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Bangladesh Air Force

Two years ago, the French Minister of the Armed Forces, Florence Parly, entered into negotiations in this direction with the Bangladeshi Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina. These were articulated around about fifteen Dassault Aviation Rafale F4 omnirole combat aircraft. Despite good relations, it now seems certain that the talks have not yielded much convincing results. The Asian press is increasingly insisting that India's supplier countries are being diplomatically pressed not to arm Bangladesh. Diplomatic relations between the two neighbors are not good, against a backdrop of inter-religious tensions.
Yet the Bangladesh Air Force was clearly in favor of the Rafale.

For what reason would the BAF be in favour of Rafale?

India operates it and we know the French will take India's side due to economics.

Also, BAF needs a qualitatively superior fighter to the Rafale and the upcoming UK version with the Mk. 2 AESA radar would have little trouble defeating Rafales more often than it lost. I would not want to be an IAF pilot in a Rafale when facing a BAF Typhoon in this configuaration as my aircraft is inferior in air-combat to the Typhoon in every way.

At this stage 2 squadrons of 36 Typhons woould give BAF total air supremacy over the MAF and a credible deterrent over the IAF.

Dumb Indian dumping your trash post here again.
Dumb Indian dumping your trash post here again.

This idiot punch2000 and his own cockroach buddies are spamming every thread here in the Bangladesh section.

@waz bhai Many Thanks for cleaning up so far.

I don't think we invited them here through any posts of ours.

These are all new accounts i.e. "new recruits".
instead of getting humiliated like every other kanglu.
LOL a pot calling kettle black
getting humiliated is what you road shitter are known for :rofl:
SwampKangloid mama had jumped fence many moons back and ever since she was a favourite in certain petrol pumps and bus stands. But then she went back. She should have swallowed

Read this and cry your heart out and then get out of this section.

You have been polluting the threads here for far too long now. It's no longer entertaining.
Read this and cry your heart out and then get out of this section.

You have been polluting the threads here for far too long now. It's no longer entertaining.
Your coward soldiers killed them in their own territory and there was no back up too

Last edited:
ladies fear you because you steal their men. No no, not being homophobic here. You steal their men to make them poo so that MoFo like you can clean the toilet afterward.
Masochism, you see, comes in different shapes and forms- some in the form of a Henna-heavy-diet-poop with a 20 rupee RayBencho from bus stand.
Say what 🤷‍♂️? We dont speak retard... what on are are you trying to say?
Lmao retarded indian ran out of words to say lol :rofl:
Some indian member took screenshot of your one of the posts (where you were talking about creating task groups in military) and posted it in their forum.
Nowadays indians are just left with no shame.Just buy some brand 🆕 EFT and then it will be real treat to watch their burning Ga#nds.

Gan#du sa#ale.
Edit: here is the image
Some indian member took screenshot of your one of the posts (where you were talking about creating task groups in military) and posted it in their forum.
Nowadays indians are just left with no shame.Just buy some brand 🆕 EFT and then it will be real treat to watch their burning Ga#nds.

Gan#du sa#ale.
Edit: here is the image
View attachment 815721
you got the link to the forum?
you got the link to the forum?
"Idiotic sinking state of Bangladesh" on google,the very first result you will see will be a India#n defe#nce for#um.open the forum and at second last page, you will your post.

Can't not write the link address because it will probably be sensored.
Ok let me try if direct link works


Edit: No! direct link will not work due to PDF rules
"Idiotic sinking state of Bangladesh" on google,the very first result you will see will be a India#n defe#nce for#um.open the forum and at second last page, you will your post.

Can't not write the link address because it will probably be sensored.
Ok let me try if direct link works

Edit: No! direct link will not work due to PDF rules
Its ok i found it lol,

I cant believe that indians are that dumb


Dumb panjeet
"Idiotic sinking state of Bangladesh" on google,the very first result you will see will be a India#n defe#nce for#um.open the forum and at second last page, you will your post.

Can't not write the link address because it will probably be sensored.
Ok let me try if direct link works

Edit: No! direct link will not work due to PDF rules

I was in that site almost 10 years ago, there were some sensible and rational people there back then. But seeing as they now have threads like that, goes on to show how pathetic this hindutva troll brigade is. They have to take screenshots of our discussions here to have a discussion.

On the plus side, we are living rent free in their head. Great work folks, we already won the psychological war!
On the plus side, we are living rent free in their head. Great work folks, we already won the psychological war!



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