft BAF goona purchase????
If we’re being realistic. Horten 229 was the first demonstration of a stealth aircraft
Jft goes against F-16 daily here in Pakistan with a red flag like dog fight simulation and the data is gathered continuously from the engagement to improve jft.This data is incorporated in the development of block3.
Do you have a single full capacity F16....no.... US never sold you one.... even the Israelis do not have F16s with the capabilities that US has.
If you can master the tech and then improve on it then good for you. Time will tell.

As to what BAF is going to buy its any ones guess. They seem to lack strategic vision. My hope is EFT. I personally do not want russian or chinese jets at all.

We can not afford many western jet but i would rather have a few of those than J10s in numbers.

But these are all conjectures in my part. BAF as i said lacks strategic direction and we will probably end up with loads more trainers and 4th generation jets when others start to induct 5th generation jets. Such is life...

You had some skirmishes yes.... imagine the state of PAF if you went against the full might of USSR.....
you want us to go and mess with mighty super power ? are you serious ? its take great courage to shot down soviet aircraft in 1980s . a country loaded with hydrogen bomb and thousands of aircrafts yet PAF dare to shot them down . even today can you name how many nato aircraft shot down Russian air-crafts when Russians cross over airspace ? they just go intercept and come back they have no might to shot them down . a poor country like paksitan did more then she can do with soviets .we have soviet POWs those days do you think it was a joke ?

please take it with realistic approach nothing wrong to correct your facts .
You had some skirmishes yes.... imagine the state of PAF if you went against the full might of USSR.....
Indian air force of 2020 is far more capable than USSR air force in 1980s as it has 4++ generation jets while Soviet air force comprised mainly of 2nd and 3rd generation aircraft.
And on 27 feb India launched as many fighter jets as he could cz he assumed that Pakistan has fully attacked on it....And here we are.:partay:
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Do you have a single full capacity F16....no.... US never sold you one.... even the Israelis do not have F16s with the capabilities that US has.
:lol: your own question have your answer . now tell me any country can meet USA ? no there is no country what is the point in your post ?i am failed to under stand am i talking to a 16 years old baby girl here o_O

USA is solo super power with 721billions dollars
pakistan a 3rd world country with 11bn$ defense budget

I am certainly not dissing Pakistan here. Just trying to be realistic here with your friend

If we’re being realistic. Horten 229 was the first demonstration of a stealth aircraft
i just ut my POV on table boss:coffee:

Jft goes against F-16 daily here in Pakistan with a red flag like dog fight simulation and the data is gathered continuously from the engagement to improve jft.This data is incorporated in the development of block3.
jf-17 was made to keep in the mind f-16 . when these guys were working on jf-17 they have in mind f-16 . i am still not happy we need more powerful fighter jets like f-35 or j20 j31 damn :rolleyes: but then when i check my pocket i forget my wishes :P
I think they wanna form a sqd with F-16 EFF Gripen J-10 and rafale.... @Michael Corleone
west tech will not come sooner . Russian Chinese is most likely . j-10C is best avilable if china sale them . or other is su-35 that will be perfect . i think BD pilots can take them to international waters and have exercises as bd has small air space .
you want us to go and mess with mighty super power ? are you serious ? its take great courage to shot down soviet aircraft in 1980s . a country loaded with hydrogen bomb and thousands of aircrafts yet PAF dare to shot them down . even today can you name how many nato aircraft shot down Russian air-crafts when Russians cross over airspace ? they just go intercept and come back they have no might to shot them down . a poor country like paksitan did more then she can do with soviets .we have soviet POWs those days do you think it was a joke ?

please take it with realistic approach nothing wrong to correct your facts .

I dont think it was a joke at all.

The point of conversation was has there been a war between two equally powered states where their airforces competeted for supramacy. The answer remains no. The afgan wars was a proxy war and Pakistan was able to do what it did with support from US.

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