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Bangladesh Air Force

I don't understand how some folks can live in Bangladesh and keep glorifying Myanmar. The very reason they are in Bangladesh is because Myanmar Tatmadaw kicked their ancestor's butt and they had to take refuge over here.

Some people never learn.

What will you say about that Jamati plebeian idune, the man lives to commit sedition.

Proper nuisance.
I don't understand how some folks can live in Bangladesh and keep glorifying Myanmar. The very reason they are in Bangladesh is because Myanmar Tatmadaw kicked their ancestor's butt and they had to take refuge over here.

Some people never learn.
Wrong. The ones who got kicked out are Rakhine Buddhists a.k.a the Arakanese.

They still hold grudge against the Burmese. Marma, Chakma etc Buddhists are living in Bangladesh since Mauryan Empire.
Wrong. The ones who got kicked out are Rakhine Buddhists a.k.a the Arakanese.

They still hold grudge against the Burmese. Marma, Chakma etc Buddhists are living in Bangladesh since Mauryan Empire.

Lol what? Chakmas are recorded to have migrated in the 14th century at the earliest. The earliest inhabitants in the hills are the Mru. The Marma came in the 15th-16th century, are basically the same as the Arakanese. They call themselves Mranma in rakhine dialect which is 'myanma' in standard Burmese.
Lol what? Chakmas are recorded to have migrated in the 14th century at the earliest. The earliest inhabitants in the hills are the Mru. The Marma came in the 15th-16th century, are basically the same as the Arakanese. They call themselves Mranma in rakhine dialect which is 'myanma' in standard Burmese.
Unrelated topic. The main theme of the discussion is that Rakhines are the ones who got kicked out from Burma after King Bodawpaya of Konbaung dynasty conquered Arakan.
Unrelated topic. The main theme of the discussion is that Rakhines are the ones who got kicked out from Burma after King Bodawpaya of Konbaung dynasty conquered Arakan.

How is it unrelated? You're stating false historical facts and that's why I'm correcting you. Chakma and Marma history in the region only goes back 400-600 years, while the Mauryan Empire ended in 184 BC, i.e. more than 2000 years ago.
How is it unrelated? You're stating false historical facts and that's why I'm correcting you. Chakma and Marma history in the region only goes back 400-600 years, while the Mauryan Empire ended in 184 BC, i.e. more than 2000 years ago.
You must be a supporter of BNP/Jamaat nexus. Only BNP/Jamaat nationalists try to potray every non bengali/non muslim as outsiders.
You must be a supporter of BNP/Jamaat nexus. Only BNP/Jamaat nationalists try to potray every non bengali/non muslim as outsiders.

I am completely against Jamat/BNP. My grandpa was a district VP of AL back in the day. I'm against AL as well or any current political party in Bangladesh for that matter. I am only for truth and I'm not portraying anything. If you can back up your claims with sources, I will oblige. I have my own sources as well.
I am completely against Jamat/BNP. My grandpa was a district VP of AL back in the day. I'm against AL as well or any current political party in Bangladesh for that matter. I am only for truth and I'm not portraying anything. If you can back up your claims with sources, I will oblige. I have my own sources as well.
I don't know when the Chakma/Marma came to Bangladesh tbh as far as I know during the Mauryan era there were many Buddhists in BD.

Also don't support BNP/Jamaat. I'm glad you are a BAL supporter. BAL is the future of Bangladesh.
I don't know when the Chakma/Marma came to Bangladesh tbh as far as I know during the Mauryan era there were many Buddhists in BD.

Also don't support BNP/Jamaat. I'm glad you are a BAL supporter. BAL is the future of Bangladesh.

There were indeed always Buddhists in Bangladesh. These were however Bengali Buddhists, and the Barua community in Chittagong is the last remaining trace of that community. Bengali Buddhists were also traditionally followers of Mahayana Buddhism, and were recently converted to the Hinayana by influence from Angarika Dharmapala during the 19th century. The Chakma/Marma at this point are local to their region having inhabited the hills for 400-600 years now, but let's not falsify history and claim things that are completely false. And no, I am not a supporter of AL. Let's not derail this thread and stick to topics related to the Bangladesh Air Force.
"The Bangladesh Air Force wants a minimum of 6 new fighter squadrons and ultimately they will operate 12 to 13 fighter squadrons...."

By the time BAF gets to 12/13 fighter squadrons, fighter jets will be rendered obsolete by supersonic, AI drones.
Honestly I would rather See BAF develop supersonic cruise missile , SAM and offensive drone capability than develop MRCA . MRCA is becoming an expensive liability
Honestly I would rather See BAF develop supersonic cruise missile , SAM and offensive drone capability than develop MRCA . MRCA is becoming an expensive liability
Bangladesh can either build a conventional deterrence force or if it doesn't work then a strategic missile base as a substitute.

Countries like South Korea, Japan etc have a good conventional force without strategic missiles while Iran has a poor conventional force but a good strategic missile base.

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