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Bangladesh Air Force

Kuwait’s EFTs won’t be delivered until 2024... so if we place an order before anyone else... 2025

New build Tranche 3 would be nice!

And 2025 would be ok if that were the case.

J-10, I would think could potentially come sooner.

But who knows if those are really the selected types.....


I'm still waiting for the second batch of K-8 to be delivered.

I'm wondering what the hold up is?
Some issues I observed with BAF :

BAF for the last ~20 years recruited only a token number of pilots in a single batch. This resulted in shortage of pilots resulting to shortfall in leadership & talent.

BAF for the longest time suffered the smallest of budget of the tri service. The situation was so bad BAF couldn't even afford a 30 minutes sortie on a single Mig29. And we can all assume what can be the result.

BAF's own leadership can be thanked for 50 percent of it's problem. Simply zero creativity in managing political interference. And failure to capture momentum now even when the political leadership is ready to provide all necessary support.

But one line to describe it all, 100% solution to all their problem is determined leadership. I can't help be like some parents, "Just look at the Navy " :hitwall:


As long as the people on the ground have a clear plan.

Of course we internet warriors know next to nothing about the actual reality of things.

Do you have any insight into what type or types BAF has chosen?

(Just trying to generate relevant conversation in this otherwise quiet thread)
Don't think the people on ground has any plan. I can tell that every time I talk with them. ATM I am leaning to the notion that, an Internet warrior might do a better job.

The less said about BAF "plans ", the better. I refuse to eat my own words even once more.
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Baf issued tender for mrca in 2017 that means they needed mrca within 2020/2021 and now its mid of 2020 and baf as usual still looking for "options"...that is just depressing.
And no one should underestimate their enemy..may be they are not well trained they are uneducated but they can always surprise you
Kuwait’s EFTs won’t be delivered until 2024... so if we place an order before anyone else... 2025
Sorry I have not been keeping track, is the 2018 election over yet?

My main (actually only) source of info is the internet with places like DEFSECA or other groups on FB.

I would have assumed an article if that was the case.

Take anything these outlets say with a gain of salt. Keep an eye on DGDP's tenders if you are keen. The procurement patterns offer indications towards what is to come next.
Sorry I have not been keeping track, is the 2018 election over yet?

Take anything these outlets say with a gain of salt. Keep an eye on DGDP's tenders if you are keen. The procurement patterns offer indications towards what is to come next.
I see tenders for salts and pulses in their website :/
I see tenders for salts and pulses in their website :/

Screenshot_20200719-211427_Samsung Internet.jpg

New explosive lab, 1xGE engine for L410, overhaul of 1 Mi-17V-5.

Ok, here is some good insider news. BA has finalised a deal to set up a dedicated APC maintenance plant. This will be a massive boost to our combat readiness. This is more of a significant development than procurement of more useless tanks which are unsuitable for BD terrain.
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View attachment 652259;

New explosive lab, 1xGE engine for L410, overhaul of 1 Mi-17V-5.

Ok, here is some good insider news. BA has finalised a deal to set up a dedicated APC maintenance plant. This will be a massive boost to our combat readiness. This is more of a significant development than procurement of more useless tanks which are unsuitable for BD terrain.

I thought they had an APC maintenance wing already. You know - for the eight wheeled stuff? ;)

To my knowledge, we have the largest inventory after the Russians (almost a thousand by now). I could be wrong however.
I thought they had an APC maintenance wing already. You know - for the eight wheeled stuff? ;)

To my knowledge, we have the largest inventory after the Russians (almost a thousand by now). I could be wrong however.
We do not have overhauling capabilities right now.
This is more of a significant development than procurement of more useless tanks which are unsuitable for BD terrain
Again brother you make this mistake, if tanks were useless Bangladesh wouldn’t have invested so heavily on anti tank. There are far more necessary field to invest in like air defence and artillery... but it is important, otherwise we would have no reason to upgrade, modernize and procure new tanks
Well, this is one of the few things BAF has gotten absolutely right; US FMS channel has been unresponsive to BAF requests for Hercules. RAF put up 9 Super Hercules (much better than Hercules) for sale and BAF managed to secure 5 of them despite these being highly sought after transporters.
I do not know how much they got them for but it is worth it regardless. They last forever and will play a crucial role in maintaining BAF's capabilities especially given their thumb-twiddling nature when it comes to procurement.
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