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Bangladesh Air Force

UK will start with the 40 Tranche 3 aircraft with this vastly improved AESA radar and then may move onto the Tranche 2.
In fact if BAF was to get Eurofighter in the end this delay may be a blessing as then it would get the far superior Mk2(modern tech) AESA rather than the Mk0(US 2000s tech) that got flogged to the Gulfies.

Due to the design of the nose of the Tranche 1 aircraft they cannot fit an AESA radar without extensive modifications and no partner nation is planning to even try.

@Michael Corleone - Sorry, Eurofighter does not need AESA radar to fire Meteor but Tranche 1 definitely cannot fire Meteor. Only Tranche 2 and 3 can do that. No partner nation is planning any modifications on the Tranche 1 radar to allow them to be able to do that but maybe BD can somehow get it done if it buys some in the end.
Spanish tranche 1 got meteor and escan integration
The video was in 2018 and the chief was saying that air defense radar and SAM would come in 2019. @Arthur @Michael Corleone do you know anything?

What do you think is the problem?

Why the delays?

Already said numerous times. Even @Destranator trolled me for it indirectly once or twice.

What's with the DEFSECA article about BAF upgrading AAM for F-7?

I see AIM-9 Sidewinder in F-7's wiki page. Any chance? @Zarvan @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Signalian

What do you think guys

Cool. Still in a concept phase it looks like but would be great if it fits in armed forces requirement.

Western options would probably be out of BN's budget.

All those news give different vibe though.
What is the point of the latest two frigates?

Even though it looks like BN is doing good, it's actually not. According to DefRes it has more ships to decommission than it's commissioning.

Hmm I just wondered when the world by 2027-2030 will move onto 5th generation fighter aircraft what will Bangaldesh do then ?

The world will even move onto 6th generation fighter but will still operate 4.5 generations as well. You need to worry about your neighbors not the world.

Why has BAF not already upgraded it's current 8 Mig-29s with new radars and the R-77 active-radar guided AAM?

Hopefully Mig-29 will be upgraded to BM standard and able to carry it. If the BM standard is equal to SMT version then can it fit non-Russo avionics-weapon? 🤔


"Forces Goal 2030" with the plan for 10 squadrons(160) fighter planes by 2030 was a realistic and achievable plan as per BD's resources.

Let them achieve short-term goal first which is two multi-role and three air defense squadrons. Then you can say 10 squadrons by 2030 is realistic.

Just hope, the new one are better and more aware of the reality that surrounds us all.

Sadly news ones are more illiterate, khet and criminal than old ones.

When it comes to 7 billion US dollar a year exports plus the billions of dollars of low-interest loans every year from World Bank, ADB and Japan that US has massive influence over, then you get an idea how influential US is.

Who has the upper-hand in loan-infrastructure projects in Bangladesh? Also who has more influence overall? The West or China? It seems China to me.

The video was in 2018 and the chief was saying that air defense radar and SAM would come in 2019. @Arthur @Michael Corleone do you know anything?
Such is the state of BAF even FM 90 is "state of the art " AD. they did receive the Italian radars last year.
The video was in 2018 and the chief was saying that air defense radar and SAM would come in 2019. @Arthur @Michael Corleone do you know anything?
Such is the state of BAF even FM 90 is "state of the art " AD. they did receive the Italian radars last year.

Hopefully Mig-29 will be upgraded to BM standard and able to carry it. If the BM standard is equal to SMT version then can it fit non-Russo avionics-weapon? 🤔

Yes. BM upgrades introduces significant upgrade to the planes radar & optronics. This provides the aircraft with A2G(which was previously next to zero) & ability to guide long range a2a missile like R77. I am not sure if non Russian options.
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Tranche 1 can fire meteor with or without upgrades. It however is incapable to ground attack roles

Simple, marry someone from sheikh family :D you’re from Barisal, right beside faridpur... they won’t have beef with your people

Fr true lol
The video was in 2018 and the chief was saying that air defense radar and SAM would come in 2019. @Arthur @Michael Corleone do you know anything?

Already said numerous times. Even @Destranator trolled me for it indirectly once or twice.

I see AIM-9 Sidewinder in F-7's wiki page. Any chance? @Zarvan @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Signalian

Cool. Still in a concept phase it looks like but would be great if it fits in armed forces requirement.

All those news give different vibe though.

Even though it looks like BN is doing good, it's actually not. According to DefRes it has more ships to decommission than it's commissioning.

The world will even move onto 6th generation fighter but will still operate 4.5 generations as well. You need to worry about your neighbors not the world.

Hopefully Mig-29 will be upgraded to BM standard and able to carry it. If the BM standard is equal to SMT version then can it fit non-Russo avionics-weapon? 🤔


Let them achieve short-term goal first which is two multi-role and three air defense squadrons. Then you can say 10 squadrons by 2030 is realistic.

Sadly news ones are more illiterate, khet and criminal than old ones.

Who has the upper-hand in loan-infrastructure projects in Bangladesh? Also who has more influence overall? The West or China? It seems China to me.


Well it's 2020 and we don't even have those dam medium range SAMs , why do I feel like he was lying ?
I don't think he's of the marrying age yet, are there any vacant slots in the sheikh family ?

You said you wanted to start a party, now's the time.

Pssh I'm 18 ain't that enough ? :woot:
Such is the state of BAF even FM 90 is "state of the art " AD. they did receive the Italian radars last year.

Such is the state of BAF even FM 90 is "state of the art " AD. they did receive the Italian radars last year.

Yes. BM upgrades introduces significant upgrade to the planes radar & optronics. This provides the aircraft with A2G(which was previously next to zero) & ability to guide long range a2a missile like R77. I am not sure if non Russian options.

Why do they act like FM-90s are S500s or something
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The video was in 2018 and the chief was saying that air defense radar and SAM would come in 2019. @Arthur @Michael Corleone do you know anything?

Already said numerous times. Even @Destranator trolled me for it indirectly once or twice.

I see AIM-9 Sidewinder in F-7's wiki page. Any chance? @Zarvan @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Signalian

Cool. Still in a concept phase it looks like but would be great if it fits in armed forces requirement.

All those news give different vibe though.

Even though it looks like BN is doing good, it's actually not. According to DefRes it has more ships to decommission than it's commissioning.

The world will even move onto 6th generation fighter but will still operate 4.5 generations as well. You need to worry about your neighbors not the world.

Hopefully Mig-29 will be upgraded to BM standard and able to carry it. If the BM standard is equal to SMT version then can it fit non-Russo avionics-weapon? 🤔


Let them achieve short-term goal first which is two multi-role and three air defense squadrons. Then you can say 10 squadrons by 2030 is realistic.

Sadly news ones are more illiterate, khet and criminal than old ones.

Who has the upper-hand in loan-infrastructure projects in Bangladesh? Also who has more influence overall? The West or China? It seems China to me.

Air defence radar sure but I don’t know about SAM. Army getting shorads though
Air defence radar sure but I don’t know about SAM. Army getting shorads though

They can take those SHORADs and stick it up their @ss , we need proper air defense.

Air Force chief did say we will get Medium Range SAMs and I don't even know where it is or which one it is.

I think I trust my Roblox girlfriend more than the BAF
They can take those SHORADs and stick it up their @ss , we need proper air defense.

Air Force chief did say we will get Medium Range SAMs and I don't even know where it is or which one it is.

I think I trust my Roblox girlfriend more than the BAF

Shorads are step one to establishing a layered air defence system, a strong short range base serves more purpose then long range ones; case in point Armenian having s300s without shorads or MANPADs.

Result ? Azerbaijan is doing a 'genocide' on Armenian army. Drones are mincing the poor sods, while S300s are doing **** all, except getting blown up.

Shorads coupled with GDF guns makes for a strong base, more shorads is always a good thing, they will get MRSAM soon, don't worry, tender was issued so that's being looked into.

What on earth is a Roblox girlfriend ? I thought Roblox was a video game... ?
Shorads are step one to establishing a layered air defence system, a strong short range base serves more purpose then long range ones; case in point Armenian having s300s without shorads or MANPADs.

Result ? Azerbaijan is doing a 'genocide' on Armenian army. Drones are mincing the poor sods, while S300s are doing **** all, except getting blown up.

Shorads coupled with GDF guns makes for a strong base, more shorads is always a good thing, they will get MRSAM soon, don't worry, tender was issued so that's being looked into.

What on earth is a Roblox girlfriend ? I thought Roblox was a video game... ?

Oh yea we do need shorads and AA guns , I don't think we have electronic warfare stuff though that might be an issue.

Yea Roblox is a video game which is multiplayer lol , people meme about having Roblox girlfriends :partay:
Oh yea we do need shorads and AA guns , I don't think we have electronic warfare stuff though that might be an issue.

Yea Roblox is a video game which is multiplayer lol , people meme about having Roblox girlfriends :partay:
awacs??then no...we do have ground based electronic warfare stuffs but most of them belong to army i think,pictures have been posted mutiple times!!
Yes Coming

Exactly when ? And which systems ?
For Amar Khan's sake, BAF should get something meaningful.
Poor guy has been let down by BAF for decades now.

Air Cheif said this in 2019 , now in 2020 he said we need these fighters which indicate that we haven't bought fighters and I don't know him mentioning MRSAM either

If we don't buy something by next year we're fücked
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