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Bangladesh Air Force

Exactly when ? And which systems ?

Air Cheif said this in 2019 , now in 2020 he said we need these fighters which indicate that we haven't bought fighters and I don't know him mentioning MRSAM either

If we don't buy something by next year we're fücked
Ly80D apparently
Guys , no offence but can we please stop quoting websites and “personal sources” as this has been going on for years and years now?

Truth is none of us here have any real information about when or if BAF will buy any modern fighter aircraft.

It is nearly 2021 and the BAL have been in power for nearly 12 years and they have not brought a single modern fighter aircraft. We have had 16 F-7BGIs, 16 Yak-130 trainers, dozens of K-8Ws and lots of transport aircraft. This gives a good idea of where BD sees it’s priorities despite having more than 1 million Rohingyas expelled to it during the current rule of BAL.

Even public government statements cannot be trusted anymore as we did not see the contract for the 16 MRCA last year. Covid is not really a good enough excuse by now as lots of other countries are signing deals during this time.

The only things that can be relied upon is a public signing of a contract or confirmation from weapons manufacturer of a deal.
Guys , no offence but can we please stop quoting websites and “personal sources” as this has been going on for years and years now?

Truth is none of us here have any real information about when or if BAF will buy any modern fighter aircraft.

It is nearly 2021 and the BAL have been in power for nearly 12 years and they have not brought a single modern fighter aircraft. We have had 16 F-7BGIs, 16 Yak-130 trainers, dozens of K-8Ws and lots of transport aircraft. This gives a good idea of where BD sees it’s priorities despite having more than 1 million Rohingyas expelled to it during the current rule of BAL.

Even public government statements cannot be trusted anymore as we did not see the contract for the 16 MRCA last year. Covid is not really a good enough excuse by now as lots of other countries are signing deals during this time.

The only things that can be relied upon is a public signing of a contract or confirmation from weapons manufacturer of a deal.

You aren't wrong , at this point it's not patience it's just dam straight up lies and shîtty leadership.

We desperately need these fighters , cause this will a big enough purchase where it will definitely be announced.

2021 is near , I have lost all hope anyways

We still have to get attack helicopters, AWACS , MRSAM , Maritime strike fighters and secondary single engine fighters

You aren't wrong , at this point it's not patience it's just dam straight up lies and shîtty leadership.

We desperately need these fighters , cause this will a big enough purchase where it will definitely be announced.

2021 is near , I have lost all hope anyways

We still have to get attack helicopters, AWACS , MRSAM , Maritime strike fighters and secondary single engine fighters


BD has plenty of money now as it can get 10s of billions of US dollars of loans from Russia and China with ease. it can also find 4 billion US dollars out of it’s own pocket to build the Padma Bridge.

If you look at the Mega Projects they are slowly getting a bigger BD internal share of the cost.

BD is no longer a basket case that it once was and can afford to build a powerful enough military to safeguard it’s interests in this nasty neighbourhood.

The problem now seems to be for whatever reason the ruling BAL has little interest in creating a powerful enough military and is even content to let little Myanmar push BD around.

When it comes to economy, BAL cannot be faulted but it’s defence policy has made BD a weak and cowed country. This brings nothing but shame to all patriotic BD’shis.
BD has plenty of money now as it can get 10s of billions of US dollars of loans from Russia and China with ease. it can also find 4 billion US dollars out of it’s own pocket to build the Padma Bridge.

If you look at the Mega Projects they are slowly getting a bigger BD internal share of the cost.

BD is no longer a basket case that it once was and can afford to build a powerful enough military to safeguard it’s interests in this nasty neighbourhood.

The problem now seems to be for whatever reason the ruling BAL has little interest in creating a powerful enough military and is even content to let little Myanmar push BD around.

When it comes to economy, BAL cannot be faulted but it’s defence policy has made BD a weak and cowed country. This brings nothing but shame to all patriotic BD’shis.

True , even the Air Force chief currently said we need new fighters desperately and our current fighters are 20 years old

So hopefully he can push for new fighters

Almost everyone has new toys and we don't :shout:

People say LY-80s are coming but I don't see any news about it

They talked about new drones , Wing Loong 2s are coming and also we are making our own too
People say LY-80s are coming but I don't see any news about it

Perhaps, because matters of national security call for secrecy ?

BD doesn't flaunt their arms like Ind, Pak and MM, those three countries are in an arms race.

Pak to keep up with India, India to deal with China, Myanmar because military regime.

You see the pattern here ? We aren't in position like them, hell they'd trade arms for peace in a heartbeat, I know Pak would, If India wasn't a bully.

Whatever they acquire, they will make it known when they see fit, or they will unveil it at the victory day parades.

One mustn't forget, we are fighting through a pandemic, our economy has barely made it out of the thick, for the next 2 financial years our Economy will be reeling from the effects of the pandemic.

Then come 2023 Hasina goes, in comes political uncertainty and instability, add to that we graduate from LDC and lose our tariff waivers.

Government is wadding through uncharted territory now, we all are as a nation, we've been trying to scratch out FTAs/PTAs with our trading partners, never before has any other administration had to worry about such things.

We must look at things objectively, Burma is a rogue nation, where they eat rats (yes) amid pandemic to survive, because zero state support is being provided, social safety net ? They don't have one.

Bangladesh isn't in an arms race, Myanmar is never going to invade Bangladesh with the goal of annexation, this is the 21st century and mm isn't Russia. Hell, Myanmar can't even finance a war, they make one move towards us and the war lords take cue.

Similarly, India is happy to hamper our progress through subversive means, they don't want to fight a war, infact it is against their constitution to declare war without provocation.

We are going through a tough and challenging period but we are still at peace, we must make the most of this 'peace' while we can, war gaming hypothetical wars with monkey republics isn't going to get us anywhere.

If war comes home, we will fight, what is MM, if we could beat Pak ? Our factories under a war economy situations can produce enough arms to drown Myanmar in blood, by sheer force of manpower, we can overrun Myanmar. If needed we can utilize our 40 odd billion Forex reserve to finance our war, should it hit home but it won't.

So guys, keep your head down, work hard and let the country move on, we aren't in an arms race, do away with any such false notions.

Pak got jets, India got jets, MM got jets so we need them too ? This isn't high school, this is the real world, we've got 160 million people to feed.

Our priorities are different, those countries are failing, ones already a failed state. The armed forces are doing the needful, just at a slower pace with respect to our national priorities.

Let's be more objective.

Thank you.
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True , even the Air Force chief currently said we need new fighters desperately and our current fighters are 20 years old

So hopefully he can push for new fighters

Almost everyone has new toys and we don't :shout:

People say LY-80s are coming but I don't see any news about it

They talked about new drones , Wing Loong 2s are coming and also we are making our own too

Like I say it is best not to give any credence to talk from anyone as even the BD President saying it in Parliament means nothing.

We should only talk about anything once a contract has been signed.
Perhaps, because matters of national security call for secrecy ?

BD doesn't flaunt their arms like Ind, Pak and MM, those three countries are in an arms race.

Pak to keep up with India, India to deal with China, Myanmar because military regime.

You see the pattern here ? We aren't in position like them, hell they'd trade arms for peace in a heartbeat, I know Pak would, If India wasn't a bully.

Whatever they acquire, they will make it known when they see fit, or they will unveil it at the victory day parades.

One mustn't forget, we are fighting through a pandemic, our economy has barely made it out of the thick, for the next 2 financial years our Economy will be reeling from the effects of the pandemic.

Then come 2023 Hasina goes, in comes political uncertainty and instability, add to that we graduate from LDC and lose our tariff waivers.

Government is wadding through uncharted territory now, we all are as a nation, we've been trying to scratch out FTAs/PTAs with our trading partners, never before has any other administration had to worry about such things.

We must look at things objectively, Burma is a rogue nation, where they eat rats (yes) amid pandemic to survive, because zero state support is being provided, social safety net ? They don't have one.

Bangladesh isn't in an arms race, Myanmar is never going to invade Bangladesh with the goal of annexation, this is the 21st century and mm isn't Russia. Hell, Myanmar can't even finance a war, they make one move towards us and the war lords take cue.

Similarly, India is happy to hamper our progress through subversive means, they don't want to fight a war, infact it is against their constitution to declare war without provocation.

We are going through a tough and challenging period but we are still at peace, we must make the most of this 'peace' while we can, war gaming hypothetical wars with monkey republics isn't going to get us anywhere.

If war comes home, we will fight, what is MM, if we could beat Pak ? Our factories under a war economy situations can produce enough arms to drown Myanmar in blood, by sheer force of manpower, we can overrun Myanmar. If needed we can utilize our 40 odd billion Forex reserve to finance our war, should it hit home but it won't.

So guys, keep your head down, work hard and let the country move on, we aren't in an arms race, do away with any such false notions.

Pak got jets, India got jets, MM got jets so we need them too ? This isn't high school, this is the real world, we've got 160 million people to feed.

Our priorities are different, those countries are failing, ones already a failed state. The armed forces are doing the needful, just at a slower pace with respect to our national priorities.

Let's be more objective.

Thank you.

Every sensible Nation should guard their wealth and citizens from any would be thief and invader. Failed to do so only bring disaster for the Nation as a whole. To do so you should arming yourselves and stand guard proudly. In modern era, to have modern Air Force is a must. To being able to balance between bread and bullets is a must, we can looking up for countries like Singapore, South Korea And China as they able thrive yet had one of the most modern and powerful armed forces the rest of the world can only envy. China and South Korea is more poorer and backward in the 1960 even compared to India and Pakistan.

Don't follow the state of Pakistan, India and Myanmar as they even can't give basic necessities for their own people but still pursue more arms.
Every sensible Nation should guard their wealth and citizens from any would be thief and invader. Failed to do so only bring disaster for the Nation as a whole. To do so you should arming yourselves and stand guard proudly. In modern era, to have modern Air Force is a must. To being able to balance between bread and bullets is a must, we can looking up for countries like Singapore, South Korea And China as they able thrive yet had one of the most modern and powerful armed forces the rest of the world can only envy. China and South Korea is more poorer and backward in the 1960 even compared to India and Pakistan.

Don't follow the state of Pakistan, India and Myanmar as they even can't give basic necessities for their own people but still pursue more arms.

India actually does not spend that much on defence at only 2% of GDP. This is in contrast to total government spending of 30% of GDP.
Their poverty is more due to the nature of their country and economic policies

Pakistan and Myanmar have their own reasons for their high defence spending.

BD actually does spend a decent amount on arms(1.5% of GDP) but the problem is more where the money is spent on.

BAF spends all it’s money on 3rd gen fighters, trainers and transport aircraft.
BN seems to have a fetish for old and obsolete submarines and frigates.
India actually does not spend that much on defence at only 2% of GDP. This is in contrast to total government spending of 30% of GDP.
Their poverty is more due to the nature of their country and economic policies

Pakistan and Myanmar have their own reasons for their high defence spending.

BD actually does spend a decent amount on arms(1.5% of GDP) but the problem is more where the money is spent on.

BAF spends all it’s money on 3rd gen fighters, trainers and transport aircraft.
BN seems to have a fetish for old and obsolete submarines and frigates.

Countries like Singapore and South Korea both spend over 15 percentage to 35 percentage of their state budget toward military spending every years. The reason their country still able to thrive is their open minded economy policy and development with relaxation on Investment and easy to build business over there. Less red tape and more into action and very efficient. The facts of most Singaporean and South Korean citizen all had basic military training and leadership culture (standing by the facts they are few who still maintain conscription over their whole male population the rest is Taiwan and Israel) Made such progres over society in most efficient efforts and Times is possible.

Back to topic again

Bangladesh Air Force still needed more homework to be done. And i think formulating what the Azeris done recently is good idea to overcome adversaries with dense Air Defense system such Myanmar.
Countries like Singapore and South Korea both spend over 15 percentage to 35 percentage of their state budget toward military spending every years. The reason their country still able to thrive is their open minded economy policy and development with relaxation on Investment and easy to build business over there. Less red tape and more into action and very efficient. The facts of most Singaporean and South Korean citizen all had basic military training and leadership culture (standing by the facts they are few who still maintain conscription over their whole male population the rest is Taiwan and Israel) Made such progres over society in most efficient efforts and Times is possible.

Back to topic again

Bangladesh Air Force still needed more homework to be done. And i think formulating what the Azeris done recently is good idea to overcome adversaries with dense Air Defense system such Myanmar.

I agree that BAF actually needs to have a proper plan over the short-medium and long term in order to move forwards.
Unfortunately there may not be any qualified senior Air Force officers in BAF that can even formulate a coherent plan as of now.

To date it has not published a document that lays out what it’s primary missions are. You would presume that would be to defend the airspace of BD and support the BN and BA.

It then needs to set out realistic dates on when it can partially and then fully meet these targets and the rough number of assets it needs to achieve this.

With the lack of a single modern fighter plane being ordered in more than 2 decades the only obvious answer is that whatever it’s mission is it is not to adequately defend the airspace of BD or support the BN and BA.
I agree that BAF actually needs to have a proper plan over the short-medium and long term in order to move forwards.
Unfortunately there may not be any qualified senior Air Force officers in BAF that can even formulate a coherent plan as of now.

To date it has not published a document that lays out what it’s primary missions are. You would presume that would be to defend the airspace of BD and support the BN and BA.

It then needs to set out realistic dates on when it can partially and then fully meet these targets and the rough number of assets it needs to achieve this.

With the lack of a single modern fighter plane being ord

There is much homework indeed
I agree that BAF actually needs to have a proper plan over the short-medium and long term in order to move forwards.
Unfortunately there may not be any qualified senior Air Force officers in BAF that can even formulate a coherent plan as of now.

To date it has not published a document that lays out what it’s primary missions are. You would presume that would be to defend the airspace of BD and support the BN and BA.

It then needs to set out realistic dates on when it can partially and then fully meet these targets and the rough number of assets it needs to achieve this.

With the lack of a single modern fighter plane being ordered in more than 2 decades the only obvious answer is that whatever it’s mission is it is not to adequately defend the airspace of BD or support the BN and BA.

It's all about leadership , BAF does know it need new fighters but again there's something we don't know about that's hampering our ability to get new stuff as we desperately need it.

Peace doesn't exist , it is enforced

Enforced by weapons , and if we don't make our Air Force or Navy strong you can say goodbye to our economy.

I am tired and hopeless to see that BAF is just not doing anything

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