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Baluchistan Interior minister threaten to expel Afghan refugees by force.

again loy assghnaitan will not work here. No one call people of kpk as afghan lol They are Pakistani pashtuns and you are afghan muhajir who got Pakistani nationality by good luck or fraud eventhouh dont deserve it..when we call someone afghan we mean someone belong to Afghanistan irrespective of whether he is ethnic pashtun or belong to any other ethnicity of afghnaistan
You dont seem to know much about Pakistan. How much time have you spent in your native country?. I am a Pakistani but you have British nationality.
No I don't believe in what he says . While I respect him for his poetry in no way or shape Anybody I know follows what he says . What he said was 600 years ago and its barely relevant today .
600 years ago would be 1416 A.D........he was 17th century figure. You dont even know the basic facts. Come to think of it, do you even speak Pashto?

My Ideal is Jinnah not Khushal Khan Khattak .
O.K....but i dont think you know much about Jinnah either. I was talking about a poet, you should have compared him with Iqbal. What you dont know is that Allama Iqbal has translated some poems of Khushal Khan Khattak, and has borrowed concept of 'Shaheen" from him. Moreover Iqbal use word "Afghan" for all Pashtuns in his poetry

yet i am more pakistani and you are more assghnai than pakistani
Why dont you discard your British nationality in the spirit of patriotism and permanently come back to Pakistan, and endure problems along with us?......your family gave up on Pakistan and ran away to UK for money, yet you are calling yourself "ProudPakistanguy" in the comforts of U.K with life style of U.K
600 years ago would be 1416 A.D........he was 17th century figure. You dont even know the basic facts. Come to think of it, do you even speak Pashto?

O.K....but i dont think you know much about Jinnah either. I was talking about a poet, you should have compared him with Iqbal. What you dont know is that Allama Iqbal has translated some poems of Khushal Khan Khattak, and has borrowed concept of 'Shaheen" from him. Moreover Iqbal use word "Afghan" for all Pashtuns in his poetry


OK so are you a 5 year old kid taking everything literally ? if i said 600 year old that doesn't mean I meant it :hitwall: . Pa Urdu ki di mahawaree nedi waili charta ? I meant it's old and not even relevant today .

Pakistani Pashtuns have nothing to do with Afghani's . Stop confusing them . Stop living in stoneage . No one in irani balochistan says they are Pakistani just because there are balochi's on this side of the border too:hitwall:. Yes and your Pakistani Citizenship will be taken soon because Police Are having raids these days in Nowshera , Mardan looking for afghani's who have Pakistani CNIC .

Why dont you discard your British nationality in the spirit of patriotism and permanently come back to Pakistan, and endure problems along with us?......your family gave up on Pakistan and ran away to UK for money, yet you are calling yourself "ProudPakistanguy" in the comforts of U.K with life style of U.K

Well Atleast he is clear about being a Pakistani and not Mixing things. There are millions of proud Pakistani's Abroad who sent back back money here to kith and kin and contribute in the economy .

. There are millions of proud Pakistani's Abroad who sent back back money here to kith and kin and contribute in the economy .
The ones sending back money to Pakistan to their families, earning foreign exchange for Pakistan, are mostly hard working Pakistani Pashtuns in the Arab Gulf countries........not these British, Canadian and American nationals
@Samandri Okay I understand at historical level Pashun was obverse of Afghan. But definitions and meanings change over time. The question is today does "Afghan" a synonym for "Pashtun" and if it is how does that cover the Turkic Turkmens, the Persian Tajiks, the Turkic Uzbeks, the Hazara Mongols and this list is not by any chance comprehensive.

Is "Afghan" today a ethnonym. Or is it a name of a multiethnic nation?

And do you see how the thread is begining to devolve to "ghairat" or lack of "ghairat" contest?

Take the time to check out Attock, Ghorghushti and surrounding places and see how much money is sent by ex-pats.

Pakistani Pashtuns have nothing to do with Afghani's . Stop confusing them . Stop living in stoneage .
Are you sure? your mother tongue is one of the national language of Afghanistan. Mohmands , Shinwaris, Safis, Wazirs, Achakzais, Kakars live in both Afghanistan and Pakistan along the border........how will you convince a Shinwari of Landi Kotel that he has absolutely nothing to do with Shinwari of adjacent Nangarhar?

Its you who is acting like a 5 year old
The ones sending back money to Pakistan to their families, earning foreign exchange for Pakistan, are mostly hard working Pakistani Pashtuns in the Arab Gulf countries........not these British, Canadian and American nationals

This is for July - December 2015


Saudi arabia $ 2.9 Billion
UAE $ 2.1 Billion
USA $ 1.3 Billion
UK $ 1.2 Billion

USA and UK are third and fourth biggest source of income . Do check your facts before posting .
@Samandri Okay I understand at historical level Pashun was obverse of Afghan. But definitions and meanings change over time. The question is today does "Afghan" a synonym for "Pashtun" and if it is how does that cover the Turkic Turkmens, the Persian Tajiks, the Turkic Uzbeks, the Hazara Mongols and this list is not by any chance comprehensive.

Is "Afghan" today a ethnonym. Or is it a name of a multiethnic nation?

And do you see how the thread is begining to devolve to "ghairat" or lack of "ghairat" contest?
You are "British" and "English" by nationality , but not by ethnicity................Uzbeks, Tajiks etc are Afghans by nationality, but not by ethnicity.

(Whats with this "ghairat tantrum" of yours?)
Are you sure? your mother tongue is one of the national language of Afghanistan. Mohmands , Shinwaris, Safis, Wazirs, Achakzais, Kakars live in both Afghanistan and Pakistan along the border........how will you convince a Shinwari of Landi Kotel that he has absolutely nothing to do with Shinwari of adjacent Nangarhar?

Its you who is acting like a 5 year old

More Pashtuns live in Pakistan Than Afghanistan . So if anything Pakistan has a bigger claim for Pashto . It's the 2nd largest spoken language here after Punjabi . Unlike Afghanistan where despite being their national language most of their media is in Dari .

Did your parents by any chance tell you tales of Brave afghani's riding on horsebacks and kicking everyones behind . Only for you to go out and see nothing is there ? You might be born in the wrong era .

Ask any Pakistani Pashtun and he will tell you he has nothing to do with Afghani Pashtuns . Most pashtuns are in favour of sending them back and dislike them greatly. Its only people like you and Afghani side who are in a delusional world .

You are "British" and "English" by nationality , but not by ethnicity................Uzbeks, Tajiks etc are Afghans by nationality, but not by ethnicity.

(Whats with this "ghairat tantrum" of yours?)

That's because people from Afghanistan have this peculiar obsession with Ghairat . And that Ghairat has not gotten them anywhere . You seem to repeat it alot too .
More Pashtuns live in Pakistan Than Afghanistan . So if anything Pakistan has a bigger claim for Pashto . .
How so?. Pakistani side is full of "Pathanis" like you who dissociate themselves from Pashtun people and think of us as "stone age" "backward cavemen" who mistreats their women and are crazy about hawai firing....When likes of you are excluded, then we number less than those of Afghanistan. (Our Shalwar Kameez , Pakol, Lungi, Waskat, chaplai etc must look ridiculous to you, Patloon-boy)

Ask any Pakistani Pashtun and he will tell you he has nothing to do with Afghani Pashtuns . Most pashtuns are in favour of sending them back and dislike them greatly. Its only people like you and Afghani side who are in a delusional world .
Ask this question from Mohmands , Shinwaris, Safis, Wazirs, Achakzais, Kakars along the Durand on Pakistani side.....that what do they think about their kin in villages on other side of Durand...
How so?. Pakistani side is full of "Pathanis" like you who dissociate themselves from Pashtun people and think of us as "stone age" "backward cavemen" who mistreats their women and are crazy about hawai firing....When likes of you are excluded, then we number less than those of Afghanistan. (Our Shalwar Kameez , Pakol, Lungi, Waskat, chaplai etc must look ridiculous to you, Patloon-boy)

I wear Pakol , Shalwar Kameez and Peshawari Chapal with Great Pride . I wear them here in Malaysia regularly . Pakistani Side is different to the Afghan side because our side have more urban affect , Are more educated and are much more integrated in Pakistan then they are there . Do you even Know how many Pashtuns are there in Karachi ? It has the largest Pashtun speaking population in the world now . Naturally a Pashtun living in Karachi or Lahore will have a different lifestyle then the one living in mountains of Nangarhar . So the one having a much more moderate lifestyle is not any less pashtun than the one who lives conservatively or follows his traditions in a more hardcore way .

Ask this question from Mohmands , Shinwaris, Safis, Wazirs, Achakzais, Kakars along the Durand on Pakistani side.....that what do they think about their kin in villages on other side of Durand...

How does that make a difference ? The ones living on the afghan side are afghani pashtuns . Ask any guy In KPK who has no relatives and ask them about Afghans and you will get your answer . No one likes them here .
I know more about Pashtuns of Karachi than you can imagine, and from your talk i can tell that you know less about Pashtuns of Karachi. There are certainly "Pathanis" like you there, but most of them , have retained their strong culture and their native ways of life there, they have their own bastis and are not wearing 'patloons' , nor they have gotten "Urdufied"

You did not answer my question, for obvious reason. An Ackakzai of Chaman (Pakistan) doesnt hate Achakzai of Spin Boldak (Afghanistan)..........

What's with this hate of wearing patloon ? Did some patloon guy abuse you or something ? And how does getting urdufied affect someone's status as being a pashtun ? i speak Pashto and urdu both well . That is the sort of mentality that is stoneage .So you think a pashtun is a pashtun only if he wears shalwar kameez and pakol ? I can guess you never went outside the vicinity of Pooray Nokhar (or wherever it is that you live) .
What's with this hate of wearing patloon ? Did some patloon guy abuse you or something ? And how does getting urdufied affect someone's status as being a pashtun ? i speak Pashto and urdu both well . That is the sort of mentality that is stoneage .So you think a pashtun is a pashtun only if he wears shalwar kameez and pakol ? I can guess you never went outside the vicinity of Pooray Nokhar (or wherever it is that you live) .
I can also speak Urdu....by 'Urdufied' i meant those who adopted the culture and ways of Urdu and gave up on Pashtun one. Also I know about some Pashtun couples in Islamabad and Karachi, who impose Urdu on their small kids (talk with them in only Urdu) even though Husband and wife speak their mother tongue Pashto with each other. For example there was this Khattak couple from karak who were speaking Pashto with each other, but their kids were speaking Urdu. The Khattak proudly told me that Pashto is a useless and backward language, so they have decided that their kids should not learn Pashto but only Urdu. I told that turd the importance of mother tongue , and reminded him that in Pakistan, its English not Urdu, which is considered as sign of progress and class.....that turd was of course a nalaiq one and was not good with English
I know more about Pashtuns of Karachi than you can imagine, and from your talk i can tell that you know less about Pashtuns of Karachi. There are certainly "Pathanis" like you there, but most of them , have retained their strong culture and their native ways of life there, they have their own bastis and are not wearing 'patloons' , nor they have gotten "Urdufied"

You did not answer my question, for obvious reason. An Ackakzai of Chaman (Pakistan) doesnt hate Achakzai of Spin Boldak (Afghanistan)..........

Unfortunately individuals like @Samandri, are part of Pakistans problem. Yes I accept tribal culture is part of our social fabric and very important to me as well, but it should not compromise our national identity and unity.
And Mr.Samandri it was a patloon wearing, 'urdu speaking' pakistani expat who came back and helped build our nuclear program MR.AQK; which has kept us safe.
This is the exact reason why Pakistan will out perform Afghanistan, we have learned to come together as a unified country, while Afghanistan is still torn between the tribal system. Our Prophet(SAW) warned us to end tribal division amongst the Ummah.
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