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Baluchistan Interior minister threaten to expel Afghan refugees by force.

now it is time to kick out all afghan Refuges ASAP
Yup Throw them out. We have shown much hospitality to them & what they give us in return Just Terrorism . No Mercy for Afghan Regugees now.. Time to send them to their land
Why you are farting without having any knowledge about me or my family? I am still pakistani national and own pakistani identity and nationality. All my family is living in Pakistan and i am in uk just for work. My heart beat for pakistan no matter where i live but you are traitor who own pakistani nationality but try to defend those who spread terrorism in Pakistan..nationality is piece of paper but what matter is what you feel for your country in your heart and you clearly more attach to afghanistan than pakistan so thats where you should be deported
I am on my ancestral lands. Just 69 years ago, my district was part of "British India", and 160 years ago it was part of "Sikh Kingdom", and 180 years ago it was part of 'Durrani Empire"............the point is, boundaries of the kingdoms, empire and states have changed, but my people are on the same lands, will continue to live on same lands whether Pakistan exist or not in the future.

partuga, accepting colonel imposed boundaries is an act of kuffar and blasphemy against islam and pashtunwali. I don't believe in western style nation states and hard boundries, I consider pashtun abode my home on which side of border is it. But slave mentality partug like you only understand how to serve their colonel master. Please show us some more images of islamabad, I am impressed desi.
@Khan_21 is a 'House-Negreo', Samuel Jackson played such role superbly in the film "Django unchained".........
Well I can barely hear what these guys in the video are saying because of the poor sound quality.

That being said there is an undeclared state of hostilities between AF-PAK and both sides are hurting each other and at the end of the day its a lose-lose situation for both us. We need to find the middle ground and that can be done if we start having frank discussions with each other.


You are saying it only when your countrymen are about to be kicked out of Pakistan. Pakistani people did you a great favour but you didn't appreciate it.
You are saying it only when your countrymen are about to be kicked out of Pakistan. Pakistani people did you a great favour but you didn't appreciate it.

Saying what ? You are not making any sense my friend :)
partuga, accepting colonel imposed boundaries is an act of kuffar and blasphemy against islam and pashtunwali. I don't believe in western style nation states and hard boundries, I consider pashtun abode my home on which side of border is it. But slave mentality partug like you only understand how to serve their colonel master. Please show us some more images of islamabad, I am impressed desi.
Only Samandri could thank such a post. When we say you are ungrateful this proves it. You give Pashtuns a bad name. Your only loyalty is to your ethnicity, you cannot get along with other ethnic groups and see the Pakistani pashtuns as slaves of Punjabis as your post proves. No wonder the spanking Afghan Pashtuns are receiving from the other ethnicities in Afghanistan which make up the bulk of the military while also imposing their farsi language onto you. You have no culture other than the Taliban's and dare to oppose the center of Pashtun knowledge, history, arts and culture called Peshawar and Karachi (which has largest population of Pashtuns)

Slave and Khar mentality is that of Abdur Rehman Khan who sacrificed all southern Pashtun lands just to save Kandahar and Kabul from the British. Slave mentality is the agreement Abdur Rehman Khan signed with the British known as the Durand line. It is not slave mentality that Pakistani pashtuns have fought, with weapons first against the British and then through popular vote for the Muslim League to kick the Britishers out.

Stop this Pashtun supremacy mentality when you look down on your own Pashtun brothers in Pakistan as slaves. It will get you no where. Allah saved our Pakistani Pashtuns by making Pakistan. 30 Million Pashtuns escaped torture and humiliation by America, Soviets and India and could give you shelter in their land in 80's till today when you only drove these same lar Pashtuns out when they demanded help against the British from various Afghan regimes.

Als know that you are a minority. 12 million pashtuns should join 30 million pashtuns or 30 million pashtuns should join 12 million of Afghanistan. I have always supported a union between Pakistan and Afghanistan and you will find me the most sympathetic to Afghans. But if you try to break our country-you will have the very problems you are having now and Pakistanis will see you as a rival and Indian stooge, which will further cause instability in Afghanistan as Pakistan chooses more Pro-Pakistani movements.
MQM and Afghan Muhajireen are two sides of same coin called Anti-Pakistan and generated in same era. The ideology of both these subjects, is based upon the elements that were, are and will never be in favour of Stable Pakistan and these two will always be used by our enemies. Time has come to deal with them that we should have done long ago. A bit of relation between them is, Afghanis have been supplying the arms mostly to MQM in Karachi in start.
Saying what ? You are not making any sense my friend :)
I really hope you can improve relations between 2 said countries. I see little hope with the chest thumping I have seen on Afghan Pashtun forums. Afghanistan and Pakistan's only logical conclusion is unity as a single state. Choudhry Rehmat Ali too wanted Afghanistan to be a part of our nation. It will also throw the durand line problem into the dustbin...
Well I can barely hear what these guys in the video are saying because of the poor sound quality.

That being said there is an undeclared state of hostilities between AF-PAK and both sides are hurting each other and at the end of the day its a lose-lose situation for both us. We need to find the middle ground and that can be done if we start having frank discussions with each other.


So you are mourning the killing of Mullah Manssor ?

Who ever tries to create a law and order situation in Pakistan, specially any forigen intelligence agency, and if caught in act, need to be skinned alive.

I hope NDS/RAW headquarter is not in the state of shock after the capture of fellow terrorists?
Who ever tries to create a law and order situation in Pakistan, specially any forigen intelligence agency, and if caught in act, need to be skinned alive.

I hope NDS/RAW headquarter is not in the state of shock after the capture of fellow terrorists?

Take it easy on the skinning stuff :)
These Patloon, Jeans, underwear are not suitable in climate of Pakistan.....this a western influence. Also you cant offer prayers in tight jeans.

I have a simple question for you.....Is an Achakzai of Spin Boldak (Afghanistan) a Kafir and evil creature that Achakzai of Chaman (Pakistan) is supposed to hate? . Quran tell us that humans are divided into tribes and nations for purpose of identity. Islam refrained us from racial superiority mindset, not from tribal organizations and nationhood. All the Arabs in the time of Prophet were living in a tribal society, and tribal identity and kinship was recognized norm.
lol at your logic...quote any verse where it says wear Jeans/pathlun ?? if its tight then yes objectionable if its loose then all is good,now you are introducing new things to defend the people on the other side of border..why you are bringing islam in to this debate ?? it's about security of country..we already made compromises in the last 3 decades and bringing in more ppl means more problems...these refugees needs to build their own mighty country so it can stand up on his own !!

- it's time to give a shut up call to these illegal refugees who talk about Pashtunistan or loy Afghanistan, 3 decades are more than enough to test their loyalty..they are more interested in fueling ethnic tensions instead of living peacefully in a country who is hosting them from last 3 decades...every refugee from across the border is anti Pakistan..
ungrateful, disloyals and treacherous refugees justifying their reason to live in a country they hate amazing no matter whichever race lives in pakistan its our issue explaining whats on in here where their roots are is useless their is an international border please cross it. They hve their own country go back leave us.
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