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Bangladesh Air Force

ohh common man that was chil pil time . did i always do it ?:rolleyes: memes are best thing happen to mankind :P

So which childish posts of mine are you talking about ?

Other guy tags people, insults them and then deletes the post.....

Very pathetic behaviour, part of a larger mindset.
I dont think it was a joke at all.

The point of conversation was has there been a war between two equally powered states where their airforces competeted for supramacy. The answer remains no. The afgan wars was a proxy war and Pakistan was able to do what it did with support from US.
i agree paksitan can not fight a war with soviets . but in proxy war when they crossed our airspace f-16 was waiting for them . its enough for us that we protected our airspace from mighty soviet . and we really fire missiles on them . yes USA support us otherwise our mirages and j-6s were not enough to face soviets .

So which childish posts of mine are you talking about ?

Other guy tags people, insults them and then deletes the post.....

Very pathetic behaviour, part of a larger mindset.
ohhh its your mistake i was not talking about you brother i was posting about mb444 posts man . where did i said you post childish ? i even never mention you man
:lol: your own question have your answer . now tell me any country can meet USA ? no there is no country what is the point in your post ?i am failed to under stand am i talking to a 16 years old baby girl here o_O

USA is solo super power with 721billions dollars
pakistan a 3rd world country with 11bn$ defense budget

i just ut my POV on table boss:coffee:

jf-17 was made to keep in the mind f-16 . when these guys were working on jf-17 they have in mind f-16 . i am still not happy we need more powerful fighter jets like f-35 or j20 j31 damn :rolleyes: but then when i check my pocket i forget my wishes :P

You need to read the thread so you pick up what I am commenting on. It was claimed that JF17 is fully comparible to F16 as PAF operates both. My comment was PAF does not operate a full capability F16 therefore comparison between JF17 and a PAF f16 is not the correct comparison.
i agree paksitan can not fight a war with soviets . but in proxy war when they crossed our airspace f-16 was waiting for them . its enough for us that we protected our airspace from mighty soviet . and we really fire missiles on them . yes USA support us otherwise our mirages and j-6s were not enough to face soviets .

ohhh its your mistake i was not talking about you brother i was posting about mb444 posts man . where did i said you post childish ? i even never mention you man


He was talking about me.....

But it's okay, you might have misunderstood.

@waz @BHarwana @krash please look into this @JohnWick who makes posts with insults then deletes them shortly after.
You need to read the thread so you pick up what I am commenting on. It was claimed that JF17 is fully comparible to F16 as PAF operates both. My comment was PAF does not operate a full capability F16 therefore comparison between JF17 and a PAF f16 is not the correct comparison.
i agreed with you jf-17 is not fully comparable to f-16 at all . both block-1 and 2 are not comparable to f-16 block52+ . and yes i agree with you USA can turn f-16 with f-22 avionics too if USA want they can make f-16 stealth too . its out of question that someone can beat USA as of now . jf-17 block-3 we have hopes but we never see it yet so we can not comment .

The requested attachment could not be found.:lol:
So which childish posts of mine are you talking about ?

Other guy tags people, insults them and then deletes the post.....

Very pathetic behaviour, part of a larger mindset.
let me give you some knowledge then . even if you edit or delete real post is available for moderation . reporting that post will bring to mod original and edited both posts sir . feel free to report edited posts .
So which childish posts of mine are you talking about ?

Other guy tags people, insults them and then deletes the post.....

Very pathetic behaviour, part of a larger mindset.
Pathetic behaviour in response to a pathetic behaviour just like your previous post being deleted after some time....
@BHarwana I never tagged people especially that guy who is always make filthy posts against Pakistan where ever he gots opportunity.

@waz @BHarwana @krash
@DalalErMaNodi I never tag people and insulted them you can see my whole posts history....
I deleted the post it ends here.
Pathetic behaviour in response to a pathetic behaviour just like your previous post being deleted after some time....
@BHarwana I never tagged people especially that guy who is always make filthy posts against Pakistan where ever he gots opportunity.

@waz @BHarwana @krash
@DalalErMaNodi I never tag people and insulted them you can see my whole posts history....
I deleted the post it ends here.
@waz i can attest to the fact that this John wick dude flamebaits people by insulting their country and then deletes his post shortly after to show innocence
@Michael Corleone and @JohnWick do you guys read about Italian renaissance ? Leonardo da vinci / michelangelo/rafael all these greatest artists were copy paster of Greek arts . they were making copies of ancient greet art many years . and then days came when they start making art better then original Greek art and became legends of world .humanity survived on copy of knowledge all of our history is full of copy paste and then make things better then original . how many tech USA and west/USSR stole or took from Germany after ww2 ? i think humanity continue with copy of past and making things better for future . its because world is now more sensitive about intellectual property rights that is why its being noted .china will cross US and west TECH one day if they keep working this speed .
Yes, you are right. Copying is what causes the technologies to further develop from the originals. There are but a few inventions of new technologies recently, but there are thousands of improvement on the older technologies.

However, how far China can emulate this, is a question that only the future can answer. Without access to newer technology developed by other countries, it may be difficult for China to emulate new technologies. A copy paste procedure of very high technology requires samples.

America emulated or stole many German technologies, but most were due to the migration of German scientists after WWll. Similarly, many scientists moved out of a dismantled USSR and settled in Iran. Iran had oil money. Its weapons technology was developed by them, but the civilian technologies were not because the govt was not interested. Now, with the absence of new scientists from the USSR Iran is unable to emulate.

However, China has many researchers, but it needs sample products incorporated with latest improved technologies. So, this will limit China's efforts.
Last edited:
Any further personal insults, trolling the thread will lead to warnings.
Yes, you are right. Copying is what causes the technologies to further develop from the originals. There are but a few inventions of new technologies recently, but there are thousands of improvement on the older technologies.

However, how far China can emulate this, is a question that only the future can answer. Without access to newer technology developed by other countries, it may be difficult for China to emulate new technologies. A copy paste procedure of very high technology requires samples.

America emulated or stole many German technologies, but most were due to the migration of German scientists after WWll. Similarly, many scientists moved out of a dismantled USSR and settled in Iran. Iran had oil money. Its weapons technology was developed by them, but the civilian technologies were not because the govt was not interested. Now, with the absence of new scientists from the USSR Iran is unable to emulate.

However, China has many researchers, but it needs sample products incorporated with latest improved technologies. So, this will limit China's efforts.

China unlike other US competitor till now has two distinct advantage, first they are large Nation with abundant natural resources of all commodities considered. China is the leader in mining gold, zinc, lead, molybdenum, iron ore, coal, tin, tungsten, rare earths, graphite, vanadium, antimony and phosphate, and holds second place in mine production of copper, silver, cobalt, bauxite/alumina and manganese. All important for modern industry. The other advantage is their huge population with good purchasing power capability, hence a very large internal market (with their nominal GDP is around 15 trillion US Dollar or comparable to three to four Times total GDP of whole Indian subcontinent), such market power is sufficient incentive for them to generate research development in civillian products and in turn generate their whole industrial capability at next level. And their internal educational level and research capability is very good , with many private company investing more toward research and development in colaboration with government owned research center and university. And one more, they are not shy to use many means to acquired new technology from their competitor, hacking, spying, buying and so on is very common method for them.

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