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Bangladesh Air Force

In anycase, I hope it is true that BAF is looking towards non Chinese and Russian options.

If that happens BAF will need to change the whole training fleet and infrastructures. Then it will delay the MRCA procurement more, specially the choosing the backbone of the fleet. Cost will rise, govt will need to increase the budget. Also what will be the fate of our Yak-130 and K-8W fleet?

Besides it will be just like choosing Eastern origin fighter only and putting all eggs in one basket. The west do more weapon politics than Russia and China. They act like they own us. You can already see that from that retard PDF member here. USA forbade Pakistan to use F-16 against India.

What good will procuring american fighter jets do if we can't use them against our adversaries properly? What if the west gets upset if we take harsh action against Rohingya as these cunts are currently being quite troublesome and currently the terrorist hill-tracts are also making some chaos? The humanitarian organizations cry for both parties.

What if they decide to do weapon politics then? While they are sweet talking to us they are not sanctioning full embargo on Myanmar, still trying to enhance relationship with them. USA is just using this Rohingya issue and BAF's current dilemma to get BD in their club and reduce Chinese-Russian influence here to counter them. Also notice they rejected to sell or approve other country like Italy to sell fighter to us but now they are offering their product without congress obstacle? Do they smell money now?



People are dancing about US but BD should take step VERY CAREFULLY. The best solution is to stick with EU, Russian and Chinese gear not bring any US stuff which has some serious string attached. USA won't sell their F-16V with full weapon package anyway. But one thing i can hope that this sudden US-EU relationship might sweeten Russian deal.


What moron came up with that one?

Probably because there wasn't any other option and AJT was also suited for Russian MRCA.

You know I used to think you’re an avid bdmilitary fan, especially of you know who

You can say that about Hridoy Mahbub!! :lol: I just try to follow every news i find from defence pages but that doesn't mean i don't think some news total BS. I just stopped saying what i really have in my mind cause "বললে চাকরি থাকবে না।" :lol: Another thing is this guy's reports sometimes come true and provides more material and inside news than anyone, so can't really risk it either. And sometimes he gets triggered and treats people badly. Other local pages have same case. They are not matured like other international pages. So i rather be a fan of Dylan Malyasov and Xavier Vavasseur. QUWA's Billal vai is also good.
সু-৩৫ কিনতে বাংলাদেশ বিমান বাহিনীকে প্রলুব্ধ করছে রাশিয়া
আসাফ খন্দেকার, আগস্ট ২৯, ২০১৯


বাংলাদেশ বিমান বাহিনী (বিএএফ)’র কাছে সু-৩৫এস ও সু-৩০এসএমই হেভি মাল্টিরোল ফাইটার এয়ারক্রাফট বিক্রির জন্য রাশিয়ার রোজোবরোনেক্সপোর্ট ও ইরকুত কর্পোরেশন চূড়ান্ত প্রচেষ্টা শুরু করেছে। তারা এয়ারক্রাফট, খুচরা যন্ত্রাংশ, গোলাবারুদ, অবকাঠামো উন্নয়ন ও প্রশিক্ষণ বিষয়ে একটি ব্যাপকভিত্তিক চুক্তি করার চেষ্টা চালাচ্ছে।

বিএএফ প্রধান এয়ার চিফ মার্শাল মাসিহুজ্জামান সেরনিয়াবাত ২৬ আগস্ট থেকে ছয় দিনের সফরে রাশিয়া রয়েছেন। তিনি ইন্টারন্যাশনাল এভিয়েশন এন্ড স্পেস শো (এমএকেএস)-২০১৯ পরিদর্শন এবং রাশিয়ার সিনিয়র প্রতিরক্ষা কর্মকর্তাদের সঙ্গে সাক্ষাত করবেন। তার এছাড়া জঙ্গিবিমান নির্মাণ স্থাপনা পরিদর্শনের কথা রয়েছে। বিএএফ প্রধানের এই সফর বিএএফে’র ভবিষ্য উৎস রূপায়নের ক্ষেত্রে সহায়ক হতে পারে।

বিএএফের প্রশিক্ষণের সুযোগ এবং দুই দেশ কিভাবে প্রতিরক্ষা বাণিজ্য বৃদ্ধি করা যায় তা নিয়ে রাশিয়ার ফেডারেল সার্ভিস ফর মিলিটারি টেকনিক্যাল কোঅপারেশনের (এফএসএমটিসি) প্রধানের সঙ্গে আলোচনা করবেন এসিএম সেরনিয়াবাত।

এমআই-১৭১ হেলিকপ্টার বাদে ইউরোপ বা আমেরিকার তৈরি জঙ্গিবিমান কিনতে বিএএফ আগ্রহী। ইউরোফাইটার টাইফুন ইএফ২০০০ জঙ্গিবিমান কেনার ব্যাপারে বিএএফ শিগগিরই ইউকের সঙ্গে একটি চুক্তি সই করতে যাচ্ছে। এই সংগ্রহ হেভি মাল্টিরোল কমব্যাট এয়ারক্রাফটের চাহিদা পূরণ করলেও মেরিটাইম স্ট্রাইক ফাইটার ও সিঙ্গেল ইঞ্জিন ফাইটার এয়ারক্রাফটের ব্যাপারে এখনো সিদ্ধান্ত হয়নি।


সিঙ্গেল ইঞ্জিন ফাইটারের মধ্যে রয়েছে এফ-১৬, জাস-৩৯ ও জে-১০। রাশিয়ার কোন সিঙ্গেল ইঞ্জিন এয়ারক্রাফট নেই। যদিও তারা বিএএফের ‘ব্যাকবোন ফাইটার’ হিসেবে মিগ-৩৫ বিক্রির প্রস্তাব করেছে। তবে মেরিটাইম স্ট্রাইক ফাইটার এয়ারক্রাফট কম প্রতিযোগিতার সম্মুখিন হবে। কারণ এখানে শুধু আমেরিকা ও রাশিয়া প্রতিযোগিতা করছে এবং দেশগুলো এফ/এ-১৮ সি/ডি ও সু-৩০এসএমই ফাইটার বিক্রি করতে চায়।

বিএএফের কাছে আরেক স্কোয়াড্রন এডভান্সড জেট ট্রেইনার বিক্রি করার সুযোগ খুঁজছে রাশিয়া।

বিএএফের হাতে বর্তমানে ১৩টি ইয়ক-১৩০ এডভান্সড জেট ট্রেইনার রয়েছে। এরকম তিনটি দুর্ঘটনায় নষ্ট হয়েছে। এছাড়া অর্ধেক স্কোয়াড্রনের মতো মিগ-২৯বি/এসই এয়ার সুপেরিয়রিটি ফাইটারও তার ইনভেনটরিতে সক্রিয় রয়েছে।

এওয়াক্স এয়ারক্রাফটসহ একটি পরিপূর্ণ ন্যাটো মানের কমব্যাট এয়ারক্রাফট ইনভেনটরি থাকলে তা সম্পূর্ণ কোহেরেন্ট মিশন ক্যাপাবিলিটি নিশ্চিত করার পাশাপাশি লজিস্টিক, ট্রেনিং ও অপারেশনাল এবিলিটির বোঝা লাঘব করবে। আর সে কারণে রাশিয়ার সঙ্গে বিএএফের কমব্যাট এয়ারক্রাফট চুক্তি স্বাক্ষরের সম্ভাবনা কম।

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. .

this video has all the answers.. ..in this video,air chief talks about a cost effective fighter nd it will certainly be mig-35..nd a bad fighter i presume..with this current state of baf ,mig-35 will be a huge boost ..
I called it long ago in one of these threads. MiG35 is the only thing that makes sense. I gave J10 some consideration because of the photo leaks, but it seems highly unlikely now.
Finally English Version of same Article.

Rosoboronexport and Irkut Corporation are making a final bid to sell Su-35S and Su-30SME heavy multi-role fighter aircraft to the Bangladesh Air Force (BAF) in an effort to secure a comprehensive aircraft, spares, munitions, infrastructure development and training deal.

BAF Chief of Staff Air Chief Marshal (ACM) Mashiuzzaman Serniabat is currently visiting Russia for 6 days from 26 August. He will visit the International Aviation and Space Show (MAKS) 2019 and meet with senior Russian defence officials and aircraft manufacturing facilities in a visit that will likely help shape the future source for the BAF.

ACM Serniabat will hold talks with the head of the Department of Federal Service for Military Technical Cooperation (FSMTC) of Russia to discuss how the two nations can increase defence trade and training scopes for Bangladesh Air Force.

BAF is keen on procuring European and American made aircraft with exception of Mi-171 helicopters.

BAF will shortly sign agreements with the United Kingdom for Eurofighter Typhoon EF2000 fighter aircraft. The acquisition will complete the requirement for “heavy multi-role combat aircraft” leaving the maritime strike fighters and single engine fighter aircraft still to be decided.

The single engine fighter aircraft segment is covered by F-16, Jas-39 and J-10 with Russia automatically out of the bid having no single engine fighters to offer even though they offered MiG-35 to become the “backbone fighter” of the BAF. However the maritime strike fighter aircraft will see less competition with only Americans and Russians in the race having proposed F/A-18 C/D and Su-30SME fighters.

Russia also has the opportunity to sell another squadron of advance jet trainers to the BAF provided they can manage to sell at least once squadron if fighter aircraft.

BAF currently operates only 13 Yak-130 advanced jet trainers having lost three to accidents. Half a squadron of MiG-29B/SE air superiority fighters is also operational in its inventory.

Operating a complete NATO standard combat aircraft inventory including AEW&CS aircraft will ensure a fully coherent mission capability and ease the burden of logistics, training and operational ability. This is the main reason the BAF is unlikely to sign any deal with Russia for further combat aircraft.
BAF will shortly sign agreements with the United Kingdom for Eurofighter Typhoon EF2000 fighter aircraft. The acquisition will complete the requirement for “heavy multi-role combat aircraft” leaving the maritime strike fighters and single engine fighter aircraft still to be decided.

The only thing that gets my attention is this part. Is this happening even for real?
The only thing that gets my attention is this part. Is this happening even for real?
Can't confirm. I have serious doubt. Three websites comes from Bangladesh. SouthAsianmonitor, bdmilitary and bdnewsnet. All three websites talk the same language. Could be false.
Ohh I didn't realize the video comes from bdmilitary. That's explain a lot.

How is it BD military? COAS himself is saying it.

I called it long ago in one of these threads. MiG35 is the only thing that makes sense. I gave J10 some consideration because of the photo leaks, but it seems highly unlikely now.

If sanction is an obstacle J-10 is the only eastern option. But BD Military keep saying it has engine issue when some are saying it's already sorted out. @Michael Corleone and other Chinese PDF member can clarify it maybe. @LKJ86

Finally English Version of same Article.

Rosoboronexport and Irkut Corporation are making a final bid to sell Su-35S and Su-30SME heavy multi-role fighter aircraft to the Bangladesh Air Force (BAF) in an effort to secure a comprehensive aircraft, spares, munitions, infrastructure development and training deal.

BAF Chief of Staff Air Chief Marshal (ACM) Mashiuzzaman Serniabat is currently visiting Russia for 6 days from 26 August. He will visit the International Aviation and Space Show (MAKS) 2019 and meet with senior Russian defence officials and aircraft manufacturing facilities in a visit that will likely help shape the future source for the BAF.

ACM Serniabat will hold talks with the head of the Department of Federal Service for Military Technical Cooperation (FSMTC) of Russia to discuss how the two nations can increase defence trade and training scopes for Bangladesh Air Force.

BAF is keen on procuring European and American made aircraft with exception of Mi-171 helicopters.

BAF will shortly sign agreements with the United Kingdom for Eurofighter Typhoon EF2000 fighter aircraft. The acquisition will complete the requirement for “heavy multi-role combat aircraft” leaving the maritime strike fighters and single engine fighter aircraft still to be decided.

The single engine fighter aircraft segment is covered by F-16, Jas-39 and J-10 with Russia automatically out of the bid having no single engine fighters to offer even though they offered MiG-35 to become the “backbone fighter” of the BAF. However the maritime strike fighter aircraft will see less competition with only Americans and Russians in the race having proposed F/A-18 C/D and Su-30SME fighters.

Russia also has the opportunity to sell another squadron of advance jet trainers to the BAF provided they can manage to sell at least once squadron if fighter aircraft.

BAF currently operates only 13 Yak-130 advanced jet trainers having lost three to accidents. Half a squadron of MiG-29B/SE air superiority fighters is also operational in its inventory.

Operating a complete NATO standard combat aircraft inventory including AEW&CS aircraft will ensure a fully coherent mission capability and ease the burden of logistics, training and operational ability. This is the main reason the BAF is unlikely to sign any deal with Russia for further combat aircraft.

Can't confirm. I have serious doubt. Three websites comes from Bangladesh. SouthAsianmonitor, bdmilitary and bdnewsnet. All three websites talk the same language. Could be false.

It just copied and translated the whole article in Bengali from BD Military. :omghaha:

If that happens BAF will need to change the whole training fleet and infrastructures. Then it will delay the MRCA procurement more, specially the choosing the backbone of the fleet. Cost will rise, govt will need to increase the budget. Also what will be the fate of our Yak-130 and K-8W fleet?

Besides it will be just like choosing Eastern origin fighter only and putting all eggs in one basket. The west do more weapon politics than Russia and China. They act like they own us. You can already see that from that retard PDF member here. USA forbade Pakistan to use F-16 against India.

What good will procuring american fighter jets do if we can't use them against our adversaries properly? What if the west gets upset if we take harsh action against Rohingya as these cunts are currently being quite troublesome and currently the terrorist hill-tracts are also making some chaos? The humanitarian organizations cry for both parties.

What if they decide to do weapon politics then? While they are sweet talking to us they are not sanctioning full embargo on Myanmar, still trying to enhance relationship with them. USA is just using this Rohingya issue and BAF's current dilemma to get BD in their club and reduce Chinese-Russian influence here to counter them. Also notice they rejected to sell or approve other country like Italy to sell fighter to us but now they are offering their product without congress obstacle? Do they smell money now?



People are dancing about US but BD should take step VERY CAREFULLY. The best solution is to stick with EU, Russian and Chinese gear not bring any US stuff which has some serious string attached. USA won't sell their F-16V with full weapon package anyway. But one thing i can hope that this sudden US-EU relationship might sweeten Russian deal.


Probably because there wasn't any other option and AJT was also suited for Russian MRCA.

You can say that about Hridoy Mahbub!! :lol: I just try to follow every news i find from defence pages but that doesn't mean i don't think some news total BS. I just stopped saying what i really have in my mind cause "বললে চাকরি থাকবে না।" :lol: Another thing is this guy's reports sometimes come true and provides more material and inside news than anyone, so can't really risk it either. And sometimes he gets triggered and treats people badly. Other local pages have same case. They are not matured like other international pages. So i rather be a fan of Dylan Malyasov and Xavier Vavasseur. QUWA's Billal vai is also good.
We Bangladeshis aren’t really good at good relations. I’ll chalk it up to that

How is it BD military? COAS himself is saying it.

If sanction is an obstacle J-10 is the only eastern option. But BD Military keep saying it has engine issue when some are saying it's already sorted out. @Michael Corleone and other Chinese PDF member can clarify it maybe. @LKJ86

It just copied and translated the whole article in Bengali from BD Military. :omghaha:

Idk why engine issue is always brought up. They’ve come a far way from that.

Do you have a transcript of the video in English?

Russian have shown AESA radar since 2016. Ref http://www.airrecognition.com/index...adar-test-phase-scheduled-for-early-2019.html

The new AESA radar is called Zhuk-AME or FGA50, he added. "An export-oriented prototype of the Zhuk-AME was unveiled two years ago, at the Airshow China 2016 exhibition," said the source.

Why did not use it themselves or delivered to Egypt? Answer from the same article:

"Phazotron-NIIR is finishing the manufacturing of the first AESA radar for the MiG-29. We are finishing the assembling of the unit. It will be delivered to the RSK MiG Corporation [a subsidiary of the United Aircraft Corporation] that will integrate it onto a specially prepared fighter jet. The tests of the radar are scheduled for early 2019," said the source.

Russian Zhuk isn't ready now. PERIOD. Russian has shown the same radar MAKS 2019 as Russian does all the time. Putin has shown the animated video of nuclear power missile striking in Florida. That missile exploded in Russia during the test causing high radiation in some parts of Europe. Good Luck with Russian AESA radar.

There is zero chance that Bangladesh can afford Typhoon either. Let's assume Bangladesh financed through British bank UK Export Finance like Qatar then it will cost almost 2.5 billion pound buy 12 Typhoon in a complete packaged deal. Qatar is paying 5 billion pound for 24 Typhoon in a complete packaged deal.

Let’s see what mateiralizes. I’ve a suspicion mig 35 is to come
. . .
We Bangladeshis aren’t really good at good relations. I’ll chalk it up to that

Idk why engine issue is always brought up. They’ve come a far way from that.

Let’s see what mateiralizes. I’ve a suspicion mig 35 is to come
No nation is perfect but they try to be better. You have a tyrant at office so does we have a tyrant at white house. But the benefits of having a tyrant at office that Trump can make any decision on favour of anyone who pays for it.
I have no doubt that Sheikh Hasina put people in jail for Facebook posts and speaking freely which is a right under Bangladeshi constitution. She is a tyrant then why didn't she make faster decision in favour of any country either Russia or America or Britain or Italy or Sweden. Her son is an American citizen.

That point to Bangladesh military that top brass never take national Security seriously. You're spending billions on military establishment with no air defense or aerial deterrence. Any monkey can bomb your establishment and destroy everything. If military is not thinking about this then they're definitely dump, out of touch and incompetent. That's what I can think of.

How is it BD military? COAS himself is saying it.

If sanction is an obstacle J-10 is the only eastern option. But BD Military keep saying it has engine issue when some are saying it's already sorted out. @Michael Corleone and other Chinese PDF member can clarify it maybe. @LKJ86

It just copied and translated the whole article in Bengali from BD Military. :omghaha:

@The Ronin
Nutcase Bangladeshi think Chinese are not good at copying then why did Chinese buy Su-35? Why does China want to buy Su-57 when China has operational J-20?
Unhinged yourself from Yabba or Methamphetamine you will think clear.
China successfully developed WS-13 engine which are used in JF-17, J-10 and J-15. Yes WS-13 has some maintenance issues but oil leaks are fixed for now.

Truth and matter of fact, all J-15 and J-10 crash attribute to Russian engine. The J-10 that crashed was mounted with Russian engines.

Chinese Turbofan and Turboprop are mostly American, Russian and Franch engines which are reverse engineered to suit chinese engines requirements.

Lesson: China and Russia are
How is it BD military? COAS himself is saying it.

If sanction is an obstacle J-10 is the only eastern option. But BD Military keep saying it has engine issue when some are saying it's already sorted out. @Michael Corleone and other Chinese PDF member can clarify it maybe. @LKJ86

It just copied and translated the whole article in Bengali from BD Military. :omghaha:

bag full of cash under the table.

Key words of bdmilitary.com: shortly, Soon, Proposed, China, Russia, Rosoboronexport, MoU, Coming soon, select, watch out Myanmar.

My gut feeling is that bdmilitary.com is the local agent of Rosoboronexport. They're protecting their interest over country. There are many Indians who became rich brokering Indian Ministry of Defense and Rosoboronexport or Rostec. I am sure bdmilitary.com is becoming rich by brokering with Rosoboronexport.

The same guy who has identical English sentences wherever he publish anything. This is the same guy who asked question in Twitter what is a synthetic aperture radar? There are many tools you can buy to deconstruct header of an website that point to same IP address and location i.e. bdmilitary.com, bdnewsnet and southasianmonitor.
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View attachment 576433

PARAKEET HUEY | More Bell-212 helicopters undergoing overhaul & upgrade by 208 MRO(U) of BAF. Pictured here a Bell-212 during flight tests! Looks like a parakeet flying through the greenery!

© Photo: Hasibul Hasan Nishat
Bangladesh Aviation Hub

Primer paint, will be painted over after tests and trials completed. These Bell-212's have been with BAF for ages and are good for decades more. Reliable as an anvil - as proven in every war since the Vietnam conflict.

সু-৩৫ কিনতে বাংলাদেশ বিমান বাহিনীকে প্রলুব্ধ করছে রাশিয়া
আসাফ খন্দেকার, আগস্ট ২৯, ২০১৯


বাংলাদেশ বিমান বাহিনী (বিএএফ)’র কাছে সু-৩৫এস ও সু-৩০এসএমই হেভি মাল্টিরোল ফাইটার এয়ারক্রাফট বিক্রির জন্য রাশিয়ার রোজোবরোনেক্সপোর্ট ও ইরকুত কর্পোরেশন চূড়ান্ত প্রচেষ্টা শুরু করেছে। তারা এয়ারক্রাফট, খুচরা যন্ত্রাংশ, গোলাবারুদ, অবকাঠামো উন্নয়ন ও প্রশিক্ষণ বিষয়ে একটি ব্যাপকভিত্তিক চুক্তি করার চেষ্টা চালাচ্ছে।

বিএএফ প্রধান এয়ার চিফ মার্শাল মাসিহুজ্জামান সেরনিয়াবাত ২৬ আগস্ট থেকে ছয় দিনের সফরে রাশিয়া রয়েছেন। তিনি ইন্টারন্যাশনাল এভিয়েশন এন্ড স্পেস শো (এমএকেএস)-২০১৯ পরিদর্শন এবং রাশিয়ার সিনিয়র প্রতিরক্ষা কর্মকর্তাদের সঙ্গে সাক্ষাত করবেন। তার এছাড়া জঙ্গিবিমান নির্মাণ স্থাপনা পরিদর্শনের কথা রয়েছে। বিএএফ প্রধানের এই সফর বিএএফে’র ভবিষ্য উৎস রূপায়নের ক্ষেত্রে সহায়ক হতে পারে।

বিএএফের প্রশিক্ষণের সুযোগ এবং দুই দেশ কিভাবে প্রতিরক্ষা বাণিজ্য বৃদ্ধি করা যায় তা নিয়ে রাশিয়ার ফেডারেল সার্ভিস ফর মিলিটারি টেকনিক্যাল কোঅপারেশনের (এফএসএমটিসি) প্রধানের সঙ্গে আলোচনা করবেন এসিএম সেরনিয়াবাত।

এমআই-১৭১ হেলিকপ্টার বাদে ইউরোপ বা আমেরিকার তৈরি জঙ্গিবিমান কিনতে বিএএফ আগ্রহী। ইউরোফাইটার টাইফুন ইএফ২০০০ জঙ্গিবিমান কেনার ব্যাপারে বিএএফ শিগগিরই ইউকের সঙ্গে একটি চুক্তি সই করতে যাচ্ছে। এই সংগ্রহ হেভি মাল্টিরোল কমব্যাট এয়ারক্রাফটের চাহিদা পূরণ করলেও মেরিটাইম স্ট্রাইক ফাইটার ও সিঙ্গেল ইঞ্জিন ফাইটার এয়ারক্রাফটের ব্যাপারে এখনো সিদ্ধান্ত হয়নি।


সিঙ্গেল ইঞ্জিন ফাইটারের মধ্যে রয়েছে এফ-১৬, জাস-৩৯ ও জে-১০। রাশিয়ার কোন সিঙ্গেল ইঞ্জিন এয়ারক্রাফট নেই। যদিও তারা বিএএফের ‘ব্যাকবোন ফাইটার’ হিসেবে মিগ-৩৫ বিক্রির প্রস্তাব করেছে। তবে মেরিটাইম স্ট্রাইক ফাইটার এয়ারক্রাফট কম প্রতিযোগিতার সম্মুখিন হবে। কারণ এখানে শুধু আমেরিকা ও রাশিয়া প্রতিযোগিতা করছে এবং দেশগুলো এফ/এ-১৮ সি/ডি ও সু-৩০এসএমই ফাইটার বিক্রি করতে চায়।

বিএএফের কাছে আরেক স্কোয়াড্রন এডভান্সড জেট ট্রেইনার বিক্রি করার সুযোগ খুঁজছে রাশিয়া।

বিএএফের হাতে বর্তমানে ১৩টি ইয়ক-১৩০ এডভান্সড জেট ট্রেইনার রয়েছে। এরকম তিনটি দুর্ঘটনায় নষ্ট হয়েছে। এছাড়া অর্ধেক স্কোয়াড্রনের মতো মিগ-২৯বি/এসই এয়ার সুপেরিয়রিটি ফাইটারও তার ইনভেনটরিতে সক্রিয় রয়েছে।

এওয়াক্স এয়ারক্রাফটসহ একটি পরিপূর্ণ ন্যাটো মানের কমব্যাট এয়ারক্রাফট ইনভেনটরি থাকলে তা সম্পূর্ণ কোহেরেন্ট মিশন ক্যাপাবিলিটি নিশ্চিত করার পাশাপাশি লজিস্টিক, ট্রেনিং ও অপারেশনাল এবিলিটির বোঝা লাঘব করবে। আর সে কারণে রাশিয়ার সঙ্গে বিএএফের কমব্যাট এয়ারক্রাফট চুক্তি স্বাক্ষরের সম্ভাবনা কম।


English translation:

Russia is tempting Bangladesh Air Force to buy Su-35
Asaf Khandakar, August 29, 2019


Russia's Rosoboronexport and Irkut Corporation have launched a comprehensive effort to sell Su-35S and Su-35SME heavy multirole fighter aircraft to the Bangladesh Air Force (BAF). They are trying to reach a broad-based agreement on aircraft, spare parts, ammunition, infrastructure development and training.

BAF Chief, Air Chief Marshal Masihuzzaman Serniabat will be in Russia for a six-day visit from August 26. He will visit the International Aviation and Space Show (MAKS)-2019 and meet senior Russian defense officials. He is also scheduled to visit the manufacturing facilities for military aircraft there. This visit by the BAF Chief can help shape the future sourcing planning for the BAF.

ACM Sarniabat will hold talks with the head of the Russian Federal Service for Military Technical Cooperation (FSMTC) on BAF training opportunities and how the two countries can affect and increase in defence trade.

BAF is keen to buy Europe or US-made warplanes apart from MI-171 helicopters. BAF will reportedly soon sign an agreement with the UK on the purchase of Eurofighter Typhoon EF2000 fighter platform. Although this collection meets the needs of Heavy Multirole Combat Aircraft platform, the choices for the Maritime Strike Fighter and Single Engine Fighter Aircraft platforms have not yet been decided.


Single engine fighter choices under consideration include the F-16, JAS-39 and J-10. There is no single engine aircraft offered by Russia. Although for that role they have proposed the MiG-35 as BAF's 'backbone fighter'. However, the Maritime Strike Fighter aircraft will be less competitive. Because only America and Russia are competing here and these countries want to offer F/A-18 C/D and Su-35SME fighter platforms respectively.

Russia is looking for opportunities to sell another Squadron of Advanced Jet Trainers to BAF.

BAF currently has 13 Yak-130 Advanced Jet Trainers. Three have been lost in accidents. The MiG-29B/SE Air Superiority Fighter is also active in its inventory in about a half squadron strength.

Per current BAF thinking, having a full NATO-quality combat aircraft inventory, including AWACS Aircraft, will ensure fully coherent mission capability as well as reduce the burden of logistics, training and operational tasks.

And because of this, the BAF Combat Aircraft Agreement with Russia is less likely to be signed.
No nation is perfect but they try to be better. You have a tyrant at office so does we have a tyrant at white house. But the benefits of having a tyrant at office that Trump can make any decision on favour of anyone who pays for it.
I have no doubt that Sheikh Hasina put people in jail for Facebook posts and speaking freely which is a right under Bangladeshi constitution. She is a tyrant then why didn't she make faster decision in favour of any country either Russia or America or Britain or Italy or Sweden. Her son is an American citizen.

That point to Bangladesh military that top brass never take national Security seriously. You're spending billions on military establishment with no air defense or aerial deterrence. Any monkey can bomb your establishment and destroy everything. If military is not thinking about this then they're definitely dump, out of touch and incompetent. That's what I can think of.
I’m telling you, if this nation can’t order a plane within this year, then I’m joining your cause.
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